Undergraduate Course Descriptions

Undergraduate Course Descriptions
MTH Developmental
100 Mathematics
3 This course covers basic arithmetic, basic algebra and
hrs. basic geometry concepts. Included in its content are the
four fundamental operations involving positive and
negative real numbers, rational numbers, and percents;
solving linear equations and inequalities; and pertinent
application problems. Credit for this course may not
be counted toward any degree requirements.
Prerequisite: None. Placement in this course is
determined by performance on a placement
test.(Offered Fall, Spring, Summer)
Fundamentals of
3 This course covers graphing and linear systems,
hrs. exponents and polynomials, factoring, rational
expressions, roots and radicals, solving quadratic
equations, compound inequalities, linear inequalities in
two variables, variation, functions, and pertinent
application problems. Prerequisite: MTH 100 or a
satisfactory score on a placement test. (Offered Fall,
Spring, Summer)
3 This course covers exponents, roots and radicals,
hrs. polynomial and rational expressions, functions and
graphing, transformations of functions, quadratic and
inverse functions, and linear and non-linear systems of
equations. Note: MTH 105 is an intensive intermediate
algebra course designed for students in science,
technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM)
degree programs where MTH 125, Calculus I, is the
initial course in their curriculum. This course is designed
to prepare students for MTH 115.
3 This course covers the metric system, sets, base
hrs. numeration systems, systems of whole numbers,
systems of integers, elementary number theory,
elementary logic, relations, and functions. Prerequisite:
MTH 101 or a satisfactory score on a placement test.
(Offered Fall, Spring, Summer)
Finite Mathematics 3 This course covers sets, counting, permutations,
hrs. combinations, basic probability theory (including
BayeÕs Theorem), statistical concepts (including
binomial distributions, and normal distribution), matrices
and their applications to Markov chains and decision
theory. Additional topics may include symbolic logic,
linear models, linear programming, the simplex method
and applications. This course is designed for
students who are not majoring in science,
MTH (Formerly MTH
112 103) Pre-Calculus hrs.
MTH (Formerly MTH
113 104) Pre-Calculus hrs.
MTH Pre-Calculus
115 Algebra and
MTH (Formerly MTH
120 130) Calculus and hrs.
Its Applications
MTH (Formerly MTH
125 171) Calculus I
engineering, commerce, or mathematics.
Prerequisite: MTH 101 or satisfactory placement test
scores (Offered Fall, Spring, Summer)
This course covers the algebra of polynomial, rational,
exponential and logarithmic functions; algebraic
equations; linear and quadratic equations; linear and
quadratic inequalities; systems of equations and
inequalities; and the binomial theorem. Additional topics
may include matrices, Cramer's rule, and mathematical
induction. Prerequisite: MTH 101 or a satisfactory
score on a placement exam. (Offered Fall, Spring,
This course covers the study of (circular) trigonometric
functions; inverse trigonometric functions; trigonometric
identities; and trigonometric equations. The course also
covers vectors, complex numbers, DeMoivre's Theorem,
and polar coordinates. Additional topics may include
conic sections, sequences, and using matrices to solve
linear systems. Prerequisite: MTH 112 or a satisfactory
score on a placement exam. (Offered Fall, Spring,
This course covers the study of (circular) trigonometric
functions; inverse trigonometric functions; trigonometric
identities; and trigonometric equations. The course also
covers vectors, complex numbers, DeMoivre's Theorem,
and polar coordinates. Additional topics may include
conic sections, sequences, and using matrices to solve
linear systems. Prerequisite: MTH 112 or a satisfactory
score on a placement exam. (Offered Fall, Spring,
This course is intended to give a broad overview of
calculus and is taken primarily by students majoring in
commerce and business. It includes differentiation and
integration of algebraic, exponential, and logarithmic
functions and applications to business and economics.
The course also includes functions of several variables,
partial derivatives with applications, LaGrange
multipliers, L'Hopital's rule, multiple integration with
applications. This course does not substitute for MTH
125 or MTH 126. Prerequisite: MTH 112 (Offered Fall,
Spring, Summer)
This course covers limits; derivatives of algebraic,
trigonometric, exponential, and logarithmic functions;
applications of the derivative; differentials; maximum
and minimum problems; curve sketching using calculus;
MTH (Formerly MTH
126 172) Calculus II
MTH (Formerly MTH
145H 171H) Honors
Calculus I
MTH (Formerly MTH
146H 172H) Honors
Calculus II
MTH (Formerly MTH
227 201) Calculus III
MTH (Formerly MTH
237 203) Introduction to hrs.
Linear Algebra
and the definite integral and its applications to area.
This is the first of three courses in the basic
calculus sequence taken primarily by students in
science, engineering and mathematics. Prerequisite:
MTH 113 or satisfactory placement test scores. (Offered
Fall, Spring, Summer)
This course covers applications of integration including
volume, arc length and work; techniques of integration;
infinite series; polar coordinates and polar graphs;
vectors in the plane and in space, parametric equations;
curves in the plane and in space; and lines and planes
in space. This is the second of three courses in the
basic calculus sequence. Prerequisite: MTH 125 or
MTH 145 (Offered Fall, Spring, Summer)
This course covers the content of MTH 125 at an
accelerated pace and includes a major application
project. This course covers limits; derivatives of
algebraic, trigonometric, exponential, and logarithmic
functions; applications of the derivative; differentials;
maximum and minimum problems; curve sketching
using calculus; and the definite integral and its
applications to area. Prerequisite: MTH 113 or
satisfactory placement test scores (Offered Fall)
This course covers contents of MTH 126 at an
accelerated pace and includes a major application
project. This course covers applications of integration
including volume, arc length, and work; techniques of
integration; infinite series; polar coordinates and polar
graphs; vectors; parametric equations; curves in the
plane and in space; and lines and planes in space.
Prerequisite: MTH 125 or MTH 145 (Offered Spring)
This course covers vector-valued functions; functions of
several variables, partial derivatives and their
applications; quadric surfaces, multiple integration, and
vector calculus, including line and surface integrals; curl
and divergence, Green's Theorem, and Stoke's
Theorem. This is the third of three courses in the
basic calculus sequence. Prerequisite: MTH 126 or
MTH 146. (Offered Fall, Spring, Summer)
Introduction to theory of matrices, determinants,
methods of solving the linear system Ax = b via
Gaussian elimination, Gauss-Jordan elimination,
eigenvalues and eigenvectors, diagonalization of
matrices, real vector spaces, bases and dimension,
linear transformations, inner product spaces. Additional
MTH (Formerly MTH
238 202) Applied
MTH Abstract Algebra I
MTH Abstract Algebra II 3
MTH (PHY 303)
303 Methods of
MTH Mathematics for
304 Elementary
MTH Applied
305 Mathematics
topics may include quadratic forms and applications of
matrix theory in solving differential equations.
Prerequisites: MTH 126 or MTH 146. (Offered Fall,
Spring, Summer)
An introduction to numerical methods, qualitative
behavior of first order differential equations, techniques
for solving separable and linear equations analytically,
and applications to various models, including
populations, motions and chemical mixtures.
Techniques for solving higher order linear differential
equations with constant coefficients, including the
general theory and the methods of undetermined
coefficients, reduction of order, and variation of
parameters. Interpretation of the behavior of solutions,
and applications to physical models with higher order
governing equations. The Laplace transform as a tool
for solving initial value problems with discontinuous
inhomogeneous terms. Prerequisite: MTH 126 or MTH
146. (Offered Fall, Spring, Summer)
Sets, relations, and functions; properties of integers and
induction; permutations; groups, group homomorphisms,
and quotient groups; Cartesian and direct products.
Prerequisite: MTH 237 (Offered Fall)
This course is a continuation of MTH 301. Rings, ring
homomorphisms, ideals, quotient rings; integral
domains; fields and polynomial extensions of fields.
Prerequisite: MTH 301 (Offered Spring)
Vector calculus; partial differential equations; boundary
value problems. Fourier series; Laplace transforms; and
Green's function methods. Prerequisite: MTH 227
(Offered Fall and/or Spring)
This course covers topics in the K-6 mathematics
curriculum: counting, integers, the fundamental
operations of arithmetic, ratio and proportion,
elementary geometry, uncertainty and data
interpretation. Problem solving, investigation, reasoning,
communication, and the use of technology are integral
parts of this course. This course is not open to
Mathematics or Secondary Education Majors.
Prerequisites: MTH 112 or MTH 107 (Offered Fall,
Spring, Summer)
Functions of several variables, partial derivatives,
differentials, power series, binomial series, Maclaurin
and Taylor series, and solution of elementary first order
and second order differential equations. Applications for
MTH Geometry
MTH Elementary
324 Statistics
MTH Applied Regression 3
327 Analysis
Design and
Analysis of
Experiments I
MTH Introduction to Real 3
351 Analysis I
MTH Introduction to Real 3
352 Analysis II
MTH Applied Statistics
engineering technology. This course is not open to
Mathematics majors or Secondary Education
Mathematics majors. Prerequisite: MTH 126 or MTH
A study of plane and solid Euclidean geometry from the
modern viewpoint; relationships of Euclidean and nonEuclidean geometry; selected topics of affine and
projective geometry. This course is open to
Elementary and Secondary Education majors; this
course is not open to Mathematics majors.
Prerequisite: MTH 112. (Offered Spring)
An introduction to compute-assisted data analysis with
emphasis on the interpretation of results generated by
such software packages as MAPLE and SAS. Topics
include descriptive statistics; contingency tables,
probability distributing; two-group comparisons; sample
estimators, hypothesis testing, and linear regression.
A study of least squares; simple, polynomial and
multiple linear regression including residual and lack-offit analysis; simple, multiple, partial, and multiple-partial
correlation; analysis of covariance; model building
algorithms, analysis of variance, and computer-assisted
data analysis. Prerequisite: One course in statistics.
A study of the fundamental concepts and basic
principles of design, construction and analysis of
experimental deigns. Designs to be included are
completely randomized complete block, Latin square,
split-plot, multiple comparison, factorial and a review of
regression and logistic regression as needed.
Prerequisites: ST 327.
Logical connectives; quantifiers, inductive and deductive
methods of proof; negation; contrapositive; sets;
relations and functions. The completeness axiom;
topology of the real line; compact sets; sequences;
subsequences; Cauchy sequences; limits; continuity;
uniform continuity. Prerequisite: MTH 227 (Offered
Continuation of MTH 351. Differentiation; Riemann
integral; derivatives of integrals; infinite series; absolute
and conditional convergence; power series; Taylor
series; sequences and series of functions; modes of
convergence. Prerequisites: MTH 351 (Offered Spring)
Collection and presentation of data; measures of central
tendency and variability; skewness, binomial, normal,
Chi-square, t-and F-distributions; estimation; confidence
MTH Computers and the 3
357 Teaching of
MTH Number Theory
MTH (CMP 305)
383 Numerical Analysis hrs.
MTH History of
401 Mathematics
Design and
Analysis of
Experiments II
MTH Complex Analysis
MTH (ST 453)
453 Probability and
intervals and hypothesis testing; correlation coefficient;
and analysis of variance. This course includes
laboratory activities. (This course is designed for majors
in biology, zoology, botany, medical technology, preveterinary medicine, and pre-nursing). Prerequisite:
MTH 112.
Introduction to digital computers; modern uses of
computers, mathematics materials on computers and
computing; uses of computers in mathematics
instruction, laboratory practice and development of
mathematics curriculum materials in a Visual Basic
language. This course is open to Secondary
Mathematics Education majors; this course is not
open to Mathematics majors. Prerequisite: MTH 125.
(Offered Spring).
An introduction to the theory of numbers through a study
of divisibility; congruencies; quadratic reciprocity;
Diophantine equations; factorization; algebraic numbers.
Prerequisite: MTH 237. (Offered Fall).
Introduction to numerical methods for interpolation;
evaluating roots of polynomials, systems of equations;
integration; differentiation; differential equations;
approximation and error. Prerequisites: MTH 227 and
CMP 102. (Offered Fall and/or Spring)
A course designed to explore and study topics in the
history of mathematics. Prerequisite: MTH 125.
(Offered Fall)
A continuation of ST 344. Topics include incomplete
block designs, analysis of covariance; regression
approach to the analysis of selected designs such as
two-way factorials, factorial confounding techniques,
fractional replication, response surface methodology,
evolutionary operations, cross-over and repeated
measure designs; and selected transformations and
heterogeneity of variance techniques. Prerequisite: ST
The complex numbers; functions and continuity of
complex variables; differentiability; Cauchy-Riemann
conditions; contour integral theorem; sequences and
series; the calculus of residues. Prerequisite: MTH 227.
(Offered Fall and/or Spring).
Probability axioms; methods of enumeration; conditional
probability; independence; empirical frequency
distribution; discrete and continuous random variables;
expectation; moment generating functions; joint
MTH Advanced Calculus 3
MTH Selected Topics in 3
480 Mathematics
MTH Senior Project
MTH Independent Study 1
Applied Regression 3
(MTH 344) Design 3
and Analysis of
Experiments I
(MTH 444) Design 3
and Analysis of
Experiments II
distributions; sums of random variables; limit theorems.
Prerequisite: MTH 126 or MTH 146. (Offered Fall,
Spring and Summer)
Topics of advanced nature in differential and integral
calculus. Emphasis is placed on the understanding of
concepts and on the basic principles of analysis.
Prerequisite: MTH 227.
An introduction to the theory of statistics. Topics include
multivariate analysis, sampling distributions, estimation,
hypothesis testing, linear models, analysis of variance,
nonparametric and distribution-free procedures.
Prerequisite: ST 453.
A course designed to discuss current topics in algebra
and/or analysis. Prerequisite: MTH 301 or MTH 351 or
consent of instructor (Offered Fall, and/or Spring)
A course designed for mathematics majors who are
conducting a senior mathematics project under the
direction of a mentor. This course is open only to
Mathematics & Secondary Education Mathematics
majors. Prerequisites: MTH 301 or MTH 351 or
consent of instructor (Offered Fall, Spring)
A course designed for investigative study in an area of
contemporary mathematics under the supervision of a
senior mathematics instructor. Prerequisite: MTH 237
or consent of instructor (Offered Spring)
A study of least squares; simple, polynomial and
multiple linear regression including residual and lack-offit analysis; simple multiple, partial, and multiple-partial
correlation; analysis of covariance; model building
algorithms, analysis of variance, and computer-assisted
data analysis. Prerequisite: ST 324. (Offered Fall or
A study of the fundamental concepts and basic
principles of design, construction and analysis of
experimental designs. Designs to be included are
completely randomized complete block, Latin square,
Graeco-Latin square, split-plot, multiple comparison,
and factorial. Prerequisite: ST 327. (Offered Fall or
A continuation of ST 344. Topics include incomplete
block designs, analysis of covariance; regression
approach to the analysis of selected design such as
two-way unequal cells, factorial confounding techniques,
fractional replication, response surface methodology,
evolutionary operations, cross-over and repeated
(MTH 473)
measure designs; and selected transformations and
heterogeneity of variance techniques. Prerequisite: ST
344. (Offered Fall or Spring)
3 An introduction to the theory of statistics. Topics include
hrs. sampling distributions, estimation, hypothesis testing,
linear models, analysis of variance, nonparametric and
distribution-free procedures. Prerequisite: ST 453.
(Offered Fall or Spring)