Hadassah Great Plains E-Bulletin

Hadassah Great Plains
August 2015
No. 3
A Word from the Region President
Dr. Daana also works in East Jerusalem as Director of
the Clalit Child Development Center. The Center
provides multidisciplinary child development
diagnostic services to about 54,000 children of Arabic
origin. A child who previously attained developmental
milestones requires a whole cascade of investigations
- careful family history, CAT scans, EEGs, MRIs, and
genetic and metabolic testing. With proper diagnosis
and therapy, Dr. Daana and his staff hope to
effectively treat each child and their family.
Hadassah Sisters,
I hope you have been enjoying the benefits of
summer - more daylight hours, lighter clothing,
maybe even more time to connect with friends and
Just as sisters in a family don't always look alike,
Hadassah sisters can look very different. Yet, we
share the "family gene," we care about each other’s
life events, we share our intellect and emotions. We
are "there" for each other, as well as advocates for
women throughout the world. Check out Hadassah's
Advocacy news on www.hadassah.org/advocate.
However, sisters do often look alike because of
shared genes. This can also mean they may share
influential DNA abnormalities, including missing
genes or a rearrangement of certain chromosomes.
The specialty of Dr. Muhannad Daana, Hadassah
Medical Organization Pediatric Neurologist and Child
Development Specialist is investigating the possible
causes of developmental delay in very young
children. Examination, diagnosis and treatment of
these children involves both the child and the
parents, who need intensive social and community
We have had our share of rainy summer days to catch
up on Hadassah's eye-opening series: Defining
Zionism in the 21st Century. If you haven’t yet, on
your computer or other "device," go to
www.hadassah.org/definingzionism. There you will
find the archive of each one hour program previously
shown. Pause, replay and fast forward at your leisure.
Have an opinion about what the expert says? Use
What's Your Opinion? and join the discussion. Want
to share with friends and sisters? Use the Spread the
Word option. We love to hear what feelings this
important series provokes.
While you're on hadassah.org, check out pictures and
stories about the July National Business Meeting and
Symposium in Philadelphia, the city of Sisterly Love.
This year's theme was PowerUp, and all the delegates
were super charged with enthusiasm for Hadassah's
extraordinary work. Imagine, Ellen Hershkin,
President Elect, has 330,000 Hadassah sisters she
represents and for the next four years we are all
wishing her strength and wisdom.
And I wish you many more warm, sunny days and
many warm moments shared with sisters as we begin
our period of intensive introspection, of clarifying
life’s goals and coming closer to God during this
month of Elul.
Teree Farbstein
Hadassah Great Plains
Page 2
In this Issue
Hadassah Quick Links
Save the Date
Information for the October
Region Meeting
Take Action!- Learn More
about the Iran Nuclear Deal
Hadassah Elects New National 5
Power Up! National Business
Meeting spans stem cells to
News from Israel and HMO
Strengthen the Power of
Women by giving the gift of
Chai Lights
Hadassah Quick
Make a Donation
Give the Gift of Life
Hadassah Medical
Check out additional information about the region
meeting on the next page
Page 3
Join us!!
for the Hadassah Great Plains fall board meeting
Gillian Sescoe
Hadassah’s Washington Advocacy
Representative to the Congress and
U.S Government Agencies
When: October 24-25, 2015
Where: Double Tree by Hilton Chicago-North Shore Conference Center
The Fall region board meeting and general meeting is open to all and will include:
Board meeting and Let's talk about Israel Saturday night beginning with a buffet dinner
at 5 pm and ending at 10:00 pm.
 Focus on Advocacy on Sunday - Sessions and wrap-up from 9:00 am- 3:30 pm
Beginning Sunday evening, with dinner on your own, the Exec board will meet and
continue with their agenda on Monday from 9 am- 12.00 pm.
 We will break at 10:00 am to hear the latest on HMO direct from Israel. Anyone
who is in the area and wants to come and hear from Barbara Sofer, Israel
Director of Public Relations and Communications for Hadassah - please plan on
The Registration fee is $50 (includes Saturday dinner). The hotel room rate is $109.00.
Page 4
Take Action!
On July 14, the United States, P5+1 (United Kingdom, France, Russia,
China, and German), and Iran announced an agreement on Iran’s nuclear
program. Iran Nuclear Agreement Review Act of 2015 (H.R. 1191), signed
into law on May 22, mandates that Congress shall have 60 days to review
and vote on the agreement before any sanctions can be lifted.
Your voice counts. See Hadassah's
Iranian Nuclear Agreement Fact
Sheet to get the facts and then
contact your Representatives and
Senators directly.
Help us reach 60,000 signatures›
Hadassah's National Board and Delegates approved a new Iran policy
statement at the 2015 National Business Meeting and Symposium in
"Hadassah recognizes the efforts of the United States and members of the
international community to secure a diplomatic solution to the issue of
Iran's nuclear program. However, we remain acutely concerned that the
proposed agreement will fail to prevent Iran from obtaining nuclear
weapons." Read the full statement.
Urge your legislators to insist that any agreement must ensure Iran’s
transparency about its nuclear activities, security safeguards, and compliance prior to the lifting of any economic
sanctions. It is essential to maintain a credible threat of economic pressure to ensure that Iran does not abandon or
violate the process.
Send a Letter to Congress!
Learn more about the Iran nuclear deal.
Become a Hadassah Advocate!
Register for the Email Action Network!
Keep apprised of issues that matter. Sign up for Hadassah's email Advocacy Alerts to stay informed on the latest
legislation before Congress, Hadassah’s policy priorities and opportunities for action.
50 State Advocacy Network!
Join our 50 State Advocacy network and effect change in your community and nationwide. Help start a Hadassah
advocacy initiative in your community or join an existing effort. Members play a vital role in our local, state, and
national advocacy initiatives. Interested in rolling up your sleeves and really making a difference? Join us!
The Network works closely with the Hadassah Advocacy Team to disseminate advocacy information and mobilize local
members, as well as provide the Team with information on members’ policy concerns, interests, and needs on the
Click her to Sign Up to become a Hadassah
Page 5
Powered Up! in Philadelphia
Hadassah Elects Ellen Hershkin As New National President
Press Release by Renee Young, National Public Relations
PHILADELPHIA — Hadassah, the Women's Zionist Organization of
America (HWZOA), announced today that Ellen Hershkin was officially
elected as the new National President at its annual meeting in
Philadelphia, PA. The new national president, the organization's 26th in
its 103rd year, will lead the 300,000-member organization through the
beginning of Hadassah's second century, overseeing Hadassah's
renowned efforts in the areas of groundbreaking medical research,
support for Israel, public advocacy and leadership training for women.
Outgoing National President Marcie Natan, whose term ends December
31, 2015, led the organization for four years, negotiating the historic
agreement between the Government of Israel, Hadassah Medical
Organization and HWZOA and advocating on key issues of national
Since the beginning of her membership in 1973, Hershkin has held various leadership roles within Hadassah. In addition
to serving on Hadassah's National Board and Executive Committee, Hershkin is a former board member of the Jewish
National Fund and the United Israel Appeal Board. In May 2006,
at its annual installation event, the Suffolk Council of Jewish
Organizations bestowed its highest honor on her for her
leadership, commitment and dedication to Jewish life.
Throughout her 42 year membership in Hadassah, Hershkin has
served as a national vice president, national secretary, the
national coordinator of Young Judaea, national chair of
Hadassah's Membership Outreach Department, the national
chair of the Public Affairs Department and the National Office in
Israel, national chair of Hadassah's Convention in 2004 and as a
member on various committees throughout the organization.
Click here to read the article in its entirety
Free for Members
Become a Hadassah Leadership Fellow and experience the POWER
OF WOMEN WHO DO. Represent Hadassah to a broader
constituency and engage in a program that will shape Hadassah's
Second Century agenda.
Click here for more information on the Hadassah Leadership Fellows
To apply, visit the pre-application form
Pre–Applications will be accepted through November 2, 2015.
Select applicants will be notified if they have been invited to
submit a full application.
A 2015 digital subscription to the Jewish
Review of Books (JRB) is FREE to Hadassah
members. It includes an app, access to
archives, and an eBook. JRB is where leading
writers discuss books and ideas about
religion, culture, politics, and the arts.
Find out more and register today›
Page 6
Powered Up! in Philadelphia
National Business Meeting spans stem cells to Zionism
Written by Evie Roberts Levine, St. Louis Chapter
Hadassah’s National Business Meeting &
Symposium, held July 14-15, 2015 in
Philadelphia, PA, charged delegates and guests
to, “Power Up, Stand Up, Speak Up and Step
Up” and it did not disappoint! From the first
moment when Bobbi Kraft and Lynne Savran,
2015 Meeting Co-Chairs welcomed us, we were
treated to a wide range of speakers, videos and
presentations that informed us on the latest
from around the world. Marcie Natan, National
President and Janice Weinman, Executive
Director/CEO brought us up-to-the moment on
all of Hadassah’s projects. Joyce Rabin, Chair of
the Hadassah Medical Organization, introduced
us to Professor Ronen Leker MD, Director of
Stroke Service and the Peritz and Chantal
Scheinberg Cerebrovascular Research
(Back Row) Dale Marcus, Teree Farbstein , Evie Levine
Department of Neurology at
(Front Row) Linda Spitzer-Gavatin, Rita Shapiro, Fred Safer
Hadassah-Hebrew University Medical Center.
Dr. Leker shared the amazing use of stem cell therapy to help regrow neural pathways hours or even days after a stroke.
Nancy Falchuk, Past National President and Hadassah Magazine Chair, helped us to honor Alan Tigay, Executive Editor of
Hadassah Magazine, retiring after 35 years. Marcie Natan delivered a heartfelt message to all in attendance. We also
celebrated Keepers of the Gate’s 18th Birthday and the Great Plains Region was delighted to win several prize drawings for
complementary Keepers of the Gate mailings in the coming year. The chapters who won include Greater Kansas City and
Delegates were honored to ratify the National Board’s selection of Ellen Hershkin as the 26th Hadassah National President!
She will begin her term in January 2016.
Benita Ross, Youth Aliyah Chair, brought us on a pictorial journey from Addis Ababa, Ethiopia to Jerusalem, and told us
about the recent trip for some young adult Israelis to their villages in Ethiopia to see where they were born. We learned
the very latest news about Anti-Semitism from Mark Weitzman, Director of Government Affairs at the Simon Weisenthal
Center, even with horrific events occurring around the world, there were some encouraging developments, such as the
Hungarian Holocaust History Museum changing its focus in response to Jewish community outcry. Martin Raffle, Former
Israel & International Affairs Director, Jewish Council for Public Affairs and Jasmine Patihi, StandWithUs, Tri-State Area High
School Program Coordinator discussed what is being done now to promote a dialogue about Zionism in the 20th Century.
We learned about the latest on Young Judea from Sue Beller, Chair. Ellen Hershkin, current PRAZE Division Coordinator,
discussed “How to talk about Israel” and distributed a newly updated manual on the topic. This valuable publication
includes mock scenarios with suggested responses, “elevator speeches” and provides preparation for many situations.
Future Missions to Israel were outlined – there’s a mission for every interest and ability.
Finally, Carol Ann Schwartz and Merna Shapiro, 2016 Co-Chairs, invited all of us to the 2016 National Convention in Atlanta,
Georgia! We hope to see you there!
Page 7
News from Israel and HMO
Stem Cells and Platelets: Hadassah Pioneers Stroke Strategy
The Hadassah Medical Center’s pioneering researchers are
leading the way in exploring a novel cutting-edge stem cell
treatment to reverse the disability a stroke leaves in its
While the brain contains stem cells that are capable of
some regeneration, the problem is that there are not
enough of them and they don’t survive for a long time. To
be effective in alleviating the damage cause by stroke,
these stem cells need to be enhanced.
Click here to read more
Hadassah-Developed Autoimmune Disease Drug Proves Safe in
Phase I Clinical Trial
A drug developed at the Hadassah Medical Organization to
help modulate the effects of autoimmune diseases such as
rheumatoid arthritis has proven safe in a Phase I clinical trial
at Hadassah. Manufactured by Protalix BioTherapeutics of
Carmiel, Israel, the drug, PRX-106, proved to activate T cells,
which have a central role in maintaining a well-functioning
immune system.
different doses of the protein compound for five consecutive
days, the results demonstrated that oral administration of
PRX-106 is safe and well tolerated in all three doses. In
addition, researchers observed that PRX-106 triggered the
action of various subsets of T cells, some of which are
correlated with an anti-inflammatory response.
Preclinical studies with PRX-106 proved to alleviate both
immune-mediated hepatitis and colitis in a mouse model,
"The results are very exciting and encouraging,” reports Prof.
enhancing serum levels of regulatory T-cells and significantly
Yaron Ilan of Hadassah’s Internal Medicine Department A
improving clinical arthritis parameters, such as joint
and a specialist in immunology and liver disease. “PRX-106
inflammation, swelling, and tissue degradation.
has the potential to be an effective agent for numerous
immune-mediated disorders."
PRX-106 uses plant cells as a natural capsule for this protein
compound. Protaliz anticipates that it will initiate the next
This Phase I trial tested the safety and tolerability of PRX-106
phase of clinical trials with patients at the end of the year.
in healthy volunteers. With three separate cohorts receiving
Hate Crime at Jerusalem Gay Pride Parade
Hadassah, the Women’s Zionist Organization of America,
condemns heinous acts of terrorism inflicted on all
innocent people. The murder of 16-year-old Shira Banki at
last week’s Gay Pride parade in Jerusalem deeply affected
our entire Hadassah family. Despite their best efforts, our
doctors at the Hadassah Medical Organization in Jerusalem
were unable to save Shira, who tragically died from the
stab wounds inflicted by a religious extremist. The doctors
who treated Shira and everyone at Hadassah in Israel and
the U.S. mourn her death and the many senseless deaths
extremism has claimed.
Thousands of marchers in the annual Jerusalem Gay Pride
Parade were turning into Keren Hayesasod Street when
assailant Yishai Schlissel lunged into the crowd, stabbing
marchers. Four of the victims were rushed to Hadassah Ein
Kerem. Shira Banki, 16, was bleeding so profusely that the
ambulance took her to the nearest hospital, Shaare Zedek.
The next day, she was transferred to Hadassah Medical
Organization because of edema, brain swelling and
ischemia, insufficient blood flow. Neurosurgeon Moni
Benifla said, "Sadly, it was too late, and this beautiful
young girl died."
Jerusalem Chief Rabbi Aryeh Stern, who condemned the
terror attack, is shown in this article visiting a patient at
Hadassah Ein Kerem. All patients have subsequently been
News from Israel and HMO
Page 7
Hadassah Conducts Unprecedented Trial of Stem Cell Treatment
the actual treatment or a placebo, the trial contains a
crossover design so that eventually everyone will get the
stem cell treatment, although some patients will receive
the actual treatment six months later.
The novel concept of injecting the stem cells directly into
the spinal fluid is aimed at getting the cells to circulate to
the various damaged areas of the central nervous system.
The injected stem cells, explains Prof. Karussis, “are at
their preliminary stage of maturity,” having the potential
to renew the damaged myelin, the nerve covering that
degenerates in MS, as well as to suppress the disease.
“The cell renewal process,” he says, “will not only prevent
future MS attacks, but will also significantly improve motor
and cognitive functions which were previously affected by
MS, including walking, memory, and more. Preliminary
An unprecedented clinical trial launched at the Hadassah
results of our trial have seen wheelchair-bound patients
Medical Organization, which will test the effectiveness of a
getting back on their own two feet.”
treatment for Multiple Sclerosis (MS) involving multiple
Prof. Karussis hopes to have an interim analysis of the
injections of enhanced stem cells directly into the
results within one year; the study is intended to be
cerebrospinal fluid, could bring hope to the 2.5 million
patients worldwide suffering from this neurodegenerative completed at the end of 2016 or early 2017.
“This is truly a groundbreaking trial on a worldwide scale,”
The trial, under the direction of Prof. Dimitrios Karussis,
head of Hadassah’s Multiple Sclerosis Center, is a large
randomized double-blind, placebo-controlled study that
will eventually have 48 MS patients. While the patients in
the control group will not know if they are initially getting
concludes Prof. Karussis. “The various unprecedented
components of the trial, including the multiple subjects,
unique injection technique, and double-injection hope to
pave the way to a new form of treatment for MS.”
At Hadassah, the Sky is the Limit
Ofir, age 16, was born with one heart chamber instead of
two. Over the years, he has come to the Hadassah Medical
Center for treatment sometimes 20 times a year. Often,
he’d have to stay for weeks or even months. “He will be our
patient forever and never have a regular life,” relates his
Hadassah pediatrician, Dr. I. “I wanted to do something
special for him, so I arranged a surprise.”
seemed he was going to miss being there in time for the
landing. Because of his heart condition, he could not run.
Dr. I. called his brother and told him they were on their way.
The pilot hovered over the landing pad until they arrived
and then brought down the chopper right in front of them.
Dressed in full gear, the pilot stepped out and introduced
himself to Ofir, shook Ofir’s hand, and showed him the
Dr. I. was only a medical student when he met Ofir and they helicopter. They took photos together. Their newly formed
became close. The doctor’s brother is a helicopter pilot in
relationship continues with the pilot periodically sending
the Israel Defense Forces. (Because of security purposes,
Ofir posters and presents from his Air Force unit.
pilots are cannot be identified and since the doctor has the
“When we talk about the Hadassah family, we mean it,”
same last name, his name needs to be withheld as well.)
says Dr. I. “The sky's the limit."
Because of Hadassah’s pivotal role in providing emergency
services for the nation, the pilot sometimes lands at
Hadassah. One day, the pilot called his brother to tell him
he was stopping by Hadassah as part of a helicopter military
preparedness exercise. Since Ofir was in the hospital for
treatment, Dr. I asked him if he would like to see a
helicopter landing.
Ofir was very excited. When he and Dr. I. headed for the
Hadassah landing pad, they could already see the chopper
in the air, about to land. Ofir was devastated because it
Strengthen the Power of Women by giving
the gift of membership
Page 9
Page 10
Chapter Chai Lights
Mazel Tov!!
Mazel Tov to Sherry Abramowitz, President of Greater Kansas City and Joan Katz, President of Indianapolis. Their
chapters were two of eighteen lucky winners drawn at the Annual Giving breakfast celebration during the National
Business Meeting in Philadelphia. The prize is a free mailing of 100 pieces to invite their members to join Keepers of
the Gate or Chai Society.
And that’s not all! Greater Kansas City achieved 95%+ retention of Keepers of the Gate in 2014 (units with 10 or more
Keepers of the Gate).
DuPage-Will Chapter
Book groups are popular and this summer the DuPage Will women read The Postmistress by Sarah Blake. They also have
a supportive and encouraging group for: Women Who Write. In June, they welcomed speaker, Donna Hershkopf, who
spoke about Human Trafficking. This summer the chapter was chosen as one of the charitable organizations to hold a
fundraiser/bake sale at the summer concert series. The DuPage Symphony Orchestra played that night. What a great
way to get exposure and raise some money!
Elgin Chapter
Hadassah Elgin picnic. Unfortunately the weather kept us indoors, but it was still a wonderful event with almost 30
people in attendance!
Pictured are Myra Becker, Addie Kohlhagen, Blossom Wohl, all celebrating the 90's just like Elgin
Greater Kansas City Chapter
Who Loves History? I Do!!! Who knows Sybil Kaplan? Sybil was the Greater Kansas City Chapter
President from 1996 – 1998; the Great Plains Region President from 2002 – 2005; and a member
of the National Board from 2002 to 2008. She has lived in Jerusalem, Israel for many years
now. AND, drum roll, she has written a book. Partly autobiography covering the 10 years she
was one of the few women foreign correspondents in Israel and partly the history of Israel from
1970 – 1980. She also covers a lot about Hadassah during her time on the National board and
her travels back and forth between Kansas City and Israel. Knowing Sybil, it will be a fascinating
detailed account. She is planning on self – publishing and pricing the book at $35.00.
Anyone interested can send a check c/o M. Kaplan, 3909 W. 101 Terrace, Overland Park, Kansas
66207. (Yes, this is Marion Kaplan, Immediate Past President of Greater Kansas City chapter)
Book Cover of Witness to History by Sybil Kaplan
Page 11
Chapter Chai Lights
Milwaukee Chapter
On Wednesday, July 15, the Milwaukee Chapter held its annual donor event in the
beautiful backyard of the home of Susie and Bob Fono. The weather was warm and
sunny (as Susie said, "compliments of my mother!").
The guest speaker, Michael Eglash (son of Judy and Norb Eglash) lives in Israel.
Michael is the owner of Upstart Ideas, an Israel based company.
His topic was "The Future of Israel - How Will It Impact the Next Generation". He
also spoke about Birthright and the BDS (Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions)
Indianapolis Chapter
Indianapolis is busy! They have an active Book Club: The summer reads
have been The Golem and The Jinni by Helene Wecker, The Paris
Architect by Charles Belfoure and The Ice Cream Queen of Orchard Street
by Sue Gilman. They have played some maj, gone to the Jewish Theatre
to see Coming to See Aunt Sophie and have gone nowhere while raising
funds for the Tower with their “Stay at Home” Trip to Nowhere
The Season Opener on August 30 is an afternoon program with Dr.
Anantha Shekhas M.D. PhD. His topic is “Mood Disorders in Adults and
"Hadassah members preparing for our two annual
fall events: Roses for Rosh Hashanah and Opening
Meeting, August 30th."
From left to right- Freddie Kaseff, Phyllis Russell,
Shirley Aprison, and Beverly Bercovitz.
Hadassah Great Plains
2015 Hadassah Great Plains Executive Board
Teree Farbstein
St. Louis
Sherry Abramowitz
Greater Kansas City
Recording Secretary
Janet Leman
Quad Cities
Vice President
Randy Heidenfelder
Hadassah Chicago-North Shore
Vice President
Carole Kerr
Vice President
Rita Kramen
Vice President
Elaine Lampert
Rita Shapiro
Greater Kansas City
Susan Golding
Hadassah Chicago-North Shore
Natalie Silverman
Springfield, IL
Organization Coordinator
Tiffany Zacker
Leadership Coordinator
Cheryl Adelstein
St. Louis
Leadership Coordinator
Diane Maier
St. Louis
Membership Coordinator
Jean Friedman
Membership Coordinator
Merle Rumack
Operations Coordinator
Evie Lowenthal
Hadassah Chicago-North Shore
PRAZE Coordinator
Linda Ehrensaft
Fundraising Coordinator
Thank you to the many Portfolio Holders and Chapter Presidents who serve on the Region Board.
You may also want to check out…
Need to contact Hadassah Great Plains?
Hadassah International
Hadassah Great Plains Office
(C) 314-753-5035
[email protected]
Hadassah Magazine
Please forward the bulletin to your members.
"Charitable Deductions are allowed to the extent provided by law. While Hadassah intends to respect your wishes regarding gifts, in
Accordance with U.S. tax law requirements regarding deductibility of contributions, Hadassah shall have full dominion, control
and discretion over gifts."