A generalized Grothendieck inequality and entanglement in XOR games arXiv: quant-ph/0901.2009 Jop Briët1, Harry Buhrman1,2 and Ben Toner1,3 1 2 University of Amsterdam 3 BQP Solutions Pty Ltd. Research supported by NWO (Vici grant), IST (QAP) and BSIK/BRICKS XOR games Alice } 1 ± { αi Bob j i Verifier π,V βj {±1} XOR games Alice } 1 ± { αi Verifier •The verifier picks questions i,j distribution π(i,j) Bob j i π,V βj {±1} {1,...,r} according to probability XOR games Alice } 1 ± { αi Bob j i Verifier •The verifier picks questions i,j π,V βj {±1} {1,...,r} according to probability distribution π(i,j) •He computes function V(i,j) {±1}, sends i to Alice and j to Bob XOR games Alice } 1 ± { αi Bob j i Verifier •The verifier picks questions i,j π,V βj {±1} {1,...,r} according to probability distribution π(i,j) •He computes function V(i,j) {±1}, sends i to Alice and j to Bob •Alice answers αi {±1} and Bob βj {±1} XOR games Alice } 1 ± { αi Bob j i βj Verifier •The verifier picks questions i,j π,V {±1} {1,...,r} according to probability distribution π(i,j) •He computes function V(i,j) {±1}, sends i to Alice and j to Bob •Alice answers αi {±1} and Bob βj {±1} •Alice and Bob win if αiβj = V(i,j) V(i,j).(αiβj) = +1 XOR games Alice } 1 ± { αi Bob j i Verifier π,V βj {±1} XOR games 2 (2d )! G = ai · bj ⊗ Bj |ψ# Alice } 1 ± { αi Bob j i Verifier ai $→ A π,V i bj $→ Bj βj {±1} •We can quantify how well Alice and Bob can play game G(π,V) by the correlation bias ω(G) := ∗ max {αi },{βj }∈{±1} ! π(i, j)V (i, j) αi βj i,j ! (Deterministic strategies are optimal) |ψ& ∈ C Non-local XOR games |ψ& ∈ C Alice |ψ& ∈ C αi •Alice and Bob share Bob j i {A1,...,Ar} } 1 ± { d×d {B1,...,Br} n×n Verifier βj π,V ∗ ω2"n/2# (G) > 1 ∗ ω (G) d entangled state ψ Cdxd {±1} . . α is the outcome of a {±1}-valued measurement of observable Ai • i on Alice’s part ψ (αu , βv |uv) = π(u,ofv)V a·b a∈Ru b∈R β is the outcome of a {±1}-valued measurement ofv observable Bj • j on Bob’s part of ψ (Projective measurements and pure states are optimal) |ψ& ∈ C = KG (2d2 )! |ψ# = ai · bj |Ai ⊗ Bj |ψ# Non-local XOR games |ψ& ∈ C Alice |ψ& ∈ C αi Bob j i {A1,...,Ar} } 1 ± { d×d {B1,...,Br} n×n ai $→ Ai bVerifier j $→ Bj π,V ∗ βj {±1} ω2"n/2# (G) > 1 ∗ ! ω (G) Bij|ψ⟫ •Measurements j] = ⟫ψ|A i α ω(G)give := expectation max d E[αiβπ(i, j)V (i, j) βj {αi },{βj }∈{±1} i,j . . The d-dimensional non-local correlation bias: • != π(u, v)V (α , β |uv) a·b u v ∗ ωd (G) := max {Ai },{Bj },|ψ#∈Cd×d π(i, j)V j)b∈R !ψ|A ⊗ Bj |ψ# a∈R(i, v i u i,j (Projective measurements and pure states are optimal) ! ! Example: CHSH game •Questions: i,j π(0,0) = 1/4 π(0,1) = 1/4 π(1,0) = 1/4 π(1,1) = 1/4 {0,1} V(0,0) = 1 V(0,1) = 1 V(1,0) = 1 V(1,1) = -1 Example: CHSH game •Questions: i,j π(0,0) = 1/4 π(0,1) = 1/4 π(1,0) = 1/4 π(1,1) = 1/4 {0,1} V(0,0) = 1 V(0,1) = 1 V(1,0) = 1 V(1,1) = -1 = α0β0 = α0β1 = α1β0 = α1β1 Example: CHSH game •Questions: i,j π(0,0) = 1/4 π(0,1) = 1/4 π(1,0) = 1/4 π(1,1) = 1/4 {0,1} V(0,0) = 1 V(0,1) = 1 V(1,0) = 1 V(1,1) = -1 = α0β0 } = α0β1 = α1β0 = α1β1 At most 3 equations can simultaneously be satisfied •Classically, the players win with probability ≤ 3/4 (correlation bias ≤ 1/2) ω(G) := max π(i, j)V (i, j) αi βj {αi },{βj }∈{±1} i,j CHSH with entanglement ! ω (G) := max π(i, j)V (i, j) !ψ|A ⊗ B |ψ# ∗ d {Ai },{Bj },|ψ#∈Cd×d i j •Players can do better if they share a Bell state i,j # 1 " √ |00# + |11# 2 ωd∗(M) = max Ai ,Bj ,|ψ#∈Cd×d ! i,j Mij !ψ|Ai ⊗ Bj |ψ# ≤ max ai ,bj ∈S2d2 −1 ! i,j 1.676 ≤ KG ≤ 1.782 $ maxAi ,Bj ,|ψ#∈Cd×d i,j Mij !ψ|Ai ⊗ Bj |ψ# ωd∗ (M) $ = ω(M) maxαi ,βj ∈{±1} i,j Mij αi βj ωd∗ (M) = maxAi ,Bj $ i,j Mij !ψ|Ai ⊗ Bj |ψ# $ Mij ai · bj ω(G) := max π(i, j)V (i, j) αi βj {αi },{βj }∈{±1} i,j CHSH with entanglement ! ω (G) := max π(i, j)V (i, j) !ψ|A ⊗ B |ψ# ∗ d {Ai },{Bj },|ψ#∈Cd×d i j •Players can do better if they share a Bell state i,j # 1 " √ |00# + |11# 2 carry out the same ! protocol: •Both ωd∗(M) = max Mij !ψ|Ai ⊗ Bj |ψ# ≤ max Performi,jR(-π/16) on qubit a ,b ∈S •QuestionA ,B0:,|ψ#∈C •Question 1: Perform R(3π/16) on qubit 1.676 basis ≤ KG ≤ 1.782 •Measure in computational i j d×d i j 2d2 −1 $ ! i,j maxAi ,Bj ,|ψ#∈Cd×d i,j Mij !ψ|Ai ⊗ Bj |ψ# ωd∗ (M) $ = ω(M) maxαi ,βj ∈{±1} i,j Mij αi βj ωd∗ (M) = maxAi ,Bj $ i,j Mij !ψ|Ai ⊗ Bj |ψ# $ Mij ai · bj ω(G) := max π(i, j)V (i, j) αi βj {αi },{βj }∈{±1} i,j CHSH with entanglement ! ω (G) := max π(i, j)V (i, j) !ψ|A ⊗ B |ψ# ∗ d {Ai },{Bj },|ψ#∈Cd×d i j •Players can do better if they share a Bell state i,j # 1 " √ |00# + |11# 2 carry out the same ! protocol: •Both ωd∗(M) = max Mij !ψ|Ai ⊗ Bj |ψ# ≤ max Performi,jR(-π/16) on qubit a ,b ∈S •QuestionA ,B0:,|ψ#∈C •Question 1: Perform R(3π/16) on qubit 1.676 basis ≤ KG ≤ 1.782 •Measure in computational i j d×d i j 2d2 −1 ! i,j ∗ d×d maxAi ,Bj ,|ψ#∈C M0.85 ω ij !ψ|Ai ⊗ Bj |ψ# probability •Entangled players i,j ≈ d (M) win with $ = ω(M) maxαi ,βj ∈{±1} i,j Mij αi βj $ ωd∗ (M) = maxAi ,Bj $ i,j Mij !ψ|Ai ⊗ Bj |ψ# $ Mij ai · bj ω(G) := max π(i, j)V (i, j) αi βj {αi },{βj }∈{±1} i,j CHSH with entanglement ! ω (G) := max π(i, j)V (i, j) !ψ|A ⊗ B |ψ# ∗ d {Ai },{Bj },|ψ#∈Cd×d i j •Players can do better if they share a Bell state i,j # 1 " √ |00# + |11# 2 carry out the same ! protocol: •Both ωd∗(M) = max Mij !ψ|Ai ⊗ Bj |ψ# ≤ max Performi,jR(-π/16) on qubit a ,b ∈S •QuestionA ,B0:,|ψ#∈C •Question 1: Perform R(3π/16) on qubit 1.676 basis ≤ KG ≤ 1.782 •Measure in computational i j d×d i j 2d2 −1 ! i,j ∗ d×d maxAi ,Bj ,|ψ#∈C M0.85 ω ij !ψ|Ai ⊗ Bj |ψ# probability •Entangled players i,j ≈ d (M) win with $ = ω(M) (correlation bias ≈ 0.71) maxαi ,βj ∈{±1} i,j Mij αi βj $ ωd∗ (M) = maxAi ,Bj $ i,j Mij !ψ|Ai ⊗ Bj |ψ# $ Mij ai · bj ω(G) := max {αi },{βj }∈{±1} π(i, j)V (i, j) αi βj i,j CHSH with entanglement ! ω (G) := max π(i, j)V (i, j) !ψ|A ⊗ B |ψ# ∗ d {Ai },{Bj },|ψ#∈Cd×d i j •Players can do better if they share a Bell state i,j # 1 " √ |00# + |11# 2 carry out the same ! protocol: •Both ωd∗(M) = max Mij !ψ|Ai ⊗ Bj |ψ# ≤ max Performi,jR(-π/16) on qubit a ,b ∈S •QuestionA ,B0:,|ψ#∈C •Question 1: Perform R(3π/16) on qubit 1.676 basis ≤ KG ≤ 1.782 •Measure in computational i j d×d i j 2d2 −1 ! i,j ∗ d×d maxAi ,Bj ,|ψ#∈C M0.85 ω ij !ψ|Ai ⊗ Bj |ψ# probability •Entangled players i,j ≈ d (M) win with $ = ω(M) (correlation bias ≈ 0.71) maxαi ,βj ∈{±1} i,j Mij αi βj $ •Tsirelson showed this is best possible $ ωd∗ (M) = maxAi ,Bj i,j Mij !ψ|Ai ⊗ Bj |ψ# $ Mij ai · bj Observables and vectors (1987) discovered a correspondence between 2 = •KTsirelson (2d )! G measurements sets of observables on pure states, and inner |ψ#products = ai · bj of sets of unit vectors. dxd and observables A ,B , there exist |Ai ⊗ BFor |ψ# pure state ψ C a b j G) G) = KG (2d2 )! unit vectors a,b S2d^2-1 s.t. a · b = !ψ|Aa ⊗ Bb |ψ# Bj |ψ# = ai ·Conversely, bj there exist mappings A,B from Sn-1 to !ψ|A(a) ⊗ B(b)|ψ# = a · b observables on maximally entangled state ψ Cdxd with !ψ|Ai ⊗ Bj |ψ# d=2n/2 s.t. for a,b Sn !ψ|A(a) ⊗ B(b)|ψ# = a · b ai → $ Ai bj → $ Bj ω(G) := max π(i, j)V (i, j) αi βj i,j XOR games and Grothendieck’s inequality ωd∗ (G) := {αi },{βj }∈{±1} max [Tsirelson87]: ! π(i, j)V (i, j) !ψ|Ai ⊗ Bj |ψ# {Ai },{Bj },|ψ#∈Cd×d •Associate a matrix M i,j rxr [-1,1] with •Tsirelson’s map lets us game (π,V): Mij = π(i,j)V(i,j). # 1 " √ bound |00# + |11# upper the 2 d-dim. quantum correlation by correlations with 2d2-dim unit vectors: ωd∗ (M) = max {Ai },{Bj },|ψ#∈Cd×d ! i,j Mij !ψ|Ai ⊗ Bj |ψ# ≤ max {ai },{bj }∈S2d2 −1 1.676 ≤ KG ≤ 1.782 $ maxAi ,Bj ,|ψ#∈Cd×d i,j Mij !ψ|Ai ⊗ Bj |ψ# ωd∗ (M) $ = ω(M) maxαi ,βj ∈{±1} i,j Mij αi βj ωd∗ (M) = maxAi ,Bj $ i,j Mij !ψ|Ai ⊗ Bj |ψ# $ ! i,j Mij ai · bj ω(G) := max π(i, j)V (i, j) αi βj i,j XOR games and Grothendieck’s inequality ! {αi },{βj }∈{±1} [Tsirelson87]: ! max π(i, j)V (i, j) αi βj ω(G) := ωd∗ (G) := max π(i, j)V (i, j) !ψ|Ai ⊗ Bj |ψ# {αi },{βj }∈{±1} {Ai },{Bj },|ψ#∈Cd×d i,j rxr with game (π,V): M = π(i,j)V(i,j). Associate a matrix M [-1,1] ij • !# " 1 ∗ √ bound |00# + |11# ωd (G) :=lets us upper max π(i, j)V (i, j) !ψ|A ⊗ B |ψ# map the d-dim. quantum i j •Tsirelson’s 2 d×d {Ai },{Bj },|ψ#∈C correlation by correlations with 2d2i,j-dim unit vectors: ωd∗ (M) = max ! i,j Mij !ψ|Ai ⊗ Bj |ψ# ≤ max ! Mij ai · bj {a # },{b }∈S " 1 i,j i,j √ |00# + |11# 2 1.676 ≤the KGquantum ≤ 1.782 correlation in terms of This gives an upper bound on • ! ! ∗ the classical correlation and Grothendieck’s constant max M !ψ|A max $i ⊗ Bj |ψ# ≤ ij d (M) = max∗A ,B ,|ψ#∈C Mij !ψ|Ai ⊗ B{a {Ai },{B },|ψ#∈Cd×d ωd∗j(M) j |ψ# i },{bj }∈S2d2 −1 i,j ≤ KG · $ ω(M) i,j i,j = ωd (M) {Ai },{Bj },|ψ#∈Cd×d i j j 2d2 −1 d×d maxαi ,βj ∈{±1} ω(M) i i,j Mij αi βj 2 KG (2d(Davie )! `84, Reeds `91) 1.676$≤ KG ≤ 1.782 (Krivine `71) ∗ ωd (M) = maxAi ,Bj i,j Mij !ψ|Ai ⊗ Bj |ψ# $ Grothendieck constant of order n •KG(n) is the smallest constant s.t. for every real rxr matrix M max{ai },{bj }∈Sn−1 ! i,j∈[r] Mij ai max{αi },{βj }∈{±1} maxai ,bj ∈Sn−1 maxa"i ,b"j ∈Sm−1 ∗ ωd (M) max ≤ ai ,bj ∈Sn−1 " ! ! i,j∈[r] Mij αi βj i,j∈[r] Mij ai · bj ! " " M a · b ij i j i,j∈[r] max a"i ,b"j ∈S2d2 −1 a,b∈S2n/2 −1 " · bj a,b∈S2n/2 −1 ≤ KG (n) ≤ KG (n "→ m) dadb(a · dadb(a · b)(ai · bj ) ≥ " b)(ai · " bj ) ∗ ω2n/2 (M) Grothendieck constant of order n •KG(n) is the smallest constant s.t. for every real rxr matrix M max{ai },{bj }∈Sn−1 ! max{αi },{βj }∈{±1} KG(n) •KG = supn max ai ,bj ∈Sn−1 ! i,j∈[r] Mij ai ! · bj i,j∈[r] Mij αi βj i,j∈[r] Mij ai · bj ! " " M a · b ij i j i,j∈[r] ≤ KG (n) ≤ KG (n "→ m) maxa ,bof∈S norms on tensor products of Banach spaces •Arose in study •Has also found applications "in: " " ∗ information •Quantum ωd (M) ≤ max dadb(a · b)(ai · bj ) ,b ∈S •Communicationacomplexity a,b∈S •Approximation" algorithms " i " j m−1 " i " j 2d2 −1 2n/2 −1 ∗ ω2n/2 (M) dadb(a · b)(ai · bj ) ≥ (Krivine) G∈S •KG(3) <aK,bmax a,b∈S •KG(n) is not known to be strictly increasing with n i j n−1 2n/2 −1 Our results Dimension witnesses [Brunner et al.`08] Alice Bob {A1,...,Ar} {B1,...,Br} Pr[αi,βj |i,j] •Suppose we get a list of probabilities of Alice and Bob’s measurements outcomes, conditioned on their measurements 1 χ= k (a · xi ) da 2 Dimension witnesses [Brunner et al.`08] i=1 |ψ& ∈ Cd×d Alice |ψ& ∈ C {A1,...,Ar} Bob n×n {B1,...,Br} ∗ ω Pr[α i,β(G) j |i,j] 2"n/2# >1 ∗ ωd (G) •Suppose we get a list of probabilities of Alice and Bob’s . measurements measurements outcomes, conditioned. on their a·b π(u, v)V (αu , βv |uv) = we know they share an •If the data violates a Bell inequality, then b∈R a∈R u entangled state ∗ ωd (Gfinite ) = ≤ max A,B:Sn−1 →S2d2 −1 ∗ ωd (Ginfinite ) . 0 u∈E a∈Ru da v . 0 u∈E b∈Rv % db(a · b) A(u) · B(v 1 χ= k (a · xi ) da 2 Dimension witnesses [Brunner et al.`08] i=1 |ψ& ∈ Cd×d Alice |ψ& ∈ C {A1,...,Ar} Bob n×n {B1,...,Br} ∗ ω Pr[α i,β(G) j |i,j] 2"n/2# >1 ∗ ωd (G) •Suppose we get a list of probabilities of Alice and Bob’s . measurements measurements outcomes, conditioned. on their a·b π(u, v)V (αu , βv |uv) = we know they share an •If the data violates a Bell inequality, then b∈R a∈R u v entangled state . . the dimension •But can we also lower bound 0 of the state?% 0 ∗ ωd (Gfinite ) = ≤ max A,B:Sn−1 →S2d2 −1 ∗ ωd (Ginfinite ) db(a · b) A(u) · B(v da u∈E a∈Ru u∈E b∈Rv 1 χ= k (a · xi ) da 2 Dimension witnesses [Brunner et al.`08] i=1 |ψ& ∈ Cd×d Alice {A1,...,Ar} |ψ& ∈ C Bob n×n {B1,...,Br} ∗ ω Pr[α i,β(G) j |i,j] 2"n/2# >1 ∗ ωd (G) •Suppose we get a list of probabilities of Alice and Bob’s . measurements measurements outcomes, conditioned. on their a·b π(u, v)V (αu , βv |uv) = we know they share an •If the data violates a Bell inequality, then b∈R a∈R u v entangled state . . the dimension •∗ But can we also lower bound 0 of the state?% 0 da db(a · b) A(u) · B(v ωd (G max finite ) = even with two-outcome measurements •Conjecture:Yes, A,B:S n−1 →S 2d2 −1 b∈Rv a∈Ru u∈E ≤ ∗ ωd (Ginfinite ) u∈E 1 χ= k (a · xi ) da 2 Dimension witnesses [Brunner et al.`08] i=1 |ψ& ∈ Cd×d Alice {A1,...,Ar} |ψ& ∈ C Bob n×n {B1,...,Br} ∗ ω Pr[α i,β(G) j |i,j] 2"n/2# >1 ∗ ωd (G) •Suppose we get a list of probabilities of Alice and Bob’s . measurements measurements outcomes, conditioned. on their a·b π(u, v)V (αu , βv |uv) = we know they share an •If the data violates a Bell inequality, then b∈R a∈R u v entangled state . . the dimension •∗ But can we also lower bound 0 of the state?% 0 da db(a · b) A(u) · B(v ωd (G max finite ) = even with two-outcome measurements •Conjecture:Yes, A,B:S n−1 →S 2d2 −1 b∈Rv a∈Ru u∈E ∗ for some XOR games! This talk: Yes, ≤ ωd (Ginfinite ) u∈E d×d C . |ψ!/∈0 k ' 1/2 1 2 da (a · xi )XOR χ =witnesses Dimension and k i=1n×n |φ! ∈ C |ψ& ∈ C Alice |ψ! ∈ C i {A1,...,Ar} } 1 ± { αi games d×d 2n/2 ×2n/2 |ψ& ∈ Cn×n Bob j {B1,...,Br} ω2∗n/2 (G) >1 ∗ ∗ β j ω"n/2# (G) ω2Verifier (G) d {±1} > 1 ∗ = πV M ω ! d (G) ! db(a da . M(u, v) = . · b) For every d, there is an a∈R XOR game b∈RvM and finite n>d, s.t. u a·b π(u, v)V (αu , βv |uv) = ∗ ωd (Gfinite ) ωd∗ (Gfinite ) a∈Ru b∈Rv ! ! < ωn*(M) ωd" *(M) " da 0 . 0. = max A,B:Sn−1 →S2d2 −1 = max u∈E A,B:S n−1 →S2d2 −1 ∗ ≤ ω (Ginfinite ) u∈E # db(a · b)% A(u) · B(v b∈Rv db(a · b) A(u) · B(v) a∈Ru da u∈E a∈Ru u∈E b∈Rv d×d C . |ψ!/∈0 k ' 1/2 1 2 da (a · xi )XOR χ =witnesses Dimension and k i=1n×n |φ! ∈ C |ψ& ∈ C Alice |ψ! ∈ C i {A1,...,Ar} } 1 ± { αi games d×d 2n/2 ×2n/2 |ψ& ∈ Cn×n Bob j {B1,...,Br} ω2∗n/2 (G) >1 ∗ ∗ β j ω"n/2# (G) ω2Verifier (G) d {±1} > 1 ∗ = πV M ω ! d (G) ! db(a da . M(u, v) = . · b) For every d, there is an a∈R XOR game b∈RvM and finite n>d, s.t. u a·b π(u, v)V (αu , βv |uv) = ∗ ωd (Gfinite ) ωd∗ (Gfinite ) a∈Ru b∈Rv ! ! < ωn*(M) ωd" *(M) " da 0 . 0. # db(a · b)% A(u) · B(v = max A,B:Sn−1 →S2d2 −1 v db(a = max independently Obtained by Vértesi and Pál · b) A(u) · B(v) u∈E b∈R u∈E a∈Ru da A,B:S n−1 →S2d2 −1 b∈R a∈R[Wehner ∗ Other u u∈E u∈E related work: et al.v`08] ≤ ω (Ginfinite ) Recall: $ max{ai },{bj }∈S2d2 −1 i,j Mij ai · bj ωd∗(M) $ ≤ ≤ KG (2d2) ω(M) max{αi },{βj }∈{±1} i,j Mij αi βj [Brunner et al. `08] 1 Since KG(3)< KG there exists an XOR game M s.t. for some n>2, we have ω2*(M) < ωn*(M) (there exist qubit witnesses) If KG(n) is strictly increasing with n (not known), then there are XOR games (M) that can be played better with more entanglement (as conjectured) We take a different approach: generalize KG(n) Generalization of ! Grothendieck’s constant max{ai },{bj }∈Sn−1 i,j∈[r] Mij ai · bj KG (n) constant Definition:max For m<n, let K! smallest G(n⟿m) be the≤ {αi },{βj }∈{±1} i,j∈[r] Mij αi βj for, s.t. for every real rxr matrix M KG (n "→ m) ≥ ωd∗ (M ) ≤ ∗ ω2n/2 (M ) max{ai },{bj }∈Sn−1 max{a"i },{b"j }∈Sm−1 max " {ai }" ,{bj }∈S2d2 −1 ≥ max i,j∈[r] Mij ai · bj ! " " M a · b ij i j i,j∈[r] " dadb(a · b)(a"i · b"j ) " dadb(a · b)(ai · bj ) a,b∈Sn−1 {ai },{bj }∈Sn−1 ! # a,b∈Sn−1 $ % maxA,B:Sn−1 →Sn−1 a,b∈Sn−1 dadb(a · b) A(a) · B(b) ω2∗n/2 (M) $ % >1 # ≥ ∗ ωd (M ) maxA" ,B" :Sn−1 →S2d2 −1 a,b∈Sn−1 dadb(a · b) A" (a) · B " (b) Generalization of ! Grothendieck’s constant max{ai },{bj }∈Sn−1 i,j∈[r] Mij ai · bj KG (n) constant Definition:max For m<n, let K! smallest G(n⟿m) be the≤ {αi },{βj }∈{±1} i,j∈[r] Mij αi βj for, s.t. for every real rxr matrix M KG (n "→ m) ≥ ωd∗ (M ) ≤ ∗ ω2n/2 (M ) max{ai },{bj }∈Sn−1 max{a"i },{b"j }∈Sm−1 max " {ai }" ,{bj }∈S2d2 −1 ≥ max i,j∈[r] Mij ai · bj ! " " M a · b ij i j i,j∈[r] " dadb(a · b)(a"i · b"j ) " dadb(a · b)(ai · bj ) a,b∈Sn−1 {ai },{bj }∈Sn−1 ! # a,b∈Sn−1 $ % maxA,B:Sn−1 →Sn−1 a,b∈Sn−1 dadb(a · b) A(a) · B(b) ω2∗n/2 (M) $ % >1 # ≥ ∗ ωd (M ) maxA" ,B" :Sn−1 →S2d2 −1 a,b∈Sn−1 dadb(a · b) A" (a) · B " (b) Generalization of ! Grothendieck’s constant max{ai },{bj }∈Sn−1 i,j∈[r] Mij ai · bj KG (n) constant Definition:max For m<n, let K! smallest G(n⟿m) be the≤ {αi },{βj }∈{±1} i,j∈[r] Mij αi βj for, s.t. for every real rxr matrix M KG (n "→ m) ≥ max{ai },{bj }∈Sn−1 max{a"i },{b"j }∈Sm−1 ! i,j∈[r] Mij ai · bj ! " " M a · b ij i j i,j∈[r] KG(n) • KG(n⟿1)ω=d∗(M dadb(a · b)(a"i · b"j ) )≤ max }∈S (n⟿m) ≤ Ka,b∈S G(n) • Trivial upper bound:{aK}G,{b 2) We prove first lower bound: K (n⟿m) > 1+1/2m-1/2n O(1/m G • " i ∗ ω2n/2 (M ) ≥ " " j " 2d2 −1 n−1 max {ai },{bj }∈Sn−1 # a,b∈Sn−1 dadb(a · b)(ai · bj ) $ % maxA,B:Sn−1 →Sn−1 a,b∈Sn−1 dadb(a · b) A(a) · B(b) ω2∗n/2 (M) $ % >1 # ≥ ∗ ωd (M ) maxA" ,B" :Sn−1 →S2d2 −1 a,b∈Sn−1 dadb(a · b) A" (a) · B " (b) n−1 Generalization of Grothendieck’s ω2∗ (M ) ≥ max dadb(a · b)(aconstant i · bj ) {a },{b }∈S ! n/2 i j max{ai },{bj }∈Sn−1 n−1 " a,b∈Sn−1 i,j∈[r] Mij ai · bj KG (n) constant Definition:max For m<n, let K! smallest G(n⟿m) be the≤ $ % {αi },{βj }∈{±1} #i,j∈[r] Mij αi βj for, A,B:S s.t. for every real rxr matrix dadb(a · b) M A(a) · B(b) max ω ∗n/2 (M) n−1 →Sn−1 a,b∈S 2 ωd∗ (M ) ≥ n−1 $ % >1 " (a) · B " (b) maxA" ,B" :Sn−1max dadb(a · b) A M a →S2d{a 2 −1 ij i · bj a,b∈S n−1 i },{b j }∈Sn−1 i,j∈[r] KG (n "→ m) ≥ # max{a"i },{b"j }∈Sm−1 ! " " M a · b ij i j i,j∈[r] ! ∗ ω (G) 2 2n/2 KG (n "→ 2d") = ωd∗ (G) KG(n) • KG(n⟿1)ω=d∗(M dadb(a · b)(a"i · b"j ) )≤ max }∈S (n⟿m) ≤ Ka,b∈S G(n) • Trivial upper bound:{aK}G,{b 2) % $ # We prove first lower bound: K (n⟿m) > 1+1/2m-1/2n O(1/m G • " dadbM(a, b) A(a) · B(b) maxA,B:S →S i KG (n "→ m) ∗ ≥ " " j 2d2 −1 n−1 n−1 #a,b∈Sn−1 n−1 "b(a) " (b) ω ≥ dadb(a · b)(a · ) n/2 (M ) " ,B "max i j max dadbM(a, b) A · B A :S →S 2 m−1 by Our lower bound is n−1 proved choosing M: For a,b Sn-1, a,b∈S {ai },{bj }∈Sn−1 n−1 a,b∈Sn−1 let M be a function: M(a,b) = a.b $ % $$ %% dadb(a ·· b) A(a) · ·B(b) maxA,B:Sn−1 →Sn−1 a,b∈Sn−1dadb(a ∗ b) A(a) B(b) max ω2Kn/2 (M) A,B:S →S n−1 n−1 a,b∈S # $ % n−1 ≥ > 1 G (n "→ m) $ % # " " >1 ≥ max · B (b) ∗ A" ,B " :Sn−1 →Sm−1 a,b∈Sn−1 dadb(a · b) A (a) " " ω (M ) d ## maxA" ,B" :Sn−1 →S2d2 −1 a,b∈Sn−1 dadb(a · b) A (a) · B (b) Relation to dimension witness game a game (π,V) by infinitely many questions, labelled ! •Define ! max M a ·b as i },{b}∈S j }∈Sn−1 i,j∈[r]Mijijai i· bjj max{a{ai },{b n−1 j i,j∈[r] ! Sn-1, and≤≤ KGG(n) (n) unit vectors a,b π(a,b)V(a,b) ! K max{α{α},{β Mijijααi β i βjj i },{β}∈{±1} j }∈{±1} i,j∈[r]M max i • = M(a,b) = a.b i,j∈[r] j ! ! Mijaai··bbj max{ai },{bj }∈Sn−1 i,j∈[r]M max ij i j {a },{b }∈S n−1 ! i j i,j∈[r] K (n → " m) ≥ G ByKTsirelson, numerator and denominator ! " " G (n "→ m) ≥ the " },{b" }∈S max M a · b " " ij {a m−1 i j i,j∈[r] " }∈S max{a"i },{b i j m−1 i,j∈[r] Mij ai · bj j local correlations "" # $ ∗ # $ max dadb(a · b) A(a) · B(b) ≤ ω ∗2n/2 (M) max dadb(a · b) A(a) · B(b) ≤ ω (M) A,B:Sn−1 →Sn−1 a,b∈S A,B:Sn−1 →Sn−1 a,b∈S n−1 n−1 2n/2 "" ∗ # A" " (a) · B" " (b)$ ω dadb(a max · b) ∗ d (M ) ≤ ωd (M ) ≤ A" " ,B" " :Smax dadb(a · b) A (a) · B (b) n−1 →S2d2 −1 a,b∈S n−1 A ,B :Sn−1 →S2d2 −1 a,b∈S n−1 # $ % # $ % # $ maxA,B:Sn−1 →Sn−1 a,b∈Sn−1 dadb(a · b) A(a) · B(b) /2 (M) max dadb(a · b) A(a) · B(b) $ > 1 (M) ≥ A,B:Sn−1 →Sn−1 a,b∈S # % n−1 ∗ (M ) ≥ maxA" ,B" :Sn−1 →S2d2 −1% a,b∈Sn−1 dadb(a · b)# A" " (a) · B"" (b)$ > 1 dM ) maxA" ,B" :Sn−1 →S2d2 −1 a,b∈Sn−1 dadb(a · b) A (a) · B (b) ∗ ω (G) ∗ 2 2n/2(G) ω K (n "→ 2d ) = n/2 KGG(n "→ 2d2 ) = 2ω∗d∗ (G) ωd (G) % # $ bound non- 2 i=1 ai m a∈Sn−1 da KG (n !→ m) ≥ $ % &m 2 (1/2 n da a Relation to}∈Sdimension witness game max{a },{b i,j∈[r] Mij ai · bj i n−1 j ! i i=1 a∈Sn−1 -2 ) Γ( m2 )Γ( n+1 2 m+1 Γ( 2 )Γ( n2 ) G 1 1 1 ≥ 1− + − O( 2 ) 2m 2n m > 1 . m = n ≤ K (n) , Mij αquestions, {α },{β }∈{±1} i βj i,j∈[r] a gamemax (π,V) by infinitely many labelled ! •Define ! max M a ·b i as j i },{b}∈S j }∈Sn−1 i,j∈[r]Mijijai i· bjj max{a{ai },{b n−1 j i,j∈[r] ! Sn-1, and≤≤ KGG(n) (n) unit vectors a,b π(a,b)V(a,b) = ! ! K max M α β i jj i },{β}∈{±1} j }∈{±1} i,j∈[r]Mijijαi β max{α{α},{β i • ! i,j∈[r] j KG (n "→ m) ≥ max{ai },{bj }∈Sn−1 M(a,b) =|ψ!a ∈bC d×d i,j∈[r] Mij ai · bj (a1 , . . . , ak ) ! A(a) = " " 1 , . . . , ak )% %(a M a · b ij i |φ!j∈ Cn×n i,j∈[r] ! ! "M " }∈S a max{ai },{bj }∈Sn−1max {a },{b ij i··bbjm−1 i,j∈[r] M a max i j ij i j {a },{b }∈S n−1 ! i j i,j∈[r] K (n → " m) ≥ G . k ByKTsirelson, numerator and denominator bound ! " " /non'1/2 0 G (n "→ m) ≥ the " " max M a · b 1 " " ij {a },{b }∈S 2 m−1 i,j∈[r] " }∈S max{a"i },{b i j da (a · xi ) χ= m−1 "aii· bjj i,j∈[r] Mij j k i=1 local correlations 2n/2 ×2n/2 " ∗ " " |φ! ∈ C " ωd (M ) ≤ # max $ dadb(a · b)(a · b ) i j ∗ # $ " }∈S " ,{b |ψ& ∈ Cd×d max dadb(a · b) A(a) · B(b) ≤ ω ∗2n/2 (M) {a } 2 i j · B(b) 2d −1 ≤ a,b∈S max dadb(a · b) A(a) ω (M) n−1 A,B:Sn−1 →Sn−1 a,b∈S A,B:Sn−1 →Sn−1 a,b∈S n−1 n−1 2n/2 "" " ∗ # A" " (a) · B" " (b)$ ∗ ω dadb(a max · b) ∗ d (M ) ≤ n/2 2 ωd (M ) ≤ A" " ,B" " :Smax dadb(a · b) A (a) · B (b) 2→S n−1 2d −1 a,b∈S n−1 A ,B :Sn−1 →S2d2 −1 a,b∈S {ai },{bj }∈Sn−1 a,b∈S n−1 n−1 ω (M ) ≥ max Set n = 2d2+1 so that m>n % # ω2∗n/2 (G) >1 ∗ ∈ Cn×n |ψ& ω (G) d Alice $ Bob dadb(a · b)(ai Verifier ·! bj ) ! ω2∗"n/2# (G) M(u, v) = ∗ da > 1 db(a · b) M =u πV b∈Rv ωa∈R d (G) . . # $ π(u, v)V (αu , βv |uv) maxA,B:Sn−1 →Sn−1% a,b∈Sn−1 dadb(a · b)## A(a) · B(b)$ ! = ! a·b $ % /2 (M) " " max dadb(a · b) A(a) · B(b) b∈R a∈R (M) ∗≥ A,B:Sn−1 →Sn−1 a,b∈S # $ % ∗ > 1 n−1 ω (G ) = max da db(a · b) ∗ max finitedadb(a " (a) " (b)$ > 1 · b) A(a) · B(b) # % d ≥ ω (M) A,B:S →S (M ) n−1 n−1 " " max dadb(a · b) A · B n/2 a,b∈S A,B:S →S ,B :Sn−1 →S2d2 −1 a,b∈Sn−1 n−1 dM ) 2 maxAA a∈Ru " ,B " :S · B " (b) u∈E.% b∈R $2d2−1 u∈E 0 0. >v 1 % ≥n−1→S2d2 −1 a,b∈Sn−1 dadb(a · b) #A" (a)n−1 ωd∗ (M ) •This is a u maxA" ,B" :Sn−1 →S2d2 −1 ∗ ω (G) ∗ 2 2n/2(G) ω K (n that "→ 2d2 Alice ) = n/2and game KGG(n "→ 2d ) = 2ω∗d∗ (G) ωd (G) " (a) · Bda" (b) dadb(a · b) A a,b∈Sn−1 n−1 2d2 −1 u∈E a∈Ru u∈E db(a · b) A( b∈Rv ≤ ωd∗(Ginfinite ) Bob can play better with ! more entanglement KG (n "→ 2d2 ) % ωd∗ (Gfinite≤ ) =ωd∗ (Ginfinite max) A,B:S →S v ! ∗ " " . ω2n/2 (G) 0. db(a · b)(u · v da 0 ω2∗n/2∗ (Gfinite ) = ω2"n/2# (Gfinite ) = da db(a · b)(u · v) = b∈Rv u ∗ u∈E u∈E a∈R # $ u∈E a∈Ru u∈E b∈Rv ∗ ω (G) 2 2n/2 KG (n "→ 2d ) = ωd∗ (G) $ # % Lower bound on K (n⟿m) dadbM(a, b) A(a) · B(b) # $ % KG (n "→ m) ≥ G maxA" ,B" :Sn−1 →Sm−1 a,b∈Sn−1 dadbM(a, b) A" (a) · B " (b) maxA,B:Sn−1 →Sn−1 a,b∈Sn−1 $ # % dadb(a · b) A(a) · B(b) # $ % >1 KG (n "→ m) ≥ maxA" ,B" :Sn−1 →Sm−1 a,b∈Sn−1 dadb(a · b) A" (a) · B " (b) maxA,B:Sn−1 →Sn−1 a,b∈Sn−1 " Denominator maxmaximizing dadb(a ·maps b) (A(a) ·and B(b) B We need to =find the A A,B:S →S n−1 $ % m−1 $ % % $ % (a · b) (A(a) · B(b) = a ⊗ A(a) · b ⊗ B(b) &" $ $ % ' &" $ % ' 2 axA$i ,Bj$ :Sn−1 →Sm−1 dadb(a · b) A (a) · B (b) ai ,bj ∈Sn−1 # (a) · B # (b) $ $ a,b∈S dadb(a max · b) A n−1 i,j Ai ,Bji,j :Sn−1 →Sm−1 a,b∈Sn−1 1 How ωto choose A and B (G) KG (n $→ !2d2 ) = sup G ∗ 2%n/2& ωd∗ (G) & $ $ % = max dadb(a · b) (A(a) · B(b) A,B:S n−1 →Sm−1 Denominator max dadb(a · b) (A(a) · B(b) # = Dk = # A,B:Sn−1 $ →Sm−1 max dadb(a · b) (A(a) · B(b) % $ # can be$ written # The integrand as$an inner product • A(a) · B(b) = a ⊗ A(a) · b ⊗ B(b) A,B:Sn−1 →Sk−1 $ $ % $ % $ % $ · B(b)% $= a ⊗ A(a) % (a · b)% (A(a) · b ⊗ B(b) (a · b) (A(a) · B(b) = a ⊗ A(a) · b ⊗ B(b) max %! &# Sn−1 →Sm−1 & %! & # $ # $ ( '& ' &#· '& db b$⊗ B(b) ' da a ⊗ A(a) % $ % $ % # $ % # db b ⊗ B (b) Dk = da = a ⊗ A(a)max· db b ⊗da B(b) Denominator a ⊗ A (a) · A,B:Sn−1 →Sm−1 '! '2 # $ ' ' 2 2 & max ' da a ⊗ A(a) ' = )%χv% = χ ) $ % →S 1 k−1 ) )2 2 2 Dk = max ) da a ⊗ A(a) ) = %χv% = χ A:Sn−1 →Sk−1 M(a, b) := π(a, b)(αa βb |ab) = a · b M(a, b) := π(a, b)(αa βb |ab) = a · b m ( 1 ( 2 · b) A(a) · B(b) axA$i ,Bj$ :Sn−1 dadb(a · b) A (a) · B (b) dadb(a max ,b ∈S n−1 i j →Sm−1 Aamax ,B :S →S n−1 n−1 a,b∈S i ja,b∈S $ n−1 $ dadb(a · b) A# (a) · B # (b) 1 Ai ,Bji,j :Sn−1 →Sm−1 i,j m) ≥ " n−1 a,b∈S n−1 # $ (a) · B $ (b) maxA$i ,Bj$ :Sn−1 dadb(a · b) A →Sm−1to ∗ a,b∈S How choose A and B n−1 ω2%n/2& (G) KG (n $→ !2d ) = sup ω#d∗ (G) G 2 $ & $ $ % = max dadb(a · b) (A(a) · B(b) A,B:S n−1 →Sm−1 Denominator dadb(a · b) (A(a) · B(b) !max # = A,B:Sn−1 $ →Sm−1 % # Dk = max dadb(a · b) (A(a) · B(b) minator = max dadb(a · b) (A(a) · B(b) A,B:S →S →S $ #A,B:S $ written # n−1 m−1 can be as$an inner product •The integrand n−1 k−1 A(a) · B(b) = a ⊗ $A(a) · b ⊗ B(b) % $ $ % $ % $ · B(b)% $= a ⊗ A(a) % (a · b)% (A(a) · b ⊗ B(b) (a · b) (A(a) · B(b) = a ⊗ A(a) · b ⊗ B(b) # %! $ & # %! $ # & $ (a · b) (A(a) ·#B(b) =$ a ⊗'A(a)# · b ⊗ $B(b) ( ' max &# Sn−1 →Sm−1 $ ' &#· da a ⊗ A(a) $ % ( & db b ⊗ B(b) & ' $ % # % $ % $ # db b ⊗da B(b) a ⊗ A (a) · db b ⊗ B (b) Dk = da = a ⊗ A(a)max· Denominator A,B:S% →Sm−1 n−1 & % & ! ! '! '2 # $ # $ # $ ' is maximal ' davectors 2 A(a) 2 parallel. This if these are So set B=A. • tor = max a ⊗ db b ⊗ B(b) · & max da a ⊗ A(a) = %χv% = χ ' ' ) ) $ %)2 1 →Sk−1 A,B:Sn−1 →Sm−1 ) 2 2 Dkto = calculate max the) maximal da a ⊗length A(a) )of = %χv% = χ a vector •We need A:Sn−1 →Sk−1 '! '2 # $ ' M(a, b) := π(a, b)(αa'βb |ab) = a · b 2 2 Dk = max ' da a ⊗ A(a) ' = %χv% = χ A:Sn−1 →Sk−1 m ( M(a, b) := π(a, b)(αa βb |ab) = a · b 1 unit vector M(a, b) := π(a, b)(αa βb |ab) = a · b How to choose A •Take the Schmidt decomposition of v: v= m ! λi xi ⊗ yi i=1 ({x1,...,xn} and {y1,...,ym} are bases for Rn and Rm respectively) ( % &' !" m # $& ( ) % ! " χ = (χv) · v != da a ⊗ A(a) · λ x ⊗ y & ( m & ' i i i % % k ' " m # $ ! ' #y $ # a ⊗ A(a)$ i=1x ⊗ χχ = (χv) · v = da · λ ida i ya ⊗ i A(a) = (χv) · v = A(a) · λ x ⊗ · χda max " =a ⊗)' i i i m * i=1 A:Sn−1 →Sk−1 i=1 λi (a · x*i )yi · A(a) da i=1 m ""= ))' m ' * % i=1 k + · A(a) λ )y = da ! i (a· ·xx i i · A(a) λi (a )y = da i i i=1 = max i=1 + m →Sk−1 A:Sn−1 da(a · xi ) · i=1 (a · xi )yi , A(a)+ = , +k + , (a · x(a)y· xi )yi , mm (a ·i=1 xi )y i i i i=1 i=1 ,, A(a) A(a) = = ,,+ + k k ,i , , (a · x )y (a · x )y i i ", i=1 i m i=1 ) ' 1 2 *1/2 da χ "= ai mm *m " ) ' ) a∈S 1/2 n−1 ' 1/2 11 i=12 * = da aia2i =m da m a∈S i=1 a∈Sn−1 n−1 i=1 λi A(a) · i=1 •Again we should set the vectors parallel. This gives an integral we can just evaluate χ χ 2 ! 1 1/2 da χ= a2i m a∈S n−1 Now just evaluatei=1the integrals *1/2 2 0 $ 1 +n 2 da a i i=1 n a∈Sn−1 KG (n "→ m) ≥ 0 $ 1 +m 2 %1/2 da m i=1 ai a∈Sn−1 4 " Γ( m+1 ) &2 2 √ = m mΓ( 2 ) 1 1 1 − − O( 2 ) ≥ 1+ 2m 2n m > 1 " n+1 &2 Γ( 2 ) √ n nΓ( 2 ) A(a) = (a1 , . . . , ak ) (Gfinite ) = "! u∈E a∈Ru Making the da db(a ·game b)(u · v)finite "! "! u∈E |ψ! ∈ C b∈Rv "! v E db(a · b)(a · b) − 2ε da from an ε-net: •Take≥ questions b∈R a∈R E={u ,...,u } S s.t. for every u u∈E u∈E 1 ∗ t n-1 = ω2n/2 (Ginfinite ) − a Sn-1, there exist a v 2ε u E close to a: ||a - u|| ≤ ε ≤ ∗ ωd (G 2 finite ) u E ∗ ωd (Ginfinite ) region Ru |φ! ∈ C a2 |φ! ∈ C d×d n×n b n/2 ×2n/2 Sn -1 ∗ (G) ω 2n/2 >1 ∗ ωd (G) region Ru is∗the set a Sn-1 to which u is the closest •The ∗ ! ω2 (Gfinite ) ≥ ω2 (Ginfinite ) − 2ε dadb(a · b) •Finite game: For questions u,v E Mfinite (u, v) := n/2 n/2 ω2∗n/2 (Minfinite ) ω2∗n/2 (Mfinite ) + 2ε ≥ >1 ∗ ∗ ωd (Mfinite ) ωd (Minfinite ) ∗ a∈Ru b∈Rv •Set n and ε appropriately "! "! Summary •Grothendieck’s inequality: non-local vs classical games •Generalization (KG(n⟿m)): non-local vs non-local •For every d, there is an XOR game M and finite n>d, s.t. ωd*(M) < ωn*(M). (Binary dimension witnesses exist.) •We showed this by proving KG(n⟿m)>1
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