T~E JOURNALOFIMMUNOLOGY Copyright© 1976 by The Williams & Witkins Co. VoL 117. No. 4, October 1976 Printed in U.S.A. AUTHOR I N D E X Araneo, Barbara A., 1233 Ault, Kenneth A., 1406 Austen, K. Frank, 1356 Baer, Harold, 1159 Bahu, Raja M., 1179 Berg, Kurt, 1370 Bernard, Alain 1117 Billing, R., 1300 Boldt, David, 1402 Borel, Yves, 1308 Boraos, Tibor, 1346 Boumsell, Laurence, 1117 Boyle, Michael D. P., 1346 Brandt, Walter E., 1104 Bretting, Hagen, 1226 Bullock, Ward E., Jr., 1164, 1171 Callahan, Gerald N., 1351 Cantell, Karl, 1370 Catanzaro, Phillip J., 1104 Catsimpoolas, Nicholas, 1406 Chan, Eva L., 1132 Chan, Keith S., 1111 Chesebro, Bruce, 1267 Chesebro, Kevin, 1267 Clark, Eloise A., 1402 Clark, Robert A., 1378 Coons, Albert H., 1067 Day, Noorbibi K., 1117 Depieds, Raymond C., 1145 Doyle, Michael V., 1152 Dvorak, Ann M., 1085 Dvorak, Harold F., 1085 Ebisu, Shigeyuki, 1256 Eisen, Herman N., 1189 Elin, Ronald J., 1238 Ferrone, Soldano, 1351 Fiedel, Barry A., 1073 Frosch, Matthew, 1282 Fuks, Zvi, 1331 Galli, Anne S., 1085 Galli, Stephen J., 1085 Gerhart, Stanley, 1314, 1320 Gerin, John L., 1404 Gershon, Richard K., 1295 Gewurz, Henry, 1073 Gold, Jon W. M., 1404 Goldstein, Ira M., 1282 Good, Robert A., 1117 Gotohda, E., 1340 Gotoff, Samuel P., 1303 Greineder, Dirk K., 1261 Griffith, Ann L., 1406 Hashimoto, Takashi, 1392 Henry, Claudia, 1132 Heron, Iver, 1370 Hirano, Toshio, 1093 Hogrefe, Wayne R., 1104 Honig, R., 1300 Howe, Michael L., 1398 Iio, Atsushi, 1139 Imai, Mitsunobu, 1392 Inai, Shinya, 1256 Ishizaka, Kimishige, 1211 Johnston, Marilyn F. M., 1189 Kabat, Elvin A., 1226 Kaplan, Henry S., 1331 Kaplan, Howard B., 1282 Kaplanski, Solange, 1145 Kappler, John W., 1233 Kato, Keijiro, 1256 Kind, Leon S., 1063 King, Donna, P., 1331 Kitamura, Kiyoshi, 1203 Klebanoff, Seymour J., 1378 Klein, Jan, 1351 Kobayashi, H. 1340 Kobayashi, Hiroshi, 1250 Kodama, Takao, 1250 Koide, Yukio, 1197 Kong, Yi-chi, M., 1336 Kostyk, Thomas G., 1295 Kotani, Shozo, 1256 Kretschmer, Roberto R., 1303 Kuzumaki, Noboru, 1250 Lee, Spencer H. S., 1063 Lightbody, James L., 1336 Linthicum, D. Scott, 1179 Luderer, Albert A., 1079 MacDermott, Richard P., 1402 Maki, Takashi, 1398 Malik, Frank, 1159 Marrack, Philippa C., 1233 Matsuyama, M., 1300 Maurer, Paul H., 1079 Mayumi, Makoto, 1392 Mclntyre, O. Ross, 1139 Melchers, F., 1099 Metzler, Charles M., 1295 Meyers, Paul, 1127 Miller, Gary W.~ 1374 Mills, Gordon, 1314, 1320, 1325 Misaki, Akira, 1256 Miyakawa, Yuzo, 1203, 1392 Monticone, Vicky, 1314, 1320, 1325 Morecki, Shoshana, 1387 Moriuchi, Tetsuya, 1250 Mosier, D. E., 1363 Nagaki, Kazuyoshi, 1256 Nakagawa, Susumu, 1392 Nakayama, M., 1340 Naruse, Takuji, 1203 Nash, Geoffrey S., 1402 Ngan, Johnson, 1063 Nordin, Albert A., 1093 Ogawa, Makio, 1139 Ohanian, Sarkis H., 1346 Paetkau, Verner, 1314, 1320, 1325 Papierniak, Cynthia K., 1303 Parks, D. Elliot, 1152 Paterson, Nigel A. M., 1356 Paul, W. E., 1363 Phillips, R. A., 1099 Phillips, Stanley M., 1104 Phillips, Stephanie Gordon, 1226 Pike, Marilyn C., 1243 Platsoucas, Christos D., 1408 Polet, Herman, 1275 Pommier, Gilbert J., 1145 Portis, John, 1267 Poulik, M. David, 1351 Purcell, Robert H., 1404 Quattiere, Louis F., 1127 Radin, Allen, 1282 Rance, Roselyne J., 1145 Ranney, David F., 1219 Reisfeld, Ralph A., 1351 Remacle-Bonnet, Maryse M., 1145 Rosenstreich, David L., 1238 Rosenthal, Alan S., 1261 Said, Jonathan W., 1356 Saint, John G., 1402 Sandberg, Ann L., 1238 Scher, I., 1363 Sell, Stewart, 1179 Sendo, F., 1340 Shevach, Ethan M., 1261 Shibata, Seiichi, 1203 Shih, J. Wai.Kuo, 1404 Snyderman, Ralph, 1243 Spieker-Polet, Helga, 1275 Stadecker, Miguel J., 1387 Steinberg, Alfred D., 1219 Stewardson, Prudence B., 1303 Stollar, B. David, 1308, 1387 Stone, Sanford H., 1159 Stmber, Samuel, 1288, 1331 Strober, Warren, 1139 Swain, Susan, 1087 Takahashi, Kazuaki, 1392 Takahashi, Takashi, 1392 Takasugi, Mitsuo, 1197 Takatsu, Kiyoshi, 121t Terasaki, P. I., 1300 Teshima, Hideki, 1117 Thursh, Donald R., 1111 Top, Franklin H., Jr., 1104 Waldmann, Thomas A., 1139 Walter, William, 1117 Wasserman, Stephen I., 1356 Wehrly, Kathy, 1267 Weigle, William 0., 1152 Woodland, Robert T., 1079 Zaras, Alexander, G. 1402 Monospecific antibodies to human immunoglobulins and immunoglobulin fractions 10-MAT 10-MSP 10-090 10-00G 10-091 colostrum IgA, specific for (z-chains secretory piece of IgA IgG, specific for 7-chains IgG, specific for Fc fragment IgM, specific for/~-chains Monospecitic antibodies to Bence Jones proteins 10-9K2 10-9K5 A100 10-9L2 10-9L5 A101 kappa light chains kappa light chains kappa free light chains lambda light chains lambda light chains lambda free light chains Dako-lmmunogl, Denmark Exclusive U.S. and Canadian Distributor: ACCURATECHEMICAL& V SCIENTIFICCORPORATION Z Z The His of Difco Quality Z a n d w h a t it m e a n s to you Difco was developed by producing better products through control of quality. 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