Mailing circular

Jan. 20, 1942.
Filed Sept. 29, 1959
Patented Jan. 20, 1942
2,270,455 g
, orrlcr.-v ' .y
Malvin Lichter, New York, N. Y.
Application September 29, 1939, Serial No. 297,039
2 Claims.
(Cl. 22S-92.8)
This invention relates to mailing circulars and
to novel constructions therefor to provide for a
return postcard.
Heretofore when combination circulars and re
turn cards have been mailed together with re
turn postcards it has been necessary, Where itV
was desired to make the postcard originally an
integral part of the circular (to be torn there
from and mailed), to make the entire circular of
a paper or cardboard of suflicient strength, thick
ness and rigidity so that the postcard When torn
therefrom might be mailable. Where it was not
desirable to go to this unnecessary expense of
using cardboard for the entire circular then the
circular has been printed on ordinary thin, in
expensive and relatively non-rigid stock and the
of which the postcard is made and an additional
layer I5 turned on the fold line I6 and adhesive
ly bound to the layer I4. .The double thickness
therefore provides a postcard section integrally
united with the circular as a whole, separated
therefrom by a fold line> and having sufficient
rigidity and stiffness to be mailable.
As seen in Figureß the postcard section may,
instead of `consisting of two layers, comprise
three or more layers, as for instance, I'I, I8 and
I9 formed integrally from the blank of the cir
cular I0 and folded up to form a plurality of
layers. In order to facilitate the detachment of
the postcard I‘I from the balance of the circular
a weakening line 20, Figure 1, comprising prefer
ably perforations 2|, Figures 2 and 3, or any
postcard, printed on postcard type stock of suili
other suitable weakening means may be provided
cient strength and rigidity to go through the
adjacent th'e edge of the postcard and in the
mails, and the two were either folded and mailed
blank of the circular.
together or attached to each other for mailing. 20
It is obvious, of course, that the edge 22 of the
When the postcard was thus attached to the
postcard may itself, by reason of the difference in
circular it has been necessary to make the at
strength, stiffness or rigidity between the post- f
tachment a readily severable one so that the
card section I3 and the adjacent section II of the
addressee of the circular might detach the post
circular provide a tearing line sufficient to dis
card with ease and return it.
pense with the necessity for a weakening line 20.
My invention comprises forming such a mail
ing circular including a separable return post
card from relatively thin, non-rigid paper by
The additional layer I5 of Figure 2 or the addi
tional layers I8 and I9 of Figure 3 or any other
additional layers which may -be used to» forml the
folding over part of the thin paper and adhesive
ly securing it to itself to form a relatively rigid
multiple layer card integral with the thin paper
The objects of my invention therefore are to
provide a mailing circular of ordinary thin, flex
ible, non-rigid stock with a rigid postcard area
integrally formed therefrom whereby the circular
and return postcard may be mailed as a single
Further objects and uses of my invention will
postcard need not necessarily be formed in
tegrally from the material of the circular itself
but may consist of separate sheets laid down upon
the underlying layer I4 or I'I and be adhesivelyY
in part be apparent,- and in part pointed out in
the following description and drawing, in which:
The use of my invention obviates the necessity
for printing circulars on unnecessarily heavy
stock where a postcard is to be integrally at
tached thereto and makes unnecessary the in
sertion or addition of a separate postcard to be
Figure l is a plan View of a sheet for forming a
foldable circular of the type of my invention.
Figure 2 is a cross section taken on the line
2_2 of Figure l, and
Figure 3 corresponds to Figure 2 showing a
slightly modified form.
Referring now to Figures l and 2, the circular
l0 comprises sections I I, II separated from each
other by fold lines I2, I2 and a postcard section '
I3. The postcard section I3 as is more clearly
seen in Figure 2 is formed integrally from the
material of which the entire circular I0 is made,
the said postcard I3 consisting of a layer I4
which is an integral continuation of the material
bound thereto.
It should be understood that While it is prefer
able to stiifen an end section, it is possible, fol
lowing the principles herein set forth, to stiffen
intermediate sections for substantially the same
purposes, making them readily detachable in sub
stantially the same manner.
folded in with or attached to the circular.
It might also be noted that the adhesive ma
terial which is used to bind the layers of the
postcard together may likewise serve to impart
the necessary stiffness and rigidity.
It should also be noted that this circular need
not necessarily be enclosed in an envelope for
distribution or mailing to the intended recipient,
but that the section 25 may be supplied with an
adhesive flap or other suitable means for closing
the circular for mailing or delivery purposes.
Likewise, while the stiffened section is prefer
ably to be used as a postcard, it may be utilized
in any other suitable manner, as for a ticket,
coupon, or any other suitable member.
Many other objects and uses of my invention
will, of course, be obvious. I prefer, however, not
to be limited by the specific disclosure herewith,
but only by the appended claims.
I claim:
extending from said mailing circular and a sec
ond lamination extended from said ñrst lamina
tion folded thereon and adhesively bound there
2. In combination a mailing circular and re
turn postcard therefor, said return postcard be
ing an integral extension of said mailing circular;
predetermining means facilitating the detach
ment of said return postcard from said circular;
1. In combination a mailing circular and re
10 said return postcard comprising a plurality of
turn postcard therefor, said return postcard be
laminations adhesively secured together; at least
ing an integral extension of said mailing circular;
predetermining means facilitating the detach
ment of said return postcard from said circular;
said return postcard comprising one lamination
one of said laminations being an integral exten
sion of said mailing circular.