5-6etJe(\t-CUn1-6nn tut-cte-6r -65Ur Rott11tJe.<\c"C-6 11~\11-elj1e.{\nn. National Athletic and Cycling Association - International·Athletic Contest BETWEEN ACHILLES CLUB (London) AND ALL IRELAND On Monday, August 2nd, 1926 Ccmmencing at 2.30 p.m. AT CROKE PROGRAMME PARK PRICE SIXPENCE 11 Corrigan & Wilson. Printers. Dublin OFI?ICIALS .s-« <: ~TRACKEV~ ~ Referee-E. . HUNTER, O.B.E. (Achilles Club) R. J. ]udges-Dr. ROWLETTE, P. LYNCH, K.C., F. J. O'DEA, T. NAGLE, T.D. FIELD EVENTS: Referee-J. ]udges-Dr. J. J. KEANE. M. RYAN, E. FLEMING, General Timekeepers-T. H. M. FINLAY, O'DUFFY J. P. BURTON, Field Officer-To HORAN, H. THRIFT. NOLAN Track and Corner Umpires-P. ENNIS, A. Commandant Dr. E. Megaphone-G. P. J. CASSIDY, \V. HELY, McLOUGHLIN V. RYAN, Sergt.-Major CORK. Clerk of the Course and RegistrarD. McALEESE Starter-A. C. HARTY Hon. Secretary: Hon. Treasurer: T. HENSEY G. BRASSEL International Athletic Contest TIME TABLE No. Time Event 2.15-Photographing 1. 2.30-100 of Teams Yards Flat Race 2. 2.40- Throwing the Hammer 3. 3.0 -Half-Mile 4. 3.1O-High 5. 3.30-220 Yards Flat Race 6. 3.40-0ne Mile Flat Race 7. 3.50-Putting 8. 4.10-120 9. 4.20-Quarter 10. 4.25-Long 11. 4.40-Four Race Jump 161b. Shot Yards Hurdle Race Mile Fla tRace Jump Miles Flat Race 12. 4.45- Throwing the Discus 13. 5.15-0ne Mile Relay Race 2 CONDITIONS The Contest shall be won by the Team having the greater number of points, the winner in each event to count two points and the second one point. Officials, when not actually engaged are requested take seats which are provided on the ground. to PROGRAMME Event No. 1-2.30 o'clock 100 Yards Flat Race Achilles A.C.-l 2 Ireland--3 4 E. R. THOENEN C. F. N. HARRISON J. EUSTACE, Croke A.C. R. J. CCSSEN, Dublin Univ. H. Won by:Z ; 2nd :2 Achilles A.C. Event No. 2-2.40 '3 /01 Time Ireland points. & A. C. / secs. points o'clock Throwing 16lh. Hammer (from 7-foot circle) Achilles A.C.-l 2 M. C. NOKES J. H. R. FREEBORN 4 VV. T. BRITTON, Ballinamore JOHN BVRNE, D.M.G.A.C. Ireland-3 Won by j'; Achilles A.C. 2nd Lt. ;2 points. Distance / Ireland 4 ,t (pj ft. / 7 ;. ins. points. ;re;. 3-3 o'clock Event No. ~(J1J( HaU Mile Flat Race ' (two laps) Achilles A.C.-l D.G.A.LoWE W. R. SEAGROVE "2 Ireland-3 / 2nd 2 Achilles A.C. r -vr r N. ]. McEACHERN, Clonliffe Harriers LIEUT. G. N. COUGHLAN, Army A.A. 4 Won by ~~ t. 4'/. Event No. 4-3.10 ~ . I Time points. min. $ f1secs. / points Ireland o'clock High Jump Achilles A.C.-l 2 A. M. MITCHELL T. O. TWEED 4 CON O'CONNOR, D.M.G.A.C. W. F. SHANAHAN, D.M.G.A.C. Ireland-3 Won by :? Achilles A.C. 2nd '-f. 0 points. Event No. 5-3.30 Height & Ireland ft. 0 3 jns, points, ..- o'clock 220 Yards Flat Race 2 W. J. RINKEL C. F. N. HARRISON 4 SEAN LAVAN, University College A.C. M. GREGAN, D.M.G.A.C. Achilles A.C.-l Ireland-3 Won by Achilles A.C. J. ~; 2nd / points. I Time2~ Ireland 5 fsecs. :2 points Event No. 6-3.40 o'clock One Mile Flat Race Achilles A.C.--l 2 Ireland-3 4 Won by I Achilles A.C. (four laps) R. S. STARR V. E. MORGAN DOUGLAS W. COARD, Donore Harriers LIEUT. G. N. COUGHLAN, Army A.A. 2nd :J. ~ points. Event No. 7-3.50 Time'r min. 33Yecs. 0 Ireland points o'clock Putting 161h. Shot Achilles A.C.-l 2 Ireland-3 4 Won by ;; Achilles A.C. (from 7-foot circle) M. C. NOKES C. P. BEST A. L. COLHOUN, Ulsterville B.]. DALY, D.M.G.A.C. 2nd L.f. o points. Event No. 8-4.10 Distance £r2.. arners feet/ / tin. Ireland ~ points o'clock 120 Yards Hurdles Race Achilles A.C.-l LORD BURGHLEY "f-. 2 Ireland-3 4 Won by I Achilles A.C..2 G. C. WEIGHTMAN-SMITH ]. A. PRICE, Belfast University A.C. W. SHANAHAN, D.M.G.A.C. ; 2nd 1..1- points. Jf-. Time Ireland 6 I'! -;Secs. I points Event No. 9-4.20 o'clock Quarter Mile Flat Race h. ~~. J. W. J. ~INKELU' Achilles A.C.-1 ~ 2 E. H. FRYER Ireland-3 -c. ']: . SEAN LAvAN, University College A.C. M. GREGAN, D.M.G.A.C. 4 '3 ; 2nd I Won by Achilles A C. Event No. / TimeS/ ~secs. points. Ireland:Z points 10-4.25 o'clock Running Long Jump Achilles A.C.-l V. B. V. POWELL T. O. TWEED R. J. CUSSEN, Dublin Univ. H..; ~ A. C; T. GLYNN, D.M.G.A.C. ~ ~ 2 Ire1and--3 y.. 4 Won by I 2nd Achilles A.C.;Z Event No. 3 2, feet Ireland / Distance ~ points. /0 ins. points 11-4.40 o'clock Four Miles Flat Race (16 Laps) Achilles A.C.-1 1. THOMAS 2 () 3 J. J. RYAN, Tipperary A.C. Ireland-4 S Won by ;; Achilles A.C. T. C. FOOKS J. E. WEBSTER K. E. COARD, Donore Harriers ; 2rj. .3..... 0 ~ 5 . Time points. / '1 Ireland 7 o.4J~,ri~M~ mins. ~~~~. ~ fI-1secs points . Event No. 12-4.45 o'clock Throwing the Discus (from 8-foot 2 in. circle) C. P. BEST M. C. NOKES J. H. R. FREEBORN Achilles A.C.-l 2 'f- Reseroe=S Ireland-4 P.]. BERMINGHAM, D.M.G.A.C. T. HEALY, D.M.G.A.C. 5 u: ; Won by Achilles A.C. 2nd ;l. . / points. Distance I'+'ffeet / Ireland;;' 0 points ~~~~M~' Event No. 13-5.10 o'clock One Mile Relay Race Achi~~~~:C.-E. H. FRYER, E. R. THOENEN, ~C. F. N. HARRISON, D. G. A. LOWE ~r7 Ireland-SEAN LAVAN, M. GREGAN Univ. Call. A.C. D.M.G.A.C. H. DELANEY, N. ]. McEACHERN Croke A.C. Achilles A.C. R 2 Clonliffe Harriers points. Ireland ins. 0 '~;)'1#~. RESULT ACHILLES A.C .1.8. points IRELAND ; .P. points points
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