Unit 4: Magnetism Integrated Science 1 18 Class Meetings Essential Questions How are electricity and magnetism related? How do the properties of magnets allow them to be useful to society? Enduring Understandings with Unit Goals EU #1: Electricity and magnetism are different “flavors” of the same thing. o Explain how electricity can create magnetic fields and vice versa. EU #2: Permanent magnets and electromagnets are both formed from moving charges. o Diagram the characteristics of both types of magnets Standards Common Core State Standards/College and Career Readiness Anchor Standards : CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RST.9-10.7 Translate quantitative or technical information expressed in words in a text into visual form (e.g., a table or chart) and translate information expressed visually or mathematically (e.g., in an equation) into words. Next Generation Science Standards: HS-PS2-5: Plan and conduct an investigation to provide evidence that an electric current can produce a magnetic field and that a changing magnetic field can produce an electric current. Connecticut State Science Standards: D3: Describe energy transformations among heat, light, electricity and motion. D6: Describe the relationship between current and magnetism. D INQ. 8: Use mathematical operations to analyze and interpret data, and present relationships between variables in appropriate forms D INQ. 10: Communicate about science in different formats, using relevant science vocabulary, supporting evidence and clear logic. 1 Unit 4: Magnetism Integrated Science 1 18 Class Meetings MSMHS 21st Century Learning Expectations Competency 1: Read and write effectively for a variety of purposes. Competency 2: Speak effectively with a variety of audiences in an accountable manner. Competency 4: Apply scientific knowledge and concepts to a variety of investigative tasks. Competency 6: Use technology responsibly to create, research, synthesize, and communicate information fluently. Competency 8: Take responsibility for his/her own learning and behavior. Unit Content Overview EU #1: Electricity and magnetism are different “flavors” of the same thing. o Faraday’s Law o Electrical motors and generators EU #2: Permanent magnets and electromagnets are both formed from moving charges. o Magnetic domains o North & South magnetic poles o Moving electrons in atoms o Electromagnetic induction Learning Objectives Students will be able to… Describe how electricity and magnetism are related. Use Faraday’s law to describe how how generators and electric motors work Design and construct an electromagnet Analyze the effect that changing current and number of wire wraps has on the strength of electromagnets Use magnetic domains to explain why some magnetic materials do not display magnetic behavior. Predict the behavior of permanent magnets using magnetic domain diagrams. Analyze how magnets are used in everyday life. 2 Unit 4: Magnetism Integrated Science 1 18 Class Meetings Assured Learning Experiences • Instructional Strategies/Differentiation • PowerPoint lecture with note taking • Independent reading • Reading and accountable talk discussion of text • Individual response whiteboard • Guided notes • Graphic organizers/ outline • Strategic grouping • Peer tutoring/ student teaching • Restating information • Limited student choice • Student use of headphones • Alternative test setting • Concrete or varied examples • Lab: Electric Fields in Permanent Magnets • Unit Task: Lab- Design and test an electromagnet • Interdisciplinary Connections • Mathematics- Basic algebraic problem solving • Mathematics- Linear relationships Assessments FORMATIVE ASSESSMENTS: Warm Ups. Predictions on all “Vee Diagram” worksheets Rubric 4: Scientific Inquiry o Unit Task: Lab- Design and build an electromagnet SUMMATIVE ASSESSMENTS: Quiz: Faraday’s Law and electricity & magnetism o EU #1: Electricity and magnetism are different “flavors” of the same thing. Test: Magnetism o All EUs 3 Unit 4: Magnetism Integrated Science 1 18 Class Meetings Unit Task Unit Task Name: Lab- Design and build an electromagnet Description: Students (working in small groups) will use batteries, a nail, and a length of wire and draw upon their understandings of both the relationship between electricity & magnetism (EU #1) and the properties of electromagnets (EU #2) to construct an electromagnet. Students will then select a variable to manipulate and test how that affects the strength of the electromagnet. Students will then individually write formal lab reports detailing their experimental procedure and discussing what the collected data say about the relationship between the tested variables. Evaluation: MSMHS Scientific Inquiry Rubric (Rubric #4) Unit Resources ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● MSMHS School-wide Rubrics AMTA Modeling Instruction Materials (Physical Science- Magnetism Model) Permanent magnets Iron filings Electromagnet Kits Genecons Laboratory equipment Vernier Probes Google Documents & Sheets 4
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