FEBRUARY 2016 S-kehg Si’alim! (“Good morning” in Tohono O'odham) The Newsletter of Southside Presbyterian Church 317 West 23rd Street, Tucson AZ 85713 STANDING AT THE CROSSROADS “Thus says the Lord: Stand at the cross roads and look and ask for the ancient paths, where the good way lies; and walk in it, and find rest for your souls.” Jeremiah 6:16a During our Lenten journey to the cross, we will be reflecting on the theme of CrossRoads recognizing that in many ways, today we are standing at a fork in the road and what path we chose to take is of utmost importance. As a denomination we are at a crossroads as we think about who God is calling us to be in the midst of denomination division and overall declining church membership. As a nation in the midst of a highly contentious presidential race, we are at a crossroads in deciding who we are as a nation. And certainly in our own lives, we constantly find ourselves in places of decision making. By exploring the biblical stories of people in moments of discernment and decision making we will consider: what it means to be a people of faith at the CrossRoads; what it mean to look and clearly see what lies before us; what it means to ask for the ancient paths, where the good way lies and what it mean to walk in it. We hope you will join us as we seek to walk in the good way and find rest for our souls. February 14 At the CrossRoads: Choosing Love Ruth 1:1-18 February 21 At the CrossRoads: Choosing Healing John 5:1-9a February 28 At the CrossRoads: Choosing Courage Mark 5:24b-34 March 6 At the CrossRoads: Choosing Compassion Luke 10: 29-37 March 13 At the CrossRoads: Choosing Eternal Life Matthew 19:16-22 1 NEW SUNDAY MORNING ADULT BIBLE STUDY: Sunday Morning Adult Bible Study 8:30am Church Library Join us during the Lenten season for a 6 week session entitled “Gospel Portraits of Jesus” written by Donald L. Griggs “What can we learn about Jesus from the multitude of names he is given in the New Testament? Plenty! Welcome to a six week course that will explore a number of the names and titles for Jesus that appear in the four Gospels, with some attention to relevant Old Testament passages. The sequence of the names and titles of Jesus for our course of study moves from the most familiar name, Jesus, to Jesus' activities as teacher, to several common metaphors such as bread, to more abstract names like Messiah and Son of God, concluding with a focus on resurrection and life.” Donald L. Griggs is a respected Christian educator, author, and former teacher at Union Presbyterian Seminary in Richmond, Virginia. HOLY WEEK AND EASTER Palm Sunday, March 20 Join us for the Procession of the Palms as we lift our voices up in singing, “Hosanna!” Maundy Thursday, March 24th 5:30pm - 7:00pm Join us for a special Maundy Thursday service designed for all ages. You are invited to drop in for a light soup dinner between 5:30pm 6:00pm in our Fellowship Hall. Following dinner we will move to the Kiva and hear the story of Jesus’ last night with his friends. We will wash feet and share communion with one another. We especially encourage our littlest friends to attend this tactile and experiential worship service. Good Friday, March 25th 7pm Gather with us as we gather as a community around the cross and hear Jesus’ 7 last words. We will focus our hearts around song, the lighting and extinguishing of candles, and prayer. Easter Sunday, March 27 Easter Sunrise Service — 6:00 a.m. Join us for our annual Easter Sunrise service as we renew our baptismal vows and celebrate the good news of the Resurrection. The youth will provide a breakfast following the Sunrise Service and because they will be raising money for Triennium, the will be extending breakfast so that those who want to come before the 9:30 service for breakfast may do so. Traditional Easter Service — 9:30 a.m. 2 CHILDREN AND YOUTH Presbyterian Youth Triennium is a gathering for high school age youth that occurs every three years. Triennium is a life giving, life changing, faith moving experience and we have 3 youth who are working hard to go this summer. We are asking for your support through buying tickets to the play Fish Eyes, which will happen at 7:00PM on April 9th at St. Mark's. The youth will be selling tickets for several weeks in February and March, after church. There will be another fundraiser specific to our Southside youth attending Trienniem or of course you can donate in the offering, with Triennium specified, thank you! Sasha Enriquez is excited to go to Triennium to join in worship with youth from all over the country. Mary Ruiz is excited to to go to Triennium because her sister went and had a wonderful time and she is excited to meet lots of youth and be on a college campus. Harmany Carranza is excited to go to Triennium to experience a trip away from home in a new, fun place. YOUTH RETREAT!! January 1st-3rd AJ, Pastor Alison and Tyler took 12 enthusiastic youth on wonderful retreat to a camp in Prescott. We celebrated the New Year and explored the meaning of our new lives in Christ. We enjoyed Creation, climbing, ziplines, food and fellowship! Thank you to Southside for your amazing support of the youth program and these extraordinary young people growing in their faith. 3 WORSHIP COMMITTEE While not directly related to worship, your elder for the worship committee, Mark Rein’l-Bautista, has a dream to bring music to our worship space, the Kiva. Our Kiva has been the home to weekly worship, meetings, rallies, vigils, and sanctuary events. But, the Kiva can also be thought of as a musical instrument itself, due to it’s size and symmetry. Mark’s inspiration came while listening to the sounds of Gary Stroutsos’s flute playing during the November benefit concert for Protecting Oak Flat. So, if you’d like to learn more, please contact Mark any Sunday, or email him at [email protected]. Mark is producing a return concert for Gary on March 5th at 7 pm (World Music From The Kiva) as a benefit for the building fund, and would like to bring local and national artists to the Kiva on a regular basis to benefit our community and our church. Also, there’s a rumor that Mark Gordon Allen will be returning with the “Angel Boys” sometime in May. Stay tuned. . . CONGREGATIONAL NURTURE CAMP OUT AT OAK FLAT! March 12th Join us as we head up to Oak Flat, the sacred land of the San Carlos Apache. We will leave Southside at 8am and caravan up to Oak Flat (about a 2 hour drive). Once up there we will have a picnic, do some hiking around, and hear from members of the San Carlos Apache community about their efforts to protect their lands from proposed mining. For those interested, there is the opportunity to camp overnight on Saturday evening and returning late Sunday morning to Tucson. Sign ups for the picnic and for camping will happen during the Fellowship time following worship on February 21st and 28th. 4 COMMUNITY NEWS THE TEACHER/EDUCATOR DIALOGUE GROUP 3rd Sunday of the month at 4:30 p.m. The Teacher/Educator dialogue group is a reading and discussion group that examines issues of structural racism and the U.S. education system, as well as addressing issues of race, racism and racial injustice in the classroom. This group is open to everyone: whether you identify as an educator or not! We meet every third Sunday of the month at 4:30 p.m. at Southside Presbyterian Church. The Teacher/Educator dialogue group is a project of Tucson SURJ and the Tucson Black Lives Matter Solidarity Group; although you don’t need to be a member of either group to participate. All are welcome! Tucson SURJ is a project of the Tucson Black Lives Matter Solidarity Group. SURJ is a national network of groups and individuals organizing white people for racial justice. Through community organizing, mobilizing, and education, SURJ moves white people to act as part of a multi-racial majority for justice with passion and accountability. http://www.showingupforracialjustice.org/ The Tucson Black Lives Matter Solidarity Group is a multi-racial effort working to support the black-led Black Lives Matter movement. Currently comprised of primarily white allies, this group recognizes that solidarity is a verb and that our actions should reflect our positions as allies to black-led social justice organizing. THE LIVABLE COMMUNITIES ACADEMY The Livable Communities Academy is coming to Tucson! Developed in New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina to help communities mobilize to improve the livability of their neighborhoods, the LCA is a free 8-week training workshop designed to provide training and team building for neighborhood groups. PCOA has obtained funding to focus on zip codes 85706, 85713, and 85714. Whether you are a member of a neighborhood in those zip codes, or work in these communities, we hope you will give us a call to learn more. The Academy seeks to help groups identify short and long term goals, and implement a project of their choosing and design. PCOA will provide ongoing staffing for each group to help ensure sustainability and success. For more information, contact Sara Meza, Bilingual Outreach Coordinator, at 520-276-5876 or [email protected]. 5 DEACONS AND ELDERS Deacons Sasha Enriquez Deacon for Children and Youth Yvette Gonzalez, & Jim Walsh 85614, 85713, 85714, 85735,85736,85746,85756,85757 Stephanie Jordan & Teena Cross 85701, 85702, 85705, 85706, 85712, 85747, 85742, 85743 Charlie Miller & Linda Leiphart 85653, 85658, 85737, 85755, 85745, 85704 Travonne & Vivian Smith, & Shari Larson 85710, 85711, 85716, 85725, 85732 Alisia Alverez & Connie Trecartin 85602, 85641, 85715, 85717, 85718, 85719,85730, 85739, 85741, 85748, 85749, 85750 “For the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.” Mark 10:45 Elder Responsibilities Josefina Ahumada Stewardship & Finance Lisa Anderson Adult Education Paul Axinn Personnel Deb Bergman Clerk of Session Leslie Carlson Social Justice Corinne Chavez Congregational Nurture Greg Lewis ECO Jill Markwart Children & Youth Ellen Murphy Children & Youth Mark Rein’l Bautista Worship Sarah Roberts Social Justice Karan Stewart Community Engagement Robin Zenger 6 Facilities & Maintenance MARK YOUR CALENDARS SOUTHSIDE WOMEN’S RETREAT PRESCOTT AZ APRIL 22 - 24 Join other Southside women for a weekend of fellowship, fun, relaxation and worship. Cost will be approximately $125 and we hope that there will be scholarships available. Look for more details coming soon! SOUTHSIDE MEN’S RETREAT ROCKY POINT, MEXICO APRIL 29 - MAY 1 Join the men of Southside on their annual retreat to Rocky Point. The time will be filled with fellowship, fun and (of course) fishing. See Bill Captain for more details 7 8
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