City of Knowledge

The “City of Knowledge” is a digital humanities hub at the Department of Film, Radio and TV
of the School and Communication and Arts, at the University of São Paulo.
Curator and Project Leader: Gilson Schwartz, Associate Professor in “Audiovisual Economy”
at the School and Graduate Professor at the Interdisciplinary Program on Diversity and Human Rights
at the Faculty of Philosophy, Literature and Human Sciences – FFLCH at the University of São Paulo.
The YOUTH PORTAL is our gateway to the City of Knowledge in 2015-2016, sponsored by the Prefecture of São Paulo.
City of Knowledge
Secretary for Human Rights and Citizenship
Prefecture of São Paulo
Cultural Heritage leveraged by Digital Citizenship and Social Inclusion
Latin America
(Since 2010)
City of Knowledge Research Group
Dept. of Film, Radio and TV
School of Communication and Arts
University of São Paulo (USP)
(Since 2001)
“Creative Currencies”
National Bank for Social and Economic Development (BNDES)
Ministry of Culture (FUNARTE)
UNESCO Rio +20 Ideas to Turn the World
Open Source, Local Development, Creative Industries
Pilot Project: Pipa Sabe (2003-2006)
Caixa Econômica Federal
FINEP – Ministry of Science and Technology
National IT Institute, Civil House, President´s Office
- Incubation of content creation, education and social memory projects in remote/vulnerable territories
- “creative currencies” pilot Project (creative sectors and monetization/funding models)
- “gamification” of social learning networks/public libraries/Brazilian digital cultural heritage
Creative Currencies (2010, Ministry of Culture)
Latin America
Sponsor: Ministry of Science and Technology
Partner: UOL Jogos
Partner: Volkswagen Foundation
Youth Portal 2015-2016
Sponsor: Municipal Secretary of Human Rights and Citizenship, City of São Paulo
Networking Goals
• Outsource security infrastructure and systems
• Engage in digital heritage cooperation bringing contemporary urban culture
in the South, bias pro-vulnerable populations and territories
• Develop cloud environments for learning and entrepreneurialism
• Establish educational and cultural partnerships for content creation
• Institutional Buildup for global fundraising partnerships/consortia