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Chapter 3: Reading Notes
Preview: Draw a simple cartoon that shows what people in the cartoon are thinking or saying about life in the
Paleolithic Age vs. life in the Neolithic Age.
In the Paleolithic Age…
But in the Neolithic Age…
Section 3.2: From Old Stone Age to New Stone Age
Briefly describe what life was like in the Paleolithic Age and the Neolithic Age.
Where were many Neolithic settlements located and why?
 Paleolithic Age- used stone tools; hunted & gathered food; wandered from place
to place.
 Neolithic Age – used stone tools; learned to raise animals & plant crops; settled in
one place.
 Fertile Crescent (Iraq, Syria, Jordan) w/lots of fertile land (bet. Tigris &
Euphrates River)
Section 3.3: Creating a Stable Food Supply
1. How did people obtain food in the Paleolithic Age?
What were some of the problems with obtaining food
this way?
 People Hunted & Gathered;
unstable food supply; hunting was
2. Rather than gather wild plants, what did Neolithic
people learn to do?
 People learned to plant seeds &
harvest crops.
3. What did Neolithic people learn about domesticating
 People learned to raise and use
animals for people’s needs.
4. What is agriculture? Why was the invention of
agriculture important?
 Growing Crops & raising animals;
agriculture gave people control
over their food supply.
Draw a simple picture demonstrating what Neolithic people
learned about farming and domesticating animals.
Section 3.4: Making Permanent Shelters
1. What did people use for shelter in the Paleolithic Age?
Why were these shelters temporary?
 People lived in caves or tent-like
structures. Theses shelters were
temporary because hunters and
gatherers were nomads.
2. How were houses built in the Neolithic Age?
 People used mud bricks, packed
together, to build round &
rectangular shaped homes.
4. Why was the development of permanent shelters
 Houses provided protection from
harsh weather and wild animals.
Houses made life comfortable.
Long-lasting shelters enabled
people to settle together in larger
Draw a simple picture demonstrating what Neolithic people
learned about making permanent shelters.
3. How did Neolithic people use their houses to store and
cook food?
 Inside were several rooms. Places
to store food were built into the
floor. Pits for cooking were also
dug into the floor (pits may have
been used to boil water)
Section 3.5: Establishing Communities
1. Why were communities small during the Paleolithic
4. Why was the establishment of communities important?
2. How did community living help Neolithic people
become better organized?
Draw a simple picture demonstrating what Neolithic people
learned about establishing communities.
 Small bands of 20-60 people
wondered from place to place.
 Work was divided and some people
developed specialized skills (i.e.
homebuilding, tool making, etc.)
3. What advantage did Neolithic people get from working
together in communities?
 By working together, they could
make more tools in the same
amount of time.
 In communities, people were able
to cooperate as they worked and
defended their homes.
Section 3.6: Developing New Jobs
1. What was the most important job in the lives of
Paleolithic people?
 Stabilizing the food supply.
2. What were some of the specialized jobs of the
townspeople of Catal Hoyuk?
 Clothes Weavers, Basket Makers,
Toolmakers, and Traders.
things; different jobs added much
greater variety to community life.
Draw a simple picture demonstrating what Neolithic people
learned about developing new jobs
3. Why did Neolithic people decorate pottery and polish
 They wanted to make themselves,
and their surroundings, more
4. Why was the development of different jobs important?
It inspired workers to improve their
skills; led to new & better ways of doing
things; different jobs added much greater variety
to community life.
Section 3.7: Beginning to Trade
1. What resources did Paleolithic people use?
 Animals and plants.
2. Why did Neolithic people trade?
 To get resources they didn’t have in
their own area.
Draw a simple picture demonstrating what Neolithic people
learned about trading
3. How did Neolithic people conduct trade?
 Traders travelled hundreds of miles
in search of materials. They
crossed mountains on foot, rode
donkeys across deserts, and sailed
the Mediterranean.
4. Why was the growth of trade important?
 The growth of trade allowed people to make use of more resources. It also
brought them into contact with people from distant places. These contacts helped
spread ideas and knowledge throughout the ancient world.