CLIN. CHEM. 20/5, 615-616 (1974) Specific Gravity of Blood and Plasma at 4 and 37 #{176}C Raymond J. Trudnowski and Rodolfo C. Rico The specific gravity (relative density) of human whole blood and plasma from 25 healthy volunteers was determined gravimetrically. For whole blood it was found to be 1.0621 (95% confidence interval: 1.0652-1.0590) at 4 #{176}C and 1.0506 (95% confidence interval: 1.0537-1.0475) at 37 #{176}C. Plasma specific gravity was 1.0310 (95% confidence interval: 1.0324-1.0296) at 4 #{176}C and 1.0205 (95% confidence interval: 1.0216-1.0193) at 37 #{176}C. All of these values are referred to the density of water at 4 #{176}C. We show the relationship between these values and those given in the literature for measurements at 25 #{176}C. There was a small increase in whole blood specific gravity with increasing hematocrit, but it was not statistically significant over the 40-56 hematocrit range studied. The specific gravity (relative density) of whole blood and plasma has been used to estimate its hemoglobin (1) and protein (2) content. Improved techniques for directly determining these values have relegated specific gravity to use in blood banks determinations for screening of pur- poses. In sensitive clinical knowledge of the correct blood and plasma error in these errors deriving levels, uneven chemical value and enzymatic for the specific can be very useful. determinations A major is in volume analyses, gravity of source of measurement, from (e.g.) improper alignment of liquid drainage of liquid from pipet walls, and temperature variations imetry of samples and during reagents pipetting. Because grayis not subject to errors of this kind, its use should improve the accuracy of such determinations. Weight can be expressed as volume if the specific gravity or density is known. The specific gravity of blood or plasma is usually reported at 20 or 25 #{176}C, which is considered to be “room temperature.” Room temperature, however, varies considerably. Temperatures of 4 or 37 #{176}C are more meaningful, because these temperatures are commonly maintained in laboratory equipment. Data on the specific gravity of human at these temperatures were unavailable, blood and plasma so we determined these report values for our laboratory use, and them here for others who may find them useful. Department of Anesthesiology, tute, New York State Department lo, N. Y. 14203. Received Jan. 28, 1974; accepted Roswell Park Memorial Instiof Health, 666 Elm St., BuffaFeb. 25, 1974. Materials and Methods We used 2-ml volumetric flasks that had been calibrated at 37 and 4 #{176}C by weighing chemically pure mercury in them. The subjects contributing blood were 25 members of the Institute and laboratory staff (six women and 19 men) who were in apparent good health. Their ages ranged between 29 and 58 years. Sampling was done between 9:30 a.m. and 11:00a.m., before lunch was eaten. From the antecubital vein, we obtained 10 ml of blood, which was promptly heparinized. The blood and closed volumetric flasks were cooled to 4 #{176}C for 1 h. The volumetric flask was then filled with blood to the calibration mark, stoppered, warmed to room temperature, and weighed without the stopper. It was then warmed to 37 #{176}C and reweighed after excess blood above the calibration line was removed. The procedure was repeated with plasma. All measurements were made in duplicate. Microhematocrits were determined in duplicate in capillary tubes after centrifuging for 5 mm at 7000 x g. Results Microhematocrit values varied between 40 and 56 (mean, 48.1). The mean specific gravity of whole blood was 1.0581 at 37 #{176}C (water reference, 37 #{176}C) with a 95% confidence interval of 1.0612-1.0550. It was 1.0621 at 4 #{176}C (water reference, 4 #{176}C) with a 95% confidence interval of 1.0652-1.0590. Mean plasma specific gravity, use of the water reference again temperatures measured mentioned with the above, was 1.0278 at 37 #{176}C (95% confidence interval: 1.0290and 1.0310 at 4 #{176}C (95% confidence interval: 1.0324-1.0296). Converting the values measured at 37 #{176}C to a reference value of the density of water at 4 #{176}C gave the following values: whole blood, 1.0506 (95% confidence interval: 1.0537-1.0475) and plasma, 1.0205 (95% confidence interval: 1.0216-1.0193). The values referred to water at 4 #{176}C are plotted in Figure 1, together with standard values given in the literature at 25 #{176}C (3). 1.0266) Discussion The usual methods of determining the specific gravity of blood involve comparison with a solution of known specific gravity (1, 2, 4-8). Although these are useful and simple, we thought that volumetric errors might be introduced if we used them here. We therefore returned to the fundamental method of weighing an accurately measured volume in a volumetric CLINICAL flask and comparing CHEMISTRY, its mass with Vol. 20, No. 5, 1974 615 1.0700 I.080 1.070 .0600 >- I- T > 4 0 I 0500 .060 4’ UU UJ a. + .050 .0400 > .040 .0300 0 40-45 45.1-50 50.1-56 HEMATOCRI T Fig. 2. Relation of whole blood specific tocrit .0200 gravity to hema- hematocrit. Ordinate, specific gravity. S. mean specific gravity at 37 #{176}C, referred to water at 37 #{176}C; 0, mean specific gravity at 4 #{176}C referred to water at 4 #{176}C Abscissa, 1.0100 0 10 20 30 40 TEMPERATURE-DEGREESCENTIGRADE Fig. 1. Specific healthy adults gravity whole of blood and plasma- Abscissa: temperature #{176}C. Ordinate: specific gravity referred to water at 4 #{176}C. #{149}, whole blood; 0 plasma the mass of an equal volume dard. There is a linear the reference gravity values of water relationship taken between our given for 25 #{176}C (Figure as the stanvalues and 1). Specific declined with temperature as expected. We have this Figure to obtain specific gravities graphiat other commonly used temperatures, such as 30 been using cally #{176}C. We find the value for 4 #{176}C is useful in another way. If a blood specimen is stored refrigerated until analysis, the collecting tubes, with or without reagent, can also be preweighed and stored. When blood is added, the tube may be reweighed at a convenient volume accurately calculated. One would expect the specific time gravity and the sample of blood not only to decrease with temperature but also to increase with the hematocrit. For our subjects, there was an insignificant specific gravity increase with increasing hematocrit (Figure 2). The slope of the average reading at both temperatures was 0.0011. In this hematocrit range, it is doubtful whether one would be justified values for specific gravity Compensating manipulations 616 CLINICAL CHEMISTRY, in using different mean for the various hematocrits. such as standardizing plas- Vol. 20, No.5.1974 ma content and adjusting pH and Pc02 by tonometry would negate any benefits. Mrs. Okee Jung, the hematocrit to a reference might introduce errors that M. S., Department of Biostatistics, statisti- cally analyzed the data. References 1. Van Slyke, D. D., Phillips, al., Calculation of hemoglobin R., Hamilton, from P. B., Dole, V. P., et blood specific gravities. J. Biol. Chem. 183,349(1950). 2. Kagan, B. M., A simple method for the estimation of total protein content of plasma and serum. II The estimation of total protein content of human plasma and serum by the use of the falling drop method. J. Clin. Invest. 17, 373 (1938). 3. Handbook of Biological Data. William S. Spector. Ed. National Academy of Sciences. National Research Council. Washington D.C., 1956,p51. 4. Roy, C. S., Note on a method of measuring the specific gravity of the blood for clinical use. Edinburgh Clin. Pathol. J. 1, 561 (1883-1884). 5. Hammerschlag, A., Eine neue Methode zur Bestimmung des specifischen Gewichts des Blutes. Z. KIm. Med. 20,444(1892). 6. Reznikoff, P., A mathod for the determination of the specific gravity of blood cells. J. Exp. Med. 38, 441 (1923). 7. Barbour, A. G., and Hamilton, W. F., The falling drop method for determining specific gravity. J. Biol. Chem. 69, 625 (1926). 8. Poller, L., An evaluation of the copper sulphate blood specific gravity method with reference to the control of fluid therapy in mass casualties. Acta Haematol. 21, 242 (1959).
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