Year 11 History Spring 1: Race Relations in 1950s/1960s America

Year 11 History
Spring 1:
Race Relations in 1950s/1960s America
Name: _________________________
Teacher: _______________________
Home Learning Task One:
Explain how much Black Americans gained social and political change in the decade after the Second World War.
(8 marks)
Success Criteria
 Accurate spelling, punctuation
and grammar.
 Explanation of at least 2 ways
black Americans had made
progress or continued to face
Examples of points to be developed:
 Existence of Jim Crow
 Violence of KKK
 Increased black awareness and
 Brown v Topeka, 1954
Home Learning Task Two:
“In the 1950s the most important victories won by Black Americans were in the area of transport.”
(12 marks)
Success Criteria
 Have balance in your answer (i.e.
consider other victories won by
Black Americans in education)
 Use detailed factual knowledge to
back up your points
 Come to a conclusion
Home Learning Task Three & Four:
Prepare for your assessment by learning the content on the next few pages. You need to re-write all the content in a
new format e.g. Mind Map, revision cards or revision notes of your own.
Success Criteria
 You have re-written content in
a new format (e.g. MindMap,
Revision notes).
 You can score at least 70% in
a factual knowledge test.
Racial Inequality in 1950s America
During the 1950s there was a real push for equality for black Americans. However black Americans faced a number of problems:
1. Segregation Laws in southern States: Jim Crow laws, that segregated blacks from whites in the southern states in
schools, public places and transport, were in place during the 1950s. They were based upon the idea of ‘separate but
equal’ but black facilities were often inferior, especially schools. Although segregation was challenged in some
southern states in the 1950s it was not fully outlawed until the 1964 Civil Rights Act.
2. Black Codes: These limited the civil rights of black Americans by bringing in laws that made it impossible for
Americans to vote. Some states put a poll tax in place for black Americans to be able to vote but many black Americans
could not afford it. Other states put difficult literacy tests in place that were marked by white Americans who would often
fail them.
3. The Ku Klux Klan: The Ku Klux Klan continued to harass and intimidate the black community throughout the 1950s.
Klan groups challenged the Civil Rights Movement and intimidated those involved in the movement, often bombing
houses. The violence was often unreported as black Americans did not expect to get justice as Klansmen had close
links with the police and government.
4. Living Standards: Many black Americans moved to the northern states to escape Jim Crow. However, black
Americans found that they were not allowed to live in the suburbs and were often only offered poor housing in ghetto
areas of the cities. There was high unemployment, poor housing, violence and crime in these areas. In 1957, the
average black income was 57% of the average white worker.
However, events in the 1950s showed that black Americans were no longer going to sit back and let things continue as
they had done.
Brown V Topeka 1954
Jim Crow: Refers to the laws that segregated blacks from whites in the southern states, based upon the idea of ‘separate
but equal’, which were challenged in the 1950s.
In the 1950s the idea of ‘separate but equal’ was challenged when Linda Brown’s parents argued she should be able to attend
the local school rather than a black school which was some miles away.
Lawyers from the NAACP led by Thurgood Marshall took the case to the Supreme Court.
In 1954 the Supreme Court ruled segregation in schools unconstitutional and ruled that integration had to take place.
Although some areas desegregated, there was resistance in other areas.
White Citizens’ Councils formed to maintain segregation and southern states passed laws to prevent integration.
Brown v Topeka was important because:
It was the first case to challenge segregation and led to some schools desegregating.
It successfully challenged the idea of ‘separate but equal’ and led to the Supreme Court ruling segregation in schools
It showed that civil rights organisations like the NAACP could be successful.
It raised awareness about civil rights and encouraged the civil rights movement.
Montgomery Bus Boycott 1955-57
In 1955 transport in Alabama was segregated. It had been this way for many years.
On buses, black Americans had to give up their seats to whites if the bus was getting full.
In 1955, Rosa Parks (an African-American woman) refused to give up her seat to a white man and was arrested.
The NAACP decided to use her case to protest against segregation in transport.
The NAACP called for a boycott of buses. It was meant to be for one day but lasted for nearly 400 days.
Martin Luther King, a local minister, led the Montgomery Improvement Association to coordinate activities.
Rather than use the buses, black Americans used taxis or car-shared. The bus company lost money.
Following a series of appeals, in December 1956, the Supreme Court declared segregation on buses was unconstitutional and
the boycott was called off.
The Montgomery Bus Boycott was important because:
It successfully challenged segregation on buses and led to the Supreme Court ruling segregation on buses
Showed the power of peaceful protest.
Revealed the economic power of the black community, as a result of the boycott the bus company lost money.
Saw the emergence of Martin Luther King.
Raised awareness across the USA about civil rights.
Little Rock 1957
After the Brown decision in 1954 (that ruled segregation in schools unconstitutional), Little Rock High School, Arkansas,
decided to allow nine black students to enrol at the previously all-white school.
The nine students tried to enrol but were prevented by the Governor of Arkansas, Orval Faubus who ordered state troops to
block their entry.
The following day (4 September 1954) Faubus removed the state troops and the nine black students went to school after they got
through the angry white crowd protesting outside the school.
The students went home by midday because their safety was in danger.
Press & TV coverage in the USA and across the world was an embarrassment to the USA, especially given they were engaged
in the Cold War and claimed to be the champion of freedom & equality.
President Eisenhower got involved. He used the National Guard & federal troops to protect the black students for the rest of
the year.
The following year, Faubus closed all schools to avoid integration.
Little Rock was important because:
It involved the President therefore showing civil rights was an issue that could not be ignored.
TV & press coverage raised awareness among US citizens; many saw, for the first time, the strength of racism in the
southern states.
Showed that states would be over-ruled by the federal government.
Increased support for the civil rights movement.
Greensboro Sit- in
Sit in: A method of protest used by civil rights protesters during the late 50s and early 60s where protesters sat in
segregated facilities (e.g. lunch counters, libraries) to push for an end to segregation.
In February 1960, four black students from a local college demanded to be served at a whites-only counter.
When they were not served at the Greensboro branch of Woolworth’s they remained seated until the shop closed.
By the 5th day, 300 students had joined them.
Some students were arrested; all shops which had segregated lunch counters were boycotted.
Because of the drop in sales, segregation ended; once again protesters used their economic power to make progress.
The Greensboro sit- in was important because:
Sit-ins spread across the South
The Civil Rights Movement got increased support from students- the SNCC (Student Non-Violent Co-ordinating
Committee) was established.
Inspired other challenges: ‘read-ins’ at libraries, ‘sleep-ins’ at motel lobbies and more public facilities were
Publicity was gained for the movement and there was increased support for the protestors.
NB Martin Luther King did not initiate the sits-ins. It was students acting by themselves, although they were inspired by
Freedom Rides
Freedom Ride: A tactic used by CORE to test whether states were following the Supreme Court ruling that interstate bus
stations should be integrated. Civil rights protesters travelled on interstate buses to the southern states and used whiteonly facilities at the bus stations.
In December 1960, the Supreme Court ruled that all inter-state bus stations should be integrated.
CORE set about testing the decision by riding on inter-state buses and using white-only facilities.
Many were arrested and buses were attacked, sometimes burnt.
When the riders reached Birmingham, Alabama they were not protected from angry mobs because the police chief Bull
Connor had given most of the police the day off.
The Freedom Rides were important because:
The government announced no further challenges to desegregation on interstate buses would be allowed.
Increased publicity and support for the CRM. In particular, Attorney General, Robert Kennedy came out publicly in
support of the riders.
It showed the civil rights movement did not need MLK to organise itself.
Freedom Marches: Birmingham, Alabama 1963
In 1962, city officials in Birmingham closed public places to avoid integration.
In 1963, Martin Luther King organised marches and demonstrations to bring attention to this.
Project C (the C standing for confrontation) used sit-ins and marches to achieve maximum publicity.
Martin Luther King was arrested for going against the ban on marches. In jail he wrote ‘Letter from a Birmingham
Jail’ which highlighted the slow pace of progress and called for quicker change.
Upon his release the demonstrations continued and this time children and students were used.
Police Chief ‘Bull’ Connor was determined to take strong action against the protestors. He set dogs on protestors and
used powerful water hoses when they refused to disperse.
The Birmingham protest was important because:
The images shocked the nation and the world.
President Kennedy got involved to work out a solution and Birmingham was desegregated.
In June 1963 the Civil Rights Bill was introduced by Kennedy to put an end to segregation and discrimination.
Kennedy’s support for civil rights proved important following his assassination as many politicians voted for the bill
as a tribute to him.
The Birmingham Campaign also showed how tactical MLK could be and is good evidence of MLK’s skilful leadership.
March on Washington, August 1963
The march began as a cry for jobs for black Americans.
It later became a measure to keep up the pressure for the civil rights bill and maintain the momentum of the movement.
Martin Luther King was keen to have a march because some felt progress was slow and were becoming disillusioned with the
250 000 demonstrators marched to Washington.
King ended the march with his ‘I have a dream’ speech.
The march was important because:
It raised the profile of the movement further.
It showed the country how much support there was for change.
King’s speech won the movement further support, especially from northern whites; 80 000 of the protesters were
It increased the pressure to pass the Civil Rights Bill.
The Civil Rights Act, 1964
Civil Rights Act: Banned discrimination in public places and in employment. It gave the federal government the power to
enforce desegregation.
Civil rights organisations had been pushing for an end to segregation since the 1950s and had some success:
Brown v Topeka resulted in segregation in schools being ruled unconstitutional in 1954.
Montgomery Bus Boycott resulted in segregation on buses being ruled unconstitutional in 1956.
However in the 1960s, many public places remained segregated.
Martin Luther King sought to highlight this and bring about a Civil Rights Act banning segregation and discrimination in all
areas of public life.
As a result of civil rights protests, especially the marches in Birmingham, Alabama in 1963, Kennedy proposed a Civil Rights
Kennedy’s death in November 1963 led to some in Congress voting for the bill as a tribute to Kennedy.
However, President Johnson was also in favour of the bill and used his skills to persuade northern politicians to vote in favour
thus balancing out southern politicians who voted against.
Achieving equality for black Americans was part of Johnson’s Great Society programme.
Selma & The Voting Rights Act, 1965
The Voting Rights Act: Appointed agents to ensure that voting procedures were carried out properly and ended tests.
Many states had tried to stop black people voting by putting ‘tests’ (which asked difficult questions to black voters) in
place to register.
At the beginning of 1965 only 2.5 % of black adults in Selma were registered to vote.
King planned demonstrations to highlight this and there followed two months of attempts to register voters.
There was violence but King decided to hold a march from Selma to Birmingham to present Governor Wallace with a petition
calling for voting rights.
Wallace banned the march but the protestors carried on, when they were heavily attacked they were forced to return to Selma.
Following the passage of the Voting Rights Act, James Meredith (who was the University of Mississippi’s first black student)
organised a 220-mile march from Memphis to Jackson, Mississippi to encourage black Americans to vote. However, on the
second day of his walk, he was shot. MLK and other black organisations, including the SNCC led by Stokely Carmichael,
continued the Meredith March.
However, divisions between MLK’s supporters, who chanted ‘freedom now’, and Carmichael’s supporters, who chanted
‘black power’, ruined the march.
The Selma campaign was important because:
The images shocked the nation and placed public opinion firmly behind King.
Forced President Johnson to get involved and he promised to introduce a bill to give all blacks the vote.
The Voting Rights Act was passed in the summer 1965: ended tests and monitored registration to prevent
The number of black people who were registered to vote massively increased as did the number of elected black
Black Power & Black Panthers
Black Power: Refers to a movement which emerged in the mid and late 60s following disillusionment with the slow pace
of change for black Americans. Black Power encouraged blacks to take responsibility for their own lives and rejected
white help. It also encouraged black pride and used slogans like ‘Black is beautiful’.
In the northern states there were high levels of unemployment, poverty & discrimination in the black community. As a result of
frustration with their conditions, riots broke out in the Watts District of Los Angeles in August 1965 (the same month of the
Voting Rights Act). There were more riots across the major cities in ’66 and ’67.
The Black Power Movement emerged out of the riots. It wanted independence from whites, black pride and was influenced by
Malcolm X. Stokely Carmichael was a key black power leader who was critical of MLK.
In 1966 the Black Panther Party was set up by Huey Newton & Bobby Seale in California. The Black Panthers wanted more
jobs, better housing and education. They were prepared to use violence to achieve aims.
One of the most famous black power protests took place at the Mexico Olympics in 1968, when American athletes, Tommie
Smith and John Carlos made the black power salute when receiving their medals.
The Black Power movement was important because:
Showed some black people, especially young, northern blacks were disillusioned with the civil rights movement.
Showed that King had lost some influence after 1965 and that not all supported peaceful protest.
Showed that the Civil Rights Act & Voting Rights Act did not solve many problems black Americans were facing.
Contribution of Martin Luther King
Martin Luther King provided the civil rights movement with leadership:
He became the figurehead of the civil rights movement.
He was recognised internationally and was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1964, inspiring the anti-apartheid
movement in South Africa.
His tactics of non-violence appealed to middle class blacks northern, liberal whites and won the civil rights movement
more support.
His speeches, in particular ‘I have a dream’, 1963 inspired people and increased support for the civil rights movement.
After his death in 1968 the Civil Rights Movement declined. The Poor People’s Campaign fizzled out under its
successor. SCLC, CORE and the SNCC broke up.
He effectively developed the tactic of non-violence to gain support:
King deliberately chose the most segregated areas to protest in to provoke a violent reaction from racists.
This was most obvious in Birmingham, Alabama, 1963 when Chief of Police Bull Connor used dogs and water hoses
on peaceful protesters.
The images shocked the nation and led Kennedy to get involved.
The campaigns King was involved in were successful in bringing about progress:
Montgomery Bus Boycott led to buses being desegregated.
Birmingham led to the Civil Rights Act
Selma led to the Voting Rights Act.
Criticism of Martin Luther King
King failed to tackle the problems of the northern states:
Critics argued King did not address the problems of social and economic inequality that African-Americans living in
northern ghettos faced. When King did try to tackle social and economic inequality, by starting, the Poor People’s
Campaign he was criticised by President Johnson.
Other leaders were emerging that challenged King’s tactics:
MLK’s tactics of non-violence were criticised by Malcolm X who argued that black Americans should defend themselves if
threatened with violence. Carmichael and others like the Black Panther Party, opposed King’s idea of non-violence and
made demands for black power, rejecting King’s belief in integration.
By 1968, when he was assassinated, even King had come to believe that he had failed and that ‘the day of violence
was here.’
Progress was being made without MLK:
Even before Martin Luther King came to dominate the civil rights movement, massive changes had occurred. Black
activism had increased after World War Two and there was an increased willingness to challenge inequality.
MLK was not involved in Brown vs Topeka
The NAACP began the Montgomery Bus Boycott
Students carried out the sit-ins and CORE carried out the freedom ride.
It is unclear whether the civil rights movement would have progressed further if Martin Luther King had lived:
By the late 1960s King was questioning were to take the Civil Rights Movement, publishing the book Where do we go from
At the time of his death, other black activists were becoming impatient with King and their extremism was creating a white
Home Learning Task Five:
‘Without Martin Luther King the fight for Civil Rights in the USA would not have made progress in the 1950s and 1960s.’
Do you agree? Explain your answer.
(12 marks)
Success Criteria
 Have balance in your answer (i.e.
consider other factors that led to
the Civil Rights Movement
making progress )
 Use detailed factual knowledge to
back up your points
 Come to a conclusion
Home Learning Task Six:
Explain why the Black Power Movement emerged.
(8 marks)
Success Criteria
 Accurate spelling, punctuation
and grammar.
 Explanation of at least 2 reasons
the Black Power Movement
Examples of points to be developed:
 Frustration with MLK
 Influence of Malcolm X
 Living Conditions in northern