Unit 9 – Phases of Matter: “Cold is but a State of Mind”

Unit 9 – Phases of Matter: “Cold is but a State of Mind”
Key Understandings:
and Abilities:
1. Know the difference between an open, closed and isolated systems.
2. Know the difference between heat and temperature.
3. Know that pressure as well as temperature is the determining factors for the
phase/state of matter.
4. Know how to define and use the terms/symbols for:
a. Specific Heat Capacity (CP)
b. Heat of Fusion (HFUS)
c. Heat of Vaporization (HVAP)
5. Known how the energy (kinetic and potential) of the particles of a substance
changes when heated, cooled or undergoing changes in phase.
6. Know the characteristics and differences of an ideal versus a real gas.
7. Know and know when to apply eitheir the Ideal Gas law (PV=nRT), the
Combined Gas law (P1V1/T1 = P2V2/T2), Avogadro’s law (n1/V1 = n2/V2) or
Dalton’s law of Partial Pressure (PT = P1 + P2 + P3 + …) to experimental data.
8. Know how to use the Combined Gas law (P1V1/T1 = P2V2/T2) to drive component
equations when one type of variable is held constant.
Hint Hint…. The perfect study guide is here.
1. Be able to state the key postulates of Do you understand these key points? Can you
do these things?
the KMT.
2. Be able to use a phase diagram to determine the phase, boiling point, melting
point and the triple point of a material at a given temperature and pressure.
3. Be able to convert from ˚C to K.
4. Be able to complete calorimetric calculations of: q = m•CP•∆T, q = m•HFUS,
q = m•HVAP, and qlost = (-qgain), including phase changes, using laboratory data.
5. Be able to interpret and draw heating and cooling curves (noting both
significance of plateaus and the physical states of each segment).
6. Be able to convert between equivalent units of pressure (torr, mmHg, atm, kPa)
using dimensional analysis.
7. Be able to apply the Ideal Gas law (PV=nRT), the Combined Gas law (P1V1/T1 =
P2V2/T2), Avogadro’s law (n1/V1 = n2/V2) and Dalton’s law of Partial Pressure
(PT = P1 + P2 + P3 + …) given experimental data.
Note: This is a tentative schedule and subject to change based upon student feedback.
Unit 9: Day 1
-Review Vocab before class
-Reading Assignments from Red
Sheet: KMT and the Phases of
Matter; 3 Things about Energy;
Temperature; Importance of ∆;
Phase Diagrams,
-U: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
-A: 1, 2, 3, 4
HW: 9.A, 9.B, 9.C
Unit 9: Day 4
-Review Vocab before class
-Reading Assignments from Red
Sheet: Gasses; Kinetic Molecular
Theory of Gasses; Diffusion vs.
Effusion; deal Gases; Real vs.
ideal Gasses; Temp in Gas Laws;
Standard Pressure; Gas Laws;
-U: 6, 7
-A: 3, 6, 7
HW: 9.G & 9.H
Unit 9: Day 5
-Review Vocab before class
-Reading Assignments from Red
Sheet: Temp in Gas Laws; The
Gas Constant, R, in Various Units;
Standard Pressure; Gas Laws;
Dalton’s Law of Partial Pressure
-U: 7, 8
-A: 3, 6, 7
HW: 9.I, 9. J
Unit 9: Day 6
Absolute Zero
Critical Point
Kinetic Energy
Kinetic Molecular
Unit 9: Day 7
Due: Unit 9 NB Check→ J, No
Vocab This Unit
-Unit Test
– No Vocab due to Mr. Butryn’s
– No Vocab due to Mr. Butryn’s
Schedule –
Phase Boundary
Phase Diagram
Phase Equilibrium
Potential Energy
Triple point:
Unit 10: Day 1
-Unit Test
Normal boiling
Normal melting
-Review Vocab before class
-Reading Assignments from Red
Sheet: Calorimetry; Heat and
Cooling Curves.
-U: 2, 4, 5
-A: 3, 4, 5
HW: 9.E & 9.F
HW: 9.D
-Alternative Calculations Lab
-U: 2, 4, 7, 8
-A: 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
This is a temperature reading made relative to absolute
zero. We use the unit of Kelvins for these readings.
This is the lowest temperature possible of 0 K. Remember
that temperature is the measurement molecular
movement; you can guess that they stop moving entirely
at absolute zero. In reality, bonds still vibrate a little bit,
but for the most part you don't see much happening.
When a vapor reforms a liquid. This is what happens on
your bathroom mirror when you take a shower.
The end point of the liquid-vapor line in a phase
diagram. Past the critical point, you get something called
a "supercritical liquid", which has weird properties.
The form of energy that moves spontaneously from a
warmer object to a less warm one. “Heat flows where it is
hot to where it is not”
A unit used to measure temperature. One Kelvin is equal
in size to one degree Celsius. To convert between
degrees Celsius and Kelvins, simply add 273.15 to the
temperature in degrees Celsius to get Kelvins.
Energy of motion or the energy an object has because of its
mass and velocity; the kinetic energy of a moving body is
measured in joules. Objects that are not moving have no
kinetic energy.
Theory that assumes that all matter consists of
continuously moving molecules of negligible size.
Unit 9: Day 3
-Review Vocab before class
-Reading Assignments from Red
Sheet: Calorimetry
-U: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
-A: 1, 2, 3, 4
Day 1 Vocab
Unit 9: Day 2
The boiling point of a substance at 1.00 atm.
The melting point of a substance at 1.00 atm.
physically distinctive form of matter, such as
a solid, liquid, gas or plasma. AKA the state of matter.
The line on a phase diagram that indicated that more than one
phase is present under the conditions of temperature and
pressure indicated and a phase change is possible due to
any shift in these conditions.
A chart showing how phase depends on the equilibrium
between pressures and temperatures.
Coexistence of phases in thermodynamic equilibrium with one
another in a system consisting of two or more phases.
Stored energy due to its composition or position; the stored
energy of an object may only be measured when it is
Force exerted by molecular collision per unit area.
When a solid can change directly into a gas. Dry ice does this
The part of the universe being studied, while the surroundings
are the rest of the universe that interacts with the system.
The average kinetic energy of a system. A scale of particle
motion from 0 to something when measuring temperature in
The temperature and pressure at which all three states of a
substance can exist in equilibrium.
When you boil a liquid.
Day 2 Vocab
Specific Heat
The study of heat flow.
The amount of heat required to increase the temperature of
one gram of a substance by one degree dependent on
phase. Symbol is (CP)
Day 3 Vocab
Heat of Fusion
Heat of
The energy required to transition one g of a substance
the solid to
the liquid state
constant temperature and pressure.
The energy required to transition one g of a substance
the liquid to
the gas state
constant temperature and pressure.
Ideal gas:
Partial Pressure
Day 4 Vocab
Avogadro's Law
Boyle's Law
Charles's Law
Dalton's Law of
Partial Pressures
If you've got two gases under the same conditions of
temperature, pressure, and volume, they've got the same
number of particles (atoms or molecules). This law only
works for ideal gases, none of which actually exist.
The volume of a gas at constant temperature varies
inversely with pressure. In other words, if you put big
pressure on something, it gets small.
The volume of a gas at constant pressure is directly
proportional to the temperature. In other words, if you heat
something up, it gets big.
The total pressure in a mixture of gases is equal to the
sums of the partial pressures of all the gases put together.
When particles move from areas of high concentration to
areas of low concentration. For example, if you open a
bottle of ammonia on one end of the room, the
concentration of ammonia molecules in the air is very high
on that side of the room. As a result, they tend to migrate
across the room, which explains why you can smell it after
a little while. Be careful not to mix this up with effusion
Real gas:
When a gas moves through an opening into a chamber
that contains no or less pressure. Effusion is much faster
than diffusion because there are no other gas molecules to
get in the way.
A gas in which the particles are infinitely small, have a
kinetic energy directly proportional to the temperature,
travel in random straight lines, and don't attract or repel
each other. Needless to say, there's no such thing as an
ideal gas in the real world. However, we use ideal gases
anyway because they make the math work out well for
equations that describe how gases behave.
The pressure of one gas in a mixture. For example, if you
had a 50:50 mix of helium and hydrogen gases and the
total pressure was 2 atm, the partial pressure of hydrogen
would be 1 atm.
A gas in which the particles are small but occupy space,
have an individual kinetic energy, travel unpredictable, and
are affected by IMF’s. Do not cover at this level as we
would need to consider the impact of their individual
volume, distance between particles and resulting affect of
IMF’s….fun right?
Temperature and
One atmosphere and 273.15 K. Usually denoted as STP.
Gas Constant
Constant derived from the ideal gas equation, PV = nRT
whose value varies based on the units associated with it.
Day 5 Vocab
Unit 9 Formula Reference
q = m • Cp • ΔT
q = m • HFUS
q = m • HVAP
P1 V1 =
P2 V2
V1 = V2
PT = P1 + Pn + …
9.A – Calorimetry: Basics
Instructions: Provide a response for each question that is well thought out, satisfies the prompt, is clearly explained, and LEGIBLE.
1. In a closed system what basic fact must always hold true for the energy content of the overall system? ______________________________________________________
2. What is the difference between heat and temperature, including units and symbol? ______________________________________________________________________
3. What property and two conditions determine the phase of a sample of matter is? ________________________________________________________________________
9.B – Calorimetry: Temperature Conversions and Calculations
Instructions: ON A SEPARATE SHEET, convert °C to K or vice versa. . Remember, Sig Figs, NW = NC, Boxed Answers and N3 (this includes labeling and in your set-up!!!)
1. 153.2°C
3. 30.02 K
5. 240 K
7. 1234°C
2. -33.0°C
4. -95.9400 °C
6. 235.23 K
8. 924.9 K
Instructions: ON A SEPARATE SHEET, calculate the change in temperature ( ΔT ) from the following data. Remember, Sig Figs, NW = NC, Boxed Answers and N3.
9. 153.2°C to 12.4°C
11. -95.9400°C to -104.2°C
10. -33.0°C to 49.0°C
12. 1234°C to 49.04°C
9.C – Calorimetry: Phase Diagrams
Instructions: Answer the question 1 – 9 in relation to the following phase diagram. Remember N3
1. Which letter denotes the solid phase?
2. Which letter denotes the liquid phase?
3. Which letter denotes the gas phase?
4. Which letter denotes the triple point?
In your own words, what is the definition of a triple point? ___________
5. What is the melting point at 1 atm of pressure? _________
6. What is the boiling point at 1 atm of pressure?
7. Above what temperature is it impossible to liquefy this substance, no
matter what the pressure?
8. At what temperature and pressure do all three phases coexist?
9. At a constant temperature, what would you do to cause this
substance to change from the liquid phase to the solid phase?
Instructions: Refer to the phase diagram below when answering the questions 10 – 25 NOTE: “Normal” refers to 1.0 atm and remember N3
10. What are the values for temperature and pressure at STP? T= ________, P= ________
11. What is the normal freezing point of this substance?
normal boiling point of this substance?
normal melting point of this substance?
12. What is the phase (s, l, g) of a substance at 2.0 atm and 100 °C?
13. What is the phase (s, l, g) of a substance at 0.75 atm and 100 °C?
14. What is the phase (s, l, g) of a substance at 0.5 atm and 100 °C?
15. What is the phase (s, l, g) of a substance at 1.5 atm and 50 °C?
16. What is the phase (s, l, g) of a substance at 1.5 atm and 200 °C?
17. What is the phase (s, l, g) of a substance at 1.5 atm and 800 °C?
18. What is the condition of the triple point of this substance? T= ________, P= _______
19. A sample was at an initial pressure of 1.25 atm and a temperature of 300 0 C and was lowered
to a pressure of 0.25 atm, what phase transition(s) would occur? _______________
20. A sample was at an initial pressure of 0.5 atm and a temperature of 2000 C was lowered to a
temperature of -2000 C, what phase transition(s) would occur? ________________________
21. If this substance was at a pressure of 2.0 atm, at what temperature would it melt?
boil? ____________
22. If this substance was at a pressure of 0.75 atm, at what temperature would it melt? ____________
boil? ____________
23. At what temperature do the gas and liquid phases become indistinguishable from each other? ___________________
24. At what pressure would it be possible to find this substance in the gas, liquid, and solid phase? _____
25. If I had a quantity of this substance at a pressure of 1.00 atm and a temperature of -1000 C, what phase change(s) would occur if I increased the temperature to 6000 C?
At what temperature(s) would they occur? (NOTE: multiple answers needed for this question) _____________________________________________________________
9.D – Calorimetry: Calometric Calculations
Instructions: ON A SEPARATE SHEET OF PAPER, identify the values and symbols of all variables present within the following data. Be sure to denote the unknown
variable, what you need to solve for, as = x and/or y. Variables to denote in each include Ti, Tf, ΔT, Cp, m, and q.
1. A sample of mercury is heated from 25.5 ˚C to 52.5 ˚C. In the process, 3050J of
3. A cube of gold with a mass of 192.4 g is heated from 30.0 ˚C to some higher
heat are absorbed. What mass of mercury was in the sample? The specific heat
temperature with the absorption of 921 J of heat. The specific heat of gold is
of mercury is 0. 140 J/g ˚C.
0.129 J/g ˚C. What is the final temperature of the gold?
2. A block of aluminum with a mass of 140g is cooled from 98.4 ˚C to 62.2 ˚C with a
release of 1137J of heat. From this data, calculate the specific heat of aluminum.
4. A total of 226 J of heat are absorbed as 58.3 g of lead is heated from 12.0 ˚C to
42.0 ˚C. From this data, what is the specific heat of lead?
9.D – Calorimetry: Calometric Calculations
Instructions: ON A SEPARATE SHEET OF PAPER, preform the following calorimetric calculations. Remember, Sig Figs, NW = NC, Boxed Answers and N3 (this includes
labeling and in your set-up!!!)
5. A sample of mercury is heated from 25.5 ˚C to 52.5 ˚C. In the process, 3050J of
11. What is the change in heat energy when 64.82 g of aluminum metal at 100.0 ˚C
heat are absorbed. What mass of mercury was in the sample? The specific heat
is cooled to 82.0 ˚C? The specific heat of aluminum is 0.897 J /g ˚C.
of mercury is 0. 140 J/g ˚C.
12. What is the mass of a sample of iron if that sample lost 2300J of heat energy
6. A block of aluminum with a mass of 140g is cooled from 98.4 ˚C to 62.2 ˚C with a
release of 1137J of heat. From this data, calculate the specific heat of aluminum.
7. A total of 226 J of heat are absorbed as 58.3 g of lead is heated from 12.0 ˚C to
42.0 ˚C. From this data, what is the specific heat of lead?
8. What is the change in heat energy when 132 g of copper at 32.2 ˚C is raised to
45.0 ˚C? The specific heat of copper is 0.385 J/g °C.
9. What is the change in heat energy when 75.0 g of water at 9.8 ˚C is raised to 22.4
˚C and the specific heat of liquid water is 4.18 J/g °C?
10. What is the change in heat energy when 125 g of water at 10.0 ˚C is raised to
90.0 ˚C
when it cooled from 80 ˚C to 30 ˚C? The specific heat of iron is 0.449 J /g ˚C.
13. What is the specific heat of metal if its mass is 26.86 g and it requires 418.6 J of
heat energy to raise its temperature from 27.4 ˚C to 67.3 ˚C?
14. If a 38g sample of water releases 621 J of heat energy and cools to 4.0˚C. What
was the initial temperature of the water?
15. If 41grams of water at 24 ˚C absorbs 2208 J of heat energy, what will be the final
temperature of the water?
16. How much heat energy is absorbed by 10 g of silver if it increases in temperature
from 10 ˚C to 310 ˚C? The specific heat of silver is 0.235 J/g °C.
17. What is the change in temperature in a 128 g sample of water if it absorbs 2808J
of heat energy at a temperature of 3.21 ˚C?
9.E – Calorimetry: Heating and Cooling Curves
Instructions: Answer the question 1 – 2 using this heating curve for water.
1. Identify the sections where the following phases are found:
a. ____ gas b. ___ solid
c. ___ liquid
d. ___ solid and liquid e. ___ liquid and gas
2. Identify by letter (A-E) in which section the following are found:
a. _______ Freezing (if cooling)
b. _______ Particles farthest apart
c. _______ Boiling
d. _______ Particle motion is most restricted
e. _______ Heat of fusion
f. _______ All areas where energy change is potential only
g. _______ Heat of vaporization
h. _______ All areas where particles move past each other.
i. _______ Least kinetic energy
j. _______ All areas where kinetic energy is changing
k _______ most potential energy
l. _______ All areas where phase changes occur
m. _______ All areas in which the heat is making the particles move faster
n. _______ All areas in which the heat is breaking the attractions or bonds between particles
Heat Removed
o. _______ All areas in which the particles are not changing their speed
Instructions: Given the following BP and MP information, sketch and label heating and cooling curves for the substances under the following changes in temperature AND
phase. BPAg = 2162˚C MPAg = 962˚C
BPPb = 1749˚C MPPb = 328˚C
BPCu = 2927˚C MPCu = 1085˚C
BPN = -196˚C MPN = -210.˚C
Water going from 24˚C to 123 ˚C.
Water going from 10˚C to steam at100˚C
Water going from 130˚C to -30˚C.
Water going from -24˚C to 110˚C.
Pb going from 900˚C to -90˚C.
10. Ice going from 0˚C to water at 10˚C.
Silver going from 1300˚C to 50˚C.
Cu going from 150˚C to 1200˚C.
11. Water at 0˚C going to -50˚C.
9.F – Calorimetry: The Full Picture
Instructions: ON A SEPARATE SHEET OF PAPER, (1) Sketch the heating or cooling curves (BE SURE TO LABEL!!!) associated with each of the following temperature
changes and: (2) Calculate the amount of heat energy lost or gained during each temperature change given the information below right. Remember, Sig Figs, NW = NC,
Boxed Answers and N3 (this includes labeling and in your set-up!!!)
Latent Heats of Fusion, Vaporization and Specific Heats
1. 45.0 g of H2O changing in temperature from 110.0C to 85.0C
Specific Heat Melting Heat of Fusion Boiling
Heat of
J _
Point (˚C)
Point (˚C) Vaporization
2. 65.2 g of H2O changing in temperature from -35.0C to 105.0C.
g • ˚C
3. 15 g of H2O(g) changing in temperature from 100.0C to -75.0C
4. 340.5g of Au changing in temperature from 100.C to 1234C
Ethyl Alcohol
5. 57.2 g of O2 changing in temperature from -400.0C to 150.0C
(s) = 2.11
(l) = 4.18
6. 8934 g of H2O changing in temperature from -90.0C to 140.0C
(g) = 2.08
7. 41.5 g of H2O changing in temperature from 130.0C to H2O(s) at 0.00C
8. 57.2 g of He changing in temperature from -295.0C to 269.5C
9.G – Gases: KMT
Instructions: Provide a response for each question that is well thought out, satisfies the prompt, is clearly explained, and LEGIBLE.
1. What theory explains the behavior of gases with respect to conditions such as temperature and pressure? ____________________________________________________
2. Complete the followign statements in relation to the KMT.
a. Gases consist of large numbers of tiny particles that are far apart relative to their size. This means that ___________________________________________________
b.Collisions between gas particles and between particles and container walls are elastic collisions. This means that ____________________________________________
c. Gas particles are in constant, rapid, random motion. This can be inferred because ____________________________________________________________________
d. There are no forces of attraction or repulsion between gas particles. This means that __________________________________________________________________
e.The average kinetic energy of gas particles depends on the temperature of the gas. This means that ______________________________________________________
3. ____________________ gasses conforms to all postulates of the KMT.
4. In order to fully describe a gas, ______ measurable quantities must be stated.
a. Define PRESSURE: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________
units: 1 atm (“atmosphere”) = ______________ mm Hg (“millimeters mercury”) = ______________ torr = ______________ kPa (“kilopascals”)
measured with a ______________________________
b. Define TEMPERATURE: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________
units: degrees Celsius ( ___ ) or Kelvin (___)
how to convert from ˚C to K?____________________________________
c. Define VOLUME: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________
units: 1 Liter (L) = _______ mL = _______ cm3 = _______ dm3
d. Define QUANTITY: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________
units: _______
Convert from grams to moles using _______________________________ abbreviated _______.
5. “STP” stands for “_________________________________________________________________________________”. The conditions at STP are exactly ______ atm of
pressure and a temperature of exactly ____________ and any gas at STP will occupy a volume of _________ L.
9.H – Gases: Variables of Gas Laws
Instructions: ON A SEPARATE SHEET OF PAPER, preform the following temperature and pressure conversions. Remember, Sig Figs, NW = NC, Boxed Answers and N3
(this includes labeling and in your set-up!!!)
1. 2.00 atm to mm Hg
6. 115 kPa to atm
11. 3.5 x 104 torr to mm Hg
2. 1800. mm Hg to kPa
7. 93,500 Pa to atm
12. 0.490 atm to kPa
3. 500. mm Hg to atm
8. 950. torr to atm
13. 120 ˚C to Kelvin
4. 35.82˚C to Kelvin
9. 298.98 K to ˚C
14. -25.2 ˚C to Kelvin
5. 100. K to ˚C
10. -227.1 ˚C to Kelvin
15. 5 Kelvin to ˚C
Instructions: ON A SEPARATE SHEET OF PAPER, identify the values and symbols of all variables present within the following data. Be sure to denote the unknown
variable, what you need to solve for, as = x. Variables to denote in include but are not limited to include n1, V1, P1, T1, n2, V2, P2, and T2. Remember, temperature for Gas
Laws must be reported in K. No Work must be shown.
16. If 2.00 mol of gas occupies 4.50L at STP. How much of the same gas will
22. The pressure of neon changes from 786 mm Hg to 1811 mm Hg. If the initial
occupy 3.00L at STP?
temperature 87oC, what is the new temperature (in K)?
17. A gas has an initial volume of 15 L. If the temperature increases from 330 K to
450 K, find the new volume.
18. A gas exerts 1.2 atm of pressure. If the temperature is raised from 225 K to
325 K, find the new pressure.
19. Suppose 5.00 L of a gas is known to contain 0.965 mol. If the amount of gas is
increased to 1.80 mol, what new volume will result (at an unchanged
temperature and pressure)?
20. A sample of oxygen takes up 34 dm3 of space when it is under 500 kPa of
pressure. When the pressure is changed to 340 kPa, find the new volume.
21. The pressure of some N2 drops from 315 kPa to 220 kPa. If the initial volume is
1.4 L, find the new volume.
23. When the temperature of a gas changes, its volume decreases from 12.23 L to
7.92 L. If the final temperature is measured to be 312.24 K, what was the initial
temperature (in K)?
24. If 22.5 L of nitrogen at 748 mm Hg are compressed to 725 mm Hg at constant
temperature. What is the new volume?
25. A gas with a volume of 4.0L at a pressure of 205kPa is allowed to expand to a
volume of 12.0L. What is the pressure in the container if the temperature
remains constant?
26. What pressure is required to compress 196.0 liters of air at 1.00 atmosphere into
a cylinder whose volume is 26.0 liters?
27. A 40.0 L tank of ammonia has a pressure of 12.7 kPa. Calculate the volume of
the ammonia if its pressure is changed to 8.4 kPa while its temperature remains
9.I – Gases: A,B,C and D of Gas Laws
Instructions: ON A SEPARATE SHEET OF PAPER, preform the following basic gas law calculations. Remember, Sig Figs, NW = NC, Boxed Answers and N3 (this includes
labeling and in your set-up!!!)
1. If 2.00 mol of gas occupies 4.50L at STP. How much of the same gas will occupy
12. A gas with a volume of 4.0L at a pressure of 205kPa is allowed to expand to a
3.00L at STP?
volume of 12.0L. What is the pressure in the container if the temperature
remains constant?
2. A gas has an initial volume of 15 L. If the temperature increases from 330 K to
450 K, find the new volume.
13. What pressure is required to compress 196.0 liters of air at 1.00 atmosphere into
a cylinder whose volume is 26.0 liters?
3. A gas exerts 1.2 atm of pressure. If the temperature is raised from 225 K to 325
K, find the new pressure.
14. A 40.0 L tank of ammonia has a pressure of 12.7 kPa. Calculate the volume of
the ammonia if its pressure is changed to 8.4 kPa while its temperature remains
4. Suppose 5.00 L of a gas is known to contain 0.965 mol. If the amount of gas is
increased to 1.80 mol, what new volume will result (at an unchanged
temperature and pressure)?
15. A container containing 5.00 L of a gas is collected at 100.0 K and then allowed to
expand to 20.0 L. What must the new temperature be in order to maintain the
same pressure?
5. A canister contains 425 kPa of carbon dioxide, 750 kPa of nitrogen, and 525 kPa
of oxygen. What is the total pressure of the container?
16. A gas occupies 900.0 mL at a temperature of 27.0 °C. What is the volume at
132.0 K?
6. A sample of oxygen takes up 34 dm3 of space when it is under 500 kPa of
pressure. When the pressure is changed to 340 kPa, find the new volume.
17. If 15.0 liters of neon at 25.0 °C is allowed to expand to 45.0 liters, what must the
new temperature be to maintain constant pressure?
7. The pressure of some N2 drops from 315 kPa to 220 kPa. If the initial volume is
1.4 L, find the new volume.
18. The pressure of a gas changes from 120.0 kPa to 50.0 kPa. The volume
changes from 45 L to 40 L. If the initial temperature is 353.4 K, what is the final
8. The pressure of neon changes from 786 mm Hg to 1811 mm Hg. If the initial
temperature in K?
temperature 87oC, what is the new temperature (in K)?
9. When the temperature of a gas changes, its volume decreases from 12.23 L to
7.92 L. If the final temperature is measured to be 312.24 K, what was the initial
temperature (in K)?
19. A sample of nitrogen goes from 21L to 14 L and its pressure increases from
100. kPa to 150. kPa. The final temperature is 300. K. What was the initial
temperature in Kelvins?
10. If 22.5 L of nitrogen at 748 mm Hg are compressed to 725 mm Hg at constant
temperature. What is the new volume?
20. A sample of argon goes from 500 K to 350 K and its pressure changes from 280
kPa to 380 kPa. If the initial volume is 18 dm3, what is the final volume?
11. A tank containing ammonia and argon has a total pressure equal to 1.8 atm. The
pressure of the ammonia is 1.2 atm. What is the pressure of the argon gas?
21. A sample of neon experiences a pressure drop from 75 kPa to 53 kPa. The
temperature increases from 327.4 K to 521.5 K. If the initial volume is 12 L,
what is the final volume?
9.J – Gases: Ideal Gas Law
1.What are the differnces between an ideal gas and a real gas? _______________________________________________________________________________________
2. REAL GASES BEHAVE NEARLY IDEALLY UNDER CONDITIONS of _________ temperature, _________ pressure, & _________ molar mass.
Instructions: Complete the following statements to remind yourself of the requirments of the Ideal Gas law before completing the calualtions that follow.
In P V = n R T:
"P" stands for __________________, must be in units of _____________________________________
"V" stands for __________________, must be in units of __________________
"n" stands for __________________, must be in units of __________________
"T" stands for __________________, must be in units of __________________
"R" stands for the Ideal Gas Constant , has a value that __________________ dependent on ________________________________.
Instructions: ON A SEPARATE SHEET OF PAPER, preform the following basic gas law calculations. Remember, Sig Figs, NW = NC, Boxed Answers and N3 (this includes
labeling and in your set-up!!!)
3. If 3.7 moles of propane are at a temperature of 28 ˚C and are under 154.2 kPa of pressure, what volume does the sample occupy?
4. A sample of carbon monoxide at 57 ˚C and under 0.67 atm of pressure takes up 85.3 L of space. What mass of carbon monoxide is present in the sample?
5. At – 45 ˚C, 71 g of fluorine gas take up 6843 mL of space. What is the pressure of the gas, in kPa?
6. At 971 mm Hg, 145 g of carbon dioxide have a volume of 34.13 L. What is the temperature of the sample, in ˚C?
7. At 137oC and under a pressure of 3.11 atm, a 67.3 g sample of an unknown noble gas occupies 13.46 L of space. What is the gas?
8. Given 4 moles of a gas at a pressure of 5.6 atm and a volume of 12 liters, what is the temperature?
9. An unknown quantity of gas at a pressure of 1.2 atm, a volume of 31 liters, and a temperature of 87 0C, how many moles of gas are present?
10. A vessel contains 3.21 moles of gas with a volume of 60.9 liters and at a temperature of 400.1 K, what is the pressure inside the container?
11. A vessel contains 7.7 moles of gas at a pressure of 0.09 atm and at a temperature of 56 0C, what is the volume of the container that the gas is inmL?
12. A vessel contains 1.37 moles of gas at a temperature of 67.2 0C, and a volume of 88.89 liters, what is the pressure of the gas in atm?
9.J – Gases: Ideal Gas Law
1.What are the differnces between an ideal gas and a real gas? _______________________________________________________________________________________
2. REAL GASES BEHAVE NEARLY IDEALLY UNDER CONDITIONS of _________ temperature, _________ pressure, & _________ molar mass.
Instructions: Complete the following statements to remind yourself of the requirments of the Ideal Gas law before completing the calualtions that follow.
In P V = n R T:
"P" stands for __________________, must be in units of _____________________________________
"V" stands for __________________, must be in units of __________________
"n" stands for __________________, must be in units of __________________
"T" stands for __________________, must be in units of __________________
"R" stands for the Ideal Gas Constant , has a value that __________________ dependent on ________________________________.
Instructions: ON A SEPARATE SHEET OF PAPER, preform the following basic gas law calculations. Remember, Sig Figs, NW = NC, Boxed Answers and N3 (this includes
labeling and in your set-up!!!)
3. If 3.7 moles of propane are at a temperature of 28 ˚C and are under 154.2 kPa of pressure, what volume does the sample occupy?
4. A sample of carbon monoxide at 57 ˚C and under 0.67 atm of pressure takes up 85.3 L of space. What mass of carbon monoxide is present in the sample?
5. At – 45 ˚C, 71 g of fluorine gas take up 6843 mL of space. What is the pressure of the gas, in kPa?
6. At 971 mm Hg, 145 g of carbon dioxide have a volume of 34.13 L. What is the temperature of the sample, in ˚C?
7. At 137oC and under a pressure of 3.11 atm, a 67.3 g sample of an unknown noble gas occupies 13.46 L of space. What is the gas?
8. Given 4 moles of a gas at a pressure of 5.6 atm and a volume of 12 liters, what is the temperature?
9. An unknown quantity of gas at a pressure of 1.2 atm, a volume of 31 liters, and a temperature of 87 0C, how many moles of gas are present?
10. A vessel contains 3.21 moles of gas with a volume of 60.9 liters and at a temperature of 400.1 K, what is the pressure inside the container?
11. A vessel contains 7.7 moles of gas at a pressure of 0.09 atm and at a temperature of 56 0C, what is the volume of the container that the gas is inmL?
12. A vessel contains 1.37 moles of gas at a temperature of 67.2 0C, and a volume of 88.89 liters, what is the pressure of the gas in atm?