The Silk Road

The Silk Road
Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan & Kazakhstan
For centuries great caravans of merchants made their way through
deserts, across steppes and over mountains, creating trade routes
between the great civilisations of the Mediterranean and China.
Art and religion spread both East and West and grand cities with
impressive architecture sprouted alongside nomadic tribes of
eagle‐hunters. Follow in the footsteps of Marco Polo and uncover
the natural and cultural treasures of Central Asia on this two week
trip through Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan taking in some
of the Silk Road's best sites, from Bukhara and Samarkand to the
Tien Shan Mountains.
At a glance
15 days land only/ 16 flight inclusive
Travel by minibus and train
11 nights hotel, 1 night yurt and 2
nights sleeper train
14 breakfasts and 3 dinners included
Optional single supplement (from
Samarkand and Bukhara : two of the
greatest cities on the Silk Road
Almaty with its leafy streets and cafe
Kyrgyzstan's spectacular mountain
Issyk Kul Lake
Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan & Kazakhstan • The Silk Road
Page 1
Samarkand is steeped in history, dating back 2,500 years and
impacted by such figures as Alexander the Great, Genghis Khan
and Tamerlane, who made it the capital of his empire in the
14th Century. Its central position on the Silk Road meant that it
was an important stop on the route from Istanbul to Peking (now
Beijing). At its heart is the grand Registan Square flanked by the
three grand madrasahs of Ulughbeg (15th C), Sherdor (17th C)
and Tilya Qori (17th C).
This is a fairly fast passed trip with long days and early starts in
order to make the most of the areas we visit within two weeks.
We spend two nights in Bukhara and two nights in Almaty,
everywhere else we only spend one night. The roads are
generally asphalted but there are some dirt road sections. We
also use two separate overnight trains.
We visit the grand square as well as the Gur Emir Mausoleum,
burial place of Tamerlane, his sons and his grandson, Ulughbek.
The Ulugbek Observatory built in 1420 by Tamerlane's grandson
who was not just a ruler but also a well‐known astronomer. We
move on to the oversized Bibi Khanum Mosque and Shakhi Zinda ‐
the 'Living King' necropolis ‐ with its series of mausoleums dating
back to the 14th and 15th centuries. Our final visit is to the
exotic Siab Bazaar with its fresh and dried fruit and nuts and
other local food produce. The leader may shift the order the sites
are visited.
In the afternoon of day 3 (day 4 Ex London) we drive to Bukhara,
the best preserved of the Silk Road cities we visit. Aist Hotel or
similar, Standard Hotel (Breakfast)
Days 4‐5 (Days 5‐6 Ex London) ‐ Two days exploring Bukhara
Most accommodation is modest but clean, mostly with private
facilities. Tourist services and facilities can be patchy and erratic
and tolerance and flexibility are required but the rewards are an
insight into local life and a discovery of a beautiful and
fascinating part of the world. Temperatures can vary greatly
depending on time of year, time of day and location from very
hot to fairly cold.
The entries in bold at the end of each day indicate the type of
accommodation normally used and any meals included. Please
see the Accommodation section below for further information.
Day 1 (Day 2 Ex London) ‐ Start Tashkent
Those on the group flights arrive early this morning.
In the afternoon we will start our sightseeing of this Central Asian
capital. This will include visiting Independence Square flanked by
public buildings and water fountains and also the Old City with its
mausoleums and bazaar. Tashkent was largely destroyed by
earthquakes in the 60's and was rebuilt in true Soviet style with
pleasant leafy boulevards and lots of fountains to keep the heat
down in summer. There are some very interesting museums as
well as mosques. Hotel Arian Plaza or similar, Comfortable
Days 2‐3 (Days 3‐4 Ex London) ‐ Explore Samarkand
We catch the morning fast train to Samarkand arriving mid‐
morning. We spend the rest of today and tomorrow morning
exploring Samarkand.
We spend two full days exploring Bukhara. The best preserved
mediaeval city in Central Asia, this UNESCO World Heritage Site
dates back over 2,000 years. Our city tour takes us to the Lyabi
Khauz complex, built in the 16th and 17th centuries, this is the
site of the oldest pool of its kind in Central Asia. The pool is
surrounded by madrasahs and a khanaka (lodging house for
travelling Sufis) including the largest madrasah in Bukhara, the
15th century Kukeldash Madrasah.
We continue on to the Poi‐Kalyan religious complex with its 48m
Kalyan minaret dating back to the 12th century and the symbol of
Bukhara; the large Kalyan Mosque (15th century) with its galleries
topped by 288 domes; and the only active madrasah in the city,
Bukhara Miri‐Arab (16th century). Next is the Samanid
Mausoleum, the oldest piece of Islamic architecture in Central
Asia and burial site of the 10th Century Emir, Ismail Samani.
Finally we visit the Ark, a 5th century citadel and the oldest
building in Bukhara.
The evening of day 5 (day 6 Ex London) we head to the train
station to board the overnight sleeper train back to Tashkent.
Train travel has long been a common mode of transport in the
ex‐Soviet Union and Central Asia and a great experience. The 1st
class carriage, which we use, is divided into 2‐berth cabins.
Overnight Train (Breakfast)
Day 6 (Day 7 Ex London) ‐ To Kazakhstan, visiting Otrar and
Arriving early in Tashkent we have breakfast before heading the
short distance to the Kazakh border a mere 30kms away. Here we
say goodbye to our Uzbek leader and hello to our leader for
Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan.
Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan & Kazakhstan • The Silk Road
Our first stop in Kazakhstan are the ruins of the town of Otrar.
This once great silk road town was an important hub on the east‐
west trade route and is believed to have led to Genghis Khan's
invasion of Central Asia after a local ruler robbed the great Khan.
We continue to the nearby Arystanbab Mausoleum. Though
rebuilt a number of times, the original mausoleum was first built
over 800 years ago over the tomb of the teacher Arystanbab said
to be a contemporary of the Prophet Mohamed who lived for an
extra 400 years.
Our final destination for the day is the city of Turkestan. Yassi
Hotel or Similar, Basic Hotel (Breakfast)
Day 7 (Day 8 Ex London) ‐ Visit Sauran and Turkestan
Our first visit today is the site of what was once one of the
greatest cities along this section of the Silk Road, Sauran. Dating
back to around the 13th Century, the city is one of the few to
have survived the Mongolian onslaught which destroyed nearby
Otrar. It later became capital to the Mongol White Horde as well
as a military fortress under Tamerlane. Today the ruins have
been partially excavated and partially left in their natural state.
Returning to Turkestan we visit the city's Silk Road era sites
including Kazakhstan's greatest historical site ‐ the Kozha Akhmed
Yasaui Mausoleum built by Tamerlane in the 14th C.
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Day 9 (Day 10 Ex London) ‐ Issyk and Turgen Gorge
We spend today exploring the countryside around Almaty. We
first head for Issyk Lake (not to be confused with Issyk Kul Lake in
Kyrgyzstan which we visit later on the trip). Set amidst thick
forests and pastures with wild flowers, this alpine lake is located
at 1,760m above sea level within the Issyk Gorge. From here we
continue to Turgen Gorge known for its beautiful natural scenery
and waterfalls, some as tall as 40m. After a day spent exploring
part of the Ile‐Alatau region we return to Almaty for the night.
Hotel Otrar or Similar, Standard Hotel (Breakfast)
Day 10 (Day 11 Ex London) ‐ To Bishkek in Kyrgyzstan
Heading for the border we soon find ourselves in our third and
final country: Kyrgyzstan. The mountainous country was
completely closed to outsiders during the Soviet Union era but
has since opened up to flaunt its spectacular natural beauty and
lingering nomadic culture. Our first stop, however, is Kyrgyzstan's
modern capital city, Bishkek.
This afternoon we spend some time visiting the city's main sites
taking in Ala Too Square, Parliament House, the White House,
the change of the guard, the State History Museum, the Lenin
Statue and the Manas Monument. Hotel Asia Mountains or
similar, Standard Hotel (Breakfast)
Day 11 (Day 12 Ex London) ‐ Issyk Kul and Jety Oguz Gorge
We later drive to Shymkent to catch the overnight train to
Almaty. Overnight Train (Breakfast)
Day 8 (Day 9 Ex London) ‐ Full day in Almaty
Arriving early we have the whole day to explore Almaty with its
backdrop of the Tien Shan mountains. With leafy streets and café
culture, the former Kazakh capital has a distinctly European feel.
We visit a number of sites such Zhenkov Cathedral, made entirely
of wood and without the use of nails. Hotel Otrar or Similar,
Standard Hotel (Breakfast)
We continue our journey through the Tien Shan Mountains and
head towards Issyk Kul Lake. The second largest salt lake in the
world, after the Caspian Sea (and fast becoming the largest as
the Caspian Sea recedes), it measures 70km by 180km and is
almost 700m at its deepest point. Its name translates as Hot Lake
and was given as, even in the depths of winter and despite being
just above 1,600m, it never freezes. The area around the lake is
a mixture of forest and meadow with a backdrop of towering
mountains and glaciers.
We drive along the southern shore of Issyk Kul before arriving at
Jety Oguz Gorge where we will spend the night in a traditional
Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan & Kazakhstan • The Silk Road
Yurts are semi‐permanent tents used by many nomadic people of
Central Asia. The camp we stay at is made up of 6 sleeping yurts
(each accommodating 4 to 5 people of the same gender) and one
communal/dining yurt. There is a shower and two flush‐toilets
but hot water for washing has to be requested specifically. There
is also a generator for electricity for 3 hours in the evening.
Spending a night in a yurt camp is a fantastic experience and a
small insight into a way of life which has gone on for centuries.
Yurt (Breakfast, Dinner)
Day 12 (Day 13 Ex London) ‐ Morning hike and to Karakol
Jety Oguz translates as the Valley of Seven Bulls named after the
distinct seven red‐coloured rocks found in the gorge. We can
learn about the local legends behind the name as we go on a 3 to
4‐hour hike through the gorge, either walking along the river or
going to a nearby waterfall. We should have the option of
attending a Golden eagle hunting demonstration before moving
on (this depends on whether the Golden eagle hunter is
From here it's a relatively short drive to the town of Karakol on
the eastern side of Issyk Kul. A ski resort in winter, Karakol is a
quaint town of cottages and shady avenues. We visit the Dungan
Mosque, the Russian Orthodox Church and the Victory Park as part
of a short tour. Tonight we enjoy a home cooked meal at a local
Uygur or Dungan family. Green Yard Hotel or similar, standard
Hotel (Breakfast, Dinner)
Page 3
11 nights Standard Hotel, 1 night Yurt, 2 nights sleeper train
Most of the trip we stay in standard hotels, generally 2‐star level
with en suite bathrooms. Two nights are spent on overnight
trains. On the train from Bukhara to Tashkent we use 1st class
carriages which are made up of 2‐berth cabins and on the train
from Shymkent to Almaty we use 2nd class carriages which are
made up of 4‐berth cabins. These cabins are comfortable though
don't expect the Orient Express. Train‐travel has long been a
popular way of travelling around the ex‐Soviet Union and this is a
great experience and insight into a different side of Uzbek and
Kazakh life. We also spend one night in a traditional yurt camp in
the Jety Oguz gorge in Kyrgyzstan. Yurts are traditional housing of
nomadic tribes across Central Asia and are generally quite cosy.
The camp has 6 sleeping yurts, each normally shared between 4
and 5 people of the same gender and there are two toilets and
one shower. Single supplements don't apply to the night on the
sleeper train or the night in the yurt camp.
Single Accommodation
Single supplements are availabe (from £275), these, however, do
not include the two nights on overnight trains or the night in the
Extra Accommodation
Day 13 (Day 14 Ex London) ‐ North shore of Issyk Kul
We start with a visit of the Przhevalsky Museum dedicated to the
travels and geographical studies of Russian scientist and
geographer Nicolay Przhevalsky whose expeditions explored much
of Central and East Asia.
We then continue around the lake along the north shore, passing
Scythian burial mounds, towards Cholpon Ata. We explore the
nearby petroglyphs which are between 4,000 and 1,400 years
old. The rest of the day is spent relaxing on the beach or
wandering around town. There is also the option of doing a boat
trip. Karven Club Resort or similar, Standard Hotel (Breakfast,
It is possible to extend your stay pre or post tour. Ask our sales
team for details.
Common dishes in the region include shish‐kebabs and plov which
you'll probably see plenty of. The kebabs can be from different
meats including lamb and beef whilst plov is a rice based dish
(variants elsewhere are known as pilaf or pilau rice). Another
main food is bread, especially in Uzbekistan where it is baked
and sold everywhere.
Day 14 (Day 15 Ex London) ‐ Boon Gorge and Bishkek
We leave the lake behind and head toward the capital Bishkek.
En route we cross the Boom Gorge. Boom ominously means 'evil
spirit' and early travellers, in the 19th Century found the journey
arduous and fraught with setbacks. Our next stop is the UNESCO
World Heritage site of Burama Tower, an 11th century minaret
and the first of its kind in Central Asia.
We eventually arrive back in Bishkek for our final night. Asia
Mountains Hotel or similar, Standard Hotel (Breakfast)
Day 15 (Day 16 Ex London) ‐ End Bishkek
The trip ends this morning in Bishkek. Those on the group flights
will be transferred to the airport for their flight back to London
arriving later today. (Breakfast)
There are normally a couple opportunities to try home‐cooked
Tea is also plentiful, both black and green and is drunk with most
meals as well as throughout the day.
Please note that vegetarian food choices may be rather limited.
If you are strictly vegetarian or have any specialist dietary
requirements please notify us well in advance. In the region the
availability of certain specialised products for restricted diets,
e.g. gluten‐free or dairy‐free, is minimal or non‐existent and we
strongly recommend you bring these specialised dietary items
from home.
Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan & Kazakhstan • The Silk Road
We generally use air‐conditioned mini buses), changing vehicle in
each country. We also use three trains, a fast train from Tashkent
to Samakrand and overnight trains from Bukhara back to
Tashkent and from Shymkent to Almaty.
Page 4
These areas of Central Asia have long, extremely hot summers,
but the winters are very cold. The July and August departures
may be rather hot in the lowlands with afternoon temperatures
often reaching 35ºC and beyond. Other trips are planned for
Spring and Autumn when the temperature should not be below
5ºC at night and may be up to 25‐30ºC during the day. In the
highlands of Kyrgyzstan temperatures are generally cooler. Sunny
weather with clear blue skies should be experienced but there
can be some rain in Spring and Autumn. Occasionally periods of
unexpectedly hot or cold weather can be experienced.
16 days, normally depart London Fri, return Sat
Itinerary Start
The group flight from London is an overnight flight departing the
day before Day 1 of the itinerary.
Flights from London
We normally use the scheduled services of Turkish Airlines
(depending on availability). As flight timings and schedules
change regularly we recommend you call one of our specialist
sales staff or your agent to confirm up‐to‐date timings. Please
note timings may change at a later date and cannot be confirmed
until approximately two weeks before departure.
UK Regional Flights
The Flight Inclusive price is based on a London departure, but we
are happy to tailor this to your local or regional airport. Please
visit for a useful overview
of the options available, and contact our sales team for expert
If booking regional flights other than with Exodus, you must allow
a minimum connecting time (in addition to the international
check in time) of 1 hour at Gatwick, and 1½ hours at Heathrow;
this is longer than the official minimum, but baggage handling is
known to be subject to delays.
Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan & Kazakhstan • The Silk Road
Page 5
Airport Transfers
For full details of our Responsible Tourism Policy please visit:
Airport transfers are included for those on the group flights.
Please note that transfers are not included for clients arriving on
any other flight, even if Exodus has booked it. Those arriving
from London on non‐group flights should read the airport transfer
section below for information on reaching the start point. Please
check with the Exodus office.‐travel
15 days, normally start Tashkent Sat, end Bishkek Sat
Itinerary Start
Your trip normally starts at our accommodation in Tashkent in
the evening of Day 1 of the itinerary. Details of how to reach the
start point are provided in the Final Joining Instructions ‐ sent
approximately two weeks before departure.
Airport Transfers
If you require airport transfers, you may (by prior arrangement
only) be able to join the group transfer. Transfers are arranged
to coincide with the arrival time of the group flight ‐ please check
the group flight details 2 weeks before departure. If you do not
take this transfer, or miss it, you must make your own way to the
joining point at your own expense.
Full joining instructions including local emergency numbers will
be sent to you as part of our Final Joining Instructions. If you do
not receive these at least a week before departure, or require
them earlier please contact our office or your travel agent.
Passports and Visas
All nationalities require a full passport that must be valid beyond
the intended length of stay. It is your responsibility to have the
correct personal documents and to obtain your own visa, if one is
necessary, in accordance with the regulations of the country you
are to visit. The information offered below is to help you with
that process. We are not responsible for the actions of local
immigration and customs officials, whether at points of entry or
otherwise, and any subsequent effects.
All nationalities require a full passport that must be valid for 6
months beyond the intended length of stay. It is your
responsibility to have the correct personal documents and to
obtain your own visa, if one is necessary, in accordance with the
regulations of the country you are to visit. The information below
is primarily for UK passport holders, and other nationalities
should check with their travel agent or the relevant embassies.
We are not responsible for the actions of local immigration and
customs officials, whether at points of entry or otherwise, and
any subsequent effects.
All clients require a visa for Uzbekistan. Clients from the UK,
Austria, Belgium, Germany, Italy, France, Japan, Spain and
Switzerland no longer need an authorisation letter first to obtain
a visa. Should you need an authorisation letter please contact
Exodus at least 8 weeks before departure as we can arrange this
for you through our local operator.
Tourism can be a real help to local communities, providing
income, positive cultural exchanges and a financial incentive to
protect their natural environment. Ours is a 'total approach' to
responsible tourism, covering everything from the way we plan
and operate our trips to the practices of Exodus as a company.
Spending the night in the yurt camp allows a high degree of
economic benefit to the area, we buy local produce, eat local
food and employ local staff as guides and camp staff thus
ensuring that as much money as possible is retained within the
local economies and the host communities.
In Kyrgyzstan there is the opportunity to experience local Dungan
and Kyrgyz folklore (song, dance and poetry) organised by local
teen‐agers and to meet a local Golden eagle hunter Throughout
the journey there are also opportunities to eat dinner with local
families in their homes which might be the most valuable cultural
experience on offer. The group can sample local, home‐cooked
food and learn about Uzbek, Dungan, Kazakh and Kyrgyz families
and their different cultures.
There are also a number of opportunities to visit local crafts
markets and buy locally made souvenirs, art and crafts.
For more information on the Uzbekistan Visa see our Visa
Information Sheet
( )
PLEASE NOTE: When you arrive in Uzbekistan you will be given 2
currency declaration forms. Fill both forms in, they will keep one
and hand one back. Hold on to that form as you will have to show
it when you leave Uzbekistan. You'll also have to fill in a new
currency declaration form and must leave with less money than
when you arrived. They may check. You will also be given a
receipt from each hotel you stay in. Please hold on to these as
well as they may be checked when you leave.
There has also been greater restrictions on bringing medicine into
Uzbekistan. If you have any special medicine we recommend you
check with the Uzbekistan Embassy about allowed quantities. You
should also bring copies of your prescriptions and declare them
upon arrival. Visa regulations can change without notice: please
check the current regulations in good time to obtain a visa if one
is required.
Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan & Kazakhstan • The Silk Road
Page 6
Insurance ‐ are you adequately covered?
British, most European and most other nationalities, including
Australians, New Zealanders, Americans and Canadians do not
require visas for visits of under 60 days. All other nationalities
should contact the nearest Kyrgyzstan Embassy if in doubt.
You must have adequate travel insurance, and if you are joining
a trip which goes to high altitude, you must check that you are
covered up to the maximum altitude of the trip. If you are
resident in the UK we strongly recommend Exodus travel
insurance, which is specifically designed to cover all activities on
your trip.
A number of countries including the UK, USA, Australia, Germany,
Belgium and France can enter Kazakhstan for up to 15 days
without a visa. This agreement is valid until the 31 December
2017 and will be under review after that. Other nationalities,
including Canadian, require a visa which can be obtained in
Visa regulations can change without notice: please check the
current regulations in good time to obtain a visa if one is
Local Time
GMT+ 5 (Uzbekistan), GMT+ 6 (Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan).
Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan use Continental European style 2‐
prong plugs type C/F. Kashgar, may have type C/F plugs or
Chinese type I plugs.
Group, Staff and Support
Vaccinations and Health
Travel health can often be something people forget about before
going away, but a little preparation and knowledge can go a long
way to help you stay fit and healthy while abroad.
There are no mandatory vaccination requirements for this trip.
Recommended vaccinations for this trip are: Tetanus, Diphtheria,
Typhoid, Hepatitis A.
The group will generally be between 4 and 16 people. The group
will generally be between 4 and 16 people. We use two leaders
on this trip. One for the Uzbekistan section and one for the
Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan section.
The minimum age of clients on this trip is 16 years. Please note
that anyone aged under 18 must be accompanied by (and share
accommodation with) a parent or legal guardian.
The risk of malaria on this trip is slight, but you may wish to
consult your GP or travel health clinic for further advice.
Currency Information
The above information can change at short notice; as we are not
qualified to answer all your questions about travel health we
strongly recommend you contact your Medical Professional or a
Travel Health Clinic at least 8 weeks prior to departure for up‐to‐
date information.
The national currency of Uzbekistan is the Uzbeki Som (UZS),
with an exchange rate at the time of publication of
approximately 4000 to the UK£ and 3000 to the US$.
The national currency of Kyrgyzstan is the Kyrgyz Som (KGS), with
an exchange rate at the time of publication of approximately 92
to the UK£ and 69 to the US$.
Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan & Kazakhstan • The Silk Road
The national currency of Kazakhstan is the Kazak Tenge (KZT),
with an exchange rate at the time of publication of
approximately 450 to the UK£ and 338 to the US$.
In Uzbekistan, there can be shortages of local currency notes,
which can make it difficult to change money in the smaller
towns. Please follow the recommendations of your Tour Leader
to ensure you have an appropriate amount of local currency for
your needs. Where these shortages occur, please be considerate
of the needs of the overall group, and change only the minimum
you need. You should also be aware that the exchange rate may
be less favourable the further from Tashkent you travel. The tour
leader will be able to assist you with changing money.
We recommend you bring your money in Dollars as other
currencies will be harder to change and will attract very poor
In Uzbekistan $50 and $20 will be the most convenient whilst in
Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan $100 are the most convenient. It may
be hard to change US$ notes dated before 2001. It is difficult to
change travellers' cheques.
On arrival at Tashkent airport you will be required to complete a
currency declaration form, you do not need to fill in every
transaction but you must ensure you depart with less money than
you arrived with. Make sure you use up all your local currency
before departure, as it will be impossible to change it back into
hard currency.
ATM availability/Credit Card Acceptance/Travellers cheques
ATMs are rare in Uzbekistan so please do not rely on using them.
There are a few in Tashkent but not all will accept western cards
and you could end up spending all afternoon looking for one!
Credit cards are rarely accepted so it is wise to take most of your
money in cash (ideally USD). You may be able to use your credit
card in the gift shops and exchange bureau at large hotels, and at
some of the larger stores. There are ATMs in Kazakhstan and
Kyrgyzstan, though they may not always work with foreign cards.
Extra Expenses and Spending Money
The amount of spending money required can vary depending on
how much you spend on drinks and souvenirs, but as an
indication, we recommend you bring at least GBP100 (US$160)
for meals not included and a further GBP60 (US$100) for
souvenirs, drinks and other incidentals. Photo fees are payable at
nearly all the sites in Uzbekistan ‐ they vary from 5000 to 10000
Optional Excursions (approximate costs, depending on group
Jety Oguz:
Golden eagle hunting demonstration ‐ USD150 per group
Cholpon Ata:
Boat cruise ‐ USD200 per group
Folklore show ‐ USD150 per group
Skewered lamb dinner ‐ price can vary on season and group size
Page 7
Tipping (leader and local staff)
This is entirely at your own discretion however; we suggest that
you allow a few pounds for tips for the local guides and staff. In
the countries visited, with the increase in tourism, tipping has
become customary. The local staff will probably expect some
gratuity and we suggest you allow for this. If you feel that your
leaders have performed well over the course of your trip, you
may want to show your appreciation of their services. The sum
you choose to give is entirely personal, but as a guide, US$4 per
person per day for all tipping would be a reasonable starting
point (of which about US$2 a day for the leader and the rest for
drivers and other staff). The main tipping will be for the leaders
and drivers, though you may want to leave tips in hotels for the
staff there.
Essential Equipment and Clothing
Light casual cotton clothing is recommended. Please remember
that you will be expected to cover your legs and arms (to the
elbow) during visits to mosques. Women should also have a scarf
they can use to cover their hair when visiting holy sites, whilst
this is not a requirement it is expected.
Local men tend not to wear shorts but it is ok to wear shorts
when not visiting a mosque or madrasa.
Sandals are useful as they are cooler and are easier to take off
when visiting mosques.
A set of thermal underwear (as a lightweight solution) and a
fleece, hat and gloves is highly recommended for cold nights
(especially during Spring/Autumn)
Optional items
Toilet paper in Uzbekistan is extremely rough so you may wish to
bring a roll from home.
Baggage and Baggage Allowance
At time of writing the standard weight limit for hold baggage on
the recommended international carrier for this trip is 23kg. We
recommend packing only one piece of checked baggage.
As advice about luggage allowances for both hand and hold
luggage is subject to change, we suggest you check the airline's
website for the latest information prior to your departure.
Don't forget to visit the Community area on our website. You can
view the range of Exodus videos and podcasts, read trip write‐ups
which have featured in the national media and take advantage
of some special deals on travel gear and equipment.
In the Community Travel Forum you'll find the Departure Lounge
where you can discuss your trip with fellow travellers before you
depart. When you get back from your holiday remember to
upload your images to the relevant trip page on our website.
Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan & Kazakhstan • The Silk Road
This helps other people see what our holidays are really like and
you'll be entered automatically into our monthly photo
To make full use of the Community you'll need to join My Exodus.
It's free, registration is simple and easy, so what are you waiting
In booking this trip you should be confident in your ability to
participate in all activities described in these Trip Notes. If you
have any doubt about your suitability you should call the Exodus
office and ask to speak to one of the experts on this itinerary.
Page 8
harder than ever to guarantee our Flight Inclusive prices.
Although we endeavour to keep our website as accurate as
possible, daily fluctuations mean that our Flight Inclusive price
may be out of date. For accurate prices we recommend that you
contact one of our Travel Experts, or your Travel Agent.
The UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) Travel Advice
Service advises British tourists on the potential dangers they
might experience when travelling overseas. We liaise closely with
them and adhere to their travel advice. For up‐to‐date advice on
all countries, please visit‐travel‐advice.
Should there be any change to advice prior to or during travel,
we may have to cancel or curtail a tour at short notice, or re‐
route an itinerary part way through.
Prices and exchange rates were correct at the time of
publication. The most up‐to‐date prices can be found on the
Exodus website.
Although our leaders are well trained to deal with different
capabilities, if they have any concerns about someone's ability to
safely partake in an activity, or their impact on other people's
enjoyment, we authorise them to take necessary action which, in
some circumstances, may involve asking someone to miss that
© Exodus Travels Ltd. ATOL 2582/FTO
Although rarely enforced, by booking this trip you agree to
section 16 of our Booking Conditions which clearly states that our
leaders have the authority to do this. In these circumstances we
will ensure anyone sitting out is safely provided for and offered
alternative options where possible. Refunds will not be provided
for activities missed and customers may be liable for additional
costs incurred.
Go online to check availability, or contact us by phone or email.
In an emergency, please contact our 24 hour out of hours service
on +44 (0) 844 326 7041.
Every time that you travel abroad you should take the time to
read the warnings in the essential information in the brochure or
Full joining instructions including local emergency numbers, and
details of how to reach the start point, will be sent to you
approximately 2 to 3 weeks prior to departure. If you do not
receive these at least a week before departure, or require them
earlier please contact our office or your travel agent.
1. Check availability
2. Secure your place
You can provisionally hold a place on this trip, usually for
between three and seven days.
3. Complete your booking and payment
When you're ready to book, go to for online
booking, book over the phone or you can complete a booking
form (available online or on request by calling us). We accept all
major credit and debit cards, or you can pay be cheque. Book
with confidence: Exodus is fully licensed and bonded as a tour
operator. We hold Air Traffic Organisers Licence (ATOL) number
2582 issued and bonded with the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA).
We are also bonded to the International Air Transport Association
(IATA) and we are members of the Federation of Tour Operators
(FTO) and ABTA ‐ The Travel Association. This means you can
book your Exodus holiday with confidence, as all monies paid to
us for your trip are fully protected.
The information in these Trip Notes is given in good faith. Where
differences exist between the Trip Notes and our current
brochure or website, the Trip Notes supersede the brochure and
website. All holidays can be subject to unexpected changes; in
order to enjoy them you should be prepared to be flexible where
necessary. Occasionally, as stated in our brochure, it may not be
possible to follow the itinerary as planned. This may be for a
variety of reasons ‐ climatic, political, physical or other. In these
circumstances we will make the best possible alternative
arrangements that maintain the integrity of the original itinerary.
As fuel prices, airport taxes and exchange rates fluctuate, and
airlines manage their rates to match demand, it is proving
Edition No. SC 4 2017