1) Use a separate Picture Day Order Form for each person. 2) Complete the Order Information Section on the bottom. A computer reads the form, so PLEASE USE DARK INK & PRINT CLEARLY! 3) Circle items ordered on top for your reference. 4) Tear off top and keep as your receipt. 5) Enclose payment, seal and give to photographer on Picture Day. 38300-173M 1- 1- 8- 2- 2- (8x10 Print w Ind, Team & Graphics) BEST S! SAVING 8x10 Magazine Cover Trader Wallets (1 sided) Micro Magnets (2.5x3.5 Wallet Size) 5x7 Ind. Photos $37.21 +$2.78 tax +$3.00 S&H $42.99 AA) Turn my Composite into a 9x11 Team w/ Ind. Plaque for only $15 more. Total Price $57.99. 8x10 Composite Memory Mate (8x10 Print w Ind, Team & Graphics) Wallet Photos 3x5 Ind. Photos 5x7 Ind. Photo 3x5 Photo Magnet MOST R! POPUL A $24.18 $52 Value - Save $23 +$1.81 tax +$3.00 S&H $28.99 BB) Add 8-Trader Wallets (1 sided) with Names for only $5 more. Total Price $33.99. This order is Per Child ONLY & must be the same pose. C1) 1-8x10 Individual Photo C2) 1-5x7 Individual Photo C3) 2-4x6 Individual Photos C4) 2-3x5 Individual Photos C5) 4-Wallet Photos C6) 8-Mini Wallet Photos C7) 1-5x7 Team Photo C8) 1-3x5 Photo Magnet C9) 1-Photo Button C10) 1-Memory Mate Key Chain F. DOWNLOAD PLUS! PACK 1- 8x10 Composite Memory Mate (8x10 Print w Ind, Team & Graphics) 2- 3x5 Ind. Photos 1-8x10 ESPN Composite Memory Mate 8- ESPN Trading Cards (2 sided) 1- ESPN Dog Tag 1- 5x7 Ind. Photo 1- 1- 1- 1- 2- 1- 1- $21.39 4- Wallet Photos $35 Value - Save $9 +$1.60 tax +$3.00 S&H $25.99 DD) Remove the 2-3x5 Indiv. Photos from Package D and Pay Only $23.00. $33.49 2- 3x5 Ind. Photos The Leader In Sports! +$2.51 tax +$3.00 S&H $39.00 EE) Same Package without ESPN Graphics MAGNETS 11) 1-3x5 Regular Photo Magnet.....................................8.00 12) 2-2.5x3.5 Micro Magnets.........................................10.00 13) 1-7” Photo Pennant Magnet.......................................8.00 14) 1-5x7 Individual Calendar Magnet...........................12.00 15) 1-5x7 Memory Mate Magnet....................................15.00 16) 1-Designer Magnet Set (1-3x5 & 2-2x3 Magnets w/ Graphics).....................14.00 www.legendskc.com (816) 918-8388 or (573) 219-1552 [email protected] facebook: Legends Sports Photography (Kansas City) 20) 8-Pro Trading Cards (2 sided)................................................... 16.00 21) 16-Pro Trading Cards (2 sided)................................................. 24.00 22) 1-3” Personalized Photo Button................................................... 8.00 23) 5-2x8 Metallic Tickets................................................................ 13.00 24) 8-Trader Wallets w/ Name & Graphics (1 sided)........................ 11.00 25) 1-8x10 Custom Magazine Cover............................................... 12.00 26) 1-8x10 Ind. Photo Sculpture w/Stand........................................ 22.00 27) 1-Individual Sports Ball w/Stand................................................ 30.00 28) 4-3-D View 4x5 Ind. (2 Desktop Displays & 2 Magnets).............. 23.00 29) 1-ID Necklace of Individual (Dog Tag)....................................... 13.00 30) 3-Key Tags of Ind....................................................................... 10.00 31) 1-Bag Tag of Ind.......................................................................... 9.00 32) 1-Memory Mate Key Chain.......................................................... 9.00 Hi-Res. Ind. Download w/Copyright Release 8x10 Ind. Photo 5x7 Ind. Photo 3x5 Ind. Photo Wallet Photos 5x7 Team Photo Regular Mem. Mate Mount $30.69 +$2.30 tax +$3.00 S&H $59 Value - Save $23 Individual Portrait Prints NEW! 33) 4-Wallet Photos (2.5” x 3.5”) of Individual.................................... 7.00 34) 8-Mini Wallets (1.75” x 2.5”) of Individual..................................... 8.00 35) 2-3x5 Individual Photos................................................................ 9.00 36) 1-5x7 Individual Photo................................................................. 9.00 37) 2-4x6 Individual Photos.............................................................. 10.00 38) 1-8x10 Individual Photo............................................................. 12.00 Team Items $35.99 ONLY $32.00. MORE COMBO MATES & PACKAGES H) 1-Indiv. Digital Download Plus 1-3x5 & 2-Wallets of Ind............. 27.00 S) 1-8x12 Large Composite Memory Mate..................................... 21.00 P) 1-Pennant Mate (3x5 Individual, 5x7 Team & Pennant)............. 20.00 T) 1-8x10 Composite Memory Mate............................................... 19.00 R) 1-Retro Memory Mate (3x5 Individual, 5x7 Team w/ Mount)...... 15.00 X) 1-8x10 Mount (Mount Only).......................................................... 3.00 G) 1-5x7 Desktop Composite Memory Mate................................... 15.00 Z) 1-3-D View Memory Mate........................................................... 20.00 CD)1-Picture Disc Pack (High Res. Ind. Image w/ Copyright Release).32.00 NEW Payment is due inside envelope when pictures are taken. Phone Payments, Late Payments & Reorders cost more. Please Make Check Payable To: LEGENDS PHOTOGRAPHY When paying by check, you authorize checks returned unpaid and the state allowed fee to be recovered electronically or by draft. Print In ALL CAPITAL LETTERS w/ DARK INK. Tear at perf. and keep top for your records. We reserve the right to use any image for promotional purposes. Copyright of Legends Photography. 17) 1-9x11 Composite Memory Mate Plaque w/ Acrylic Cover & Nails.30.00 18) 1-6x8 Team & Individual Mini Plaque w/ Acrylic Cover & Nails.. 22.00 19) 1-8x10 Flat Edge Special FX Plaque of Individual..................... 34.00 Specialty Items Get the ou prints y want E. ESPN PACK PLUS! Plaques Choose any of these 3 Items for $22, 4 for $27 or 5 for $32 D. CHAMP PACK PLUS! 1- 4- 2- 1- 1- 8x10 Composite Memory Mate $70 Value - Save $27 CREATE YOUR OWN PACKAGE B. BEST BUY PACK A. ALL STAR PACK 39) 1-5x7 Team Photo..................................................................... 10.00 40) 1-8x10 Team Photo................................................................... 12.00 New Items 41) 1-50x60 Plush Stadium Blanket................................................. 85.00 42) 1-Fodeez™ Frame Combo Pack (Includes 1-4x6 and 2-2x3 Frames & Photos)........................... 12.00 43) 1-7” Photo Trophy of Ind............................................................ 17.00 44) 1-Aluminum Bottle of Ind. (600ml)............................................. 21.00 45) 1-Oversize Ceramic Mug of Ind. (15oz)..................................... 19.00 46) 1-Plastic Travel Mug of Ind. (15oz)............................................ 20.00 47) 1-9x22 Pennant Wall Sticker of Ind. & Team.............................. 20.00 48) 1-4’x6’ Official Jumbo Fathead of Ind...................................... 159.99 49) 1-Galaxy S4 Phone Cover......................................................... 20.00 50) 1-Galaxy S5 Phone Cover......................................................... 20.00 51) 1-iPhone 6 Phone Cover............................................................ 20.00 52) 1-iPhone 6 Plus Phone Cover.................................................... 22.00 53) 1-Individual Car Flag with Pole.................................................. 24.00 Many other products available at Photo Day! A computer reads this form & your order will be mailed to your home so please fill out all information carefully in DARK INK. PHOTO USE ONLY CAREFULLY PRINT LEGENDS NUMBER DISK/ DISK/FOLDER # FOLDER NUMBER USING ALL CAPITAL LETTERS ATHLETE’S FIRST NAME ATHLETE’S LAST NAME Not Responsible for Misspelling, Illegible Handwriting, Missing or Incorrect Order Info. PLACE PHOTO PACKAGE/ITEM ORDER INFO HERE * * COMPLETE FOR 2 SIDED TRADING CARDS * * Office use: Init. ck# $ PW cc# Fields left blank, will be printed blank. Prices include sales tax. Thank you for your order! Visa or MasterCard payment orders for most photo shoots will be processed (machine swiped) at the sales station. Present your card & completed order form Make Checks Payable To: LEGENDS PHOTOGRAPHY Prices/ packages are only available regular picture day. to a Legends Staff Member before photography. Late payments & re-orders cost more. Exact Change Please! Please print this form on 8.5x11 white paper, complete, trim on dotted line, and bring to Picture Day. 38300-173M When paying by check, you authorize checks returned unpaid and the state allowed fee to be recovered electronically or by draft.
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