EE105 – Fall 2015 Microelectronic Devices and Circuits Prof. Ming C. Wu [email protected] 511 Sutardja Dai Hall (SDH) 5-1 Silicon: Group IV Element P-type dopant N-type dopant 5-2 1 Silicon Crystalline Structure (Diamond Cubic) Schematic Two-Dimensional Representation At 0 Kelvin, all electrons are “locked” in covalent bonds à Behave like insulator 5-3 Electrons and Holes • At room temperature, thermal energy breaks some covalent bonds, creating free electrons and “holes” • Hole: empty space left by electron – Hole “moves” as adjacent electron move into its space – Treat hole like a positively charged particle 5-4 2 Intrinsic Semiconductor Intrinsic semiconductor n = p = ni n : electron concentration [cm −3 ] p : hole concentration [cm −3 ] 3 ni = BT 2 e − Eg 2kT : instrinsic carrier concentration B : material dependent constant T : temperature in Kelvin Eg : bandgap energy (=1.12 eV for Si) k : Boltzmann's constant = 8.62x10 −5 eV/K At room temperature (T = 300K ) ni = 1.5 ×1010 [cm −3 ] Note: There are 5 ×10 22 atoms/cm −3, so the number of free electrons and holes are very small In general, np = ni2 5-5 N-Type Semiconductor Electron concentration can begreatly increased by replacing some Si atoms with P (phosphorus) or As (Arsenic), which have 5 shell electrons (one more than Si). P or As are called "donors" nn = N D (donor impurtiy concentration) ni2 where ni = 1.5 ×1010 [cm −3 ] ND Subscript n refers to n-type semiconductor (n stands for "negative", referring to the charge carried by electrons) In n-type semiconductor, nn >> ni >> pn pn = e.g., N D = 1017 cm −3, nn = 1017, pn = 2.2 ×10 3 Electrons are "majority" carriers, holes are "minority" carriers 5-6 3 P-Type Semiconductor Hole concentration can begreatly increased by replacing some Si atoms with B (boron), which has 3 shell electrons (one less than Si). B is called "acceptors" p p = N A (acceptor impurtiy concentration) np = ni2 where ni = 1.5 ×1010 [cm −3 ] NA The subscript p refers to p-type semiconductor (p stands for "positive", referring to the charge carried by holes) In p-type semiconductor, p p >> ni >> n p e.g., N A = 1017 cm −3, p p = 1017, n p = 2.2 ×10 3 Holes are "majority" carriers, electrons are "minority" carriers 5-7 Current in Semiconductor (1): Drift Current When an electrical field, E, is applied, holes moves in the direction of E, while electrons move opposite to E : "$v p−drift = µ p E, µ p : hole mobility # %$vn−drift = −µ n E, µ n : electron mobility In intrinsic Si, µ n = 1350 cm 2 / V ⋅ s µ p = 480 cm 2 / V ⋅ s (Note: µ n ≈ 2.5µ p ) Current density, J [A/cm 2 ] J = qpv p−drift + qnvn−drift = q( pµ p + nµ n )E = σ E where σ = q( pµ p + nµ n ) is conductivity [S/cm] Resistivity ρ = 1 [Ω-cm] σ 5-8 4 Current in Semiconductor (2): Diffusion Current Hole Diffusion Diffusion: particles move from high to low concentrations. As electrons and holes diffuse, currents flow because they carry charges dp(x) dx dn(x) dn(x) J n−diff = −(−q)Dn =qDn dx dx where Dp and Dn are hole and electron diffusion J p−diff = −qDp Electron Diffusion coefficients [cm 2 /s] In instrinsic Si, Dp = 12cm 2 /s, Dn = 35cm 2 /s Total diffusion current density, J diff [A/cm 2 ] J diff = −qDp dp(x) dn(x) + qDn dx dx 5-9 Einstein Relationship Dn Dn kT = = VT = µn µn q VT : Thermal voltage At room temperature, VT = 26 mV Proof: Total electron current: J n = J n−drift + J n−diff = qn(x)µ n E + qDn E =− dφ , dx n(x) = n0 e dn(x) dx φ : potential − (−qφ ) kT φ = n0 e VT : Boltzmann distribution In equilibrium, no net current flow dn(x) ⇒ qn(x)µ n E + qDn =0 dx dn(x) dφ n(x)µ n E + Dn =0 dφ dx #1 & n(x)µ n E + Dn % n(x)( (−E ) = 0 $ VT ' Dn = VT µn 5-10 5
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