OFFICIAL TRAVEL AGENT JTB Yokohama Convention Center has been appointed as the official travel agent for the fair and will handle hotel accommodation. JTB Yokohama Convention Center Yasuda 6th Bldg. 3-29-1 Tsuruya-cho, Kanagawa-ku, Yokohama 221-0835 Japan Business hour: 9:30∼17:30,from Monday to Friday Phone: Fax: E-mail: +81-45-316-4602 +81-45-316-5701 [email protected] HOTEL ACCOMMODATION JTB has blocked hotel spaces in Yokohama January 25-29, 2010. Reservations will be processed in order of receipt of application form. If the hotel of your first choice is fully booked, JTB will reserve your second choice or a hotel of the same grade. Room Rates Code Hotel Name Single with bath per person/per night Twin with bath per person/per night To Hotel Yokohama Grand Intercontinental Hotel 1-1-1 MinatoMirai,Nishi-ku,Yokohama,Japan 220-8522 A JPY 9,975 JPY 16,275 Tel : +81-45-223-2222 Fax: +81-45-221-0650 Pan Pacific Hotel Yokohama 2-3-7 MinatoMirai,Nishi-ku,Yokohama,Japan 202-8543 B Tel : +81-45-682-2222 Fax: +81-45-682-2223 (Mon.-Thu.) JPY 18,375 (Fri.) JPY 20,475 (Mon.-Thu.) JPY 9,975 (Fri.) JPY 12,600 2 MIinutes on foot to Pacifico JPY 21,525 JPY 13,525 5 MIinutes on foot to Pacifico (Mon.-Thu.) JPY 12,075 (Fri.) JPY 13,125 (Mon.-Thu.) JPY 11,025 (Fri.) JPY 12,075 7 MIinutes on foot to Pacifico (Mon.-Tue.) JPY 10,500 (Mon.-Tue.) JPY 8,610 (Wed.-Fri.) JPY 12,075 (Wed.-Fri.) JPY 9,660 JPY 9,765 JPY 8,715 Yokohama Royal Park Hotel 2-2-1-3 MintoMirai,Nishi-ku,Yokohama,Japan 220-8173 C Tel : +81-45-221-1111 Fax: +81-45-224-5153 Navios Yokohama 2-1-1 Shinko,Naka-ku,Yokohama,Japan 231-0001 D Tel : +81-45-663-6000 Fax: +81-45-633-6001 Yokohama Sakuragicho Washington Hotel 1-1-67 Sakuragi-cho,Naka-ku,Yokohama,Japan231-0062 E Tel : +81-45-683-3111 Fax: +81-45-683-3112 San-ai Yokohama Hotel 3-95 Hanasaka-cho,Naka-ku,Yokohama,Japan 231-0063 F Tel : +81-45-242-4411 Fax: +81-45-242-7485 Next to Pacifico 8 MIinutes on foot to Pacifico 15 MIinutes on foot to Pacifico Room rates include daily breakfast, service charge and 5% consumption tax. APPLICATION AND PAYMENT Participants wishing to reserve hotel accommodation should complete the application form and send it by fax to reach JTB no later than December 25 , 2009. (Confirmation sheet will be sent by JTB.) Application should be accompanied by payment of total room charges plus the handling charge of JPY 525 per room due JTB.Personal expenses shoud be paid directly to the hotel. We will accept your reservation only in full deposit. Please pay all hotel expenses directly to the hotel. - Acceptable credit cards: 1. VISA 2. MasterCard 3. Diners Club 4. AMEX 5. JCB CANCELLATION In the event of cancellation, written notification should be sent to JTB. The following cancellation fees will be charged to your credit card automatically. Hotels: Up to10 days before the first night of stay ------------------------------------ None 9 to 3 days before-----------------------------------------------------------------*JPY2,000 2 days before-------------------------------------------------------------------20% of daily room charge 1 days before to on the day of arrival---------------------------100% of daily room charge 【APPLICATION FORM】 Please complete and return this form to: JTB Yokohama Convention Center 3-29-1 Tsuruya-cho, Kanagawa-ku, Yokohama 221-0835 Japan Fax: +81-45-316-5701 (Please type or print in block letters and check appropriate boxes.) NAME: . Mr. Ms. Family name Given name ORGANIZATION: ADDRESS: Office Home Phone: Postal code Country Fax: E-mail: Name of Accompanying Person(s), if any: Mr. Ms. Family name Given name Flight Schedule: Arriving at (airport) on (date) by (flight number) HOTEL ACCOMMODATION Hotel name Room type Period of stay 1st choice Check-in Single Check-out 2nd choice Twin ( Credit card: VISA MasterCard Diners Club AMEX ) nights JCB Card number: Name of cardholder: Expiration date: Authorized signature: Date: Signature: (This application will become valid upon receipt of confirmation from JTB ) /
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