`Eye of the Tiger` Weight Loss Challenge 2012 Contestant Application

Better Me Fitness
Phone: 585-475-2652
Email: [email protected]
Website: rit.edu/betterme/fitness
‘Eye of the Tiger’ Weight Loss Challenge 2012
Contestant Application
Name: _____________________________________________________________________
Email: ______________________________________________________________________
Phone #: ___________________________________________________________________
Current Weight: ______________________
Height: _________________________
Please check one: Faculty______ Staff______ Student______
Please provide a brief personal statement describing the following:
Why you would like to compete in the ‘Eye of the Tiger’ Weight Loss Challenge?
Why do you think you should be selected as a contestant?
How do you think you and your lifestyle will benefit from participating in the
Please provide any other information that you feel is relevant.
Your signature below implies that you understand and agree to the guidelines
and terms of the ‘Eye of the Tiger’ Weight Loss Challenge on the back of this
application, if selected.
Better Me Fitness
Phone: 585-475-2652
Email: [email protected]
Website: rit.edu/betterme/fitness
‘Eye of the Tiger’ Weight Loss Challenge Guidelines and Terms
General Challenge Information
The value of the „Eye of the Tiger‟ Weight Loss Challenge is worth approximately $1,500 per contestant. No fees
will be incurred by the two selected contestants.
Interested applicants must complete and submit the Better Me Fitness „Eye of the Tiger‟ Weight Loss Challenge
Contestant Application and Client History Health Form, as well as obtain and submit a doctor‟s release no later than
Friday, December 16, 2011. See the “How to Apply” section below for more information.
Two contestants will be selected by Joseph Delgado and Jacques-Luis Nodar, Better Me Fitness program managers
and Certified Personal Trainers, and notified via email by December 23, 2011. Applicants may need to meet with
Joe Delgado and Jacques-Luis Nodar prior to a final decision being made.
The challenge begins on January 16, 2012. At this time, each contestant will be assigned to either Joe Delgado or
Jacques-Luis Nodar and will meet with their assigned personal trainer for a personal consultation and fitness
assessment, including a resting metabolic rate test. Assessments will be followed by a customized meal plan session
with Colleen Surek, Better Me Registered Dietitian. Each trainer will design a fitness and strength program for their
respective contestant with weekly interaction, instruction, and goals provided by each trainer. The challenge runs for
13 weeks and ends Friday, April 13, 2012.
The challenge winner will be determined based upon the total percentage of body weight loss with the challenge
How to Apply
The Better Me Fitness „Eye of the Tiger‟ Weight Loss Challenge is open to all RIT students, faculty, and staff.
Interested applicants must complete and submit the following to apply for the challenge:
1) Better Me Fitness „Eye of the Tiger‟ Weight Loss Challenge Contestant Application
2) Client Health History Form
3) A doctor‟s release statement.
The above completed application materials must be submitted to Beth Livecchi, Better Me Fitness, via email at
[email protected] or fax at 585-475-2550 no later than Friday, December 16, 2011.
Two contestants will be selected by Joseph Delgado and Jacques-Luis Nodar, Better Me Fitness program managers
and Certified Personal Trainers, and notified via email by December 23, 2011. Applicants may need to meet with
Joe Delgado and Jacques-Luis Nodar prior to a final decision being made.
Terms of the Challenge
Selected contestants must agree to the following „Eye of the Tiger‟ Weight Loss Challenge guidelines.
Must dedicate a minimum of 7 hours per week for the duration of the challenge (13 weeks).
Must maintain a food log and journal of the experience.
Agree to have results publicized periodically throughout the challenge.
Complete and submit the contestant application, client health history form, and a doctor‟s release.