2016-2017 Supply List - Roosevelt Elementary

2016-2017 Supply List - Roosevelt Elementary
1 Boxes of crayons - 24 regular size (Crayola)
1 Box of 8 water color paints (Prang)
4 Dry erase markers (wide tip)
1 Package yellow #2 pencils
1 Large pink eraser
12 Small Elmer's glue sticks
1 Bottle white Elmer's school glue
1 Box Crayola markers (wide tip)
1 Box Crayola markers (thin tip) ')
1 School box (plastic)
Scissors - Fiskar for children
1 1" three-ring binder (white with clear pocket)
1 Spiral notebook
1 Large backpack (not on wheels)
1 Towel for rest time (approximately 4 ft.)
(no blankets or pillows)
1 Box Ziploc bags (any size)
2 Large boxes of Kleenex
1 Bottle of Germ-X
Please Label ALL Items
1 Box crayons - 24 regular size
8 Pencils - #2 with eraser (sharpened)
2 Large glue sticks
2 Bottles Elmer's glue (4 oz.)
1 Polymer eraser
Prang Watercolors - 8 colors (new students ONLy)
Scissors (pointed)
1 Box (8) Basic color Large Crayola magic markers
4 Pocket folders
Set of 24 colored pencils (sharpened)
12 Inch ruler with metrics & inches
School box, largest available
2 Large Expo dry erase markers
2 Packages of loose leaf notebook paper
(wide lined, 150 ct.)
1 4-pack colored pens
1 Small pencil sharpener
2 Highlighters
1 Package Clorox wipes
2 Boxes of Kleenex
Please Label ALL Items
2 Boxes of crayons - 24 regular size
1 Bottle of glue
12 pencils - #2 with eraser-yellow only (sharpened)
1 Package of multi-colored pens
2 Boxes skinny markers (thin tip)
Scissors - Fiskar for children
8 Large glue sticks
1 Pocket folder
2 Erasers (not art gum)
2- 8 Basic Large color magic markers (Crayola)
Prang water colors - 8 colors (new students ONLy)
School bag (not on wheels)
4 Large Expo dry erase markers (black only)
1 Box quart size Ziploc bags
1 Box gallon Ziploc bags
2 Boxes of Kleenex
1 Package Clorox wipes
1 Bottle of Germ-X
Please ONLY Label Each Individual Crayon
(Do not label any other items)
2016-2017 Su
List - Ro
1 Box crayons - 24 regular size
1 Package #2 yellow pencils
2 Large glue sticks (.88 oz.)
1 Box water color magic markers
12 Inch Wooden ruler - with metrics
1 Red ball point pens
4 Pronged plastic folders for paper (no trappers)
(blue, red, orange & yellow) (plastic ONLy)
Prang Watercolors - 8 colors (new students ONLY)
School bag - no wheels
Plastic Container (shoebox size) (no pencil box)
Scissors (pointed)
1 Package small Post-It notes
4 Meade composition notebooks (wide ruled)
(9.75x7.5 in.)
2 White binders with plastic sleeve front (1/2 in.)
2 Packages wide ruled loose leaf paper (150 ct.)
4 Highlighters
1 Box colored pencils
4 Expo dry erase markers (wide tip)
2 Box of Kleenex
1 Bottle of Germ-X
1 Package Clorox wipes
*ONL Y purchase items on list
(if not available please wait)
1 Box of crayons - 24 regular size
2 Large glue sticks
1 Package #2 yellow pencils
1 Large eraser (white)
2 Red ballpoint pens
Prang watercolors - 8 colors (new students ONLY)
2 Package loose leaf paper (wide lined 150 ct.)
Trapper Keeper with 6 folders
1 Box 8 water based magic markers
1 Box colored pencils
4 Large Expo dry erase markers
School Box
2 Highlighters - Yellow
1 Package Post-It notes (3x3)
Notecards (lined)
1 Box of Kleenex
1 Package Clorox wipes
1 Bottle of Germ-X
Please Label ALL Items
It Elementa
(4 oz.)
'ned notebook paper (300 ct.)
- 8 colors (new students ONLy)
oortfolios with holes
anti-bacterial wipes
... nctll'_lr notes (3x3)
on book (wide ruled) 9.75 x 7.5 in.
Star 8 %" X 10 %" pencil bag