PIG 9-5-16 - St. Charles Parish Public Schools

Mrs. Burford and Ms. Knobloch
September 5 - 9, 2016
Mrs. Burford – [email protected] Ms. Knobloch– [email protected]
Math, Science, and Social Studies
Language Arts
Pencil Case – For convenience and safety, please purchase a zippered pencil case for your child if you have not done so already.
Lakewood Planners/Folder – Remember to check your child’s planner and communication folder each night.
Snacks and Water Bottles – Students are allowed to bring a water bottle to school. They also can bring a healthy snack for the
Homework Expectations – Students are expected to attempt all questions and all parts of a question on every homework
assignments. Students must also have their homework in class to discuss when the assignment is due.
Scholastic Book Order – Book orders are due this Thursday, September 8th. Please make checks payable to Scholastic Reading Club.
Incentives - Fridays are Blue Jean days. No rips/tears in the jeans are allowed. (ALL Dress Down days follow SCP dress code
guidelines which can be found on the website or in your child’s planner.)
This week we will continue with Module 1: Place Value, Rounding, and Algorithms for Addition and Subtraction. We will
complete lessons 14-17. We will solve multi-digit word problems using the standard algorithm, create tape diagrams to
represent word problems, and assess the reasonableness of our answers using rounding. The students will have a quiz on
Thursday on lessons 11-14. They may take home their pink math workbook every night for extra practice. We will also have
spiral review this week.
*This week we will be focusing on LASS 4.NBT.4 and 4.OA.3.
S Social Studies
We will complete our unit on geography this week. We will review today and test on Wednesday. For the test, the students
will have to identify the continents and oceans on a map, identify the four hemispheres, and use a map scale to tell the
distance between two cities on a map. They will also have to identify the five regions of the US on a map, name a few states in
each region, describe volcanoes, earthquakes, how the Great Lakes were formed, and the effects of erosion on the
environment. On Tuesday, we will begin choosing our explorer for the explorer project, which will be completed entirely in
class. The project will count as a summative (test) grade. Next Tuesday, the students will take a district formative
assessment (quiz) on explorers. They will have to explain why explorers came to the Americas, describe the risks that they
experienced, and construct a timeline. This will be the last grade for the first nine weeks in social studies. We will be switching
over to science next Wednesday.
This week, we will continue our fiction unit. Students will continue to learn how to determine character traits, plot events, and
theme. We will also learn how to determine the difference between 1st and 3rd person point of view. There will be a teachermade summative assessment on Thursday. The test will cover story elements, character traits, theme, making inferences, and
context clues. Please reinforce the importance of utilizing testing tips and the bag and tag strategy while reading and
answering questions. They should also remember to RACE (restate, answer, cite evidence, and explain) for short-answer
questions. Please have your child read as often as possible as part of their daily homework routine.
This week, we will begin our Cynthia Rylant author study. Students will determine an author’s motivation and purpose for
writing. We will also focus on the “Show, Don’t Tell” strategy by including vivid verbs in our writings. As students complete
their narrative writings this week, they will then begin writing a fictional story. Our grammar focus will continue to be on
ending punctuation and types of sentences. There will be a quiz on Friday. Please remind your child to study their types of
sentences handout which is located in the writing portion of their ELA binder. Students also received their third week of DOL
today. They are expected to complete the night’s homework daily. This is located in their ELA binder.
Gators’ Golden Rules!
This week, we will review rules # 1 – 3.
1. Be the best person that you can be. Be positive, and enjoy life.
2. No matter the circumstances, always be honest.
3. Learn from your mistakes, accept responsibility for your actions, and move on.