Jessica - myEECU

W I N T E R 2 0 1 2 | I S S U E N O . 10
We Take Our Managers Personally:
Jeanean Brown
Reedley Branch Manager
Jeanean Brown is the branch manager at our Reedley Branch. She has been a branch manager for 17 years and has been
employed at EECU for a total of 30 years. Throughout the years, Jeanean has held several positions within the credit
union: loan counselor, loan supervisor, assistant branch manager and other branch manager positions.
Something that most people don’t know about Jeanean is that she loves to try new foods. “I’ll try anything once, and more
often than not I wind up enjoying it… I’m not as adventurous as Andrew Zimmern, but if it looks good, I’ll eat it,” she said
with a smile.
When asked about her inspiration in both her personal and professional life, Jeanean said, “Talking to people and learning
about them.” She finds it very interesting to meet new people and hear about their experiences. “Wherever I travel, I try
to strike up a conversation and it amazes me how willing people are to share their experiences and how much we can learn
from them,” she said excitedly. Jeanean has also had the opportunity to learn from both fellow employees and members
and in turn has made lasting friendships. “I have been very fortunate to
have made lasting friends with people I have met and worked with
at the credit union.”
Jeanean enjoys supporting charities and organizations that
benefit the community, such as Christian Foundation for
Children and Aging, Community Food Bank, When I
Grow Up, and Foundation for Children Tomorrow. “I
recently volunteered as a mentor for a fifth grader at
a local elementary school,” she said. Jeanean has
also volunteered for several years as a judge and
test proctor for Academic Decathlon. “I was excited
to see the Hallmark Charter from Sanger make
national championship in their division this year,”
she said.
Aside from donating some of her free time to
community organizations, Jeanean enjoys visiting new
places and getting a sense of new people and their
environments. She also enjoys watching the San
Francisco Giants baseball team. “I see the Giants
as often as possible… AT&T Park has to be the
most beautiful park in the U.S., but I’d like to
see them all,” she said.
Keeping Your Information
Safe from Identity Theft
Identity theft is an illegal crime that is
committed against hundreds of people
each day. Identity theft occurs
when someone uses your personal
information to obtain access to your
existing accounts, or open new
accounts or credit lines in your name.
Thieves may gain access to your
personal information in a number
of ways:
• Personal information stolen from
your purse or wallet
• Home break in
• Automobile theft
• Dumpster diving (stealing trash
with personal information from a
residential or business trash
• Personal information on your
imprinted checks
• Medical or school records that are
accessed by an untrustworthy
• Information you may provide to a
fraudulent telemarketer
• Information you supply over the
Here are a few tips to help prevent
identity theft:
• Request a credit report (from
Equifax, Experian or TransUnion)
at least twice a year.
• Shred any mail containing personal
information before you throw it in
the trash.
• Pay close attention to any
suspicious charges on your
checking account or credit card
Member Spotlight:
Student at University of California, Davis
Most importantly, if you have been a
victim of identity theft, you should file
a police report as soon as possible and
alert one of the previously mentioned
credit report companies. Always keep
documentation of any telephone calls,
receipts or correspondence related to
the identity theft – this will help
protect you should you need to take
your case to court.
Jessica has been an EECU member since she was an
infant. Her grandfather was a classified employee at
Mendota Unified School District and Jessica was eligible
to join EECU through him.
She has received the EECU Student Grant multiple times
and is currently a student at University of California,
Davis. “I began my school career at Hazel M. Bailey
Elementary in Firebaugh and later attended Rio Vista
and Central High School in Fresno.” After graduating,
Jessica moved to Davis, California to attend UC Davis.
Thanks in part to the grant she received, Jessica is
currently focusing her studies on primary medical care.
(Cont. on Page 5)
Tax Preparation
with TurboTax
Published quarterly by:
P.O. Box 5242
Fresno, CA 93755
©2011 Redbeard®/EDU-571
Federally Insured by NCUA
Member Service Center
1-800-538-EECU (3328)
EECU and TurboTax are making your tax preparation
as easy as banking online! TurboTax is now available
through our new home banking system. Not only can
you save time with secure, automatic upload of
account data, but you can also receive a 15% discount
on TurboTax Federal (Deluxe, Premier, and Home
and Business Edition).
Are You Covered?
As an EECU member you can take advantage of
the quick, convenient way to obtain auto
and home insurance from a wide
variety of leading insurance carriers
through our partner, California
Insurance Specialists (CIS). Get a
free insurance quote by visiting and clicking on the
insurance tab or call 1-888-831-0247.
PG. 2
Call for Candidates
PG. 3
Manager Profile:
Jeanean Brown
PG. 4
2011 in Review
PG. 5
Direct Deposit
Your Tax Refund
PG. 6
Tax Preparation
with TurboTax
W I N T E R 2 012
Bulletin Board
Call for Candidates
EECU is now accepting applications for
our annual election to the Board of
Directors and Supervisory Committee,
and our Associate Volunteer program.
Holiday Hours
In observance of the following, we
will be closed:
Martin Luther King Jr. Day
Monday, January 16th
Normal business hours will resume
on Tuesday, January 17th.
Presidents’ Day
Monday, February 20th
Normal business hours will resume
on Tuesday, February 21st.
Upcoming Events
February 4: Shred event at the
Barstow Branch (from 9:30 a.m. –
11:30 a.m.)
February 25: Shred event at the
Visalia Branch (from 9:30 a.m. –
11:30 a.m.)
March 10: Shred event at the
Milburn Branch (from 9:30 a.m. –
11:30 a.m.)
March 31: Shred event at the
Clovis North Branch (from 9:30
a.m. – 11:30 a.m.)
Month of March: March of Dimes
Fundraiser – donate to March of
Dimes at any EECU branch.
Board of Directors and Supervisory
Committee Candidates: Our annual
election to the Board of Directors and
Supervisory Committee is May 2012.
The deadline to submit a candidate
application is February 17, 2012. The
Nomination/Election Committee will
review applications and interview
potential candidates prior to placing
names into nomination. Members who are
not nominated may still seek election by
submitting a petition containing the
verified signatures of 100 credit union
members. The petitions must be
submitted by March 23, 2012.
Three seats will be up for election on the
Board of Directors, and two seats will be
available on the Supervisory Committee
(one three-year term and one two-year
term). Members of the Board of Directors
are responsible for directing and
controlling the affairs of the credit union,
exercising sound governance and
leadership, and working closely with
management to develop sound policies.
The Supervisory Committee is responsible
for ensuring rules/regulations are
followed and internal controls are in place
to protect the credit union. The
Supervisory Committee is also responsible
for selecting the credit union’s external
audit firm and overseeing the credit
union’s books and records.
The Board of Directors may appoint up to
three candidates to become associate
volunteers. Associate Volunteers provide
the credit union with an ongoing resource
to provide qualified future candidates for
Board and Supervisory Committee
elections. Associate Volunteers will
complete educational training, attend
Board and Supervisory Committee
meetings, participate in planning
sessions, and fulfill other requirements of
the position.
Applicants must be members.
Appointment to the Associate Volunteer
program will be voted on by the Board
of Directors. One-year terms begin in
April 2012.
Application Information
and Requirements
Prior to February 17, 2012, potential
candidates for an elected or associate
volunteer position must attend a
scheduled meeting of the Board of
Directors or the Supervisory Committee
and an orientation session to review the
responsibilities of the position. The
meeting dates are listed below.
Members interested in running for an
elected or associate volunteer position
must meet specific criteria for eligibility.
For more information, please visit our web
site,, call (559) 437-7924,
or write to:
The Nomination/
Election Committee
c/o Educational Employees
Credit Union
P.O. Box 5242
Fresno, CA 93755
Board of Directors Meeting Dates:
January 24th
Supervisory Committee Meeting Dates:
February 16th
Candidate Orientation Dates:
February 15th and 16th
Candidate Interview Dates:
February 21st, 22nd, and 23rd
2011Year in Review: For People, Not Profit
Credit Unions are for people, not
profit. It’s a simple, but powerful
statement. At EECU, we take our
members personally, and that means
providing the best products, services,
convenience and technology.
EECU remains a well capitalized, safe
and sound place to conduct your
financial business. Over 10,000 people
joined EECU last year, bringing our total
membership to over 197,000. We
experienced a surge in membership in
the last four months of the year after
several big banks announced their plans
to begin charging monthly debit card
fees. Although some of the banks
reversed their position on the fee, many
consumers decided that the damage was
already done and were motivated to
make a change. Many of them turned to
credit unions, which reported higher
new account openings than in previous
months. In October 2011, we had a 60%
increase in new accounts compared to
the same month in 2010. We are thrilled
to welcome so many new people to
EECU, and we are ready to show them
the credit union difference.
EECU was recognized with several
awards last year. We received the
People’s Choice Award for Best Credit
Union and we were named Best Local
Credit Union in the Fresno Magazine
Best of Fresno Awards. Our Wise Up
program received the first place
Desjardins Youth Financial Education
Award and the Richard Myles Johnson
Foundation Beacon Youth Financial
Education Award. We were named
Outstanding Philanthropic Organization
by the local chapter of the Association of
Fundraising Professionals, and we also
received several other awards. We are
honored to receive these awards and we
will continue to work hard to earn and
keep your business.
In January 2011 EECU opened an ATM
on the campus at Fresno State. Students
and faculty now have convenient access
to their EECU accounts.
EECU is committed to keeping pace with
technological changes so we can lower
costs, improve efficiencies, and offer the
products and services our members
want. We converted to a new Online
Access Home Banking system in August
and member feedback about the new
features and functionality has been
very positive. Our new system not only
has a new and improved look, but it
also features an improved bill pay
system, mobile-friendly banking, and
FinanceWorks – a powerful budgeting
tool. Adoption of mobile banking has
been strong, with over 10,000 users
already accessing the home banking site
via their mobile device. The new home
banking system offers so many new and
exciting advantages – all at no cost
to you.
We pride ourselves on being an active
partner in the communities we serve. In
November 2010, Walmart initiated a
“fighting hunger together” campaign on
Facebook and EECU joined the action.
Fresno was one of 100 cities across the
U.S. in the running to benefit from a one
million dollar donation from Walmart to
local hunger relief organizations. At the
end of the campaign, the city with the
most “likes” on Facebook would receive
one million dollars; the runners-up
would receive $100,000. We posted the
campaign on our EECU Facebook page
and received 500 “likes.” In return, EECU
donated $5,000 to local hunger relief
agencies. Although Fresno didn’t get the
most votes, we did receive $100,000 and
it was great to see the community unite
toward a common goal.
EECU continues to sponsor many
education-related events throughout the
communities we serve. Our financial
literacy outreach program has been
well-received in the community, and we
are committed to educating our youth
about the importance of good money
management skills. We are in our 10th
year of providing educational grants to
members pursuing higher education. To
date, we have awarded $575,000 to
help students with their education
expenses. Last year our employees
helped raise money for the Community
Food Bank, Leukemia and Lymphoma
Society, Soles4Souls, and many other
worthy causes.
Our members are the reason for our
success, and we thank you for your
loyalty and your trust in us. We look
forward to serving you in 2012.
Frank V. Powell Ph.D.
Chair, EECU Board of Directors
Jessica (Cont. from Cover)
“When I was nine, my younger sister was
born through emergency cesarean section.
It was a very traumatic experience and it’s
what led me to the interest in medicine.”
it provides medical assistance to those who
otherwise could never afford it… providing
culturally and linguistically-sensitive care
is important to the growing, diverse
underserved groups and the health care
Jessica is also a member and volunteer of future in this country,” Jessica said.
Clínica Tepati. Clínica Tepati means
“healing clinic” and is a student-run health Jessica is a very active student and
clinic that offers services to the volunteer. During her free time she enjoys
underserved population of Sacramento. playing lacrosse for the UC Davis Women’s
“Clínica [Tepati] means a lot to me because Club team and enjoys working at a transit
service in Davis as a bus driver and trainer.
When asked who has been most influential
in her life, she answered, “My parents: They
have taught me the importance of working
hard, responsibility and the importance of
making good choices… without these
values I wouldn’t be as successful as I am.”
Jessica concluded, “My family overall drives
me to the person I am; they inspire me to
do my best every day.”
Do not include the
check number
Direct Deposit
Your Tax Refund
Account Number
Routing Number
Tax season is right around the corner and
many members are taking advantage of a
quick and easy tax refund by using
electronic filing (e-filing). E-filing allows
you to transmit your tax return
information directly to the IRS
E-filing is a fast, accurate, and secure way
to get your tax refund from the IRS. The
traditional refund can take up to eight
weeks to receive in the mail; with e-filing
you’ll receive your refund within an
average of 10 days.
Here’s some information you’ll need to
direct deposit your refund:
• Routing and transit number – EECU’s
routing and transit number is
• Account Number – You will first need
to decide if your money will be
deposited in your checking or
savings account.
> If you decide to deposit the refund
in your checking account, select the
appropriate box and enter your
checking account number in the
space provided (refer to the check
> If you would like to receive your
refund in your savings account, then
you will need your Share account
number. Please call us for this
E-filing definitely takes the worrying and
the long wait out of tax reimbursement.
If you need additional information please
call 1-800-538-EECU(3328).
W I N T E R 2 0 1 2 | I S S U E N O . 10
We Take Our Managers Personally:
Jeanean Brown
Reedley Branch Manager
Jeanean Brown is the branch manager at our Reedley Branch. She has been a branch manager for 17 years and has been
employed at EECU for a total of 30 years. Throughout the years, Jeanean has held several positions within the credit
union: loan counselor, loan supervisor, assistant branch manager and other branch manager positions.
Something that most people don’t know about Jeanean is that she loves to try new foods. “I’ll try anything once, and more
often than not I wind up enjoying it… I’m not as adventurous as Andrew Zimmern, but if it looks good, I’ll eat it,” she said
with a smile.
When asked about her inspiration in both her personal and professional life, Jeanean said, “Talking to people and learning
about them.” She finds it very interesting to meet new people and hear about their experiences. “Wherever I travel, I try
to strike up a conversation and it amazes me how willing people are to share their experiences and how much we can learn
from them,” she said excitedly. Jeanean has also had the opportunity to learn from both fellow employees and members
and in turn has made lasting friendships. “I have been very fortunate to
have made lasting friends with people I have met and worked with
at the credit union.”
Jeanean enjoys supporting charities and organizations that
benefit the community, such as Christian Foundation for
Children and Aging, Community Food Bank, When I
Grow Up, and Foundation for Children Tomorrow. “I
recently volunteered as a mentor for a fifth grader at
a local elementary school,” she said. Jeanean has
also volunteered for several years as a judge and
test proctor for Academic Decathlon. “I was excited
to see the Hallmark Charter from Sanger make
national championship in their division this year,”
she said.
Aside from donating some of her free time to
community organizations, Jeanean enjoys visiting new
places and getting a sense of new people and their
environments. She also enjoys watching the San
Francisco Giants baseball team. “I see the Giants
as often as possible… AT&T Park has to be the
most beautiful park in the U.S., but I’d like to
see them all,” she said.
Keeping Your Information
Safe from Identity Theft
Identity theft is an illegal crime that is
committed against hundreds of people
each day. Identity theft occurs
when someone uses your personal
information to obtain access to your
existing accounts, or open new
accounts or credit lines in your name.
Thieves may gain access to your
personal information in a number
of ways:
• Personal information stolen from
your purse or wallet
• Home break in
• Automobile theft
• Dumpster diving (stealing trash
with personal information from a
residential or business trash
• Personal information on your
imprinted checks
• Medical or school records that are
accessed by an untrustworthy
• Information you may provide to a
fraudulent telemarketer
• Information you supply over the
Here are a few tips to help prevent
identity theft:
• Request a credit report (from
Equifax, Experian or TransUnion)
at least twice a year.
• Shred any mail containing personal
information before you throw it in
the trash.
• Pay close attention to any
suspicious charges on your
checking account or credit card
Member Spotlight:
Student at University of California, Davis
Most importantly, if you have been a
victim of identity theft, you should file
a police report as soon as possible and
alert one of the previously mentioned
credit report companies. Always keep
documentation of any telephone calls,
receipts or correspondence related to
the identity theft – this will help
protect you should you need to take
your case to court.
Jessica has been an EECU member since she was an
infant. Her grandfather was a classified employee at
Mendota Unified School District and Jessica was eligible
to join EECU through him.
She has received the EECU Student Grant multiple times
and is currently a student at University of California,
Davis. “I began my school career at Hazel M. Bailey
Elementary in Firebaugh and later attended Rio Vista
and Central High School in Fresno.” After graduating,
Jessica moved to Davis, California to attend UC Davis.
Thanks in part to the grant she received, Jessica is
currently focusing her studies on primary medical care.
(Cont. on Page 5)
Tax Preparation
with TurboTax
Published quarterly by:
P.O. Box 5242
Fresno, CA 93755
©2011 Redbeard®/EDU-571
Federally Insured by NCUA
Member Service Center
1-800-538-EECU (3328)
EECU and TurboTax are making your tax preparation
as easy as banking online! TurboTax is now available
through our new home banking system. Not only can
you save time with secure, automatic upload of
account data, but you can also receive a 15% discount
on TurboTax Federal (Deluxe, Premier, and Home
and Business Edition).
Are You Covered?
As an EECU member you can take advantage of
the quick, convenient way to obtain auto
and home insurance from a wide
variety of leading insurance carriers
through our partner, California
Insurance Specialists (CIS). Get a
free insurance quote by visiting and clicking on the
insurance tab or call 1-888-831-0247.
PG. 2
Call for Candidates
PG. 3
Manager Profile:
Jeanean Brown
PG. 4
2011 in Review
PG. 5
Direct Deposit
Your Tax Refund
PG. 6
Tax Preparation
with TurboTax
W I N T E R 2 012
Bulletin Board
Call for Candidates
EECU is now accepting applications for
our annual election to the Board of
Directors and Supervisory Committee,
and our Associate Volunteer program.
Holiday Hours
In observance of the following, we
will be closed:
Martin Luther King Jr. Day
Monday, January 16th
Normal business hours will resume
on Tuesday, January 17th.
Presidents’ Day
Monday, February 20th
Normal business hours will resume
on Tuesday, February 21st.
Upcoming Events
February 4: Shred event at the
Barstow Branch (from 9:30 a.m. –
11:30 a.m.)
February 25: Shred event at the
Visalia Branch (from 9:30 a.m. –
11:30 a.m.)
March 10: Shred event at the
Milburn Branch (from 9:30 a.m. –
11:30 a.m.)
March 31: Shred event at the
Clovis North Branch (from 9:30
a.m. – 11:30 a.m.)
Month of March: March of Dimes
Fundraiser – donate to March of
Dimes at any EECU branch.
Board of Directors and Supervisory
Committee Candidates: Our annual
election to the Board of Directors and
Supervisory Committee is May 2012.
The deadline to submit a candidate
application is February 17, 2012. The
Nomination/Election Committee will
review applications and interview
potential candidates prior to placing
names into nomination. Members who are
not nominated may still seek election by
submitting a petition containing the
verified signatures of 100 credit union
members. The petitions must be
submitted by March 23, 2012.
Three seats will be up for election on the
Board of Directors, and two seats will be
available on the Supervisory Committee
(one three-year term and one two-year
term). Members of the Board of Directors
are responsible for directing and
controlling the affairs of the credit union,
exercising sound governance and
leadership, and working closely with
management to develop sound policies.
The Supervisory Committee is responsible
for ensuring rules/regulations are
followed and internal controls are in place
to protect the credit union. The
Supervisory Committee is also responsible
for selecting the credit union’s external
audit firm and overseeing the credit
union’s books and records.
The Board of Directors may appoint up to
three candidates to become associate
volunteers. Associate Volunteers provide
the credit union with an ongoing resource
to provide qualified future candidates for
Board and Supervisory Committee
elections. Associate Volunteers will
complete educational training, attend
Board and Supervisory Committee
meetings, participate in planning
sessions, and fulfill other requirements of
the position.
Applicants must be members.
Appointment to the Associate Volunteer
program will be voted on by the Board
of Directors. One-year terms begin in
April 2012.
Application Information
and Requirements
Prior to February 17, 2012, potential
candidates for an elected or associate
volunteer position must attend a
scheduled meeting of the Board of
Directors or the Supervisory Committee
and an orientation session to review the
responsibilities of the position. The
meeting dates are listed below.
Members interested in running for an
elected or associate volunteer position
must meet specific criteria for eligibility.
For more information, please visit our web
site,, call (559) 437-7924,
or write to:
The Nomination/
Election Committee
c/o Educational Employees
Credit Union
P.O. Box 5242
Fresno, CA 93755
Board of Directors Meeting Dates:
January 24th
Supervisory Committee Meeting Dates:
February 16th
Candidate Orientation Dates:
February 15th and 16th
Candidate Interview Dates:
February 21st, 22nd, and 23rd
2011Year in Review: For People, Not Profit
Credit Unions are for people, not
profit. It’s a simple, but powerful
statement. At EECU, we take our
members personally, and that means
providing the best products, services,
convenience and technology.
EECU remains a well capitalized, safe
and sound place to conduct your
financial business. Over 10,000 people
joined EECU last year, bringing our total
membership to over 197,000. We
experienced a surge in membership in
the last four months of the year after
several big banks announced their plans
to begin charging monthly debit card
fees. Although some of the banks
reversed their position on the fee, many
consumers decided that the damage was
already done and were motivated to
make a change. Many of them turned to
credit unions, which reported higher
new account openings than in previous
months. In October 2011, we had a 60%
increase in new accounts compared to
the same month in 2010. We are thrilled
to welcome so many new people to
EECU, and we are ready to show them
the credit union difference.
EECU was recognized with several
awards last year. We received the
People’s Choice Award for Best Credit
Union and we were named Best Local
Credit Union in the Fresno Magazine
Best of Fresno Awards. Our Wise Up
program received the first place
Desjardins Youth Financial Education
Award and the Richard Myles Johnson
Foundation Beacon Youth Financial
Education Award. We were named
Outstanding Philanthropic Organization
by the local chapter of the Association of
Fundraising Professionals, and we also
received several other awards. We are
honored to receive these awards and we
will continue to work hard to earn and
keep your business.
In January 2011 EECU opened an ATM
on the campus at Fresno State. Students
and faculty now have convenient access
to their EECU accounts.
EECU is committed to keeping pace with
technological changes so we can lower
costs, improve efficiencies, and offer the
products and services our members
want. We converted to a new Online
Access Home Banking system in August
and member feedback about the new
features and functionality has been
very positive. Our new system not only
has a new and improved look, but it
also features an improved bill pay
system, mobile-friendly banking, and
FinanceWorks – a powerful budgeting
tool. Adoption of mobile banking has
been strong, with over 10,000 users
already accessing the home banking site
via their mobile device. The new home
banking system offers so many new and
exciting advantages – all at no cost
to you.
We pride ourselves on being an active
partner in the communities we serve. In
November 2010, Walmart initiated a
“fighting hunger together” campaign on
Facebook and EECU joined the action.
Fresno was one of 100 cities across the
U.S. in the running to benefit from a one
million dollar donation from Walmart to
local hunger relief organizations. At the
end of the campaign, the city with the
most “likes” on Facebook would receive
one million dollars; the runners-up
would receive $100,000. We posted the
campaign on our EECU Facebook page
and received 500 “likes.” In return, EECU
donated $5,000 to local hunger relief
agencies. Although Fresno didn’t get the
most votes, we did receive $100,000 and
it was great to see the community unite
toward a common goal.
EECU continues to sponsor many
education-related events throughout the
communities we serve. Our financial
literacy outreach program has been
well-received in the community, and we
are committed to educating our youth
about the importance of good money
management skills. We are in our 10th
year of providing educational grants to
members pursuing higher education. To
date, we have awarded $575,000 to
help students with their education
expenses. Last year our employees
helped raise money for the Community
Food Bank, Leukemia and Lymphoma
Society, Soles4Souls, and many other
worthy causes.
Our members are the reason for our
success, and we thank you for your
loyalty and your trust in us. We look
forward to serving you in 2012.
Frank V. Powell Ph.D.
Chair, EECU Board of Directors
Jessica (Cont. from Cover)
“When I was nine, my younger sister was
born through emergency cesarean section.
It was a very traumatic experience and it’s
what led me to the interest in medicine.”
it provides medical assistance to those who
otherwise could never afford it… providing
culturally and linguistically-sensitive care
is important to the growing, diverse
underserved groups and the health care
Jessica is also a member and volunteer of future in this country,” Jessica said.
Clínica Tepati. Clínica Tepati means
“healing clinic” and is a student-run health Jessica is a very active student and
clinic that offers services to the volunteer. During her free time she enjoys
underserved population of Sacramento. playing lacrosse for the UC Davis Women’s
“Clínica [Tepati] means a lot to me because Club team and enjoys working at a transit
service in Davis as a bus driver and trainer.
When asked who has been most influential
in her life, she answered, “My parents: They
have taught me the importance of working
hard, responsibility and the importance of
making good choices… without these
values I wouldn’t be as successful as I am.”
Jessica concluded, “My family overall drives
me to the person I am; they inspire me to
do my best every day.”
Do not include the
check number
Direct Deposit
Your Tax Refund
Account Number
Routing Number
Tax season is right around the corner and
many members are taking advantage of a
quick and easy tax refund by using
electronic filing (e-filing). E-filing allows
you to transmit your tax return
information directly to the IRS
E-filing is a fast, accurate, and secure way
to get your tax refund from the IRS. The
traditional refund can take up to eight
weeks to receive in the mail; with e-filing
you’ll receive your refund within an
average of 10 days.
Here’s some information you’ll need to
direct deposit your refund:
• Routing and transit number – EECU’s
routing and transit number is
• Account Number – You will first need
to decide if your money will be
deposited in your checking or
savings account.
> If you decide to deposit the refund
in your checking account, select the
appropriate box and enter your
checking account number in the
space provided (refer to the check
> If you would like to receive your
refund in your savings account, then
you will need your Share account
number. Please call us for this
E-filing definitely takes the worrying and
the long wait out of tax reimbursement.
If you need additional information please
call 1-800-538-EECU(3328).
W I N T E R 2 012
Bulletin Board
Call for Candidates
EECU is now accepting applications for
our annual election to the Board of
Directors and Supervisory Committee,
and our Associate Volunteer program.
Holiday Hours
In observance of the following, we
will be closed:
Martin Luther King Jr. Day
Monday, January 16th
Normal business hours will resume
on Tuesday, January 17th.
Presidents’ Day
Monday, February 20th
Normal business hours will resume
on Tuesday, February 21st.
Upcoming Events
February 4: Shred event at the
Barstow Branch (from 9:30 a.m. –
11:30 a.m.)
February 25: Shred event at the
Visalia Branch (from 9:30 a.m. –
11:30 a.m.)
March 10: Shred event at the
Milburn Branch (from 9:30 a.m. –
11:30 a.m.)
March 31: Shred event at the
Clovis North Branch (from 9:30
a.m. – 11:30 a.m.)
Month of March: March of Dimes
Fundraiser – donate to March of
Dimes at any EECU branch.
Board of Directors and Supervisory
Committee Candidates: Our annual
election to the Board of Directors and
Supervisory Committee is May 2012.
The deadline to submit a candidate
application is February 17, 2012. The
Nomination/Election Committee will
review applications and interview
potential candidates prior to placing
names into nomination. Members who are
not nominated may still seek election by
submitting a petition containing the
verified signatures of 100 credit union
members. The petitions must be
submitted by March 23, 2012.
Three seats will be up for election on the
Board of Directors, and two seats will be
available on the Supervisory Committee
(one three-year term and one two-year
term). Members of the Board of Directors
are responsible for directing and
controlling the affairs of the credit union,
exercising sound governance and
leadership, and working closely with
management to develop sound policies.
The Supervisory Committee is responsible
for ensuring rules/regulations are
followed and internal controls are in place
to protect the credit union. The
Supervisory Committee is also responsible
for selecting the credit union’s external
audit firm and overseeing the credit
union’s books and records.
The Board of Directors may appoint up to
three candidates to become associate
volunteers. Associate Volunteers provide
the credit union with an ongoing resource
to provide qualified future candidates for
Board and Supervisory Committee
elections. Associate Volunteers will
complete educational training, attend
Board and Supervisory Committee
meetings, participate in planning
sessions, and fulfill other requirements of
the position.
Applicants must be members.
Appointment to the Associate Volunteer
program will be voted on by the Board
of Directors. One-year terms begin in
April 2012.
Application Information
and Requirements
Prior to February 17, 2012, potential
candidates for an elected or associate
volunteer position must attend a
scheduled meeting of the Board of
Directors or the Supervisory Committee
and an orientation session to review the
responsibilities of the position. The
meeting dates are listed below.
Members interested in running for an
elected or associate volunteer position
must meet specific criteria for eligibility.
For more information, please visit our web
site,, call (559) 437-7924,
or write to:
The Nomination/
Election Committee
c/o Educational Employees
Credit Union
P.O. Box 5242
Fresno, CA 93755
Board of Directors Meeting Dates:
January 24th
Supervisory Committee Meeting Dates:
February 16th
Candidate Orientation Dates:
February 15th and 16th
Candidate Interview Dates:
February 21st, 22nd, and 23rd
2011Year in Review: For People, Not Profit
Credit Unions are for people, not
profit. It’s a simple, but powerful
statement. At EECU, we take our
members personally, and that means
providing the best products, services,
convenience and technology.
EECU remains a well capitalized, safe
and sound place to conduct your
financial business. Over 10,000 people
joined EECU last year, bringing our total
membership to over 197,000. We
experienced a surge in membership in
the last four months of the year after
several big banks announced their plans
to begin charging monthly debit card
fees. Although some of the banks
reversed their position on the fee, many
consumers decided that the damage was
already done and were motivated to
make a change. Many of them turned to
credit unions, which reported higher
new account openings than in previous
months. In October 2011, we had a 60%
increase in new accounts compared to
the same month in 2010. We are thrilled
to welcome so many new people to
EECU, and we are ready to show them
the credit union difference.
EECU was recognized with several
awards last year. We received the
People’s Choice Award for Best Credit
Union and we were named Best Local
Credit Union in the Fresno Magazine
Best of Fresno Awards. Our Wise Up
program received the first place
Desjardins Youth Financial Education
Award and the Richard Myles Johnson
Foundation Beacon Youth Financial
Education Award. We were named
Outstanding Philanthropic Organization
by the local chapter of the Association of
Fundraising Professionals, and we also
received several other awards. We are
honored to receive these awards and we
will continue to work hard to earn and
keep your business.
In January 2011 EECU opened an ATM
on the campus at Fresno State. Students
and faculty now have convenient access
to their EECU accounts.
EECU is committed to keeping pace with
technological changes so we can lower
costs, improve efficiencies, and offer the
products and services our members
want. We converted to a new Online
Access Home Banking system in August
and member feedback about the new
features and functionality has been
very positive. Our new system not only
has a new and improved look, but it
also features an improved bill pay
system, mobile-friendly banking, and
FinanceWorks – a powerful budgeting
tool. Adoption of mobile banking has
been strong, with over 10,000 users
already accessing the home banking site
via their mobile device. The new home
banking system offers so many new and
exciting advantages – all at no cost
to you.
We pride ourselves on being an active
partner in the communities we serve. In
November 2010, Walmart initiated a
“fighting hunger together” campaign on
Facebook and EECU joined the action.
Fresno was one of 100 cities across the
U.S. in the running to benefit from a one
million dollar donation from Walmart to
local hunger relief organizations. At the
end of the campaign, the city with the
most “likes” on Facebook would receive
one million dollars; the runners-up
would receive $100,000. We posted the
campaign on our EECU Facebook page
and received 500 “likes.” In return, EECU
donated $5,000 to local hunger relief
agencies. Although Fresno didn’t get the
most votes, we did receive $100,000 and
it was great to see the community unite
toward a common goal.
EECU continues to sponsor many
education-related events throughout the
communities we serve. Our financial
literacy outreach program has been
well-received in the community, and we
are committed to educating our youth
about the importance of good money
management skills. We are in our 10th
year of providing educational grants to
members pursuing higher education. To
date, we have awarded $575,000 to
help students with their education
expenses. Last year our employees
helped raise money for the Community
Food Bank, Leukemia and Lymphoma
Society, Soles4Souls, and many other
worthy causes.
Our members are the reason for our
success, and we thank you for your
loyalty and your trust in us. We look
forward to serving you in 2012.
Frank V. Powell Ph.D.
Chair, EECU Board of Directors
Jessica (Cont. from Cover)
“When I was nine, my younger sister was
born through emergency cesarean section.
It was a very traumatic experience and it’s
what led me to the interest in medicine.”
it provides medical assistance to those who
otherwise could never afford it… providing
culturally and linguistically-sensitive care
is important to the growing, diverse
underserved groups and the health care
Jessica is also a member and volunteer of future in this country,” Jessica said.
Clínica Tepati. Clínica Tepati means
“healing clinic” and is a student-run health Jessica is a very active student and
clinic that offers services to the volunteer. During her free time she enjoys
underserved population of Sacramento. playing lacrosse for the UC Davis Women’s
“Clínica [Tepati] means a lot to me because Club team and enjoys working at a transit
service in Davis as a bus driver and trainer.
When asked who has been most influential
in her life, she answered, “My parents: They
have taught me the importance of working
hard, responsibility and the importance of
making good choices… without these
values I wouldn’t be as successful as I am.”
Jessica concluded, “My family overall drives
me to the person I am; they inspire me to
do my best every day.”
Do not include the
check number
Direct Deposit
Your Tax Refund
Account Number
Routing Number
Tax season is right around the corner and
many members are taking advantage of a
quick and easy tax refund by using
electronic filing (e-filing). E-filing allows
you to transmit your tax return
information directly to the IRS
E-filing is a fast, accurate, and secure way
to get your tax refund from the IRS. The
traditional refund can take up to eight
weeks to receive in the mail; with e-filing
you’ll receive your refund within an
average of 10 days.
Here’s some information you’ll need to
direct deposit your refund:
• Routing and transit number – EECU’s
routing and transit number is
• Account Number – You will first need
to decide if your money will be
deposited in your checking or
savings account.
> If you decide to deposit the refund
in your checking account, select the
appropriate box and enter your
checking account number in the
space provided (refer to the check
> If you would like to receive your
refund in your savings account, then
you will need your Share account
number. Please call us for this
E-filing definitely takes the worrying and
the long wait out of tax reimbursement.
If you need additional information please
call 1-800-538-EECU(3328).
W I N T E R 2 0 1 2 | I S S U E N O . 10
We Take Our Managers Personally:
Jeanean Brown
Reedley Branch Manager
Jeanean Brown is the branch manager at our Reedley Branch. She has been a branch manager for 17 years and has been
employed at EECU for a total of 30 years. Throughout the years, Jeanean has held several positions within the credit
union: loan counselor, loan supervisor, assistant branch manager and other branch manager positions.
Something that most people don’t know about Jeanean is that she loves to try new foods. “I’ll try anything once, and more
often than not I wind up enjoying it… I’m not as adventurous as Andrew Zimmern, but if it looks good, I’ll eat it,” she said
with a smile.
When asked about her inspiration in both her personal and professional life, Jeanean said, “Talking to people and learning
about them.” She finds it very interesting to meet new people and hear about their experiences. “Wherever I travel, I try
to strike up a conversation and it amazes me how willing people are to share their experiences and how much we can learn
from them,” she said excitedly. Jeanean has also had the opportunity to learn from both fellow employees and members
and in turn has made lasting friendships. “I have been very fortunate to
have made lasting friends with people I have met and worked with
at the credit union.”
Jeanean enjoys supporting charities and organizations that
benefit the community, such as Christian Foundation for
Children and Aging, Community Food Bank, When I
Grow Up, and Foundation for Children Tomorrow. “I
recently volunteered as a mentor for a fifth grader at
a local elementary school,” she said. Jeanean has
also volunteered for several years as a judge and
test proctor for Academic Decathlon. “I was excited
to see the Hallmark Charter from Sanger make
national championship in their division this year,”
she said.
Aside from donating some of her free time to
community organizations, Jeanean enjoys visiting new
places and getting a sense of new people and their
environments. She also enjoys watching the San
Francisco Giants baseball team. “I see the Giants
as often as possible… AT&T Park has to be the
most beautiful park in the U.S., but I’d like to
see them all,” she said.
Keeping Your Information
Safe from Identity Theft
Identity theft is an illegal crime that is
committed against hundreds of people
each day. Identity theft occurs
when someone uses your personal
information to obtain access to your
existing accounts, or open new
accounts or credit lines in your name.
Thieves may gain access to your
personal information in a number
of ways:
• Personal information stolen from
your purse or wallet
• Home break in
• Automobile theft
• Dumpster diving (stealing trash
with personal information from a
residential or business trash
• Personal information on your
imprinted checks
• Medical or school records that are
accessed by an untrustworthy
• Information you may provide to a
fraudulent telemarketer
• Information you supply over the
Here are a few tips to help prevent
identity theft:
• Request a credit report (from
Equifax, Experian or TransUnion)
at least twice a year.
• Shred any mail containing personal
information before you throw it in
the trash.
• Pay close attention to any
suspicious charges on your
checking account or credit card
Member Spotlight:
Student at University of California, Davis
Most importantly, if you have been a
victim of identity theft, you should file
a police report as soon as possible and
alert one of the previously mentioned
credit report companies. Always keep
documentation of any telephone calls,
receipts or correspondence related to
the identity theft – this will help
protect you should you need to take
your case to court.
Jessica has been an EECU member since she was an
infant. Her grandfather was a classified employee at
Mendota Unified School District and Jessica was eligible
to join EECU through him.
She has received the EECU Student Grant multiple times
and is currently a student at University of California,
Davis. “I began my school career at Hazel M. Bailey
Elementary in Firebaugh and later attended Rio Vista
and Central High School in Fresno.” After graduating,
Jessica moved to Davis, California to attend UC Davis.
Thanks in part to the grant she received, Jessica is
currently focusing her studies on primary medical care.
(Cont. on Page 5)
Tax Preparation
with TurboTax
Published quarterly by:
P.O. Box 5242
Fresno, CA 93755
©2011 Redbeard®/EDU-571
Federally Insured by NCUA
Member Service Center
1-800-538-EECU (3328)
EECU and TurboTax are making your tax preparation
as easy as banking online! TurboTax is now available
through our new home banking system. Not only can
you save time with secure, automatic upload of
account data, but you can also receive a 15% discount
on TurboTax Federal (Deluxe, Premier, and Home
and Business Edition).
Are You Covered?
As an EECU member you can take advantage of
the quick, convenient way to obtain auto
and home insurance from a wide
variety of leading insurance carriers
through our partner, California
Insurance Specialists (CIS). Get a
free insurance quote by visiting and clicking on the
insurance tab or call 1-888-831-0247.
PG. 2
Call for Candidates
PG. 3
Manager Profile:
Jeanean Brown
PG. 4
2011 in Review
PG. 5
Direct Deposit
Your Tax Refund
PG. 6
Tax Preparation
with TurboTax