NEW TRENDS IN PIPING SYSTEMS Robert A. Maffei, P.E. Vice President of Sales & Marketing PERMA-PIPE, Inc. Low Temperature Products Polyurethane insulation -320F to 250F -200C to 120C Choice of jacket materials Materials Service pipe: Steel, FRP, HDPE, Ductile Iron, PVC Insulation: Polyurethane, density, thickness Insulation Jacket: FRP, PVC, HDPE Steel Pipe Advantages: Durable and ideal for higher pressure applications Welded construction- Contractors are familiar with steel welding and layout techniques and procedures Welded joint quality can be verified with a variety of NDE methods (x-ray, ultrasonic, magnetic particle Disadvantages: OD Corrosion - must be installed dry and kept dry. ID Corrosion - water must be treated Relatively expensive FRP Pipe Advantages: Non-corrosive in most environments Light weight, easy to handle Fitting pressure rating same as the straight pipe Disadvantages: Field joints difficult to make in hot or cold environments and for larger pipe sizes Limited NDE methods to verify field joint quality Expensive in larger pipe sizes HDPE Pipe Advantages: Excellent ID/OD corrosion resistance Relatively lower costs Butt Fusion (done properly) can achieve the same rating as the pipe Lighter than steel but heavier than FRP HDPE Pipe Disadvantages: Limited pressure ratings (SDR7 = 267 PSI, SDR9 = 200 PSI, SDR11 = 160 PSI, SDR17 = 100 PSI) Large pipe sizes have very heavy wall thickness 24 inch SDR9 wall thickness = 2.67 inches. Mitered fittings (elbows and tees) must be de-rated from the straight pipe pressure rating (must use higher SDR for fitting pipe) Cold weld, bad joint preparation can cause joint failure Limited NDE methods to verify field joint quality Ductile Iron Pipe Advantages: Durable and suitable for higher pressure applications Simple installation techniques and procedures Restrained joints or thrust blocks Relatively corrosion resistant Disadvantages: Gasketed bell & spigot joints can leak (allowable leakage in AWWA standards) Very heavy in larger pipe sizes, difficult to handle Fairly expensive PVC Pipe Advantages: Light weight and easy to handle Simple installation techniques and procedures Restrained joints or thrust blocks Corrosion resistant Disadvantages: Gasketed bell & spigot joints can leak (allowable leakage in AWWA standards) Low strength and brittle in cold temperatures Fairly expensive in large pipe sizes FRP Jacket Advantages: High strength and impact resistance Can be filament wound directly onto polyurethane foam Relatively high temperature Disadvantages: High Cost PVC Jacket Advantages: Low cost Disadvantages: Low strength and impact resistance Brittle at low installation temperatures Can not be easily welded HDPE Jacket Advantages: Combination of strength, flexibility and toughness Can be butt fusion or extrusion welded Can be extruded directly onto polyurethane foam Fairly low cost Disadvantages: Difficult to bond to polyurethane foam Relatively low temperature resistance Polyurethane ¾ An Engineered Material ¾ Compressive Strength vs. Density ¾ Thermal Conductivity vs. Density ¾ Thermal Conductivity vs. Temperature Polyurethane Thermal Conductivity Insulation Thermal Cond. @ 74 OF 23 OC (Btu in./hr. ft.2 OF) ( W/m- OC) 2 lb./ft.3 32 Kg/m.3 0.16 .023 4 lb./ft.3 64 Kg/m.3 0.18 .026 6 lb./ft.3 96 Kg/m.3 0.19 .027 0.29 .042 Cellular glass Polyurethane insulation thermal conductivity increases at higher temperatures. ¾ Superior polyurethane thermal conductivity results in reduced insulation thickness and cross section size for equivalent thermal design. ¾ Thermal Conductivity vs. Density Thermal Conductivity (BTU-in/hr-ft2-oF) 0.24 0.20 0.16 0.12 0 2 4 6 8 Density (lbs/ft3) 10 Thermal Conductivity vs. Temperature Polyurethane Compressive Strength Insulation 2 lb./ft3 32 Kg./m3 polyurethane 4 lb./ft.3 64 Kg./m3 polyurethane 6 lb./ft.3 96 Kg./m3 polyurethane Cellular glass Minimum Compressive Strength (psi) (kPa) 30 207 60 414 90 620 87 600 Compressive Strength vs. Density 1000 900 800 700 600 500 400 COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH AT 10% DEFLECTION (PS 300 200 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 Uppe r Ra nge of Compre ssive Stre ngth 30 20 Low e r Ra nge of Compre ssive Stre ngth 10 1 2 3 FOAM DENSITY (LB/FT3) 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Spray Applied vs. Injection Injected PU foam Sprayed PU foam z z z z z z z z z No insulation voids Fully concentric Jacket fully bonded to the insulation Consistent density Consistent compressive strength Consistent thermal conductivity Precise thickness Lower cost Easy inspection / higher quality z z z z z z z z z May have voids Not concentric Jacket may not bond to insulation Inconsistent density Inconsistent compressive strength Inconsistent thermal conductivity Predetermined thickness increments Higher cost Difficult inspection / lower quality Cell Structure Spray Applied Uniform Cell Structure. Injected Compressed Cell Structure. Structure Injected Foam Non concentric service pipe Insulation shrinkage and separation from jacket Voids in Injected Insulation Importance of Void Free Insulation (Cryogenic Service) Loss of Insulation at Void Site Increased Heat Gain Ice Build-up Spray Foam Polyurethane Foam Blowing Agents CFC R-11 (Freon) No longer used HCFC R-141b No longer used HFC 245fa Used in USA HFC 365mfc Used in Europe Cyclopentane Used in USA and Europe CO2 (Water blown Foam) Air (Not a blowing agent) K Value .061 .069 .085 .074 .083 .110 .186 Factory Pre-insulated Piping Manufactured under factory controlled conditions with process and product control High quality, seamless insulation and jacket Insulation bonded to service pipe and jacket Economical insulation and jacket system Quality Assurance Considerations Certified mill test reports for pressure pipe and pipe fittings for mechanical and physical properties In Processing Insulation Testing Thermal conductivity Compressive strength Density Closed cell content In Process Insulation Jacket Testing Tensile strength Elongation Hardness Bonding strength to insulation Service Pipe welding and inspection in accordance with appropriate ASME B31 piping code XTRU-THERM Straight HDPE Wind-Down End Seal XTRU-THERM Straight Test samples are placed in Testing chamber Test pressure is 11 PSI 76 kPa (red fluorescent dye in water) Removing wind down end seal No evidence of water ingression Removing shrink end cap No evidence of water ingression XTRU-THERM Elbow Preinsulated Elbow Fittings Molded HDPE Jacket No welds or seems High quality Lower costs Ease of fabrication
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