1 - 231 Woodview Ln. 2 - 104 Woodview Ln. 3

1 - 231 Woodview Ln.
17 - 1325 Second St. #4
34 - 219 Colle St.
NASCAR diecast, football, basketball, baseball cards.
Packers items, girls clothes, men's and women's
clothing, toys and shoes, open Friday 8-5 and
Saturday 8-4.
Tools, women's clothing,gardening accessories, much
Girls newborn to six-year-old baby items, toys, men's
new jeans, depends, packer clothes, household items,
chairs, tables, small freezer.
18 - 1479 E Rockledge Rd
Household, clothing (adult-infant), Misc.
35 - 224 W. Haven Ct.
Fri. 10-4 Sat. 8-2. Collectibles, toysm clothes,
household, bikes, recliner's, wood benches, holiday,
craft items, jewelry, girls variety, puppet theater, toy
bin, metal tables, framed pictures, antique hankies,
19 - 1505 Meadows Ln.
Antiques, furniture, namebrand clothing, fabric, garden
art, decorations, kids wagon, kids items, wedding
supplies, clean great stuff! Fri. 8-5, Sat. 8-noon.
3 - 1331 Main St.
3-family sale! Boys 4T-6 (some smaller sizes), girls
18mo-10/12, women's clothes, bar stools, household
items, toys, 31 bags & Scentsy.
2 - 104 Woodview Ln.
Just about anything!
4 – 1750 Charles Dr.
Womens clothes L/XL, boys clothes up to 14/16, girls
clothes up to 7, bikes, bow, table for train set, lego
table, toy cubby, rocking horse, shelving unit, golf
clubs, toys & books, youth tae kwon do pads, dresser
5 - 1603 Scenic Ln.
Boys clothes size newborn to 3-t, baby items, double
seat bike, trailer, women's, juniors, & men's clothing,
household items, Mary Kay products and much more!
6 - 1650 Main St.
Glimmer sticks, mascara, eyeshadow quads, nail
polish, skin so soft bath oil, creamy body wash & lotion.
Shower gels, foot works. Newly purchased, all on sale
at great prices.
7 - 1653 Meadows Ln.
Antique furniture and glassware, linens, puzzles, adult
clothing, pictures and other household items.
8 - 1673 Pinetree Ln.
High chair, jumparoo, exersaucer, baby girl clothes, girl
clothes (7/8 - 14/16), boy clothes (3t-4t), toys, infant &
toddler shoes, women’s clothes (xl-1x), mens clothes
(xl-xxl), table/chairs, living room pictures, & more!
9 - 1673 Scenic Ln.
Multi family rummage sale, namebrand junior clothes
size x-small and up, adult clothes, boys clothes size 5 10, household items, toys & games.
10 - 1726 Woodview Ln.
Women's clothing XL-1X, household, furniture, crafts,
antiques, fishing and golf equipment, pet kennels,
tools, 7am-5pm.
11 - 1822 Deer Trail Ct.
2001 Honda motorcycle good condition, 20,300 miles.
Flexsteel wing back chair & ottoman, children's
clothing, soccer shoes, household goods.
12 - 207 Center Dr.
Baby misc. items, car seat, bathtub, maternity clothes,
boys clothes, young mens, girls, juniors, women small,
household decor, bowflex, sauna.
13 - 1206 Colle St.
Girls clothing size 10/12 to junior, toddler boy size 3T
to 5, tons of toys, adult clothing, housewares, crafts
and holiday items, computer desk, golf clubs and much
more! Come check it out!!
14 - 124 First St.
Multi family- clothes all sizes, buckle brand,
abercrombie & fitch, shoes, dishes, lamps, crafts,
15 - 1307 Sun Terrace St.
1st time sale! Neutral NB, Boys NB-18m, Girls NB-4T,
ALL things baby. Cozy coupe, outdoor swing, toddler
16 - 1318 Main St.
Tools, Clothes, And much more.
Moving sale; ladies clothes XXL and over; queen
headboard; dresser; adult winter jackets; household
items. A lot of items, you'll have to come and see!
20 - 1602 Pine Tree Ln.
21 - 1607 Scenic Ln.
Quality kid's clothes, girls 0-5/6, boys 0-18 months and
5 to 10/12, books, DVDs, toys, Dr. Brown bottles,
women's clothing, handmade grapevine chairs &
baskets, Lake Michigan fishing items.
22 - 1628 Meadows Ln.
Stroller, car seats, jumpers, nice jewelry, photo printer,
stereo with speakers, dining set, albums, water cooler,
nice, misc. Fri & Sat.
23 - 1712 Alfred Dr.
Tools, fishing, buggy body, sleigh, collectibles. clocks,
hardware, housewares, vintage radio, Chrysler
convertible, VCR's, 8 tracks, LP's, thousands of misc.
24 - 1721 Charles Dr
Couch, loveseat, microwave, kit. table, kids bikes,
chairs, toys/books/games, bedding, holiday blowups,
adult clothes, girls 3T-5, boys 4-12, shopvac & more!
25 - 1725 Alfred Dr.
**MUST SEE** Boys clothes 24M-5T. bathroom decor,
booster seat, name brand toys. Women's size S-XL,
shoes size 10. Essential Household items and more!
36 - 227 Church Rd
SnowBlower (needs TLC), mower, metal bunk bed,
clothes, toys, household items. Something for
everyone!! Check it out!
37 - 235 Northbrook Rd.
Lots of baby stuff, girls NB-6 mos., boys NB-3T, books
& puzzles, computer desk, bedroom set, end tables,
toddler truck bed, name brand jr. clothes. Must see!
38 - 245 Pine St. #5
‘Grandma' is going through the house! Cross country
skis, Packer shirts, cookbooks, jewelry & Pampered
Chef among the treasures. Check it out!
39 - 266 Brookview Ct.
Sale open Thurs., May 18 at 4:30 - Sat. May 20! Boys,
Girls & adult clothes, treadmill, Queen size headboard
and bed frame, household items and much more!
40 - 302 Division St
Clean, organized sale - boys 12/14, jr girls & adult
clothing, movies, books, shoes, fish tank, twin oak
headboard, desk, crafts & perennial plants, etc.
Reasonable prices! Fri. & Sat.
41 - 304 First St.
4 FAMILIES (2 MOVING) - Furniture, Couch,
Household, Dishes, Christmas, Ladies' Clothing,
American Girl, DVDs, tapes, Dell laptop (parts), Books.
42 - 306 Colle St.
Children's books; household items; furniture.
43 - 307 Church Rd.
5-Family sale - boys and girls clothes (infant-juniors),
toys all ages, household goods - all good condition.
Open Friday and Saturday 7 AM. Multi family.
Household items, 2010 Harley Davidson, wedding
decorations, Clothing of all sizes!
27 - 1738 Pine Tree Ln
44 - 307 Hillview Ct.
Kids games, girls toys, doll clothes, men's clothes
3X&4X, tools, fishing, ice fishing, trailer hitches,
Boys newborn-5T,women's small,XXL jackets,
household, mini fridge,rotisserie, kids toys, small
appliances, shoes, home decor, plus size
28 - 1739 Pine Tree Ln
45 - 307 St. John
Multi-Family sale, Thurs 8-7, Fri 8-7, Sat 8-2. Kids
clothes & shoes - Girls 4T- Juniors, Boys 4T-7,
Womens, Mens, Household items, Formal dining set,
Queen Bed set, Toys, Plexus Health & Wellness.
Railroad carts – fish scaler – bicycles – tools –
workbenches – tool boxes – furniture – Wicker – push
mower – electric lawn mower – antiques.
29 - 177 Church Rd
Boys 3T-10, Girls 6-10, Juniors, Young men, Womens
size10 and up, Books, Games, Household items,
Nursing uniforms L-XL, bikes.
Couch, coffee table, chair w/ottoman, basketball hoop,
weight bench, fridge freezer w/ice maker, stand for up
to a 60” TV, dresser, rolltop desk, church bench, dorm
fridge, clothes, Christmas tree!
30 - 188 Robin Ln.
47 - 312 Ralph St.
26 - 1732 Charles Dr.
Concrete items, craft bags, misc items
31 - 207 Main St.
Men's clothing small through extra large, women's
clothing extra-large to 2x, toys, puzzles, baby blankets,
books and more.
32 - 208 Main St.
Tupperware! Amazing new products and incredible
33 - 215 Colle St.
Three color TVs: 42”, 32”, 19“ - tube TVs cheap or free.
Teenage namebrand clothing. Adult clothing. Other
misc. household decorations and items. Come see!
46 - 309 Maria St.
Open Fri. 8-4 and Sat. 8-4. Stamp Up stamps/cards,
fired ceramic pieces, many misc. items here!
48 - 313 Maria St
14' Smokercraft boat, lawnmower, refrigerator,
microwave, dishwasher, furniture, electronics,
housewares, men and women clothing.
49 - 314 Maria St
Women's Clothes 14-20, Womens Shoes Sz 10,
Teacher Supplies, Toys/Games, Household Items,
Mens Clothes XL-2X, Fans, Counter-Height Chairs.
50 - 314 Ronald St.
21 inch yard machines, self-propelled lawnmower with
bagger, requires tuneup. Only used a few seasons.
51 - 314 Seidl St.
67 - 509 Church St.
83 - 813 Ralph St.
Clothes boys & girls - size 5-16, junior girls and adult
clothes, furniture, table & chairs, girls bike, household
items, karaoke machine, toys.
HUGE 7-family sale! Perennials. Large selection of
namebrand children and adult clothing, toys,
household items, home decor. Stainless steel sink with
new faucet.
Clothing, Shoes, Purses, Housewares, Jewelry, Craft
Supplies, TV, Bar Refrigerator, Upright Freezer.
52 - 322 Brookview Dr.
Boys clothes 4-8, girls clothes 6-12, toys, household
items, kids shoes, bike carrier, tools, furniture, single
bed complete, lots of miscellaneous, CDs and movies.
68 - 513 Maria St
53 - 337 Brookview Dr.
Multi-family sale. Clothing: baby, girl, boys & adult.
Toys, books, bikes, ski, TVs, desk, display cabinet and
much more.
Retired teacher sale – classroom decorations, prizes &
student supplies. Books, 7’ Christmas tree with
trimmings. Also many household items.
Power wheel Barbie jeep, girls clothes, kitchen items.
69 - 518 Prairie Ln.
70 - 523 Prairie Ln.
84 - 831 Marys Ct.
Tools, wood lathe, sawzall, 12 ft fishing boat, antique
school desks, nursing uniforms (medium), dining room
chairs, bug zappers, small entertainment center, car
covers, barstools, weedeater, Mens/womens bikes,
bread maker, tricycle, big wheel, tomato cages, cross
country skis, 220 volt power cords.
85 - 837 Ralph St.
Craft & rummage sale, rag rugs and new craft items,
yard decorations, Avon containers, clothing,
houseware items, overstock craft supplies, plus much
more. Open Friday 8 to 4.
Cottage/House Sale-furniture, dressers, dishwasher,
kitchen dishes, utensils, wall decor, girls/boys clothes,
toys, bikes and more!!!
Clothing, boys & girls junior sizes, womens sizes
medium to XL, men's medium to XX, including new
Harley Davidson clothes. Entertainment Center,
Christmas, misc.
55 - 341 Northbrook Rd.
71 - 524 Prairie Ln.
Booyah, NO MORE BABIES! Boys 0-24 Months,
Bouncer, Swing, Toys, Bumbo, Exersaucer, Murray
Snowblower with Cab, Homemade Hunting Blind.
Housewares, clothing – women's and men's. Shoes,
purses, patio set, space heater, fold up mattress, floor
jack, drill press, etc.
No more babies- girls clothes, newborn to 24 months,
Grayco infant car seat with two bases, toys,
miscellaneous baby items, household items, crafts,
puzzles, lamps, black hightop table with chairs.
Everything priced to sell!
56 - 382 Brookview Dr.
72 - 532 Heritage Ct.
Saturday only – white Whirlpool dishwasher (2 yrs old),
4 brown faux leather 24" counter stools, 65" projection
TV, boys 20” bike, mens 24” trek bikes, scooter, 5
piece iron outdoor furniture & cushions, Wii & games.
Sports memorabilia, bobbleheads, sports cards, CDs,
books, records, hot wheels, clothes, Christmas items,
pet carriers, Childs rug, bird lighthouses, Favre
certified autograph, misc.
87 - E0958 County Rd. N
57 - 392 Brookview Dr.
73 - 612 Marcks Ct.
54 - 341 Brookview Dr.
First time sale for girls clothes, newborn to 4T. Many
name brands. Household items, desk, dining set and
58 - 402 Brookview Dr.
Scrubs, furniture, household items, ladies apparel.
Come and see!
59 - 405 St. Johns St.
25 - 75% off ALL Rocks of Ages merchandise.
(Ready-to-wear Jewelry, Beads and Beading Supplies,
Chain, etc. Much More!) 9am - 1pm.
60 - 412 Elm St.
Girls clothes, womens plus, toys,outside toys, dvds,
PS2, nook, paparazzi jewelry, household items, books,
shoes and much more.
61 - 412 Saint John St.
18-24 month name brand boy clothes, name brand girl
clothes - sizes 5, 6, 7, toys, household items, women's
clothes size large and plus size.
62 - 420 Main St.
Stylish name-brand junior clothing, 10 plus racks of
children's clothing especially a lot of girls up to size 6x
toys, books, household, men's and women's clothing.
Great prices and organized sale.
63 - 422 Brookview Dr.
Girls clothing size 7-16, Plus size clothing, Futon, end
tables, Baseball collectibles, Household items, Books,
Toys, Shoes, Purses, Jewelry.
64 - 439 Prairie Ln.
Clothing, children to adult plus size, lamps, barstools,
birdhouses, wooden benches, antiques, toddler bed,
shoes, purses, and much more!
65 - 451 Prairie Ln.
Fri. 8-6, Sat. 8-4. Stylish women's and juniors clothing
& career wear, men's, clean kids clothing & shoes.
Jewelry, scarves, purses, patio bistro table w/two
chairs, toys, movies, books, home decor.
66 - 507 First St.
Furniture, old records, tools, old jars and bottles,
glassware, books, jewelry, dishes, some clothes, old
scales, milk cans, lots of miscellaneous. Cheap!
HUGE 8-family rummage sale! Tons of women's
clothes-various sizes. Lots of boys and men's sz 10XXL. Castle jackets and snowpants. Dorm refrig-used
1 yr.
74 - 613 Ralph St.
Lots of glass items, sports plaques, sports cards,
clothing – teens to adult, men size 3X, baskets,
storage boxes, oversupply of craft items, new crafts,
plus much more!
75 - 613 Ralph St.
Kewaunee County 4H Teen Food Stand. Fresh hot
foods! And cold drinks! Open Friday and Saturday.
76 - 700 Heritage Rd.
Housewares, jewelry, tools, games, books and more.
INDOOR RESTROOMS! Food for sale; trippe, brats,
burgers, bloomin' onions, cheese curds.
77 - 701 Heritage Rd.
Multi-Family Sale - Lots of women's and junior clothingshirts $1, furniture, home and seasonal decor, kitchen
items, tools and toys.
78 - 713 Prairie Ct.
Boys and girl clothes newborn & up, toys, adult
clothing, twin bed, pool, household items, and much
more! *BOOYAH*
79 - 720 Charles Dr.
86 - 930 Ralph St.
2002 Mazda 3 4 door, lots of household items,
furniture, adult and teen girl clothes, bikes,
prom/homecoming dresses, games, shoes, pet
supplies...something for everyone!
88 - E1447 Church Rd.
Must down-size. Household goods, antiques,
cookbooks, crafting items, lamps, house plants, garden
items and more.
89 - E1993 County Rd. A
Boys 0 mos-2T; baby gates; pack'n plays; Little Tykes
playhouse/kitchen, Tons of Med-Lg women's clothing
(mostly Buckle); Outdoor/Farm Items; Horse Tack.
91 - E843 Finger Rd.
Tons of boys clothes, newborn through XS, womens
clothes name brand, and men's clothes. Toys and
92 - Luxemburg-Casco High School
PARKING LOT 8 A.M.-1 P.M. or until sold out.
Hanging Baskets, Annuals, Planters. Proceeds to
SYVA Scholarships. In the event of rain, sale will be
held in cafeteria.
93 - N5076 Valley Rd.
Open Thurs eve 5-7, Friday 7-5, Sat 8-4. Items include
home decor, men's and women's clothes, girls 4-10,
boys 4-8. Children's shoes. Name brand items.
94 - N4273 County Rd. AB
Collectibles – beer signs – dishes – old toys – dolls –
tins – board games – 100 cookbooks – pictures –
Christmas – clothes – miscellaneous.
Clothes – twin girls, 4t–5, boys 6M – 24M, women's S
– M, car seats, toys, books, kids DVDs, double
strollers, lots of kids shoes!
95 - N4321 County Rd. V
80 - 728 Pine St.
96 - N6004 Rendezvous Rd.
City mini stroller, boys 20 inch bike, bike rack, infant &
toddler toys & games, crafts, breadmaker, infant toddler - older girl - women's - men's clothes.
81 - 748 Lowell Rd
Little Tykes stove, refrigerator, outdoor playhouse,
Girl's clothes sz. 8-14, women's clothes, decorations,
books, toys, much much more.
82 - 804 Gregor Dr.
Saturday only – scentsy, girls clothes 5-7, toys, books,
household goods, decorative glassware, fluidity bar
and much more.
Estate rummage sale! Tons of items. Household,
antiques, and much more!
Antique cedar chest, household items, built-in flat top
stove,antique decorative doors, windows, shelving,
closet, chicken nest, baby crib, much more.
97 - N6249 Hillview Rd.
Name Brand Clothes, Purses, Shoes. Jewelry. TV's.
Computer. Entertainment Center. Movies, Games.
Easy Set Up Pool. Misc Household Items.
98 - Simonar Shell
Food & Refreshment stand located behind the Shell
gas station. Burgers, Brats, and more!