Application Checklist for Grades 6-12

Application Checklist for Grades 6-12
Dear Friends,
Thank you for your interest in applying to William Penn Charter School. This packet contains all the
forms and instructions you need for the application process. The Admissions Office has worked to
make the admission process efficient and easy-to-follow. Even so, there are times when you will need
to ask questions. We welcome your calls and emails at 215-844-3460 x103 or
[email protected].
Each year, Penn Charter forms new sections in 6th, 7th and 9th grades, making these the best times to
apply; new students are admitted to other grades if spaces are available. As a school committed to
diversity, Penn Charter welcomes students of every race, religion, socioeconomic status, ethnic
background and sexual orientation and encourages applications from current families as well as
children of alumni and members of the Religious Society of Friends.
Section I: Instructions
Please read these pages carefully and contact the admissions office with any questions.
Forms included in this section:
• Admissions Process (1 page)
• Tuition & Financial Aid Process (1 page)
• Visiting Penn Charter (1 page)
Section II: Application’s Supporting Documents
If you are unable to print these forms or would like a set mailed to you, please contact the Admissions
Forms included in this section:
• Recommendations for current English and math teachers (2 pages each, 4 pages total)
• Student questionnaire (2 pages)
• Parent/Guardian questionnaire (1 page)
• Records Release form (1 page)
We look forward to meeting you during the admissions process.
Beth D. Johnson
Director of Middle and Upper School Admissions
Applying to Penn Charter
Applying to Penn Charter is a simple and straightforward process, and the following information will
help guide you through the steps. You may apply online at; all the
forms necessary to complete your application are in this packet.
❏ Campus Visit
Families are strongly encouraged to attend an Open House; however, you are welcome to schedule
a family tour. All applicants shadow a current student for a school day and their parents meet with
an admissions officer to discuss the application and the Penn Charter program. We will contact you
to schedule these appointments following receipt of your application.
❏ Application
Complete the application for admission, including the parent and student questionnaires, at
❏ Recommendations
It is important that the teacher recommendations not be completed by your child’s teachers until
late October. We believe that teachers should be given time to work with your child during the
current school year in order to provide us with appropriate feedback about your child’s academic
• Current English/Language Arts Teacher Recommendation
• Current Math Teacher Recommendation
❏ Release for School Records Form
This form should be completed and signed by the parent/guardian and returned to the applicant’s
current school. The student’s official transcript should include the applicant’s grades from the past
year and the first marking period of the current year. Please have the school send the records
directly to Penn Charter.
❏ Admissions Testing
Reserve a test date for the SSAT (Secondary School Admissions Test), or the ISEE (Independent
School Entrance Exam). You may register online or request registration materials from the
Admissions Office. Complete the ISEE or SSAT registration form, listing Penn Charter as a score
recipient. Our school codes are listed below. The test may be taken at any test site.
Penn Charter Code
Admissions Timeline
Complete application process by the first round deadline of:
Admissions Office mails the earliest round of acceptance letters on:
Families must accept Penn Charter’s offer of admission by:
Complete application process by the second round deadline of:
January 6, 2017
January 19, 2017
March 1, 2017
January 30, 2017
Applicants will continue to be considered based on availability of space throughout the spring.
Tuition & Financial Aid Information
“A lot of people have the perception that they cannot afford it. What I say is do not let the tuition deter you. If
you really like the school, go ahead and apply.” — Upper School mother
Penn Charter operates on the founding Quaker principles of equality and diversity. The Overseers, the
governing body of the school, has attempted to carry out William Penn’s vision of education for all
by maintaining a significant financial aid program. Financial aid for the 2016-17 school year totaled
$10.2 million. Currently, 42 percent of our students receive need-based financial aid. At Penn
Charter, “need” is defined as the difference between the family’s resources and the child’s tuition
expenses. To evaluate need, Penn Charter uses formulas created by School and Student Service for
Financial Aid (SSS). Parents applying for financial aid must complete the Parents’ Financial
Statement (PFS) at Admissions decisions are made separately from and prior to financial
aid decisions. Penn Charter imposes no income ceiling or minimum for families applying for financial
aid. Current families may apply.
Any student who applies to Penn Charter may apply for financial assistance. However, because Penn
Charter maintains a balanced allocation of financial aid, funds are most likely to be available to new
students entering pre-Kindergarten, Kindergarten and grades 6, 7, and 9. At other grade levels,
financial aid is either unavailable or very limited.
Families applying for financial aid must complete the following:
1. Apply for admission to Penn Charter and indicate an interest in financial aid on the application.
The financial aid application and instructions to apply are sent to families by email, beginning in
2. Complete a short application for financial aid; the link will be in the instructions emailed to you.
3. Complete the Parents’ Financial Statement (PFS) online at
4. By Jan. 6, 2017, send Penn Charter a photocopy of your 2015 federal tax return with W2s and all
accompanying schedules.
5. Also send your 2016 final pay stub (Dec.) to show cumulated income earned for the past year.
6. If your income in 2017 will be markedly different than in 2016, please mail or email a note of
explanation to Allan Brown, the Director of Financial Aid.
All of these documents are used by Penn Charter in determining whether to offer a grant and, if so,
how much.
Applications completed by January 6, 2017, will be processed in the first round of financial aid
decisions. Applications received after this date will be reviewed on a rolling basis as long as funds are
Please contact Director of Financial Aid Allan Brown (215-844-3460 x147 or
[email protected]) with questions or requests for additional information.
Middle & Upper School Tuition Rates 2016-17
Grades 6 - 8
Grades 9 - 12
Visiting Penn Charter
The Student Visit
After you have submitted your child’s application, the Admissions Office will contact you to schedule
a day for his or her visit to Penn Charter.
Health Concerns
If your child has a medical condition which Penn Charter should know about for your child’s wellbeing during the school visit, please communicate with our nursing staff by completing our web-based
form at least five days prior to the visit. The form is available at
Information for Students
Your day begins at 8:00 a.m. in the Admissions Office in the Main Building. You will be greeted by a
member of our admissions staff and introduced to a student host who will escort you through the rest
of the day’s schedule:
• Attend classes with your student host.
• Eat lunch with the Middle School (11:45 a.m. – 12:25 p.m.)
or the Upper School (12:35 – 1:10 p.m.).
The Admissions Office will provide you with a lunch ticket that will cover the cost
of your meal.
Our dining hall has a salad bar, soups, sandwiches and hot daily specials.
You can view the menu at
• Interview with a member of the Penn Charter admissions team. You will be asked to talk
about yourself. This is your opportunity to ask questions, too!
A note about dress…
The guidelines are simple:
If your shirt has symbols, lettering or advertisements, those designs should be no larger than a closed
hand. Please do not wear hats, sweatpants, athletic shorts or backless shoes. Skirts or shorts should be
no more than four inches above the knee.
We hope you enjoy the day!
3000 West School House Lane • Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19144 • 215.844.3460 •
Student Questionnaire for Upper and Middle School Applicants
Please take a moment to complete this questionnaire so we can learn more about you.
First Middle Last
Applying to grade:
When visiting PC, I hope to be placed with a student with the following interests:
Please rate top 3 choices, with 1 your top choice, 2 your second choice, and 3 your third choice.
__ Foreign Languages
__ Mathematics
__ Theater
__ English
__ History
__ Music
__ Visual Arts
__ Community Service
__ Instrumental Music
__ Science
__ Vocal Music
__ Athletics
Music, Athletics & Arts
Please provide us with detailed information regarding your interests in athletics, instrumental music, theater, visual arts or vocal
For music, both instrumental and vocal, please tell us your primary and secondary (if any) instruments, where you study, the name
of your teacher(s), and any pieces you are practicing or have performed recently.
For athletics, please tell us which sports you play, including your postiion, name of your team(s) and coach(es), and how many years
you have played this sport.
For visual arts and design, please tell us how many years you have studied, your school and/or teacher, and describe your interest.
For theater arts, please tell us how many years you have performed on stage, and the productions, roles and venues of your
continue on separate sheet if necessary
Tell us about some of the special interests or hobbies that you are involved in.
Describe an accomplishment of which you are particularly proud.
Is there anything else you would like the Admissions Committee to know about you?
Applicant signature
Applicants to GRADES 6-12
This common recommendation form is accepted by all independent schools that are members of ADVIS (Association of Delaware
Valley Independent Schools). To be signed by the parents or guardians and given to the student’s references.
I/We understand that we may not look at this evaluation and assure the evaluator and the school that we will not try to do so. We give permission for the evaluator to release the information on this form to the schools to which we are applying for admission. We understand that as parents we will not have access to this
confidential information and that it will not become part of our child’s permanent record.
First Parent/Guardian Signature___________________________________________________________________________________________
Second Parent/Guardian Signature_________________________________________________________________________________________
Name of Student__________________________________________________________________has applied for grade____________________
To the Evaluator: Please complete both sides of this form and send to Penn Charter. Your comments will be held in strictest confidence. Thank you very much
for your cooperation and assistance.
How long have you known the candidate and in what connection?_ __________________________________________________________________
Please list subject taught, including level of difficulty_____________________________________________________________________________
Please list the textbook used, if applicable____________________________________________________________________________________
Personality Traits
Academic Qualities
Academic ability
❑ Outstanding
❑ Good
❑ Average
❑ Below average
❑ No basis for judgment
Intellectual curiosity
❑ Strong and varied
❑ Good
❑ An occasional spark
❑ Limited
❑ No basis for judgment
Written expression of ideas
❑ Ideas and mechanics excellent
❑ Ideas good, mechanics fair
❑ Ideas fair, mechanics good
❑ Ideas and mechanics poor
❑ No basis for judgment
Academic achievement
❑ Far above expectations
❑ Better than expected
❑ As expected
❑ Below expectations
❑ No basis for judgment
Ability to work with others
❑ Always works well
❑ Usually effective
❑ Sometimes unable to cope
❑ Has great difficulty in a group
❑ No basis for judgment
Uses suggestions
❑ Always
❑ Usually
❑ Sometimes
❑ Rarely
❑ No basis for judgment
Effort and drive
❑ Outstanding
❑ Good
❑ Sporadic
❑ Occasional
❑ No basis for judgment
Ability to work independently
Seeks help
❑ Always
❑ Usually
❑ Sometimes
❑ Rarely
❑ No basis for judgment
Study habits
❑ Well organized
❑ Organized
❑ Easily distracted
❑ Poor
❑ No basis for judgment
Oral expression of ideas
❑ Exceptional
❑ Good
❑ Only when called on
❑ Wants to dominate
❑ Rarely contributes
❑ No basis for judgment
❑ Exceptional
❑ Usually good
❑ Occasionally distracted
❑ Easily distracted
❑ No basis for judgment
❑ Always works alone
❑ Needs help occasionally
❑ Needs help frequently
❑ Requires supervision
❑ No basis for judgment
CIRCLE the words that best
describe the student
Easily discouraged
Negative leader
Passive aggressive
Positive leader
Personal Qualities
❑ Very mature
❑ Appropriate
❑ Somewhat immature
❑ Very immature
❑ No basis for judgment
Social adjustments with peers
❑ Healthy relationships
❑ Occasional minor problems
❑ Frequent minor problems
❑ Relates poorly
❑ No basis for judgment
❑ Has healthy self-image
❑ Needs some support
❑ Appears overly confident
❑ Needs much reassurance
❑ No basis for judgment
❑ Well-behaved
❑ Usually obeys rules
❑ Occasionally misbehaves
❑ Frequently misbehaves
❑ No basis for judgment
Consideration of others
❑ Unusually thoughtful
❑ Usually considerate
❑ Rarely considerate
❑ Selfish
❑ No basis for judgment
Sense of humor
❑ Delightful
❑ Good
❑ Inappropriate
❑ Humorless
❑ No basis for judgment
❑ Very trustworthy
❑ Usually trustworthy
❑ Occasionally trustworthy
❑ Untrustworthy
❑ No basis for judgment
Attitude of parents
❑ Cooperative
❑ Uninvolved
❑ Overly protective
❑ Antagonistic
❑ No basis for judgment
What are the academic strengths and weaknesses of this candidate? Comments concerning writing ability, math skills or other skills appropriate to your subject
area will be particularly helpful. Consider such categories as effort, curiosity, motivation, achievement in relation to potential, class participation and homework
preparation. Please feel free to attach a separate page for additional comments.
What are the candidate’s extra-curricular activities and abilities?_________________________________________________________________
Overall Rating
As a student
As a person
With reservations
Do you have any additional information that may be helpful in our evaluation of this student?_______________________________________________
May we contact you for further information?
❑ Yes
❑ No
Teacher’s Name
School Name
School Address
Thank you for taking the time to complete this evaluation.
Please mail directly to:
Admissions Office, William Penn Charter School, 3000 West School House Lane, Philadelphia, PA 19144
Applicants to GRADES 6-12
This common recommendation form is accepted by all independent schools that are members of ADVIS (Association of Delaware
Valley Independent Schools). To be signed by the parents or guardians and given to the student’s references.
I/We understand that we may not look at this evaluation and assure the evaluator and the school that we will not try to do so. We give permission for the evaluator to release the information on this form to the schools to which we are applying for admission. We understand that as parents we will not have access to this
confidential information and that it will not become part of our child’s permanent record.
First Parent/Guardian Signature___________________________________________________________________________________________
Second Parent/Guardian Signature_________________________________________________________________________________________
Name of Student__________________________________________________________________has applied for grade____________________
To the Evaluator: Please complete both sides of this form and send to Penn Charter. Your comments will be held in strictest confidence. Thank you very much
for your cooperation and assistance.
How long have you known the candidate and in what connection?_ __________________________________________________________________
Please list subject taught, including level of difficulty_____________________________________________________________________________
Please list the textbook used, if applicable____________________________________________________________________________________
Personality Traits
Academic Qualities
Academic ability
❑ Outstanding
❑ Good
❑ Average
❑ Below average
❑ No basis for judgment
Intellectual curiosity
❑ Strong and varied
❑ Good
❑ An occasional spark
❑ Limited
❑ No basis for judgment
Written expression of ideas
❑ Ideas and mechanics excellent
❑ Ideas good, mechanics fair
❑ Ideas fair, mechanics good
❑ Ideas and mechanics poor
❑ No basis for judgment
Academic achievement
❑ Far above expectations
❑ Better than expected
❑ As expected
❑ Below expectations
❑ No basis for judgment
Ability to work with others
❑ Always works well
❑ Usually effective
❑ Sometimes unable to cope
❑ Has great difficulty in a group
❑ No basis for judgment
Uses suggestions
❑ Always
❑ Usually
❑ Sometimes
❑ Rarely
❑ No basis for judgment
Effort and drive
❑ Outstanding
❑ Good
❑ Sporadic
❑ Occasional
❑ No basis for judgment
Ability to work independently
Seeks help
❑ Always
❑ Usually
❑ Sometimes
❑ Rarely
❑ No basis for judgment
Study habits
❑ Well organized
❑ Organized
❑ Easily distracted
❑ Poor
❑ No basis for judgment
Oral expression of ideas
❑ Exceptional
❑ Good
❑ Only when called on
❑ Wants to dominate
❑ Rarely contributes
❑ No basis for judgment
❑ Exceptional
❑ Usually good
❑ Occasionally distracted
❑ Easily distracted
❑ No basis for judgment
❑ Always works alone
❑ Needs help occasionally
❑ Needs help frequently
❑ Requires supervision
❑ No basis for judgment
CIRCLE the words that best
describe the student
Easily discouraged
Negative leader
Passive aggressive
Positive leader
Personal Qualities
❑ Very mature
❑ Appropriate
❑ Somewhat immature
❑ Very immature
❑ No basis for judgment
Social adjustments with peers
❑ Healthy relationships
❑ Occasional minor problems
❑ Frequent minor problems
❑ Relates poorly
❑ No basis for judgment
❑ Has healthy self-image
❑ Needs some support
❑ Appears overly confident
❑ Needs much reassurance
❑ No basis for judgment
❑ Well-behaved
❑ Usually obeys rules
❑ Occasionally misbehaves
❑ Frequently misbehaves
❑ No basis for judgment
Consideration of others
❑ Unusually thoughtful
❑ Usually considerate
❑ Rarely considerate
❑ Selfish
❑ No basis for judgment
Sense of humor
❑ Delightful
❑ Good
❑ Inappropriate
❑ Humorless
❑ No basis for judgment
❑ Very trustworthy
❑ Usually trustworthy
❑ Occasionally trustworthy
❑ Untrustworthy
❑ No basis for judgment
Attitude of parents
❑ Cooperative
❑ Uninvolved
❑ Overly protective
❑ Antagonistic
❑ No basis for judgment
What are the academic strengths and weaknesses of this candidate? Comments concerning writing ability, math skills or other skills appropriate to your subject
area will be particularly helpful. Consider such categories as effort, curiosity, motivation, achievement in relation to potential, class participation and homework
preparation. Please feel free to attach a separate page for additional comments.
What are the candidate’s extra-curricular activities and abilities?_________________________________________________________________
Overall Rating
As a student
As a person
With reservations
Do you have any additional information that may be helpful in our evaluation of this student?_______________________________________________
May we contact you for further information?
❑ Yes
❑ No
Teacher’s Name
School Name
School Address
Thank you for taking the time to complete this evaluation.
Please mail directly to:
Admissions Office, William Penn Charter School, 3000 West School House Lane, Philadelphia, PA 19144
3000 West School House Lane • Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19144 • 215.844.3460 •
Parent/Guardian Questionnaire
We have found a parent’s perspective of the applicant to be quite valuable in getting to know him or her better. Please provide any
information that you feel might be helpful to the Admissions Committee. Thank you for your effort and thoughts.
Applicant name:
First Middle Last
Applying to grade:
Name of person(s) completing this form:
Relation to applicant:
Please comment on what you consider to be your child’s most notable strengths? Please include interpersonal skills, athletic ability
and artistic talent.
Signature of parent or guardian
______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________
Signature of parent or guardian
______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________
3000 West School House Lane • Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19144 • 215.844.3460 •
Release for School Records
I request that the school record of ___________________________________________________________
be forwarded
• by mail to William Penn Charter School Admissions Office
3000 West School House Lane
Philadelphia, PA 19144
• by fax to 215-844-5201
• by email to [email protected]
Please include the following information
1. Transcript and academic records, including grades for both the previous year
and the current year.
2. Attendance record.
3. Results of standardized achievement and/or aptitude tests.
I also authorize teachers or administrators to release information about my child
which would identify apparent strengths or weaknesses and patterns of behavior.
Signature of parent or guardian: