Rawal International School Class X HOLIDAYS HOME WORK Maths 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. Sr. No. Part - A Find the value of k for which the linear equations have no solutions. 3x + y = 1 and (2k-1)x + (k-1)y = 2k + 1 Nine times a two digit number is same as twice the number obtained by reversing the order of digit of the number. If one digit of the number exceeds the other by number by 7, Find the number. The sum of the numerator & denominator of a fraction is 8. If 3 is added to both the numerator & denominator the fraction becomes ¾. is increased by 3 , Find the fraction. Five years hence father’s age will be three times the age of his son. Five years ago father’s age seven times as old as his son. Find their present ages. On selling a tea set at 10% loss & a lemon set at 20% gain, a shopkeeper gains Rs 60. If he sells tea set at 5% gain & lemon set at 5% loss he gains Rs 10. Find the cost price of tea set & the lemon set. Students of a class are made to stand in rows. If one student is extra in a row there would be 2 rows less. If one student is less in a row there would be 3 rows more. Find the number of students. Solve : (a-b)x + (a+b)y = a2-b2 -2ab and (a+b)(x+y) = a2 + b2 Solve : 152x – 378y = -74 and -378x + 152y = -604 Solve the equation graphically & find the area of region bounded by these two line & y axis. 2x – 3y = -6 and 2x + 3y = -18 Solve 2/x + 2/3y = 1/6 & 3/x + 2/y = 0 & find a for which y = ax – 4. In an acute angled triangle ABC, if tan(A+B-C) =1 & Sec(B+C-A) = 2, find the value of A,B & C. Prove that tan2A + cot2A + 2 = cosec2A sec2A If ax + by = a2 - b2 & bx + ay = 0, find the value of (x + y) If cosec3A = sec(A-15), then find A. Prove that sin2A + cos2A = 1 Prove that sinA(1+tanA) + cosA(1+cotA) = secA + cosecA In Triangle OPQ right angled at p, OP = 7cm, OP-OQ = 1cm, find the values of SinƟ & CosƟ . Prove that acosA + bsinA = c,then prove that asinA – bcosA = √a2 + b2 – c2 If cosA + cos2A = 1, prove that sin2A + sin4A If TanѲ + 1/TanѲ =2, Find the value of Tan2Ѳ + 1/Tan2Ѳ . Part – B Prepare a report on invention of trigonometry in mathematics with relevant information. At least six pages with four photographs. Part – C Collect the data of 6 families in your neighborhood & put the following information in the table. H.No No. of No. of members children No. of No. of male female members members No. of No. of Members Members Monthly families families having having income having 2 having 4 age age wheelers wheelers below 65 above 65 years years 1 2 3 4 5 Answer the following questions: 1. 2. 3. 4. Average members of family. Ratio of male & female. Number of families having no vehicle & more than 3 vehicles. Represent their family income by less than type & more than type ogive taking an interval of Rs. 5000. Also find the median. English HHW Q1. Write 3 forms of verbs 2 times on ruled sheet and learn it. Q2. Prepare a 5 min dialogue (conversation) between two persons on the given problem and find a solution for the same. Act-1 Make a collage on A3 sheet on the following topics:Roll no. 1-25 Indian Prime ministers Roll no. 26-50 Women achievers. Act-2 Make a Poster on A4 sheet on “Beti Padhao Beti Bachao”. Act-3 Write a story on A4 ruled sheet Here is a brief but complete outline of a story. Making use of the given hints, write the complete story in about 200 words. Make your story in about 200 words. Make your story interesting by including a setting, more characters, dialogues and dramatic ending. Hens and small animals start disappearing from a farm- no one knows how – farmer very upset- three boys and three girls form a band of detectives- call themselves Rustic Spies- keep a vigil on the farm at night- they are shocked to find..??? Assignment Q1. Write a letter in about 120 words to the editor of a newspaper highlighting the menace of driving by minors in your town/city. In Your letter you should Highlight the alarming rise in the number of minors riding motorbikes and driving cars Describe how this is a dangerous trend Appeal to the school principals and parents not to allow their minor children to drive vehicles Q2. Making use of the hints below, together with your own ideas, write an article for your school magazine in about 120 words arguing whether energy drinks should be banned or not. Give reasons in support of your view. ENERGY DRINKS SHOULD NOT BE BANNED non-alcoholic tastes great wards off drowsiness- helps to stay awake during exams increases energy and endurance improve mood when fatigued or sleepdeprived improves mood when fatigued or sleepdeprived improves physical performance- used by many sports and gym enthusiasts moderate consumption pose no health risk ENERGY DRINKS SHOULD BE BANNED term ‘Energy Drink’- a misnomer most drinks contain high doses of caffeine which is unsafe combination with alcohol can cause electrolyte imbalance, nervousness headache, nausea, insomnia, paralysis, heart irregularities or even death(in some cases) do not hydrate the body not a substitute for sports drinks countries like Denmark, Uruguay and Turkey have banned them altogether Q3. Edit the following paragraph Babies which put on weight very fast in a) ……………….. the first months of its lives are more b) ………………. likely to grow in overweight adults, a c) ………………. new study have revealed. According to the d) ………………. lead author Dr Ken Ong for Cambridge f) ……………….. risk of suffering for various diseases in g) ………………. late stages of life h) ………………. Q4. Will and determination can help overcome all odds. “Discuss this statement in the light of the story “Two Gentlemen of Verona” in (100-120) words. Q5. Imagine you are Mrs. Packletide. You have given up hunting and people keep asking you why. Write a diary entry explaining why you no longer hunt tigers. In your diary you should Express your displeasure at people asking you to explain why you quit tiger hunting Compare the values that you used to follow before the incident with the values that you practice now Show how the experience has made you a more mature and wiser person SST Activities -1 Assignment Lessons- Development, Forest and wild life, Federalism Q1. Write two non-monetary goals. Q2. According to the classification of World Bank, to which category India belongs and why? Q3. Write one demerit of per capita income being used as an index for comparing countries. Q4. What would be two developmental goals of a tribal person from Narmada Valley? Q5. What is Net Attendance Ratio? Q6. Write full form of IUCN? What work does it perform? Q7. Write two animals which are critical? Q8. How can a cheetah be distinguished from a Leopard? Q9. What new changes have been introduced in the conservation policy in recent times? Q10. What are the negative impacts of less percentage of forest cover? Q11. What are the two conditions for the success of federalism? Q12. What is a coalition Government? Q13. Who is the chairman of Municipal Corporation? Q14. What is the status of Hindi in the linguistic policy of India? Q15. On what conditions other than language, states have been created in India? Activity-2 Surveys Objective: Developing the skill of understanding the voting pattern in election. Visit 20 adult people having voting right in your locality and write down the following information under following heads. Educational S.no. Name of Earning Most important reason behind voting like Remark cash corruption, price rise, relation with the person Qualification candidate etc. 1 2 . 20 Activity- 3 Project Haryana is prone to drought. Prepare a project on drought in 15-20 pages under following headins:1. Cover page. Mention name of school, Name of student, class, selection, rollno, session, title of the project, FA2 activity, Acknowledgement. 2. Index 3. Introduction 4. Causes of drought 5. Effects of drought 6. Canal Projects of Haryana. 7. Other traditional Methods of Irrigation in Haryana. 8. Suggested Measures to cope with the problem of drought 9. Conclusion 10. Bibliography 11. Appendix (Optional) Activity – 4 Power Point Presentation Prepare a power point presentation on any state of India containing following aspects. Note: Make your presentation creative and impressive and of 5 mts. Deposit your presentation in a CD. 1. Formation 2. Capital 3. Area and population (including Literacy rate, sex ratio, Infant mortality rate] 4. Neighbouring states 5. Cultural life of people (include fair and festivals) 6. Tourist places Science Assignment 1. What happens when CO2 is passed through lime water (a) for a short time (b) for a considerable time? Write equation. 2. What is common in all bases? What happens when bases react with non-metal oxides? 3. Two solutions X and Y are treated with universal indicator. X turns orange and Y turns red. Which of the solution is a stronger acid? 4. What happens when a concentrated solution of sodium chloride is electrolysed? Write equation. 5. Write chemical name, formula of (i) washing soda (ii) baking soda (iii) castic soda (iv) bleaching powder (v) plaster of paris. 6. Explain why sodium hydrogen carbonate is used as an antacid? 7. What will happen if heating is not controlled while preparing plaster of paris. 8. A baker found that the cake prepared by him is hard and small in size. Which ingredient has he forgotten to add that would make the cake fluffy? Give reason. 9. State the relation between potential difference, work done and charge. 10. What is a voltmeter? How is it connected in the circuit? 11. What is the conventional direction of flow of electric current? How is it different from the direction of flow of electrons? 12. State the law which relates the current in a conductor to the potential difference across its ends. 13. If the length of a wire is doubled by taking more of the wire, what happens to its resistance? 14. Give two reasons why nichrome alloy is used for making the heating elements of electrical appliances? 15. What will be the resistance of a metal wire of length 2m and area of cross-section 1.55 x 10-6m2 if the resistivity of the metal be 2.8x10-8 Ωm? 16. How does the resistance change when: (i) its length is tripled? (II) Diameter is tripled (III) Its material is changed with one whose resistivity is three times 17. With the help of a circuit diagram, deduce the equivalent resistance of two resistances connected in series. 18. Give two applications of heating effect of electric current. 19. How much current does an electric heater draws from a 220V line, if the resistance of the heater is 50. 20. An electric refrigerator rated 400w operates for 8 hours daily. What is the cost of energy to operate it for 30 days? Project Report [A4 size sheet (At least 6 pages) with photograph] 1. Types of Chemical reaction with six examples from life around you and their applications in daily life. (Roll no. 1-13) 2. Different types of indicators (Roll no. 14- 26) 3. Chemicals used in kitchen and their impact on our health (Mention any six chemicals) (Roll no. 17-39) 4. Increasing obesity in children due to consumption of junk food & lack of physical activities. (Roll no. 40- 52) Presentation using I.T 1. Electrolysis of water R.No. – 1- 13 2 Power pump – The human heart R.No. – 14- 26 3. Different sources of energy R.No. – 27- 39 4. Human excretory system R.No. – 40- 52 Hindi प्रश्न प्रश्न प्रश्न प्रश्न प्रश्न प्रश्न प्रश्न प्रश्न प्रश्न प्रश्न प्रश्न प्रश्न प्रश्न 1: लेखक ने मुहँ में पानी आने पर भी खीरा खाने से इंकार क्यों ककया? 2: लेखक ने डिब्बे में चढ़कर क्या दे खा? 3: लखनऊ स्टे शन पर खीरा बेचने वाले ग्राहक को ककस तरह खीरा बेचते है ? 4: कवव आत्म कथा क्यों नह ं ललखना चाहता? 5: कवव ने जो सख ु का स्वप्न दे खा था उसे कववता में ककस रूप में अलभव्यक्त ककया गया है ? 6: कववता में बादल ककन – ककन अथों की ओर संकेत करता है ? 7: घेर घेर घोर गगन, ‘धराधर ओं’ में कौन सा अलंकार है ? 8: कौन ववकल ओर उन्मन थे और क्यों? 9: रानी एललजाबेथ के आगमन पर कौन सी मुसीबत आ खड़ी हुई? 10: अखबारों में जजन्दा नाक लगने की खबर को ककस तरह से प्रस्तुत ककया गया? 11: ननम्न का पद पररचय दो – छात्र पत्र ललख रहा है | 12: सभी रसों के नाम तथा उनके स्थायी भाव ललखखए | 13: ननम्नललखखत में उचचत वाक्य छाँटकर ललखखए : शाम होते ह तारे चमकने लगे (i) उसने नाश्ता ककया और पढ़ने बैठ गया (ii) जो सत्य बोलते हैं उन्हें सम्माननत ककया जाता है | प्रश्न 14: नगर में जगह – जगह घूमने वाले आवर पशुओं की समस्याओं की और जनता तथा अचधकाररयों का ध्यान आकृष्ट करते हुए दै ननक भास्कर के मुख्य संपादक को पत्र ललखखए | प्रश्न 15: ननम्न में से एक कोलाज तैयार करें :(i) आई, पी. एल. – तत्काल न (current) (ii) भारत दे श की प्रलसद्ध ऐनतहालसक इमारतें चचत्र सहहत | प्रश्न 16: ननम्न में से कोई एक पोस्ट बनाओ :- (i) बेट बचाओ बेट पढाओ | (ii) अनेकता में एकता | FOUNDATION OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Act-1 Create a presentation showing steps to connect with Internet? Act-2 Create a presentation showing how search engine works?
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