Summative Assessment – I, 2011

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Class - IX
Time : 3 hours
Maximum Marks: 80
The question paper is divided into four sections.
Section A
15 marks
Section B
20 marks
Section C
15 marks
Section D
30 marks
(Reading – 15 Marks)
Read the passage carefully.
“Total commitment is not just hard work, it is total involvement.
Building a rock wall is back- breaking work. There are some people who build
rock walls all their lives. And when they die, there are miles of walls, mute
testimonials to how hard those people had worked.”
He continued, “But there are other men who, while placing one rock
on top of another, have a vision in their minds, a goal. It may be a terrace with
roses climbing over the rock wall and chairs set out for lazy summer days. Or
the rock wall may enclose an apple orchard or mark a boundary. When they
finish, they have more than a wall. It is the goal that makes the difference. Do
not make rocketry your profession, your livelihood – make it your religion,
your mission.”
To succeed in your mission, you must have single – minded devotion to your
goal. Individuals like myself are often called „workaholics.‟ I question this
term because that implies a pathological condition or an illness. If I do that
which I desire more than anything else in the world and which makes me
happy, such work can never be an aberration. Words from the twenty – sixth
Psalm come to mind while I work : “Examine me, O Lord and prove me.”
Total commitment is a crucial quality for those who want to reach the
very top of their profession. The desire to work at optimum capacity leaves
hardly any room for anything else. I have had people with me who would
scoff at the 40 – hours-a-week job they were being paid for. I have known
others who used to work 60, 80 and even 100 hours a week. They found their
work exciting and rewarding. Total commitment is the common denominator
among all successful men and women. Are you able to manage the stresses
you encounter in your life? The difference between an energetic and a
confused person is the difference in the way their minds handle their
experiences. Man needs his difficulties because they are necessary to enjoy
success. All of us carry some sort of a super – intelligence within us. Let it be
stimulated to enable us to examine our deepest thoughts, desires, and beliefs.
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Once you have done this – charge yourself, as it were, with your
commitment to your work- you also need good health and boundless energy.
Climbing to the top demands strength, whether it is to the top of Mount
Everest or the top of your career. People are born with different energy
reserves and the one who tires first and burns out easily will do well to
reorganize his or her life at the earliest.
(Excerpts from APJ Abdul Kalam‟s address to children)
(1.1) On the basis of your reading of the above passage, complete the
following statements.
To succeed in one‟s mission one must ____________ .
APJ Abdul Kalam does not approve the term „workaholic‟
because ____________ .
The difference between an energetic and a confused person is
____________ .
People can happily work 100 hours a week if they
____________ .
(1.2) Answer the following questions briefly
What does APJ Abdul Kalam mean by „total commitment‟?
What will a person who tries first and burns out easily get in
life ?
(1.3) Find words from the passage which mean the same as the following
related to disease (para-3)
very important (para 4)
Read the poem carefully.
Woodman, spare That Tree !
Woodman, spare that tree !
Touch not a single bough
In youth it sheltered me,
And I‟ll protect it now.
T was my forefather‟s hand
That placed it near his cot;
There, woodman, let it stand,
Thy axe shall harm it not !
When but an idle boy
I sought its grateful shade;
In all their gushing joy
Here, too, my sisters played.
My mother kissed me here;
My father pressed my hand
Forgive this foolish tear,
But let that oak stand!
My heart – strings round thee cling
Close as thy bark, old friend!
Here shall the wild bird sing,
And still thy branches bend.
Old tree! The storm still brave!
And woodman leave the spot;
While I‟ve a hand to save,
Thy axe shall harm it not
(Georage Pope Morris)
On the basis of your reading of the above poem, complete the statements that
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follow with the help of given options
The poet wants the woodman to spare the tree because ____________ .
it yields valuable fruit
the poet‟s father told him strictly, not to touch the tree
the tree has been the poet‟s companion
he doesn‟t want that
The tree was planted by the poet‟s ____________ .
The poet‟s father pressed his hand as a gesture of ____________ .
The poet will guard the tree with his ____________ .
The poet spent a lot of time ____________ .
in the shade of the tree in his boyhood
watering it
looking at it
thanking it
„Gushing joy‟ means to ____________ .
laugh loudly
shout loudly
scream loudly
try to be happy
The word „bough‟ means ____________ .
huge tree
(Writing – 20 Marks)
Your friend Raghav/Radha has been absent from school for three days. You
wish to inform him/her about the English test. You also want to tell her that
the class picnic has been cancelled and the students would instead be taken
for a movie. Write a message for your friend, which you would be sending
through your younger sister studying in the same school.
You got an opportunity to visit a book fair which was recently organized in
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your school. Describe the book fair in about 100 words using the following
Occasion :
National Book Fair
Duration :
One week
Purpose :
to showcase the works published by national and international
publishers ; to inculcate the habit of reading.
Works on display : works by several Indian/Asian/American publishing
houses; amazing array of cartoons/comic books, books on history, science,
literature etc.
Response : Children and parents thronged the place.
Despite the warning against global warming and health hazards, air and noise
pollution due to extensive use of crackers during festivals continues to be a
matter of concern. Write a letter to the editor of a national daily expressing
your views regarding this problem. Also give suggestions on how festivals
like Diwali can be celebrated with minimum noise and air pollution
When the examinations approach, many students get into severe depression.
At times this could result in disastrous consequences. Write an article in about
150 words for your school magazine on the topic “How to cope with the
Examination Stress? You may use the information given below.
Manage your time effectively by working out a time table
Maintain balance between all subjects.
Practise regularly
Relax and meditate
Take failure in your stride
Set realistic goals
Try again and don‟t give up
(Grammar – 15 Marks)
Complete the paragraph given below by filling in each of the blanks with the
help of options that follow.
A man in a restaurant asked a waiter for a glass, a dinner plate
(a) ____________ (few/many/some/that) water, a match stick and a lemon
wedge. The man (b) ____________ (pour/was pouring/poured/pouring)
enough water onto the plate to fill it. The man asked the waiter if he
(c) ____________ (can/may/shall/could) pour the water from the plate
(d) ____________ (inside/into/in/onto) that glass without touching or
moving the plate (e) ____________ (I/he/they/we) would give him five
hundred rupees. A few minutes later (f) ____________ (a. an, the, these) waiter
walked away with the money in his pocket.
Complete the dialogue given below with the help of given options. Write your
answers in your answer sheet against the correct blank number. Banti was
crying when he returned from school.
Father :
(a) ____________ ?
I (b) ____________ 100 upon 100 in mathematics
Father :
That is wonderful! But why are you crying.
Banti :
My teacher (c) ____________ Zero has no value.
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What are you crying?
Why is you crying?
Why are you crying?
Why was you crying?
Will not be getting
Did not get
Had got
saying that
says this
will say
said that
Rearrange the following words and phrases to form meaningful sentences.
The first one has been done for you as an example.
Eg. does/why/reddish orange/the rising/sun/setting/or/appear
Why does the rising or setting sun appear reddish orange?
through the atmosphere/of the sun/ the/are scattered
the sun/overhead/is/when/rays/the vertically/travel
yellow colour /scattered / the / is / more so / appears / overhead /
yellow / the sun.
The following paragraph has not been edited. One word has been omitted in
each line. Write the omitted word along with the word that comes before and
the word that comes after in your answer sheet against the correct blank
number as shown in the example.
Glacier Toilet
missing after
An environment-friendly toilet does
toilet that does
not use water been developed by scientists
(a) ____________
in research wing of the Indian Army. This is
(b) ____________
one the nearly 200 inventions developed by the
(c) ____________
Indian Army that be used by people. A
(d) ____________
moth repellent spray woolens, inexpensive fire
(e) ____________
extinguisher are some of hi-tech
(f) ____________
Read the conversation given below and complete the paragraph that
Father : Pass me some salt dear
Daughter: Here it is papa. The ice-cream is really yummy mamma.
Mother: But don‟t skip your meal for that.
Speaking to his daughter affectionately, a father asked her (a) ____________ .
The daughter quickly passed the salt to him and (b) ____________But the
mother told her (c) ____________ for that
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(Literature – 30 Marks)
Read the extracts given below and answer the questions that follow :
Those who saw it said the dog knew instantly. He never jumped on
Chuck again. From that moment, he took up a post beside his master‟s
bed around the clock. But even Duke‟s presence didn‟t reach Chuck.
The once – iron muscles slacked on the rangy frame.
What does „rangy‟ frame mean here?
Why did Duke never jump on Chuck again?
Why even Duke‟s presence didn‟t reach Chuck?
Two roads diverged in a yellow wood.
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveller, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth.
Name the poem and the poet of these lines.
Why did the poet look down as far as he could?
What do the roads represent in these lines?
“I tell you what I will do. I will be philanthropic and let you have it for
two hundred thousand”
Who is the speaker and what has the speaker decided to do?
What does the word „philanthropic‟ mean in the above lines?
What does “two hundred thousand” refer to?
Answer any two of the following in about 30-40 words :
Which incident made the grandmother realize the importance of
education ?
How many hills and bridges does the brook pass during its journey ?
What are the probable themes of the song sung by the solitary reaper ?
Answer the following in about 150 words.
Imagine you are one of the chiefs of the cavalry riding behind Lord Ullin. You
and your men ride for three days, at the end of which you reach the shore.
You are very unhappy to see a father lamenting the loss of his child. Narrate
your experience in your diary.
Krishtakka believes that there is no age bar for learning. As Krishtakka, write
a diary entry on how you made this belief of yours come true
Attempt either Part (a) or Part (b)
Part (a)
Describe Gulliver‟s stay in Lilliput and Blefuscu.
Write briefly about Gulliver‟s encounter with animals and the impact they
had on him.
Part (b)
‘Three Men in a Boat‟ is a rich source of humour. Which incident do you
consider to be the most humorous ?
Why did the three friends in „The Three Men in a Boat‟ decide to go on a
holiday. Was the purpose fulfilled? Give reasons for your answer.
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