Winter Catalog - Perry Church of the Nazarene

This winter, we encourage you to make space for the Spirit to
unite you with those you worship alongside at Perry Nazarene.
We have several small groups available for spiritual growth and
Christian education. Pray for the Lord’s direction and see where
he leads you and the community of Perry Nazarene.
The diagram below maps out the locations of various classes.
Each course description that follows in these pages identifies the
room number of the various classes. If you aren’t sure or have
questions, don’t hesitate to ask your neighbor, a greeter or a
Year Round Sunday School
Three adult Sunday School classes are offered every Sunday
morning throughout the year. Each class session stands
alone and participants are encouraged to join at any time.
Sundays (Weekly)
Room 207
The LOGOS class study this winter is “Kingdoms in Conflict.” The
Holy Spirit empowers God's people to live holy lives at the
intersection of the kingdom of God and the kingdom of this world.
Our battle is not against flesh and blood but against the
"principalities and powers" of darkness. During this study, we will
explore some of the dimensions of the kingdom of God and the
battle you and I are engaged in daily against the kingdom of this
world. A class guide is provided so that class members may be
prepared for discussion and to learn together in a fellowship of
Mountain Movers in Training
Sundays (Weekly)
Room 206
This winter, we will engage in a series called Perfectly Imperfect.
The Bible is filled with stories of people with all kinds of flaws and
imperfections. The astounding thing is what happens when God
changes their lives. Perfectly Imperfect is about people whose true
-to life stories are found in the New Testament. They are like us in
many ways-confused, tempted, and often afraid, but then they
meet Jesus, and their lives are wonderfully transformed. Through
the character sketches in this book, we learn how God works with
us. We discover something about the way God transforms us from
what we are into what we can be. In these sometimes tragic and
broken lives, we get a glimpse of how God renews us and
remakes us into people who are perfectly imperfect.
Sundays (Weekly)
Room 207
MissioLife is a class focused on missional living—leading followers
through the path of spiritual formation, from scripture to a way of
life. The heart of the class is to explore and experience the story
and mission of God in community through discussion as we apply
the scripture to our life today. Wherever you find yourself, there’s
a place for you to come and learn about what it means to live a
missional life.
Adult Electives
We have several electives available this fall. These shortterm classes are opportunities for specific study and growth
and open to anyone who would like to join.
Taking that first step into the church building— whether it’s our first
time in a church or it’s just the first time we’ve returned to the
church after being away — is a big step. Usually we have
questions about God and about faith. We don’t want you to leave
us with those questions unanswered. Our growth groups are a
series of four short-term consecutive classes meant to set the
foundation of the Christian faith. The sequence of classes is Bible
101, Christianity 101, Spirit Filled Life, and Nazarene Beliefs. You
don’t have to start with the first class in the sequence. Join at any
time and follow the courses through the sequence.
Christianity 101 (Starting January15)
Sundays (Weekly)
Room 206
Of the world's major religion-Christianity--we sometimes speak in
generalities. This person is "Christian" while another is "Hindu,"
ignoring the shades of distinction between different doctrines and
sects. And for those who are new to the faith, it is natural to
wonder "What does a Christian believe?" It is this question for
which Christianity 101 provides answers. Who is God and what is
his nature? Was Jesus really his son, and why is that important?
Similar questions about where the Bible came from, what purpose
does the Holy Spirit serve, what role does the church play in our
lives, and more, all stem from a heart seeking to know what
Christians share in common.
This eight-session examination will help students feel confident in
knowing the basics of the Christian faith. Whether you’re new to
church or have been here a while, we encourage you to stop in to
this class.
Adult Bible Study
Men’s Bible Study (starting January 4)
Wednesdays (Weekly)
Women’s Bible Study (starting January 4)
Wednesdays (Weekly)
Room 207
Seven Deadly Sins
“Can a leopard change its spots?” (Jeremiah 13:23) The famed
question was asked by the Lord, in the days of Jeremiah, to a
people “accustomed to doing evil.” It was meant to be a rhetorical
question, the answer being obvious. You are stuck in your ways.
Changing your ways is as easy as a leopard changing its spots.
Change was hard for them and is hard for us. Our brain waves
and our lives move along familiar patterns that resist change. By
the time we get to a certain age, we may conclude it is too late to
change. But through the power of the Holy Spirit, true
transformation is possible. “Do not be conformed to the pattern of
this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.”
Romans 12:2
For centuries, “the 7 deadly sins” has been at the heart of a
process of self-examination and moral transformation for the
Christian. The list of seven is: Envy, Vanity, Sloth, Greed, Anger,
Gluttony and Lust. These are not chosen because they are the
most frequent sins, but because they are the source of so many
other sins and create a major hindrance to live the life God desires
for us. This January, in our men’s and women’s groups we will
focus on the nature of these sevens sins. Our reflection together
will bring to light their destructive influence, seeking God’s grace
and power to set us free to serve our Lord and love one another.
Grief Share
GriefShare (starting January 11)
Wednesdays (Weekly)
Room 205
Have you lost a family member or close friend either recently or in
the past and feel you need to talk about them and how the loss is
affecting your daily life? GriefShare may be the place for you. It is
a 14-week faith based program utilizing a three pronged approach
to healing from loss. Each week there is a DVD featuring
specialists in grief counseling discussing various topics of
grief. There is a weekly workbook component and also time to
share in a support group setting. The weeks are separated into
three thematic categories: comfort, answers, hope. While it’s ideal
for group members to attend all 13 sessions, each weekly session
is designed to be “open”, meaning a person can begin attending at
any time. Members will find comfort, answers, and hope in every
session. It has been said that time will heal all wounds, but that is
not true where grief is concerned. It takes work to recover from the
loss of a loved one and find joy in living again. Eventually though
the insights taught in this
program can turn your
mourning into joy and begin
living a life that we term a "new
normal." There's real relief
and healing in knowing that
what you are experiencing is perfectly normal. Please consider
joining us for this semester’s GriefShare to see the difference it
can make in resolving the issues grief has left on your life.
Weekly Topics Include:
Is This Normal?
Challenges of Grief
The Journey of Grief – Part 1
The Journey of Grief – Part 2
Grief and Your Relationships
Guilt and Anger
Complicating Factors
Lessons of Grief – Part 1
Lessons of Grief – Part 2
What Do I Live For Now?
Real Life Student Ministries (all year round)
Wednesdays (Weekly) 7:00-8:15pm
Perry Nazarene
Mid-week youth gathering for students in 7th – 12th grade. Join
your youth group family to have fun and fellowship as we worship
and learn together what it means to follow Jesus.
Sunday School (Weekly)
Perry Nazarene
We have two Sunday School classes, one for 7th-8th (Rm 204)
and one for 9th-12th (Lower Level). We discuss and learn how to
apply God’s word to our life in practical ways.
Sr. High Small Group (Weekly)
Barber Home
This is for 9th-12th and college-aged students who want to go
deeper into the Word and seek harder after an authentic faith that
is real with God and real with others. Meal or snacks included.
First session begins January 15 and meets every Sunday after.
27-28: District Celebrate Life
11: Winter Jam ($10)
25: Children’s Quiz Meet Fundraiser
3-4: Unshakable Teen Conference ($55)
7: Deadline for Regional Celebrate Life form and funds
28-29: Live Below the Line
11-13: Regional Celebrate Life ($100)
25-30: High School Camp ($250)
10-14: Middle School Camp ($250)
TBA: Mystery Trip ($300-$400)
Children’s Church
Sundays (Weekly)
Lower Level
Praise Station, for 1st-6th grade, meets Sunday at 9:30am in
the Lower Level of the church. We share the Word of God with
praise, worship and fun. Each month we explore a different
virtue and explore the character of God, learning how to apply
God’s Word to our lives.
Sunday School
Sundays (Weekly)
Sunday School is an important teaching tool for students. They
take an in depth look at the Bible and learn how the Bible is
constructed, how to find things in it and how it gives us
guidance for everyday living. We have wonderful teachers that
help make each lesson fun and engaging. They are committed
to showing students what it means to learn about having a
relationship with Christ. Sunday School is also a great time for
students to be with others their own age and foster enduring
Children’s Quizzing
Wednesdays (Weekly)
Room 204
Children’s Bible Quizzing is a fun Bible study with scheduled
competitions children in grades 2nd—6th grade. This year,
children will study 1 and 2 Samuel. Children will be introduced to
Samuel, Saul and David. Quizzers meet Wednesday evenings
from 6:30-8:00pm with other practices added around competitions.
Children’s Caravan
Wednesdays (Weekly)
Room 207
Caravans is a character building program for children K/5 through
6th grade. Kids earn badges in the categories of mental, physical,
spiritual and social development. The children participate in
various ministry projects throughout the year, giving them
opportunities to use their talents to serve God and others.
Worship Schedule
Sunday Mornings
9:30 AM
10:45 AM
Worship, Children’s Church, Adult Sunday School
Worship, Adult, Teen & Children Sunday School
Wednesday Evenings
6:30 AM
Morning Prayer and Communion *
6:00 PM
Wednesday Evening Meal **
6:30 PM
Grief Share
Children’s Quizzing
Doors Open for Teens
7:00 PM
Men’s Bible Study
Women’s Bible Study
Children’s Caravan
Teen Worship Begins
Paid Nursery staff is available during all services.
* Wednesday Morning Prayer and Communion begins at
6:30AM. The church sanctuary is open for a time of personal
prayer and reflection. During this time, the Lord’s Supper is
served to those who would like to receive. Feel free to come
and go as you please. What better way to start the day than to
kneel before the Lord and take some time to celebrate his
death and resurrection.
** Wednesday Evening Meals are served at 6pm every week.
Everyone is welcome to join for this family style meal. Cost is
$4 per person or $12 per family of four or more.
Upward Flag Football League
Boys and Girls in Grades 1st—6th
Early registration (before 3/1) is $65
Late registration (after 3/1) is $75
Every player must attend an evaluation on February 10 or 11
First Practice begins week of March 6, 2017
First Game is Saturday, April 1, 2017
Awards Celebration is Wednesday, May 24, 2017
Contact the church office or Pastor Lonny with questions.