SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS: The Achilles tendon attaches the calf muscles (Gastrocnemius and Soleus muscles) to the heel (calcaneus). This tendon plays an important role in walking, running and jumping. Tendonitis occurs when there is an overuse of the tendon, resulting in pain and inflammation of the tendon itself or the sheath that covers it. This condition usually comes about gradually over time with repetitive motion. CAUSES Although this condition occurs over time, there are some risk factors than can increase the chance of this injury occurrence. • Sudden increase in the amount of exercise or intensity of exercise • Poor flexibility • Running on hard surfaces such as concrete • Poor shoe support • In need of corrective orthotics SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS • • • • • Pain Stiffness Decrease in range of motion Area may be warm and tender to touch Tendon may be thicker than the other side TREATMENT • Stop doing activity that causes you pain. Do cross-training exercises instead (biking, swimming) to put less stress on the Achilles. • Ice • Take anti-inflammatory medications • Stretch • Seek medical attention if it isn’t getting better, you may need to have corrective orthotics made for your shoes. PREVENTION • Wear the proper footwear for your activity • Stretch and maintain good flexibility • Strengthen the muscles of the lower leg To schedule an appointment, call 419-562-5281. 01-20-2014 CENTER FOR SPORTS HEALTH Centers located in Bucyrus, Crestline, Galion, and Ontario.
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