A Tour of Your Textbook CHAPTE 6 Chapter Opener R Quadra tic Equ ations Quadrat Form y ic Relation s = ax 2 + bx + of the 2 Exp c res • This two-page spread introduces what you will learn in the chapter. • The specific curriculum expectations that the chapter covers are listed. • In the vocabulary lists are the mathematical terms that are introduced and defined in the chapter. • The chapter problem is introduced. Questions related to the chapter problem occur in the Connect and Apply sections of the exercises throughout the chapter and are identified by a Chapter Problem descriptor. Many rea s y = ax 2 l-world + bx + the form c in situatio quadrat y = a(x ns can — h) 2 + comple ic relati k by be mode ting the ons. Re quadrat square lled usi lated pro involvin in situ ic equa ng g no frac blems tions. Fo tions, usin ations and en variety can be r exam of tools. gineerin ga solved ple, de using g use pa signs in consta 2 Ske rabolic tch or gra nt gravit architect arches. ph a qua y, the fl ure whose skateb Because dratic rela ight pa equatio oa rde tion of th n r is given is a parab of a ba form y are use in the = ax 2 + ll, a roc ola. In d to sol bx + c, ket, or variety business using a ve proble a of metho minimizin , quadrat ms of ma ds. g the cos ic 2 Det mo ximizin dels ermine t of pro g reven the zer duction os and maxim In ue thi or . the um or min s chap ter, yo imum valu quadra the gra u will rel tic rela e of a tion from ph of a ate qu from its its graph quadrat adratic definin by mode or ic relati equatio g equatio lling wi 2 Solv n. on and ns to th quad e quadrat solve pro ic equatio ratic eq real roo blems ns that uations ts, usin have g a vari . ety of met 2 Det ermine hods. , through and des investig cribe the ation, connec between tion the fac tors of expres a quadra sion and tic the x-in of the tercept graph of s the cor quadra respon tic rela ding tion, exp form y ressed = a(x — in the r)(x — s). 2 Inte rpret rea of quadra l and non-real roots tic equ ations, investig through ation usin g graphi techno ng logy, and relate the roots to the x-in tercept corresp s of the onding relation s. 2 Exp lore the algebraic of the develo quadra pment tic form ula. 2 Sol ve proble Vocabula ms aris realistic ry ing from situatio a complet n repres graph or ing the ented by square an equ quadrat a ation of ic equatio relation a quadra , with and n root tic withou of techno t the use logy. quadrat ic formula Chapte r Proble m Skateb oard hal f-pipe ram have a ps typica semicir y cular cro lly manufact ss sectio urer dec n. A ides to with a build a parabo half-pipe lic cross section. In this 0 chapte ground r, you wil dimens l solve ions of related the new quadra half-pipe tic equ ations . to find the 260 261 Get Ready Examples and practice questions review key skills from previous mathematics courses that are needed for success with the new concepts of the chapter. y t tercep Lines the y-In Graph pe and the Slo d 2: Use Metho . ate y 3 d Evalu 4 and ute an when x Substit 2y 1 3x Evaluate 1 3x 2y 1 2(3) 3(4) 61 12 19 4 en a sion wh h expres ate eac 7 a 3b 1. b) 2 and b 2a 3b b3 d) 1 a) a a 1 5 a c) 3b f) b 2 3 b a 2. Evalu 2 en x sion wh h expres ate eac 5 1. Evalu 3y 3. b) 2x and y 2y x 4y d) a) 3x 2 1 x y 4x y f) c) e) 1 y x 2 3 fy 3(x Simpli y) 2(x y) 3(x y) ) 2(x) 2( 3(y 3(x) x 2y 3y 2 3x 5y x e) 4 2 ssions fy Expre x y). Simpli y) 2( Use the . expand perty to tive pro distribu like Collect terms. fy. 5y) y) 4(3x 4(x x 3y) x 3y) a) 5(2 3y) (2 1) pli 4. Sim 2(x b) x a 5b 2) 2(2 2b c) 3(a fy. y) 2(x a) 5x 4a 9b 2b y) b) 3a 3(x 2(x y) pli 3. Sim c) y Lines of Values Graph a Table 1. d 1: Use Metho 2x line y the Graph x y 1 0 3 1 2 3 Plot the for values simple Choose e each y. x. Calculat value for onding corresp 5 7 points. ough the line thr Draw a points. r1 • Chapte 4 MHR vi MHR • A Tour of Your Textbook x 6 y = 2x + 4 1 2 —2 0 —2 2 x ation The equ form is in the + b. 2 5. y = mx x ey 3 the lin 2 Graph rise . 5). 2 , 3 e is (0, is . So run the lin pe, m, 3 point on a , The slo So . e. b, is 5 the lin 5). int on ntercept, The y-i xis at (0, ch another po the y-a rea on b. to rt pe Sta slo mx use the form y 0. Then, y 2 write it in the e 3x the lin ation to Graph the equ rrange 0 First rea 3x y 2 2 x 2. y 3 rcept is 3 . The y-inte rise 1 , so run pe is 3 e. The slo the lin to graph se facts the e Us pts Interce 12. d 3: Use Metho 4y line 3x 0 8 6 4 2 x 2 _ —5 y = 3x —2 Rise + 2 —4 Run + 3 y 2 Run + 1 —2 0 —2 Rise — 3 4 2 3x — y x —2=0 —4 y 3x — 4y = 12 x the 4 t, y 0. Graph 2 x-intercep —2 0 At the ) 12 —2 3x 4(0 12 0). 3x e is (4, the lin on 4 —4 int x po is 4. A tercept 0. The x-in pt, x y-interce At the 4y 12 3(0) 12 (0, 3). ercepts. line is 4y g the int on the 3 15 by findin y A point 3y h line is 3. pt b) 5x ph eac rce 16 nte 7. Gra The y-i 8y y3 or the d) 4x ues a) x le of val 21 ient 3y Use a tab x ven 7 e. lin c) h e a con d. ph eac e. Choos 3 pt metho 5. Gra x lin 2 rce h nte b) y ph eac 20 slope y-i 8. Gra 5y 2 6 x 2 2 d. b) x metho x 3 1 a) y 10 5 d) y x y 1 5 a) x d) y 4 x 60 c) y 2 ng the 3y c) 2x t rewriti by firs b. e lin x h m ph eac 30 form y 6. Gra y in the b) 2x equation 20 0 2y y1 d) 5x a) x 70 y c) x dy Get Rea • MHR 5 Numbered Sections Lesson Opener Many lessons start with a photograph and short description of a real-world setting to which the mathematical concepts relate. Investigate 5.3 These are step-by-step activities, leading you to build your own understanding of the new concepts of the lesson. Many of these activities can best be done by working in pairs or small groups to share ideas. Common Factors During a perform ance at a sea-life park, a dolphin jumps out of the water. Its height , h, in metres, above the water after t seconds can be approximated by the relation h 10x 5x2. This relation can also be written as h 5x(2 x), becaus e the terms in the polynomial 10x 5x2 have a common factor of 5x. Investigate A Tools algebra tiles How can you use a model to find factors of a polyno mial? 1. To factor 2x 4, use algebra tiles to create a whose length rectang and width represe nt the ular area factors of the polyno a) Arrange two mial. x-tiles and four unit tiles to form a area 2x 4. Then, place rectangle with tiles along the left the length and width side and top to find of the rectangle. One dimension done for you. has been b) Write an equatio n for the area as a product of the length and width. 2. Repeat step 1 for 6x 18. How many different rectang les can you find? 3. Use algebra tiles to find the factors of x2 2x. Express the area as a produc t of the length and width. 4. Use algebra tiles to factor 2x2 4x. How many can you find? Write different rectang an area statem les ent for each one. 5. Use algebra tiles to factor each expression, if possib If it is not possib le. le, a) 3x 3 d) 2x2 6x explain why. b) 4x 10 e) 2x 5 c) x2 4x f) 4x2 10x 6. Reflect Explai n how you can expres s a polynomial as a product of factors . 228 MHR • Chapte r5 ct l a Binomial Produ Example 1 Mode Reasoning and Proving Selecting Tools Examples 2)(2x 3). ial product (x Model the binom Representing Solution Problem Solving Reflecting Connecting Communicating Method 1: Use Algebra • Examples provide model solutions that show how the new concepts are used. • The examples and their solutions include several tools to help you understand the work. – Notes in a thought bubble help you think through the steps. – Sometimes different methods of solving the same problem are shown. One may make more sense to you than the other. Often, alternative methods, using different technology tools, are shown. Tiles 2 le with width x to create a rectang Use algebra tiles 3. and length 2x 2 -tiles, There are two x six seven x-tiles, and unit tiles. 2 7x 6. rectangle is 2x The area of the 2x2 7x 6 (x 2)(2x 3) Diagram it x 2 units. Divide length and label segment of any 2 units long. Draw a vertical long and a section a section x units the segment into a horizontal l segment, draw the top of the vertica 2x units long and Perpendicular to d into a section divide long, units segment, 2x 3 long. units a section 3 x 2 and 2x 3. g sides opposite drawin by le ts from the section Complete the rectang l dashed segmen ntal and vertica of the four Then, draw horizo . Find the areas te sides, as shown le. marks to the opposi up the whole rectang sections that make Method 2: Use a 2x + 3 2x x x 2x = 2x 2 3 x 3 = 3x x+2 2 2 2x = 4x 23=6 of the four areas. equals the sum t (x 2)(2x 3) The binomial produc2 6 2 x 3x 4x (x 2)(2x 3) 2 2x 7x 6 r5 214 MHR • Chapte of Right Bisector Example 1 a Chord y of this the centre tor Verify that the right bisec circle lies on d AB. of the chor 6 4 B(4, 2) 2 —6 —4 —2 0 2 M 4 6 x • Some examples use the four-step problem solving model to remind you of a very helpful way of tackling problems. —2 —4 A(2, —4) —6 tes (0, 0) if the coordina tor of AB only right bisec lies on the tor. The centre the right bisec of A equation of coordinates satisfy the tor. Use the the slope the right bisec , calculate on Then is AB AB. of of of the The midpoint and the slope coordinates the midpoint slope and the AB. and B to find AB. Use this bisector of endicular to of the right perp tion line equa a of the to determine AB. of midpoint, M, e and the slop coordinates y1 y oint 2 midp Find the y2 m AB x2 x1 x1 x 2 , y1 b 2 2 (4) M(x, y) a 2 42 2 b 2 4 4 a 2 , 2 6 2 1) (3, 3 slope of this r to AB, the cula endi perp bisector is l of m AB. roca Since the right recip the negative bisector is Solution 1 1 t. 3 the y-intercep mAB 1) to find dinates M(3, e and the coor Use this slop a y-intercept All lines with h the y mx b of 0 pass throug 1 b origin. 1 3 (3) b 1 1 1 The coordinates (0, 0) . x 0b y 3 right bisector is e lies on the of the right re of the circl The equation efore, the cent equation. Ther satisfy this the chord PQ. MHR 147 bisector of s of Circles • 3.5 Propertie A Tour of Your Textbook • MHR vii Key Concepts c) You can read the maximum y-value from the pencil • This feature summarizes the concepts learned in the lesson. • You can refer to this summary when you are studying or doing homework. -and-paper graph or use the TRACE feature on the graphing calcula tor. Since the maxim um value of y is 26, the height of each arch is 26 m. The x-axis represe nts the floor of the hallway. The width of each arch is the difference betwee x-intercepts. From n the two the pencil-and-p aper graph, the appear to be about x-intercepts 7 and 7. Use the TRACE feature on graphing calcula the tor to find that the curve crosses the about 6.9 and x-axis at 6.9. 6.9 (6.9) 13.8 The width of each arch is about 13.8 m. I can see that the maximum occurs when x = 0. From the equation , when x = 0, y = 26. Technology Tip You can get a better approximation of the x-intercepts by zooming in. • Position the cursor near one of the x-interce pts. • Press z, select 2:Zoom In, and then press e. • Press u and reposition the cursor. Key Concepts Communicate Your Understanding These questions allow you to reflect on the concepts of the section. By discussing these questions in a group, you can see whether you understand the main points and are ready to start the exercises. The relation define d by y a x 2 bx c is a quadratic relation. axis of symmetry vertex, maximum point The graph of a quadra tic relation is called a parabo la. The accuracy of the approximation improves each time you repeat these steps. The vertex of a parabola is either the minimum point vertex, or the minimum maximum point on the graph. point A parabola is symme tric about a vertica l line that passes vertex. This line through the is the axis of symme try. If a relation is quadra tic, the second differe first differences nces are constant, but are not. the Communicate Your Understanding C1 C1 El-Noor used the following incorre ct technique to the relation is not determine that quadratic. Explai n the flaw in his reasoning. x y First Differen ces —3 13 3 0 —5 1 —3 2 3 6 4 27 24 18 4 C2 Second Differen ces —10 —2 2 —8 2 10 In Section 4.1, Investi gate Part A, you found that the relatio between thumb length and palm nship area is non-linear. quadratic? Explai Is the relation n. 4.2 Quadratic Relation s • MHR 171 Exercises Practise • These questions provide an opportunity to practise your knowledge and understanding of the new concept. • To help you, questions are referenced to the examples. Communicate Your Understan ding C1 How do the graph s of y 2x2 and Explain the simil y 2x2 comp arities and the are? differences. Match each graph with the appropriate equat y ion. Explain your reasoning. C2 a) y x 2 2 4 b) y 1 2 x 2 8. Write an equation for the quadratic that results from relation each transforma D ally by a factor of 8. C —4 —2 0 2 4 x —2 2)2 —4 A Practise For help with questions 1 to 4, see the Investigate. 1. Sketch graph s of these three quadratic relations on the same set of axes. a) y 3x 2 c) y 1 2 x b) y 1 x 2 4 4 2. Sketch graph s of these three quadratic relations on the same set of axes. a) y (x 2 9) c) y (x 2 5) b) y (x 2 2) 3. Sketch graph s of these three quadratic relations on the same set of axes. a) y x 2 8 b) y x 2 5 5. a) Make tables of value s for y x2, y 2x2, y 2 x 1, and y (x 3)2. b) Compare the y-values for y x2 and y 2x2. c) Compare the y-values for y x2 and y x2 1. d) Compare the y-values for y x2 and y (x 3)2 . Connect and Apply each transforma tion. a) The graph of y x2 is transl ated 6 upwa rd. 4. Sketch the graph of each parabola. Label least three point at s on the parabola. the transforma Describe tion from the graph of y 2 x. b) y 2 x 2 3 c) y x 2 5 d) y (x 2 8) e) y 1 2 x f) y (x 2 2 3) g) y x 2 0.5 h) y x 2 2 a) y 4x 2 units b) The graph of y x2 is transl ated 4 units downward. 7. Write an equation for the quadratic that results from relation each transforma tion. a) The graph of y x2 is transl ated 7 to the left. units b) The graph of y x2 is transl ated 5 units to the right. c) The graph of y x2 is transl ated 8 units to the left. d) The graph of y x2 is transl ated 3 units to the right. 178 MHR • Chapt er 4 Extend • These are more challenging and thought-provoking questions. • Most sections conclude with a few Math Contest questions. viii MHR • A Tour of Your Textbook vertically by a factor of 1 . 5 For help with question 9, see the Example. 9. The grass in the backyard of a house is a square with side length 10 m. A x 10 m square patio is placed in the centre. If the side length, in metre s, of the patio is x, then the area of grass remaining is given by the relation A x 2 100. a) Graph the relation. b) Find the intercepts. What do they represent? c) How does the equat grass in the backy ion change if the base length and area. Use finite differences to determine whether the relation is linear , quadratic, or neither. b) Determine an equation for the relationshi p between the base length and the area. c) Describe the transforma tion graph of y 2 x. to graph y 2 y x 2 k both ax and follow what is indicated by the operation, but in y (x h)2, the transformation is opposite to what the operation seem s to indicate. ard of a house square with side is a length 12 a) Explain why this migh t be so. b) Describe 10. The relati on l 0.04s2 can be used calculate the to length , l, in metres, skid mark for of the a car travelling at a speed, s, in kilometres per hour, on dry pavement before braking. the result s in part a) comp are? c) For what values of s is this model valid? d) How woul d the skid mark s and the equation wet? change if the pavement were Did You Know A Technic the transforma tion you woul use to graph d y (2x)2. 13. A parab ola y ax 2 k passes throu the points gh (1, 3) and (3, 13). Find the values of a and k. 14. Compare the graphs of y (x 2)2 and y (2 2 x) . Explain any similarities and differences . 15. Math Conte st a) Identify the similaritie s and differences in the graphs of y (x 2) 2 5 and x (y 2)2 5. ? al Collision Investig ator or Recons specially trained tructionist is a police officer who investigates serious accidents. These traffic officers collect and interpret evidenc determine the e to cause of the collision and if any charges be laid. should from the Extend 12. The transf ormations m? d) For what values of x is each equation valid a) What is the length of the skid mark car travelling for a at 50 km/h? 100 km/h? b) How do e has a side length of a) Make a table comparing ? 6. Write an equation for the quadratic that results from relation Connect and Apply • These questions allow you to use what you have learned to solve problems and make connections among concepts. In answering these questions you will be integrating your skills with many of the math processes. • There are many opportunities to use technology. If specific tools or materials are needed, these are noted and the question has a Use Technology descriptor. c) y x 2 10 1 unit. b) The graph of y x 2 is comp ressed 3 c) y x 2 d) y (x 11. The first three diagrams in a pattern are shown. Each squar tion. a) The graph of y x 2 is stretc hed vertic B b) Solve the second equat ion for y. 4.3 Investigate Transformations of Quadratics • MHR 179 Technology Scientific and graphing calculators are useful for many sections. Keystroke sequences are provided for techniques that may be new to you. • A TI-83 Plus or TI-84 Plus graphing calculator is useful for some sections, particularly for graphing relations. In the analytic geometry chapters, alternative methods using Cabri® Jr are shown. Reasoning and Proving Representing Selecting Reflecting Communicating The computer with pad ® Geometer’s Sketch let x 0. y 4.9(0) 2 50 50 zero a value of x for which a relation has a value of 0 corre sponds to an x-intercept of the graph of the relati on vertic Points. Move triangle with Construct the first quadrant. and C(6, 2). is isosceles. verify that ABC each side to of length the 2. Measure equal? s of ABC are median Which angle , construct the of side AB. Then D, about the ude oint, the midp you concl 3. Construct C. What can Measure AD from vertex C. CD? an medi the You can also place g Plot vertices by choosin Graph Points from the the menu and typing coordinates. . ACD and BCD and compare 4. Measure new location. of ABC to a Drag a vertex ve the Snap Points. AC BC. Obser 5. Turn off vertices until t this process the other as you repea Move one of , and BCD ADC, ACD es. measures of ons of the vertic tor for various locati the angle bisec altitude, and median, the the related to the are How line segments 6. Reflect have d? How are these les triangles at vertex C relate think all isosce of AB? Do you ning. right bisector reaso your Explain these properties? Since heigh t and time cannot be negative, this graph shows only part of a parab ola. I can see that the y-inte rcept is 50 from the graph The y-interc . ept is 50. This repr which the esents the stone was height from dropped, 50 m abov To find the e the wat er. x-intercep t, or zero operation , of the rela on a grap hing calc tion use the • Press n ulator. Zero [CALC] to display the and select CALCUL 2:zero. ATE men • Move the u, cursor to the left of x-intercep the t and pres s e. • Move the cursor to the right x-intercep of the t and pres s e. • Press e again. The x-inte rcept is app roximately This repr esents the 3.19. time whe n the stone hits c) The con the water, stant term 3.19 s. would be would chan 75 instead ge to y of 50. The 4.9x 2 equation 75. 176 MHR • Chapter 4 • The Geometer’s Sketchpad® is used in several sections for investigating concepts related to analytic geometry. Alternative steps for doing investigations using pencil and paper are provided for those who do not have access to this computer software. ator displayed, a Graphing Calcul axes are not Method 3: Use from cation. If the choose Axes Cabri® Jr. appli 1. Start the F5 menu; then, is Show from the of the work area Tools calculator with the window setti ngs show n. b) For the y-intercept, pad ® e Snap Geometer’s Sketch . Then, choos Graph menu is in the Grid from the the work area 2), 1. Choose Show that most of es A(2, 5), B(1, the origin so Tip Technology A stone is dropped from the height, y, top of a 50-m in metres, cliff abov above the relation y ea water can 4.9x 2 be estimated river. Its 50, whe re x is the using the a) Graph time, in seco the relation nds. . b) Find the intercep ts. What c) How do they repr would the esent? equation from a 75-m change if the stone cliff instead were drop of a 50-m d) For wha ped cliff? t values of x is each equation valid? Solution a) Use a graphing The Method 2: Use Tools Example Falling Sto ne Tools Problem Solving Connecting TI-84 Plus TI-83 Plus or tor graphing calcula er 118 MHR • Chapt choose Hide/ so that most Move the origin the submenu. ant. in the first quadr 3 Technolo gy Tip Method 2: Use a Compute r Algebra When a solu System (CAS tion invo ) lves fraction your wor k. s, a CAS is helpful for checking Turn on the TI-89 calc ulator. If • Press n the CAS ¡ to does not access the • Select 2:Ne start, pres F6 menu. HOME wProb to sÍ . • Press e clear the CAS. . Solve equ ation for y: • Type in the equatio n 4x y 9. • Press e . • Place brac kets arou nd the equation. • Type 4Í X . Press e . Substitute 9 4x in place of y equation in . Press e. Cop simplified y the form, and Paste it into the comman d line. Put around the brackets equation, and add 9. Press e . Copy the new form of the equation, and Paste it into the command line. Put brackets around the equation, and divide by 6. Pres s e. To find the correspondin for y: g value • Copy y 9 4x and Paste into the com it mand line retype it). (or • Type Í | X Í =13 ÷ • Press e 6. . There are several ways to solve linear systems using a CAS. The steps show n here follow the steps used by hand. • Some sections show you how to use a computer algebra system (CAS) to explore algebraic processes or as an alternative tool to solve algebraic problems. This text uses the TI-89 calculator. Technolo gy Tip The Í | key means “such that.” It is used to evalu ate an expression for a given value. The lines intersect at a 13, 1 6 3b . Note that the solution to Exampl fractions. e 3 involves This is an example solved accu that cann rately by ot be graphing, calculator unless a grap is used. hing 24 MHR • Chapter 1 Technology Tip • This margin feature points out helpful hints or alternative strategies for working with graphing calculators or The Geometer’s Sketchpad®. Technology Appendix • The Technology Appendix provides detailed help with all the functions of the graphing calculators and The Geometer’s Sketchpad® that are used in this course. A Tour of Your Textbook • MHR ix Assessment Key Concepts The midpoint of a line segm ent can be found by adding half of the run and half of the rise to the coord inates of the first endp oint. Each coordinate of the midpoint a line segment of is the mean of the corresponding coordinates of the endpoints. Communicate Your Understanding B (x , y ) 2 2 x1 + x y +y 2 _______ M _______ 2 , 1 2 2 ( ) A (x , y ) 1 1 rise ___ 2 rise ___ 2 run ___ 2 run ___ 2 The midpoint of a line segm ent with endp oints ( x , y ) has coordinates x1 x2 y1 y 1 1 and (x2 , y ) 2 a 2 , b. 2 2 To find an equat ion for the medi coordinates of an of a triang le, first find the midpoint the of the side oppo coordinates of site the vertex the midpoint . Use the and the vertex the median. to calculate the Then, substitute slope of the slope and point into y the coordinates mx b to solve of either for the median’s To y-intercept. find an equat ion for the right the slope and bisector of a line segment, midpoint of the segment. first find to calculate the Use the line slope of a perpe segm ent’s slope ndicular line. slope and the Then, substitute coordinates of the midpoint this for the right into y m x bisector’s y-inte b to solve rcept. • These questions provide an opportunity to assess your understanding of the concepts before proceeding to use your skills in the Practise, Connect and Apply, and Extend questions. • Through this discussion you can identify any concepts you need to study further. Communicate Your Understan ding C1 Descr y ibe two meth ods for findin midpoint of g the this line segm ent. C2 P (1, 3) 3 2 1 0 Describe how to determine an equation for the median from vertex A of ABC. Q (5, 1) 1 2 3 4 5 6 A(—2, 3) 3 2 B(—1, 1) 1 C(3, 0) 1 2 3 x —1 —2 —10 C3 Describe how to determine an equation for the right bisector of line segment PQ. P(—4, 2) x y y 6 4 2 —6 —4 —2 0 Q(6, 5) 2 4 6 x 2.1 Midpoint of a Line Segment • MHR 65 18. Chapter Problem Here are stages of the first thre a Koch snow e flake, nam Swedish mathematic ed after the ian von Koch (18701924 Niels Fabian Helg e ). This snow starts with an equilate flake ral triangle. stage, the middle thir At each d of each replaced side is by two segm ents, each length to equal in the segment they replace. a) Find the coordina tes of the vertices on three new the bottom in the seco of the snow nd stage. flake b) Are Koc h snowflak es fractals? Explain. Special Connect and Apply Questions • Some questions are related to the Chapter Problem. • Achievement Check: The last Connect and Apply question of some sections provides an opportunity to demonstrate your knowledge and understanding and your ability to apply, think about, and communicate what you have learned. Achievement Check questions occur every two or three sections and are designed to assess learning of the key concepts in those sections. Extend 20. The point A(x , 1) is 5 unit point (2, s from the 6). a) Find a possible valu e for x. b) Is this value the only solu tion? Exp 21. a) On lain. a grid, draw line segm lengths ents with the listed method. How below. Describe you r do you kno line segm w that each ent is the correct leng th? ii) 25 iii) 213 iv) 241 the line segm those draw ents you drew to n by a clas smate. Veri both sets of line segm fy that ents have correct leng the ths. i) 22 b) Compare (0, 0) (3, 0) Go to www .mcgrawhil l.ca/links/p the links to rinciples10 learn more and follow about Koch snowflake s. Achievemen t Check 19. Ligh tning star ts a forest fire Reasoning and Proving Representing at a point with Selecting Tools map coordinates Problem Solving Connecting F(23, 25). The Reflecting nearest tow Commu ns nicating coordinates have A(15, 19) and B(23 a) Which , 17). town is at greater risk the fire? from b) Describ e any assumpt ions you for your answ made er to part a). und midway two towns, between the a camper learns abou from a new t the scast. The camper estim fire that he is about 9 km ates from the camper corr fire. Is the ect? Justify your resp onse. c) At a cam pgro 22. List the points that satis and have integer coor fy each condition dinates. a) 5 unit s from the origin b) 5 unit s from the point (2, c) 10 unit 1) s from the poin t (5, 2) 23. Sally has hidden her brother’ present s birthday somewhere in the back writing inst yard. Whe ructions for n she used finding the a coordina present, te syst unit on the grid represen em with each positive y-ax ting 1 m. The is The instruct of this grid points north. ions read “Start at walk half the origin, way to (8, 6), turn 90° then walk left, and twice as far.” present? Where is How far is the it from the origin? 24. Math Contest The number of of five lette arrangem rs from the ents contain the word mag netic that word net is A 60 B 100 C 360 D 630 25. Math E 720 Contest Sho w that the larger sem area icircle is equal to the of the areas of the sum of the two smaller semicircles. 2.2 Length Chapter Problem Wrap-Up This summary problem occurs at the end of the Chapter Review. The Chapter Problem may be assigned as a project. of a Line Segm ent • MHR 79 Chapter 3 Rev iew 3.1 Investigate Properties of Triangles, pages 110—116 1. a) Define a median. b) List two additional prope rties of the medians of a triangle. c) Outline how you could use geometry software to show that the medi ans of all triangles have these properties. 2. a) Use congr uent triangles A to show how the lengths of the medians to the two equal sides M N of an isosceles triangle are related. b) Describe how you can B C use geometry software to demo nstrate that this relati onship appli es for all isosceles triang les. 5. a) Verify that the altitu de from vertex bisects side KL J in the triangle with vertices J(5, 4), K(1, 8), and L(1 , 2). b) Classify JKL. Explain your reasoning. 3.3 Investigate Properties of Quadrilaterals, pages 128—136 6. List two properties of the diagonals of each geom etric shape. a) square b) parallelogr am c) kite 7. a) Show that the line segment joinin midpoints of g the opposite sides of any parallelogram bisects the area of the parallelogram. A d with the coord inate axes. Then, draw the right bisectors of all three sides. b) Show that the point of inters ection the of right bisectors of the sides of right triangle any lies on the hypo tenuse. c) Describe how you can use geometry software to answ er part b). 4. a) Verify that DEF is a right triang le. y B C b) Describe another way to answer part a). 8. Verify that quadrilateral trapezoid. E(—2, 2) 2 —2 F(3, 1) 0 2 4 x b) Describe another meth od that you could use to answer part a). 152 MHR • Chapt er 3 4 JKLM is a M(3, 4) J(—3, 2) 2 L(7, 1) —4 —2 of another point , is a right triang le. 12. Divers from scuba clubs in St. Catharines, Hamilton, and Oakville are working together to pract ise rescues in deep water. Describe how the clubs could find a practice site that is equid istant from the three towns. 11. a) Verify that points P(5, 7) and Q(7, 5) on the circle lie with equation 2 x y2 74. b) Verify that Oakville the right bisec tor of the chord PQ passe s through the centre of the circle. Lake Ontario Hamilton 3.4 Verify Prope rties of Quad rilaterals, pages 137—144 K(—2, —2) D(1, 4) 4 C, on the circle . c) Show that ABC F y 3.2 Verify Prope rties of Trian gles, pages 117—127 of Circles, pages are oints of a diam eter of the circle defined by x2 y 2 169. b) State the coordinates D E 3. a) Draw a right triang le with the short sides aligne er 3.5 Properties 145—151 10. a) Show that A(12, 5) and B(12, 5) endp 0 2 4 6 —2 9. a) Classify the quadrilater al 8 x with vertices T(2, 4), U(8, 2), V(7, 1), and W(1, 1). Justify this classi fication. b) Verify a property of the diagonals of TUVW. St. Catharines Chapter Probl em Wrap-Up The golden ratio is also know n as the divine propo rtion, the golde n mean, and the golden sectio n. Many peopl e find that objects with proportions in the golden ratio are pleas ing to the eye. For this reason, artist s and architects sometimes use these propo rtions in their work. a) Research the golden ratio at a library or on the Intern et. Is the golde n ratio a rational numb er? Explain. b) Give an exam ple of a regul ar geometric shape that involves the golden ratio. Describe how the golden ratio appears in this shape. c) Give an exam ple of a natur al object that ratio. Explain may contain why researcher the golden s disagree on occurs frequently whether the in nature. golden ratio d) Some resea rchers argue that designers golden ratio in ancient times in buildings used the such as the Parth and the Great enon in Athen Pyramid at Giza, s, Greece, Egypt. Do you are valid? Justif Go to think these claim y your answer. s e) Measure www.mcgrawh a textbook. Are ill.ca/ links/principles any of the dime 10 and follow golden ratio? nsions relate Explain. the links to learn d by the more about the golden ratio. Chapter 3 Review • MHR x MHR • A Tour of Your Textbook 153 Practice Test • Each chapter ends with a practice test. Chapter 8 Prac tice Test 1. Find the length of the indicated side, to the nearest centim etre. C 25 cm b=? 45° B 74° A 2. Find the length of the indicated side, to the nearest tenth of a metre. K 3.6 m R 3. Find the measure of the indicated angle , to the nearest degre e. 7. Solve XYZ . Round the side length to the nearest tenth of a metre and the measures to the nearest degre angle e. 11. Tess was flying from Toron to to Hamilton Y at night. She noticed that heading indic her ator was malfu nctioning and decided to check her position. She called Hami lton Tower and St. Catharines Radio, know ing that the stations were 50 km apart. Hami reported that lton the position of her plane formed an angle of 65° with the joining the two line stations. St. Catha reported that rines her position made of 48°. How far was the plane an angle from Hamilton, to the nearest kilom etre? 12. Scuba diver s count fin stroke s to estimate the distance they have travel led under water. Felipe uses this meth od and a compass to swim 300 m north from the dive boat. He then turns right 120° and swims 400 m. How far from the boat is he, to the nearest metre? In what direction must Felipe swim to return to the boat? 13. While stand ing exactly halfw ay between two tall trees, Nikki spots a blue jay at the top of one tree and a cardinal at the top of the other, as shown. Z 8.3 m r=? 36° 4.3 m 68° T 7.2 m X Y 8. In acute NTW, N 54°, n 2.3 and w 1.8 km, km. ? 16 km a) Sketch this triangle and label the given information. D 4. Find the measure of the indicated angle , to the nearest degre e. 18 mm H ? 13 km 65° b) Solve this triangle. Roun d the side length to the nearest tenth of a metre and the angle measures to the nearest degree. 21 mm 24 mm 5. Two wires are N E S supporting a 80° tent pole, as shown. 2.2 m 2.8 m a) How far apart are the wires fixed in the ground, to the nearest tenth of a metre? b) Find the angle each wire makes with the ground, to the nearest degre e. State any assumption s you make. 6. Cheryl is trying to hit her golf ball between two trees. She estimates the distances show n. 20 m Within what angle must Cheryl 35 m make her shot, in order to pass between the trees? Round to the nearest tenth of a degre e. 9. Students of Fowler’s Aeron autica have l School this crest on their pilot’s cap. the total length Find of gold trim needed to make a crest, to the nearest tenth of a centimetre. State any assumption make. s you 16 cm 46° 6.2 m join the town Port, Sackville, s of West and Jonestown , as shown. West Port 82° 17 km 12 km Sackville The fire statio n serves a total area of 126 km2. Find the number of minutes it would take for a fire truck to drive the perimeter of this region, assum ing an average speed of 80 km/h. 15. From his cockpit, the pilot of a flying J 12 km plane observes a jet P flying directly above an airport, as shown. From the 16 km plane, the angle of elevation to the jet is 14° A and the angle of depression to the airport is 38°. Find the altitude of both aircraft, to the nearest kilom etre. Achievement Check C measurements given to find the height of the Peace Tower in Ottawa, to the nearest metre . AB 50 m XAY 43° XAB 60° ABX 82° 16. A small lake has Y 40 m From Nikki’s point of view, the angles of elevation to the blue jay and to the cardinal are 60° and 50°, respectively. The trees are 40 m apart. a) If Nikki is 1.5 m tall, find the heigh of each tree, t to the nearest tenth of a metre. X B Reasoning and Proving Representing Selecting Tools three approximat ely Problem Solving straight shore lines Connecting so it forms a Reflecting Communicating triangle, LAK . L a) List all of the possible k a measurements that could be A K l determined for this lake. b) If you were a surveyor stand ing at point L, which of these measurements you measure would and which ones would you calculate? Justify your choic e. c) Could you have made a different choic in part b)? Is e this choice better than your previous one? Explain. N 8 b) How far apart are the two birds, to the nearest tenth of a metre? Chapter 8 Practi ce Test Tasks Jonestown Fire Station B 10. Use the A 432 MHR • Chapt er 14. A fire statio n serves an area bordered by three highways that • MHR 433 Tasks • Tasks are presented at the end of Chapters 3, 6 and 8. • These are more involved problems that require you to use several concepts from the preceding chapters. Each task has multi-part questions and may take about 20 min to complete. • Some tasks may be assigned as individual or group projects. Cari Sports Centre Some of the costs of runn of people ing Cari using the facility incr Sports Centre decr staff need ease eases. Oth ed to serv er costs, such as the number e the add itional peo as the sala As part of ple, grow ries of a budget . review, city from the cou Cari Sports Centre. City ncil would like to and develop improve council surv s a formula the profit • the pric eys people e of admissio by examining using the centre • the num n to the cent ber of tick re ets sold • the con stant dail y expense s in runn The centre ing the cent manager, re Emily, was of admissio given the n tickets, formula that the price Emily lost of a ticket, the and the dail related the number already calc paper on which the y profit. Unf formula was ulated the ortunately, following written, but data list. Ticket Price she had ($) Daily Profi t ($) 8 56 10 200 12 296 14 344 a) Copy the table you conclud and find the first and second e about the differenc formula? b) Make es. What a scatter can plot of the price will data. Draw give the grea a curve of test daily c) What are best fit. Wha profit? the constan t ticket t daily exp d) What rang enses? e of admissio least $326? n prices will ensure that the daily profit is at Chapter Review 322 MHR • Chapter 6 • This feature appears at the end of each chapter. • By working through these questions, you will identify areas where you may need more review or study before doing the Practice Test. Chapter 4 Review 4.1 Investig ate Non-Lin ear Relation pages 164 s, —167 1. Which scatter using a curv plot(s) could be mod elled e instead of a line of Explain. best fit? a) y Cumulative Review Montréal? c) What is the max imu x 0 x tested the strength of wood beam s by securing beams of various leng ths and placing a 500-kg mas s at the end of each beam . The table shows the mean defl ections, in centimetres . a) Make a scatter plot of the data. Draw a curv e of best fit. b) Describ e Length Defle 4.3 Investig ction ate Transfor (m) mations pages 174 (cm) of Quadrat —179, and ics, 1.0 4.4 Graph 0.33 y = a(x — 2 h) + k, pag 1.5 1.48 5. Sketch es 180 —18 the graph 8 2.0 of each para the transfor 2.51 bola . Describe mation from 2.5 the graph 4.22 a) y x 2 of y 6 x 2. 3.0 6.11 b) y 0. 2 5x 3.5 8.17 c) y ( x 2) 2 4.0 10.52 d) y 2 2 x 4.5 12.98 6. Copy 5.0 and complet 16.72 e the relationship between the length beam and of the table parabola. for each Replace the heading for second colu the mn with the equatio parabola. n for the Then, sket ch each para bola. Property the deflecti the on. c) Use you r curve of best fit to deflection predict the of a 1 11 2 18 27 4 5 • A Course Review follows the tasks at the end of Chapter 8. This comprehensive selection of questions will help you to determine if you are ready for the final examination. Vertex 4.2 Quadrat ic Relation s, pages 3. Use finit 168 —173 e differenc es to dete each rela rmine whe tion is line ther ar, quadrat a) ic, or neit x her. y b) 3 38 51 202 MHR • Chapter 4 x y —2 —10 —1 —2 0 0 1 2 2 10 fly from Toro nto m height aircraft? At of the what time does the reach this aircraft height? 0 6.0-m-long beam. Course Review to modelled h 2.5t 2 by the rela 200t, whe tion minutes, and h is the re t is the time, in height, in a) Graph metres. the relation . b) How long does it take to to b) y 2. A scie ntist • A cumulative review occurs at the end of Chapters 3, 6, and 8. These questions allow you to review concepts you have learned in the chapters since the last cumulative review. They also help to prepare you for the tasks that follow. 4. The fligh t of an airc raft from Montréal Toronto can be c) x —2 y —9 —1 —6 0 —3 1 0 2 3 y = a(x — h) 2 + k Axis of symm etry Stretch or compressio n factor relati ve to y = 2 x Direction of opening Values x may take Values y may take a) y ( x 1) 2 4 b) y 2( x 3) 2 1 c) y 1 (x 2 4 5) 1 d) y ( x 2) 2 6 A Tour of Your Textbook • MHR xi Other Features The Mathematical Process These seven mathematical processes are integral to learning mathematics: • problem solving • reasoning and proving • reflecting • selecting tools and computational strategies • connecting • representing • communicating Reasoning and Proving Representing Selecting Tools Problem Solving Connecting Reflecting Communicating These processes are interconnected and are used throughout the course. Some examples and exercises are flagged with a math processes graphic to show or remind you which of the processes are involved in solving the problem. Making Connections rdo of Pisa fraction is a st A continued 1 22. Math Conte form a fraction of the b 1 c st In 1202, Leona acci, 23. Math Conte known as Fibon better i. In it, (11751250), called Liber Abac published a book ers now sequence of numb 1, 2, 3, 5, he showed a 1, acci sequence: called the Fibon 8, 13, 21, …. a and next three terms a) Find the nce. for this seque formation rule successive the ratios of b) Examine nce Fibonacci seque terms of the ble (n 1)th term . Conjecture a possi nth term 1000th term . ratio 999th term value for the . 1 d p fraction the continued a) Evaluate 2 1 3 . 1 1 5 4 nued the infinite conti b) Evaluate 1 fraction 1 1 1 . This feature points out some of the connections between topics in the course, or to topics learned previously. system of st Solve the 24. Math Conte 1 1 p 1 equations. 0 abc 1 acd 0 a 2b 2d bd3 Literacy Connections This margin feature provides tips to help you read and interpret items in math. in Mak about ts you have learned onnections many of the concep version for picture of how here. Make a larger provide a mental One is started A mind map can are connected. that help you. rs 4, 5, and 6 any other details quadratics in Chapte ions parts and add Quadratic Equat te the shaded Comple f. yoursel 0 ax2 + bx + c = ons Quadratic Relati A y = ax + bx a > 0 means 2 : expression factors If the quadratic s) = 0 • a(x — r)(x — 2 zeros are at y +c a < 0 means c is the s 0 x t of squares = 0 difference try is axis of symme (h, k) is the zeros↔ x-intercepts↔ roots are found: If no easy factors form B square to get • complete the tic formula • use the quadra la exist, then parabo if no real roots r and s are the atic Formula • 6.4 The Quadr MHR 303 It is a good idea to read a word problem three times. Read it a second time for understanding. Express the problem in your own words. Read it a third time to plan how to solve the problem. Internet Links This logo is shown beside questions in which it is suggested that you use the Internet to help solve the problem or to research or collect information. Some direct links are provided on our Web site www.mcgrawhill.ca/links/principles10. Did You Know? This feature provides interesting facts related to the topics in the examples or the exercises. xii MHR • A Tour of Your Textbook onnections Read it the first time to get the general idea. perfect square p) • a(x — p)(x + roots are c 2 +k B y = a(x — h) as in form A a means the same — s) C y = a(x — r)(x as in form A a means the same • a(x — t) = 0 1 zero at t 2 r Literac Did You Know ? Household white vinegar is 5% acetic acid. A 5% acetic acid solution means that 5% pure acid is mixed with 95% water. For example, 1 L of white vinegar contains 50 mL of pure acetic acid and 950 mL of water. Appendices Challeng e Problem s Append ix 1. Write an equatio n that form so that the s a system system has of equatio ns with x a) no solu y 4, tion b) infinitely many solu tions c) one solu tion Challenge Problems Appendix 2. Sketch a graph to represen solu t a system tion, so that of two equ the two line ations with s have one a) different x-inte A varied selection of more difficult problems is presented on pages 448–457. Some are directly related to the content of this course, while others are more general “puzzler” problems. These problems will provide new challenges and enrichment. They will help if you are planning to take the grade 11 university course to prepare for more difficult problems. rcepts and b) the sam different y-intercepts e x-intercep ts but diffe c) different rent y-interc x-intercep epts ts but the d) the sam sam e y-interc ept e x-intercep t and the same 3. Find the y-intercept point of inte rsection of a) 2(x each 4) y 6 3x 2(y 3) 13 linear syst em. b) 2(x 1) 3(y 3) 0 3(x 2) (y 7) 20 c) 2(3x 1) (y 4) 7 4(1 2x) 0 3(3 y) 12 d) 2(x 0 1) 4(2y 1) x 3(3y 1 2) 2 4. In the figure, the side of each Determin small squa e the area re represen of the shad ts 1 cm. ed part. 5. Solve the followin g linear syst em for x a 1 and and y by b 1. letting x y 1 3 3 x y 4 2 5 x y 12 3 Prerequisite Skills Appendix If you need help with any of the topics in the Get Ready for each chapter, refer to this appendix on pages 458–475. Examples and practice questions are provided. The topics are arranged in alphabetical order. 448 MHR • Challeng e Problems Appendix Prerequi site Skill s Appendix Adding Pol ynomials To add 2x 5y 4, add the like 3x 2y terms. ____ _______5 2x 5y 4 3x 2y ____ _______5 5x 3y 9 1. Add. a) 3x 2y 5 4 x 3y ____ _______7 c) Technology Appendix b) 3x 4y 5 6x 2y ____ 7 _______ 3a 2 a 2 2 2a 4a 1 ______ _____ f) 6a 2b 4 4a 3b ___ ________7 x 6x 4 2x 2 4 x ___ 8 _______ _ 2 d) e) 2y 2 y3 3y 2 y ____ _______2 The Technology Appendix, on pages 476–503, provides detailed help for some basic functions of the TI-83 Plus or TI-84 Plus graphing calculator, the computer algebra system on the TI-89 graphing calculator, and The Geometer’s Sketchpad®. These pages will be particularly helpful if you have not used these tools before. Angle Pro perties To find the measure of x, reca interior angl ll that the es of a trian sum of the x 72° gle is 180 °. 67° 180 ° x 139° 180° x 180° 139° x 41° When a tran sversal inte a) the alte rsects two 72° rnate angl parallel line 67° es s: are equal b) the corr espondin g angles are equal c) the co-inter ior angles are supplem entary x y To find the measures of x, y, and fact that, since AC z, use the is parallel alternate to EF, the angles are equal. BEF ABE (alte rnate angl x 54° es) BFE CBF (alte rnat e angles) 458 MHR • Prerequisite Skills Appendi x x + y = 180° A 54° x E B y 73° C z F Other Back Matter Glossary A complete illustrated glossary is included. All key terms of the text, as well as other mathematical terms, are listed on pages 570–581. This is a good resource if you want to check the exact meaning of a term. Answers Complete illustrated answers are provided for all questions in each Get Ready, numbered section, Chapter Review, and Practice Test. Refer to pages 504–569. Answers for the Achievement Check questions, the Chapter Problem Wrap-Up, the Investigate questions, and Communicate Your Understanding questions are provided in Principles of Mathematics 10 Teacher’s Resource. Index A general index is included on pages 582–585. A Tour of Your Textbook • MHR 1
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