Association Constant of Acetic Acid in 1.02 m NaCl Aqueous Medium at Elevated Temperatures and Pressures P. Becker 1 and B. A. Bilal 2 Geochemical G roup, N uclear Chem istry Division, Hahn-M eitner-Institut, Berlin. FRG Z. Naturforsch. 4 2 a, 849-852 (1987); received May 6, 1987 The association constant of acetic acid in 1.02 m (NaCl) aqueous solution has been determined potentiometrically at tem peratures up to 260 °C and pressures up to 1005 bar. A high-tem perature high-pressure concentration cell having two hydrogen electrodes has been used for the measurement. The apparent association constant Ö h a c increases with increasing tem perature but decreases with increasing pressure: ( 0 H A C ) 2 5 ° C . 108 b a r (0HAC)2OO °C, 500 b a r = 2.86 • 104, = 4.65 • 104, (0HAc)25 ° C , 500bar = 2.7 • 104, = 6.57 • 104 m_1. ( 0 H A c ) 2 6 O °C, 1005 b a r The knowledge o f the association constant of acetic acid at elevated tem peratures and pressures is necessary for the calculation of acetate/acetic acid buffer systems under the corresponding conditions. Only data from conductivity m easurem ents for diluted acetic acid in w ater are found in the litera ture for high tem peratures and pressures [ 1 - 3 ] as well as data for high ionic strength m edia at atmospheric pressure and normal tem peratures [4 -6 ] , We have determ ined the acetic acid association constant at tem peratures up to 260 °C and argon gas pressures up to 1005 b a r in a 1.02 m N aC l m e d iu m by means o f potential m easurem ents on the cell so lu i: solu2: [A c-],[H +]2 interm ediate [H+], Pt. h 2 NaCl electrolyte NaCl (sample) NaCl (reference) 1. Experimental T he apparatus and the general experim ental con ditions and procedures have been described previ ously [7 -9 ], S u pra pure grade N aC l (M E R C K ) has been used along with p.a. grade HC1, C H 3C O O H (HAC), and N a C H 3C O O (NaAc) for the p re p a ra tion o f the solutions. The reference co m partem ent was filled with 0.01019 m HC1 and 1.00981 m N aC l solution in all cases. Sample solutions of two different compositions have been used to investigate the association equilibrium of acetic acid, containing 0.01019 m HAc and 1.00981 m N aC l in one case (see T able 2) and an analytical ratio o f acetate to hydrogen ions of 2: 1 in the other case (see Table 1) represented by 0.01019 m N aA c and 0.005095 m HC1 as well as 1.003715 m NaCl to establish the desired ionic strength. 1.02 m NaCl was used as interm ediate electrolyte as in the former experiments. The air in the high pressure cell was replaced by repeated pressurization with pure hydrogen to 40 bar, and argon gas (special Argon, Linde; 0.1 vpm oxygen) was used to establish the desired higher pressures. M easurem ents were m a d e by con tinuously increasing the te m perature (0.5 °C m in -1) after initial stabilization of the electrode potentials (overnight). 2. R esults and D iscu ssion 1 Present address: Ingold Messtechnik G m bH . D-6374 Steinbach/Ts. : Reprint requests to B. A. Bilal, Goechem ical G roup, N uclear Chemistry Division, H ahn-M eitner-Institut, D-1000 Berlin. The experimental results are listed in Tables 1 - 2 . Making the same assumptions as before [8 ] and considering complete dissociation of HC1 and N aA c 0932-0784 / 87 / 0800-0849 $ 01.30/0. - Please o rd er a rep rin t ra th e r th an m aking y our own copy. Unauthenticated Download Date | 6/14/17 5:24 PM 850 P. Becker and B. A. Bilal • A ssociation C onstant o f A cetic Acid Table 1. EMF of Cell (1) and the apparent Association Constants of HAc. T (°C ) pa (bar) AEh (mV) Ej (mV) (1 0 ~ 3 25 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 108 109 145.54 147.96 152.17 156.55 161.33 166.60 172.18 178.08 184.27 190.47 197.05 203.99 210.99 218.37 226.06 233.90 242.10 249.50 257.85 266.13 275.13 284.60 0.639 0.622 0.593 0.576 0.542 0.518 0.499 0.481 0.468 0.454 0.441 0.430 0.420 0.410 0.400 0.391 0.383 0.374 0.365 0.355 0.346 0.337 5.0604 5.0604 5.0594 5.0588 5.0586 5.0591 5.0599 5.0610 5.0623 5.0635 5.0649 5.0665 5.0680 5.0696 5.0713 5.0729 5.0744 5.0755 5.0768 5.0780 5.0794 5.0807 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 210 220 230 111 114 116 119 122 125 128 131 133 137 140 143 148 151 155 160 164 169 174 180 [HAc] m) 10 3 0HAc (m -1) 28.60 28.55 27.79 27.27 27.16 27.52 28.16 29.08 30.26 31.43 32.95 34.83 36.78 39.15 41.90 44.88 48.38 50.93 54.78 58.63 63.66 69.65 pa (bar) A E b-d (mV) [HAc] 199 145.32 147.29 151.42 155.79 160.52 165.60 171.00 176.52 182.54 188.56 194.83 201.50 208.60 215.81 223.13 230.93 238.75 5.0601 5.0595 5.0584 5.0578 5.0576 5.0579 5.0585 5.0593 5.0605 5.0616 5.0629 5.0644 5.0662 5.0678 5.0694 5.0711 5.0733 201 207 213 219 224 230 233 242 249 255 262 268 275 282 289 297 (10~3 1 0 3 0 H A CC m) (m ) 28.36 27.82 27.02 26.53 26.39 26.60 27.08 27.65 28.66 29.64 30.84 32.40 34.37 36.47 38.71 41.49 44.37 a p (H , + Ar). Probable error ± 3 bar. b Probable error ± 0.1 mV. c Probable error ± 3%. d E: values are the same as in the left data series. Table 2. EMF of Cell (1) and A pparent Association Constants of HAc. T (°C ) Pa (bar) AEb (mV) EJ (mV) [HAc] (10~3 m) (m -1) 20 25 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 210 220 230 240 250 260 202 205 208 214 220 226 232 239 245 252 258 265 271 278 285 291 299 306 314 321 329 338 347 72.18 72.94 73.87 75.99 78.21 80.47 83.03 85.66 88.60 91.51 94.60 97.62 101.17 104.57 108.32 111.96 115.62 119.40 123.45 127.29 131.37 135.71 140.78 0.624 0.614 0.599 0.575 0.562 0.534 0.516 0.502 0.488 0.479 0.470 0.461 0.455 0.448 0.442 0.435 0.430 0.425 0.419 0.413 0.407 0.401 0.396 9.619 9.608 9.600 9.593 9.587 9.583 9.585 9.589 9.598 9.606 9.617 9.626 9.643 9.656 9.673 9.688 9.702 9.716 9.732 9.745 9.759 9.775 9.797 29.5 28.3 27.6 26.9 26.4 26.0 26.2 26.6 27.4 28.2 29.3 30.3 32.2 33.9 36.3 38.4 40.7 43.2 46.5 49.2 52.7 56.9 63.4 a p (H : + Ar). Probable error ± 3 bar. 10-3 0 H A cC b Probable error ± 0.1 mV. Pa (bar) 499 507 523 541 558 576 594 613 632 651 669 688 707 727 747 768 790 811 835 860 886 911 940 971 1005 AE (mV) Ei (mV) [HAc] (10~3 m) (m -1) 72.33 73.26 75.23 77.40 79.68 82.18 84.71 87.32 90.06 92.78 95.73 98.93 102.09 105.32 108.78 112.42 115.76 119.02 122.90 126.57 130.75 135.06 139.94 145.06 149.99 0.614 0.598 0.575 0.585 0.534 0.516 0.501 0.487 0.477 0.468 0.460 0.453 0.446 0.441 0.433 0.428 0.423 0.416 0.411 0.404 0.399 0.394 0.391 0.387 0.384 9.594 9.587 9.575 9.570 9.566 9.568 9.570 9.574 9.579 9.585 9.594 9.606 9.618 9.629 9.643 9.659 9.670 9.678 9.694 9.707 9.724 9.74 9.76 9.78 9.80 27.0 26.3 25.4 24.9 24.6 24.7 24.9 25.2 25.7 26.2 27.0 28.2 29.4 30.6 32.3 34.3 35.7 37.0 39.5 41.6 44.8 48.5 53.6 59.7 65.7 10 c Probable error ± 6%. Unauthenticated Download Date | 6/14/17 5:24 PM 3 0HAc P. Becker and B. A. Bilal • A ssociation C onstant o f A cetic Acid 851 -H-----------1-----------1----------- 1----------- 1----------- 1----------- 1-----------1-----------1----------► 100 200 300 400 50 0 600 70 0 800 Fig. 1. T he association constant o f acetic acid as a function o f pressure at different tem p eratures. 90 0 p(bar) the following equations apply to the acetate/acetic acid system: (2) -E , / [ H +h The concentration of undissociated acetic acid is given by [HAc] = Whci. 2 - [ H +]2 . (3) The correction o f [H + ] 2 by subtracting the am ount o f the free hydrogen ions generated from the disso ciation of water could be neglected for the same reasons as before in both experimental series [8 - 11]. Mass balance then yields for the concentration of free acetate ions [Ac ] = w NaAc - [HAc] = w NaAc - W HC1,2 + [ H + ] 2 . (4) The acetic acid association constant [HAc] Q HAc — (5) [Ac-] [H +] 2 may therefore be calculated from the measured potentials by the equation where: / = Faraday's Constant, 96,485 C mol 1 and R = Gas Constant, 8.315 J m ol -1 KT1. The junction potentials Ej were calculated from the Henderson equation as described before [8 ], using stoichiometric concentrations (molalities) and limiting equivalent conductances / ° ( i ) as given by Quist and Marshall [12]. /° ( A c _) values were extra polated from the literature data at 18 °C and 25 °C. The error expected from such an extrapolation is negligible because the contribution o f acetate ion to Ej is small [8 , 9]. A Öhac value o f 3 • 104 m _1 is obtained from the extrapolation of the graph at 25 °C in Fig. 1 to 1 bar. This value is abo u t 10% lower than that given by Ellilä [6 ] for 1 m N aC l m e d iu m (3.3 • 104). P atter son and Mesmer [13] determ ined the dissociation quotient of acetic acid in 1 molal N aC l m e d iu m up to 300 °C but only at pressures along the saturation curves at the corresponding temperatures. T heir work yields the values 3.1 • 104, 3.3 • 104, 4.3 • 104 and 6.3- 1 0 4 m _1 for the apparent association con stants at 25, 100, 150 and 200 °C respectively. The extrapolation of our plots to the corresponding saturation pressures yields values which are 3 to 5% lower than those o f Patterson and Mesmer. This small deviation towards lower values may be related Whci .2 - m HCl, 1 • exp [ - (A E + Ej) • f / R T ] Q iHAc "* H C U ■exP [“ ( A E + Ej) ' f / R T ] ( w N a A c - "»HC1.2 + w h c i. 1 ‘ exp [ - (A E + Ej) • f / R T ] ) Unauthenticated Download Date | 6/14/17 5:24 PM (6) 852 P. Becker and B. A. Bilal • A ssociation C onstant o f A cetic Acid to the use of argon as pressurizing m ed ium in our experiments. This m ay change slightly the dielectric constant e o f the solvent, where a small increase of s has to be expected. Such relative increase may be due to the m oderation o f the e lowering electrostatic interaction between the N a + and Cl- ions and the water dipols resulting from the dissolved inert gas. Figure 1 shows that £>hac increases with rising te m perature but decreases with increasing pressure. T hat is quite in agreem ent with the expected behaviour considering an electrostatical model of the association, since the dielectric constant e varies in the opposite direction and electrolyte systems tend to generate more charged species with increasing pressure and so to increase the electrostriction as a contribution to volume reduction. However, this sim ple electrostatical model does not apply alone for the protonation of the acetate anion. This is underlined by the fact that the <2hac values at 50 °C are lower than those at 25 °C and the graph for 25 °C intersects that for 100 °C at p = 500 bar. Also the values o f the association con stant of acetic acid as a function of tem perature ( 0 - 5 0 °C) at atm ospheric pressure and infinite dilution show a m in im u m at 25 °C [14]. U n fo r tunately there are no values in the work o f Patterson and Mesmer [13] between 25 and 100 °C. Also the measurements o f Ellilä [6 ] did not exceed 40 °C. However, a plot o f his values (calculated as associa tion constants) vs. te m p e ra tu re shows a decrease with rising te m perature and a zero slope at 40 °C, so that a m in im u m a ro und 50 °C is probable. [1] S. D. H amann and W. Strauss, Trans. Faraday Soc. 5 1 ,1684 (1955). [2] A. J. Ellis and D. W. Anderson, J. Chem. Soc. 1765 (1961). [3] D. A. Lawn, H. R. Tirsk, and L. Wynne-Jones, Trans. Faraday Soc. 66, 51 (1970). [4] H. M. Dawson and A. Key, J. Chem. Soc. 1239 (1928). [6] E. Larsson and B. Adell, Z. Phys. Chem. 156, 332 (1931). [6] A. Ellilä, Ann. Scient. Fennicae A. II. Sumalainen Tiedea Katemia, Helsinki 5 1 ,1 (1953). [7] P. Becker and B. A. Bilal, Fresenius Z. Anal. Chem. 3 1 7 ,118 (1984). [8] P. Becker and B. A. Bilal. J. Solution Chem. 12, 573 (1983). [9] P. Becker and B. A. Bilal, J. Solution Chem. 14, 367 (1985). [10] R. H. Busey and R. E. Mesmer, J. Chem. Eng. Data 23,175 (1978). [11] R. E. Mesmer, F. H. Sweeton, B. F. Hitch, and C. F. Baes Jr., Int. Corros. Conf. Ser. NACE-4, 1973 (1976). [12] A. S. Quist and W. L. Marshall. J. Phys. Chem. 73, 978 (1969). [13] C. S. Patterson and R. E. Mesmer, private com m uni cation. [14] Handbook of Chemistry and Physics. CRO Press, 67th Edition: D-163 (1986-1987). Unauthenticated Download Date | 6/14/17 5:24 PM
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