Heathcote School and Science College Assessment Descriptors [Grades 1-9] Modern Foreign Languages Department [KS3] Knowledge and Understanding Analysis and Evaluation Application and Creativity I can understand a few longer sentences in reading or listening, when spoken at a moderate pace. I can produce a few sentences on a familiar topic. I can understand a short passage in reading or listening, when spoken at a reasonable pace. I can produce several sentences on a familiar topic. 1 Aware 10-19 % I can understand single words relating to a familiar topic of vocabulary. I can hear and understand single words relating to a familiar topic of vocabulary. I can understand short phrases spoken slowly by the teacher. I can read and understand short phrases. 2 Lists 20-29 I can understand short phrases spoken slowly by the teacher. I can read and understand short phrases. 3 Recognises 30-39 4 Recalls 40-49 5 Identifies 50 I can pick out high frequency phrases and key points relating to one familiar topic. I can understand longer phrases related to one familiar topic. I can use longer phrases and sentences relating to more than one topic area. I am therefore able to recall previously learnt language to be able to complete tasks. I can understand basic descriptions, opinions and reasons. I can deal with more complex language including longer sentences which use linking words. I can use my knowledge of basic grammar (e.g. different verb forms and negatives) to help with my understanding. I can understand a few longer sentences in reading or listening, when spoken at a moderate pace. I can produce a few sentences on a familiar topic. I can recognise and identify key language covering a few topics. I can produce a few sentences using one tense on a familiar topic. I can recall a limited amount of commonly-used forms/structures, including those from different tenses in order to produce a fairly complex paragraph. I can identify and use at least two tenses with some degree of accuracy, including frequentlyused irregular forms (e.g. faire/ aller) I can recognise and identify key language covering several topics. I can produce several sentences using one or two tenses on a familiar topic. I can recall a range of frequently-used forms/structures, including those from different tenses in order to produce a complex paragraph. I can spontaneously form different tenses, and conjugate verbs with some degree of accuracy using my understanding of grammar. I can recognise more complex tenses and/or structures in the receptive form. Heathcote School and Science College Assessment Descriptors [Grades 1-9] 6 Summarises 60 7 Classifies 70-79 8 Clarifies 80-94 9 Predicts 95-100 I can understand both written and spoken texts which relate to more than one familiar topic. I can summarise the gist of a longer text, which may include some unfamiliar language. I can answer detailed questions which require an understanding of grammar. I can successfully complete tasks relating to a variety of written and spoken texts, which include at least two verb tenses & a variety of verb forms. Although these texts include some unfamiliar language, I am able to get the gist of a passage. I can deduce meaning in unfamiliar contexts. I can deduce meaning in unfamiliar contexts. I am able to predict and produce language required for accurate language used. I can identify and use at least two tenses accurately, including frequently-used irregular forms (e.g. faire/ aller) I can spontaneously form different tenses, and conjugate verbs accurately using my understanding of grammar. I can recognise more complex tenses and/or structures in the receptive form. I can identify and use more than two tenses fairly accurately, including frequently-used irregular forms (e.g. faire/ aller) I can spontaneously use and conjugate more than two tenses accurately, including frequently-used irregular forms (e.g. faire/ aller/être/ avoir) I can spontaneously use and conjugate more than two tenses accurately, including a wide range of irregular forms. I can understand, develop and manipulate language accurately, using a range of complex tenses and structures, including giving and explaining opinions. I can identify and use more than two tenses fairly accurately, including a small range of irregular forms. I can understand, develop and manipulate language fairly accurately, using a range of tenses and structures, including giving and explaining opinions.
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