Processes of salinization and strategies to cope with this in irrigation in Santiago del Estero MSc thesis TUDelft by Maria Alcaraz Boscà Supervisors: Maurits Ertsen Nick van der Giesen PROCESSES OF SALINIZATION AND STRATEGIES TO COPE WITH THIS IN IRRIGATION IN SANTIAGO DEL ESTERO Abstract In arid and semi-arid regions, salinity is one of the most important problems that affect the irrigation systems. This is the case of Rio Dulce irrigation system. The Proyecto Rio Dulce is an irrigation system located in the province of Santiago del Estero in Argentina. This system is characterized by having irrigated and non-irrigated fields where salinization occurs due to capillary rise. In this thesis, the evolution of salinity on the fields has been studied at small and large scale with different models: the WASIM model (small scale) and the SALTMOD model (large scale). Also, several possibilities of soil reclamation in the area have been considered in order to know how the system behaves given different options of drainage and irrigation. Finally, it can be concluded that reclamation of the soil is feasible with the installation of a drainage system and the application of irrigation in the (until now) non-irrigated fields. Page 2 of 49 PROCESSES OF SALINIZATION AND STRATEGIES TO COPE WITH THIS IN IRRIGATION IN SANTIAGO DEL ESTERO Table of contents ABSTRACT ...............................................................................................1 TABLE OF CONTENTS.............................................................................3 1 INTRODUCTION.................................................................................5 1.1 Irrigation systems & salinity problems ............................................................. 5 1.2 Rio Dulce Irrigation Project ................................................................................ 6 1.2.1 Brief description of the irrigation system ........................................................... 6 1.2.2 Data related to salinity in the current PRD........................................................ 7 1.3 2 Structure of this thesis ....................................................................................... 9 THE MODELS ..................................................................................10 2.1 The WASIM model ............................................................................................. 10 2.2 The SALTMOD model........................................................................................ 11 3 STUDY OF SALINITY WITH WASIM ...............................................14 3.1 Evolution of salinity at small scale .................................................................. 14 3.1.1 Reclamation experiment executed in the Pilot Area of Drainage and Soil Reclamation at INTA-EEASE .............................................................................. 14 3.1.2 Using the WASIM model to study and model reclamation experiment at Lote 6............................................................................................................... 16 Study of required inputs............................................................................ 16 Calibration ................................................................................................ 19 Salinity ...................................................................................................... 23 3.1.3 3.2 Possibilities of soil reclamation in PRD.......................................................... 28 3.2.1 4 Conclusions..................................................................................................... 27 Conclusions..................................................................................................... 32 STUDY OF SALINITY WITH SALTMOD..........................................33 4.1 Study of salinity in the PRD at larger scale .................................................... 33 4.1.1 Calibration ....................................................................................................... 33 4.1.2 Different scenarios .......................................................................................... 37 4.1.3 Inputs variables ............................................................................................... 39 4.1.4 Conclusions..................................................................................................... 39 4.2 Possibilities of soil reclamation in PRD.......................................................... 40 Page 3 of 49 PROCESSES OF SALINIZATION AND STRATEGIES TO COPE WITH THIS IN IRRIGATION IN SANTIAGO DEL ESTERO 4.2.1 Drainage.......................................................................................................... 40 4.2.2 Drainage & Irrigation ....................................................................................... 42 4.2.3 Conclusions..................................................................................................... 43 5 CONCLUSIONS................................................................................44 6 BIBLIOGRAPHY...............................................................................48 Page 4 of 49 PROCESSES OF SALINIZATION AND STRATEGIES TO COPE WITH THIS IN IRRIGATION IN SANTIAGO DEL ESTERO 1 Introduction 1.1 Irrigation systems & salinity problems In those irrigation systems that are located in arid or semi-arid areas, the salinization of the soil is a common problem. When the soils of these regions are irrigated, the natural conditions of the area change completely and percolation increases considerably. Generally, this amount of water percolating in the soil is higher than the drainage capacity of the soil and the groundwater table level becomes shallow. If this water is used by the plants to transpire by means of capillary rise, then the salinity of the soil will increase since the water that is transpirated leaves behind the salts it contained. If irrigated and non-irrigated fields can be distinguished in the irrigation scheme, the salinization will take place in the non-irrigated fields. This is because in these fields there is not percolation from the surface that counteracts the effect of capillary rise. This is the case of the irrigation system that will be studied in this work, The Proyecto Dulce Irrigation System where those fields that are nonirrigated have serious problems with salinity. As an example, in the graphs shown below it can be seen the salinity levels in different fields: two irrigated and two non-irrigated. In the non-irrigated fields, salinity reaches very high levels whereas in the irrigated fields the salinity values are suitable for agricultural use. In the irrigated field the salinity values increase during the dry season (May-October) because of capillary rise. Later, when the growing season starts salinity levels decrease thanks to rainfall and irrigation that remove salts from the topsoil. On the contrary, in the non-irrigated fields the salinity levels increase in the wet season (November-April) because of the growing of natural vegetation like plants. Graph 1 Salinity levels in irrigated and non-irrigated fields in PRD Prieto D. & Angueira C. 1994. La dinámica de la salinidad en los suelos bajo riego y su relación con el manejo del agua. Page 5 of 49 PROCESSES OF SALINIZATION AND STRATEGIES TO COPE WITH THIS IN IRRIGATION IN SANTIAGO DEL ESTERO 1.2 Rio Dulce Irrigation Project 1.2.1 Brief description of the irrigation system The Rio Dulce Irrigation Project (PRD) is one of the most important irrigation systems in Argentina. It is located in the province of Santiago del Estero which is one of the poorest of the country. Santiago del Estero is placed in the north of Argentina between the south latitudes 30º29’ and 25º38’ and west longitudes 61º40’and 65º11’. This is a semiarid area with a mean annual temperature of 21.5 ºC. Winters are dry and summers are wet and hot. The annual precipitation ranges from 500 to 800 mm/year while the potential evapotranspiration ranges from 1300 to 1600 mm/year, so the annual water balance is negative in all the areas. The Rio Dulce irrigation project is located in the middle part of the Rio Dulce basin which covers the provinces of Tucumán, Santiago del Estero and Córdoba. It is divided in five different zones according to historical reasons and the different modernization of each one. Figure 1: Political map of Argentina The maximum irrigable area of the PRD is about 120,000 ha but its gross command area is about 350,000 ha. However, the irrigated area has never reached 120,000 ha, so water has never been scarce. In the system it can be distinguished irrigated and non-irrigated fields. Also, the shape of the parcels varies from a few hectares to more than 100 hectares per field. In the next table the distribution and size of the parcels is shown: Size of parcels 0-5 5-10 10-25 25-50 50-100 100-500 500-1000 Total/Mean HOLDINGS Number 2648 1741 1621 510 196 92 2 6810 % 39 26 24 7 3 1 0 100 Table 1: Holding size distribution in PRD Page 6 of 49 PROCESSES OF SALINIZATION AND STRATEGIES TO COPE WITH THIS IN IRRIGATION IN SANTIAGO DEL ESTERO Figure 2 Holding size distribution in PRD 1.2.2 Data related to salinity in the current PRD In Daniel Prieto’s thesis: ‘Modernization and the evolution of irrigation practices in the Rio Dulce irrigation project’ there is data about salinity levels, irrigation and rainfall in some areas (cases) of the irrigation system. In the next tables, this data is shown. SALINITY LEVELS (dS/m) N IRRIGATED FIELD NON-IRRIGATED FIELD CASE 1 8 1.6 7.7 CASE 3 5 1 16.7 CASE 4 8 1 25.9 N= number of sampled cases Table 2 Average soil salinity of irrigated and not irrigated parcels in three sampled areas. Salt concentrations of the soil are expressed in ECe, the electric conductivity of an extract of saturated soil paste. Also, for Case 1 data of salinity of irrigation water and groundwater are available. It can be noticed that ground water salinity is 12 times higher than irrigation water salinity. This fact has favored secondary salinization in the area. Page 7 of 49 PROCESSES OF SALINIZATION AND STRATEGIES TO COPE WITH THIS IN IRRIGATION IN SANTIAGO DEL ESTERO In this area, the water table remains at around 2 meters depth at present, where it stabilizes due to evapotranspiration. IRRIGATION WATER WATER TABLE 0.8 9.4 EC (dS/m 25 C) Table 3 Salinity of irrigation and groundwater in Case 1 January February March April May June July August September October November December Total irrigation (m) In the next numbers, data of irrigation and rainfall in several areas of the irrigation system are shown. 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0.9 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0.586 0.862 0.908 0.803 Official Schedule Case 1 Case 2 Case 3 Case 4 1= irrigation turn; 0= no irrigation turn Table 4 Official irrigation schedule and real irrigation schedules at different areas of PRD EFFECTIVE PRECIPITATION January February March April May June July August September October November December Total precipitation 99 97 70 11 18 9 6 0 5 50 35 76 20002001 104 155 84 72 5 9 2 0 1 30 79 39 20012002 109 90 115 46 15 0 0 3 63 36 79 100 476 580 656 95-96 96-97 98-99 99-2000 80 93 45 27 77 1 0 0 11 12 35 41 80 91 81 10 15 1 0 1 31 32 46 16 120 54 100 14 3 26 0 1 1 43 29 61 422 404 452 Table 5 Effective precipitation for different growing seasons, mm Page 8 of 49 Mean 98.7 96.7 82.5 30 22.2 7.7 1.3 0.8 18.7 33.8 50.5 55.5 498 PROCESSES OF SALINIZATION AND STRATEGIES TO COPE WITH THIS IN IRRIGATION IN SANTIAGO DEL ESTERO January February March April May June July August September October November December Potential ET (mm/day) Finally, the potential evapotranspiration obtained for each month. 6.39 5.38 4.27 3.24 2.19 1.67 2.29 3.4 4.65 5.66 6.15 6.66 Table 6 Potential evapotranspiration 1.3 Structure of this thesis As it is said before, the Rio Dulce irrigation system has serious problems with salinity. In order to find a solution to this problem, this thesis has been focused in these main parts: Firstly, to study the salinity process in the fields: which is the behavior of the salts in the fields within the years (small scale) and also, over the years (large scale). Lately, consider the different possibilities of soil reclamation in the area. The objective of this point is not to find the perfect solution to the salinity problem but to observe how the system behaves in front of different actions. Therefore, simulation models are helpful to develop and evaluate drainage and irrigation strategies once calibrated using experimental data. In this case two different models have been used: • The WASIM model used to study salinity at small scale. • The SALTMOD model utilized to study salinity at large scale. Between these models there are several differences as it is explained later. The most important one is the time-step used to carry out the water and salt balances: SALTMOD does a seasonal water balance while WASIM has a daily time-step. The reasons why two models are used are: from one hand, to compare both models and check how different the results are and by the other hand, to evaluate the applicability of these models for the Rio Dulce Irrigation System. Page 9 of 49 PROCESSES OF SALINIZATION AND STRATEGIES TO COPE WITH THIS IN IRRIGATION IN SANTIAGO DEL ESTERO 2 The models In this section, the two models that have been used in this thesis are explained with more detail. 2.1 The WASIM model A general description of the WASIM model as given in Meenakshi Hirekhan et al. (2006) is: HR Wallingford and Cranfield University, UK jointly developed the Water Simulation model, WaSim (Hess et al., 2000). WaSim is a one-dimensional, daily, soil water balance model that requires daily reference evapotranspiration and rainfall data. Reference ET is used in WaSim to estimate the changes in the soil water content taking into account inputs of rainfall and irrigation including canal seepage wherever relevant. Daily surface runoff due to rainfall is estimated using US SCS curve number technique (USDA, 1969). For the redistribution of soil water, the upper boundary is the soil surface and the lower boundary is an impermeable layer. With WASIM only a one layered soil can be simulated. The soil is divided in five different compartments where water can be stored: • Compartment 0: The surface layer (0 - 0.15m) • Compartment 1: The active root zone (0.15m - root depth) • Compartment 2: The unsaturated compartment below the root-zone (root depth – water table) • Compartment 3: The saturated compartment above drain-depth (water table – drain depth) • Compartment 4: The saturated compartment below drain-depth (drain depth – impermeable layer) The boundary between the second and third depth increments changes as the roots grow. Before plant roots reach 0.15 m, the second depth increment has zero thickness. Similarly, the boundary between the third and fourth depth increments fluctuates with the water table depth. Soil water moves downward from one depth interval to the next only when the soil water content of the upper depth interval exceeds field capacity. In this case, the rate of drainage is a function of the amount of excess water. If the volume water fraction is between the field capacity and saturation then the drainage released from the compartment is calculated from an equation proposed by Raes and van Aelst (1985). The deep percolation forms the input Page 10 of 49 PROCESSES OF SALINIZATION AND STRATEGIES TO COPE WITH THIS IN IRRIGATION IN SANTIAGO DEL ESTERO into a subroutine, which predicts the depth to the water table that includes the impact of a field drainage system. Figure 3 Overview of the soil water balance WaSim utilizes the mass balance of salt in a one dimensional profile with the same depth intervals (increments) used for the water balance model. Respective salt concentrations of the various inputs and outputs are multiplied with water contents to arrive at the salt contents of soil and drainage water. On the basis of water and salt balances, WaSim predicts surface runoff, evapotranspiration (modified for the crop cover and soil water status), mid span water table, drain outflow, soil water content, soil salinity and drainage water quality. The WaSim is user friendly with clear instructions on the operation of the model provided in the manual written by Hess et al. (2000). It seems that Wasim is a simple tool to evaluate and design drainage systems. Nevertheless, as this model is a recent incorporation to the literature it will be appropriated that some evaluations were done in order to validate it. 2.2 The SALTMOD model SALTMOD is a computer program for the prediction of salinity of soil moisture, ground water and drainage water developed by R.J. Oosterbaan and Isabel Pedroso de Lima at ILRI (International Institute for Land Reclamation and Improvement). With the SALTMOD model it is possible to study the evolution of salinity, depth of water table and the drain discharge. The general principles of SALTMOD and the assumptions based on which the model was developed as given in Oosterbaan (2000) are: Page 11 of 49 PROCESSES OF SALINIZATION AND STRATEGIES TO COPE WITH THIS IN IRRIGATION IN SANTIAGO DEL ESTERO Seasonal approach The model is based on seasonal water balances of agricultural lands. Four seasons in one year can be distinguished. The number of seasons can be chosen between a minimum of one and a maximum of four. The duration of each season is given in number of months. Seasonal time step is considered in the computation method depending upon the specific situation of the study site. Hydrological data The model uses seasonal water balance components as input data. These are related to the surface hydrology (e.g. rainfall, evaporation, irrigation, use of drain and well water for irrigation, runoff) and the aquifer hydrology (e.g. upward seepage, natural drainage, groundwater pumping). The other water balance components (e.g. downward percolation, upward capillary rise, subsurface drainage) are predicted as output. Soil strata SALTMOD accepts four different reservoirs namely (i) surface reservoir above the soil surface, (ii) upper shallow soil reservoir or root zone, (iii) an intermediate soil reservoir or transition zone and (iv) deep reservoir or aquifer. If a horizontal subsurface drainage system is present, this must be placed in the transition zone, which is then divided into two parts: an upper transition zone (above drain level) and a lower transition zone (below drain level). Water balances The water balances are calculated for each reservoir separately. The excess water leaving one reservoir is converted into incoming water for the next reservoir. The three soil reservoirs can be assigned different thicknesses and storage coefficients, to be given as input data. The depth to water table, calculated from the water balances, is assumed to be the same for the whole area. Salt balances The salt balances are calculated for each reservoir separately. They are based on their water balances, using the salt concentrations of the incoming and outgoing water. The initial salt concentrations of water in the different soil reservoirs, in the irrigation water and in the incoming groundwater from the deep aquifer are required as input to the model. Salt concentration of outgoing water (either from one reservoir into the other or by subsurface drainage) is computed on the basis of salt balances, using different leaching or salt mixing efficiencies. Output data The output of SALTMOD is given for each season of any year during any number of years, as specified with the input data. The output data comprise hydrological and salinity aspects. The data are filled in the form of tables that can be inspected directly or further analysed with spreadsheet programs. The Page 12 of 49 PROCESSES OF SALINIZATION AND STRATEGIES TO COPE WITH THIS IN IRRIGATION IN SANTIAGO DEL ESTERO program offers the possibility to develop a multitude of relations between varied input data, resulting outputs and time. According to Oosterbaan (1998), SALTMOD has the following advantages in front of daily water balances programs: • It is very difficult to collect daily data, • The model is designed to make long-term simulations, • Because of high variability in daily data, long-term simulations are more reliable than short-term simulations. Another advantage of SALTMOD is that the data needed to run the model is easily available or it can be measured with relative ease. Page 13 of 49 PROCESSES OF SALINIZATION AND STRATEGIES TO COPE WITH THIS IN IRRIGATION IN SANTIAGO DEL ESTERO 3 Study of salinity with WASIM As it is said before, the aims of this thesis are from one hand, to study the salinity evolution in the irrigation system and by the other hand, consider different possibilities of soil reclamation. In this section, these objectives have been studied with the WASIM model. First of all, a study of salinity at small scale is done by reproducing a reclamation experiment carried out in the irrigation system. Here, the calibration of the model has been done. Later, several possibilities of soil reclamation have been considered. 3.1 Evolution of salinity at small scale 3.1.1 Reclamation experiment executed in the Pilot Area of Drainage and Soil Reclamation at INTA-EEASE In Rio Dulce Irrigation System, a Pilot Area of Drainage and Soil Reclamation of San Isidro at INTA-EEASE was created with the aim of recovering its saline soils. In this area, several experiments were carried out in order to study salinity and its properties. Picture 1 Main entrance to San Isidro Pilot Area of drainage Source: MW Ertsen Picture 2 San Isidro Pilot Area Source: MW Ertsen One of this experiments was executed in field 6 (2.25 ha) of the mentioned pilot area. The area has artificial drainage by means of two pipe-drains, 150 m apart at a mean depth of 190 cm. Six irrigations of 150 mm each one were applied with a mean frequency of 17 days. This experiment was done in winter, beginning in May of 1991, which is the dry season in the area. Soils in the area are classified as Ustorthent Tipico, they are formed mostly from loessical silt with scarce development with their profiles being Page 14 of 49 PROCESSES OF SALINIZATION AND STRATEGIES TO COPE WITH THIS IN IRRIGATION IN SANTIAGO DEL ESTERO characterized by A-AC-C horizons. In the first 25 cm there is a moderate content of organic matter, even thought it decreases with depth. The soils in the area are saline-sodic. Salinity and also cationic exchange capacity vary all over the area. Initial average salinity of the soil is 15.8 dS/m and the initial average cationic exchange capacity is 26.3, with Ca as the most common cation adsorbed. Vegetation is scant and it is composed mostly by small brushes. Figure 4 Pilot Area of Drainage and Soil Reclamation at INTA-EEASE Salinity levels were measured in thirteen plots and at several depths during the experiment. It was seen that thanks to irrigations, soil reclamation was effective. Even thought, since the 4th irrigation, resalinization occurred at the center of the field due to a high water table level. Here, the water table level rose the first meter below surface because the drainage system was not able to maintain water table level below 1.4 m depth. The evolution of salinity with the different irrigations at the center of the field (plot D4) is shown in the following graph. Salinity levels in area D4 40 35 30 Initial 1st irrigation dS/m 25 2nd irrigation 20 3rd irrigation 4th irrigation 15 5th irrigation 6th irrigation 10 5 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 180 depth, cm Graph 2 Evolution of measured salinity levels at the centre of the field, plot D4 Page 15 of 49 PROCESSES OF SALINIZATION AND STRATEGIES TO COPE WITH THIS IN IRRIGATION IN SANTIAGO DEL ESTERO 3.1.2 Using the WASIM model to study and model reclamation experiment at Lote 6 Firstly all the inputs needed by WASIM have been studied: those that are known and those that must be calibrated. Later, the calibration of the unknown parameters has been carried out. Study of required inputs Soil data The type of soil must be defined, therefore in WASIM is necessary to introduce the next values: • Percentage water at saturation, θsat • Percentage water at field capacity, θFC • Percentage water at permanent wilting point, θWP • Drainage constant, τ • Leaching efficiency • Saturated hydraulic conductivity, Ksat • Curve Number In the WASIM database it is possible to select different soils types with default values that can be changed and saved. The soil in Lote 6 has been classified as Ustorthent Típico, this soil is closely similar to those defined in the WASIM database as Silt Loam and Sandy Loam. Some soil properties of Ustorthent Típico are known from the experiment called: ‘Determinación de propiedades físicas en el Área Piloto de San Javier, provincia de Santiago del Estero’, (Physics properties determination in the Pilot Area of San Javier, in Santiago del Estero). In this experiment, the bulk density, characteristic hydraulic curve and infiltration rate were determined. The percentage of water at field capacity and the percentage of water at permanent wilting point can be estimated from the characteristic hydraulic curve. According to Smeda & Rycroft (1983) field capacity is reached after a watering of the soil with a moisture content corresponding to values of pF between 2.2 and 2.5. In the same way, the wilting point occurs when the suction has risen to -15 atm (pF = 4.2). pF A AC 4.2 0.13 0.12 4 0.14 0.13 3.8 0.15 0.14 Characteristic Hydraulic Curve 3.6 3.3 3 2.8 2.5 0.17 0.11 0.22 0.24 0.28 0.16 0.09 0.2 0.23 0.26 2.3 0.31 0.29 2 0.37 0.35 Table 7 Characteristic curve for the soil Ustorthent Tipico Page 16 of 49 1.8 0.4 0.4 1.6 0.66 0.66 PROCESSES OF SALINIZATION AND STRATEGIES TO COPE WITH THIS IN IRRIGATION IN SANTIAGO DEL ESTERO Also, in the experiment called ‘Ensayo de microlavado de sales’, soil was taken from a plot in Lote 6 in San Isidro to be analyzed according to its physical and chemical properties. Saturation percentage of the soil was calculated. The percentage of water at saturation can be approximated by the porosity of the soil calculated with the values of saturation percentage and bulk density. HORIZON Ustorthent típico A AC C1 C2 C3 Saturation Percentage Bulk Density Porosity 0.41 0.34 0.33 0.32 0.31 1.33 1.37 1.38 1.33 1.33 0.5453 0.4658 0.4554 0.4256 0.4123 Mean 0.4582 Table 8 Values of the saturation percentage, bulk density (kg/m3) and porosity for Ustorthent Tipico. Taking this into account, the adopted soil parameters values are: • Percentage water at saturation, θsat = 0.458 • Percentage water at field capacity, θFC = 0.26 • Percentage water at permanent wilting point, θWP = 0.12 Other soil parameters need to be determined by running the model. The default values that WASIM database gives for those soils that are the closest to soil in Lote 6 are shown in table 9. These default data were used as starting point for modeling the experiment. The saturated hydraulic conductivity, leaching and drainage constant have to be calibrated. The curve number is not important in this case, because it is related with surface runoff that doesn’t take place in Lote 6 experiment. Sandy loam Silt loam Ksat (m/day) 0.624 0.163 τ 0.37 0.17 Curve Number 67 81 Leaching 90% 90% Table 9 Default data for the WASIM model Crops The next step in WASIM is to introduce the surface conditions (type of crops). With WASIM is possible to distinguish between crop cover, mulch and bare soil. Some information is required about the type of crop: cover, root depth, ponding… and also, some transpiration factors like the fraction of total available water (θFC - θWP) that is easily available, expressed as p. Page 17 of 49 PROCESSES OF SALINIZATION AND STRATEGIES TO COPE WITH THIS IN IRRIGATION IN SANTIAGO DEL ESTERO Figure 5 Crop data entry form (Wasim) In Lote 6, vegetation is scarce and it is formed by small plants and brushes, there is not a specific crop. To simulate this situation in WASIM a hypothetical crop has been created with a constant depth of 25 cm which is the depth where the amount of organic matter is important. This theoretical crop is covering 100 % of the area. The P factor is unknown and it must be calibrated. Drainage In WASIM, drainage from compartment to compartment is calculated from: q = τ ·(θ − θ FC )·(e (θ −θ FC ) − 1) /(e (θ SAT −θ FC ) − 1) * 1000mm / m In which • q drainage from compartment to compartment, • τ drainage constant, • θ volume water fraction, • θFC volume water fraction at field capacity • θPWP volume water fraction at permanent wilting point Volume water fractions at field capacity and at permanent wilting point are already known. The drainage constant is the only parameter to calibrate. Page 18 of 49 PROCESSES OF SALINIZATION AND STRATEGIES TO COPE WITH THIS IN IRRIGATION IN SANTIAGO DEL ESTERO Climate data & irrigation Also, to run the model, data about potential evapotranspiration, gross rainfall and irrigation are needed. Potential evapotranspiration is obtained from Lieveld (2005), and irrigation data is known from the experiment. Rainfall is not considered during all the simulation since the experiment was done in winter, the dry season. Initial salinity values and water content Finally, is necessary to introduce some data about the initial water content, initial water table depth below surface and initial salinity in each of the compartments. The initial water content and the water table depth below surface have to be calibrated. The initial salinity is known. Calibration As it has said before, some parameters need to be calibrated to reproduce the experiment as it was done. • Drainage constant, t • Initial water content & depth • P, fraction of easily available water • Leaching efficiency • Saturated hydraulic conductivity, Ksat At the same time, these parameters are influencing diverse processes. In this section, all these processes are studied in order to calibrate all the parameters related with them. • Drainage • Water table depth • Capillary rise • Actual ET • Salinity Drainage Drainage constant ‘τ’ is the only parameter related with drainage that remains unknown. To study its influence on the drainage, several trials have been done with different values of this parameter: τ = 0.55, τ = 0.37, τ = 0.17. Default values are taken for the other parameters. In the same way, the initial water table level is taken at 3 meters depth. Initial water content is studied at field capacity and at permanent wilting point for all the compartments. Page 19 of 49 PROCESSES OF SALINIZATION AND STRATEGIES TO COPE WITH THIS IN IRRIGATION IN SANTIAGO DEL ESTERO In the next graphs it can be seen that in the evolution of the water table depth, the influence of the drainage constant is insignificant compared to the others parameters like the initial water content. Therefore, to simulate Lote 6 experiment, the default database WASIM value was used as drainage constant. Water table level Initial conditions at PWP 0 01 /0 5/ 19 08 91 /0 5/ 19 15 91 /0 5/ 19 22 91 /0 5/ 19 29 91 /0 5/ 19 05 91 /0 6/ 19 12 91 /0 6/ 19 19 91 /0 6/ 19 26 91 /0 6/ 19 03 91 /0 7/ 19 10 91 /0 7/ 19 17 91 /0 7/ 19 24 91 /0 7/ 19 31 91 /0 7/ 19 91 01 /0 5/ 19 08 91 /0 5/ 19 15 91 /0 5/ 19 22 91 /0 5/ 19 29 91 /0 5/ 19 05 91 /0 6/ 19 12 91 /0 6/ 19 19 91 /0 6/ 19 26 91 /0 6/ 19 03 91 /0 7/ 19 10 91 /0 7/ 19 17 91 /0 7/ 19 24 91 /0 7/ 19 31 91 /0 7/ 19 91 Water table level Initial conditions at FC 0 0.5 0.5 1 1 1.5 1.5 2 2 2.5 2.5 3 3 3.5 3.5 t = 0.55 t = 0.37 t=0.17 Graph 3 Evolution of water table level with initial conditions at FC and different values of τ t=0.55 t=0.37 t=0.17 Graph 4 Evolution of water table level with initial conditions at PWP and different values of τ Water table depth The parameters related with the water table depth are the initial water content of the different compartments of the soil and the initial water table depth. As the experiment was carried out in the dry season, it can be assumed that the water content in the top-soil compartment was at permanent wilting point. Similarly, in the unsaturated zone the water content is supposed to be at field capacity because in this compartment water is not extracted due to transpiration of plants and this is the point where no drainage takes place. Taking these arguments into account, initial water content in the root zone is presumed to be between field capacity and permanent wilting point. An average value between permanent wilting point and field capacity is chosen. The next step is to select the initial water table depth. Several tries have been done with different initial water table depths. To select the correct one, it must be taken into account that in the experiment resalinization took place after the 4th irrigation because the water table raised to 1.4 m depth. Moreover, in the 5th and 6th irrigations the water table depth reached the first meter. The results from graph 5 show that the initial water table depth should remain between 3.5 and 4 meters. Page 20 of 49 PROCESSES OF SALINIZATION AND STRATEGIES TO COPE WITH THIS IN IRRIGATION IN SANTIAGO DEL ESTERO Water table depth 0 0.5 1 Initial water table depth 3 m m 1.5 2 Initial water table depth 3.5 m 2.5 3 Initial water table depth 4 m 3.5 4 31/07/91 24/07/91 17/07/91 10/07/91 03/07/91 26/06/91 19/06/91 12/06/91 05/06/91 29/05/91 22/05/91 15/05/91 08/05/91 01/05/91 4.5 Graph 5 Evolution of the water table depth with different initial water table levels. Default values are used for those values that remain unknown Capillary rise & actual evapotranspiration Actual evapotranspiration depends on the amount of water that is available in the upper layer of the soil (root zone) and on the capillary rise. WASIM takes water from the saturated zone when no water is available in the upper part of the soil. In the experiment resalinization took place since 4th irrigation, due to capillary rise. So, if capillary rise occurred is because not enough water was easily available in the root zone. P is the fraction of total available water that is easily available. The higher the p factor is, the larger the amount of easily available water is. In graph 6 it is shown the actual ET for different values of p, for the first 47 days of the experiment (starting at 1st of May). The saturated hydraulic conductivity is taken equal to 0.6 m/day (default value in WASIM). The water table level is low enough to avoid capillary rise, so the effect of p can be studied without any interference. With values of p higher than p = 0.3, plants transpire at its potential rate. With a value of p equal to zero, this is not possible. There is not enough easily available water stored in the root zone between field capacity and permanent wilting point. As capillary rise only happens when there is no easily available water in the root zone, p must be equal to zero. Page 21 of 49 PROCESSES OF SALINIZATION AND STRATEGIES TO COPE WITH THIS IN IRRIGATION IN SANTIAGO DEL ESTERO Actual ET 2.5 2 mm 1.5 1 0.5 0 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 41 43 45 days p=0 p=0.3 p=1 Graph 6 Actual ET for different values of p factor Once the value of p has been set, the next step is to study capillary rise carefully. In WASIM, capillary rise depends of the water table level, root depth and saturated hydraulic conductivity. In the graphs below, capillary rise is plotted for different values of saturated hydraulic conductivity. In the left one, actual ET for different values of saturated hydraulic conductivity is calculated with WASIM for a ‘p’ value equal to zero. In this case, the water table depth is shallow enough to allow capillary rise. The right graph shows the amount of capillary rise that these situations produce. With a lower value of Ksat, capillary rise is higher as is actual ET. The range of values of saturated hydraulic conductivity for the kind of soil in Lote 6 fluctuates from 0.2 to 0.6 m/day (Wasim database). Actual ET C a p i l l a r y R i se 0.5 2.5 0.45 0.4 2 1.5 mm/day mm/day 0.35 1 0.3 0.25 0.2 0.15 0.1 0.5 0.05 0 0 1 4 7 10 13 16 19 ET k=0.6 22 25 28 ET k=0.3 31 34 37 40 43 46 ET k=20 Graph 7 Actual ET for different values of saturated hydraulic conductivity. 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 41 43 45 Capillary Rise, k=0.6 Capillary Rise, k=0.3 Capillary Rise, k=0 Graph 8 Capillary rise for different values of saturated hydraulic conductivity. Page 22 of 49 PROCESSES OF SALINIZATION AND STRATEGIES TO COPE WITH THIS IN IRRIGATION IN SANTIAGO DEL ESTERO Summary By now, most of the parameters have been calibrated or they have been placed in an accurate interval of values. Only the leaching efficiency remains completely unknown. This parameter will be calibrated with the study of salinity. Drainage constant Unsaturated hydraulic conductivity; Ksat Initial Water Table level Fraction of easily available water; p τ = 0.37 0.2 – 0.6 m/day 3.5 – 4m 0 Table 10 Summary of calibrated parameters Salinity The evolution of salinity can be studied in more detail. The parameters and processes that are connected with salinity are the next: - Leaching - Capillary rise Æ Saturated hydraulic conductivity - Water table level Æ Initial water table level In order to find those values of each parameter that best represent the salinity behavior in the experiment, several trials have been done with different values of leaching efficiency, unsaturated hydraulic conductivity (capillary rise) and initial water table depth. Leaching Different values of the leaching efficiency have been used in the WASIM model for an initial water table level of 4 meters and a saturated hydraulic conductivity of 0.6 meters per day. The results are shown in graph 9. In the upper graph the evolution of salinity in the top-soil is shown. The values that the WASIM model presents are quite different from the measured ones. Moreover, these values do not change with the leaching efficiency. In the middle graph, the evolution of salinity in the root zone is shown. In this case, the salinity values vary with the leaching efficiency. Moreover, for some leaching efficiency values (70 – 80 %) the evolution of salinity that WASIM gives is approximate to the measured one in the experiment. However, there is no resalinization. This is because the water table level is too deep and capillary rise can not take place. So, a shallower initial water table depth has to be chosen. Page 23 of 49 PROCESSES OF SALINIZATION AND STRATEGIES TO COPE WITH THIS IN IRRIGATION IN SANTIAGO DEL ESTERO In the lower graph, it can be seen how salinity behaves in the unsaturated zone. In this case, although salinity values change with the leaching efficiency, they do not reproduce the real values at all. Top soil 3.5 3 10-1 dS/m 2.5 Leaching 90% 2 Experiment 1.5 Leaching 80% Leaching 70% 1 Leaching 25% 0.5 0 Initial 16/05/1991 01/06/1991 17/06/1991 03/07/1991 19/07/1991 31/07/1991 Root-zone 5 4.5 4 10-1 dS/m 3.5 Leaching 90% 3 Leaching 80% Leaching 70% 2.5 Leaching 25% Experiment 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 Initial 16/05/1991 01/06/1991 17/06/1991 03/07/1991 19/07/1991 31/07/1991 Unsaturated zone 4 3.5 10-1 dS/m 3 Leaching 90% Leaching 80% Leaching 70% 2.5 2 Leaching 25% Experiment 1.5 1 0.5 0 Initial 16/05/1991 01/06/1991 17/06/1991 03/07/1991 19/07/1991 31/07/1991 Graph 9: Salinity values after each irrigation in the top-soil, root zone and unsaturated zone, respectively, for different leaching efficiencies values. Page 24 of 49 PROCESSES OF SALINIZATION AND STRATEGIES TO COPE WITH THIS IN IRRIGATION IN SANTIAGO DEL ESTERO Saturated hydraulic conductivity: In the graph 10 the evolution of salinity with different saturated hydraulic conductivity is shown. Only when resalinization takes place there are important differences between them. Top soil 3.5 3 10-1 dS/m 2.5 K = 0.6 m/day K = 0.2 m/day Experiment 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 Initial 16/05/1991 01/06/1991 17/06/1991 03/07/1991 19/07/1991 31/07/1991 Root-zone 3.5 3 10-1 dS/m 2.5 2 K = 0.6 m/day 1.5 K = 0.2 m/day Experiment 1 0.5 0 Initial 16/05/1991 01/06/1991 17/06/1991 03/07/1991 19/07/1991 31/07/1991 Unsaturated zone 4 3.5 3 10-1 dS/m 2.5 K = 0.6 m/day 2 K = 0.2 m/day Experiment 1.5 1 0.5 0 Initial 16/05/1991 01/06/1991 17/06/1991 03/07/1991 19/07/1991 31/07/1991 Graph 10 Salinity values after irrigate in the top-soil, root zone and unsaturated zone, respectively, for different saturated hydraulic conductivities. Page 25 of 49 PROCESSES OF SALINIZATION AND STRATEGIES TO COPE WITH THIS IN IRRIGATION IN SANTIAGO DEL ESTERO Initial water table depth: An initial water table depth of 3.5 meters is too high because with an unsaturated hydraulic conductivity of 0.2 m/day, there is ponding since the 6th irrigation (see graph 12). Therefore, an initial water table depth of 3.7 meters is chosen. Top soil 3.5 3 10-1 dS/m 2.5 Initial watertable depth 3.5 m 2 Experiment Initial watertable depth 3.7 m Initial watertable depth 4 m 1.5 1 0.5 0 Initial 16/05/1991 01/06/1991 17/06/1991 03/07/1991 19/07/1991 31/07/1991 Root-zone 3.5 3 2.5 10-1 dS/m Initial watertable depth 3.5 m 2 Initial watertable depth 3.7 m Initial watertable depth 4 m 1.5 Experiment 1 0.5 0 Initial 16/05/1991 01/06/1991 17/06/1991 03/07/1991 19/07/1991 31/07/1991 Unsaturated zone 4 3.5 3 10-1 dS/m 2.5 Initial watertable depth 3.5 m Initial watertable depth 3.7 m 2 Initial watertable depth 4 m Experiment 1.5 1 0.5 0 Initial 16/05/1991 01/06/1991 17/06/1991 03/07/1991 19/07/1991 31/07/1991 Graph 11 Salinity values after irrigate in the top-soil, root zone and unsaturated zone, respectively, for different initial water table depths Page 26 of 49 PROCESSES OF SALINIZATION AND STRATEGIES TO COPE WITH THIS IN IRRIGATION IN SANTIAGO DEL ESTERO Water table depth 0 0.5 1 10- 1 dS/m 1.5 Initial watertable depth 3.5 m 2 Initial watertable depth 3.7 m 2.5 Initial watertable depth 4 m 3 3.5 4 4.5 Graph 12 Evolution of water table level with different initial water table depths for an unsaturated hydraulic conductivity of 0.2 m/day Finally, the calibrated values in this section are: Unsaturated hydraulic conductivity; Ksat Initial Water Table level Leaching efficiency 0.2 m/day 3.7 m 70 % Table 11 Calibrated values 3.1.3 Conclusions From the results obtained in the experiment and the simulation done in WASIM it can be concluded that the model is able to simulate the evolution of the water table depth and the salinity in the root-zone, with leaching of salinity and resalinization since the 4th irrigation. On the contrary, the values of salinity that WASIM offers for the topsoil and the unsaturated compartment don’t reproduce those that were measured in the experiment. In general, the model is a good approximation of the system and it can help to understand how it works. Taking into account the experiment results and the outcomes of the model, the soil reclamation is possible in the irrigation system. The WASIM model is a useful tool to find the optimal irrigation schedule and drainage system that allow reclamation of the soil. Page 27 of 49 PROCESSES OF SALINIZATION AND STRATEGIES TO COPE WITH THIS IN IRRIGATION IN SANTIAGO DEL ESTERO 3.2 Possibilities of soil reclamation in PRD In this section different options to remove salts from the soils of Proyecto Rio Dulce irrigation system have been considered. The main purpose of this section is not to find a definite solution for salinity in the Rio Dulce irrigation system but to test how the system behaves in front of different actions. First of all, the effects that install a drainage system have in the irrigation scheme have been studied. Therefore, different drain depths (1.8, 2 & 2.2 m) and different spacing between drains (100, 150 & 200 m) have been tested. These values have been selected since are similar to those used in the Lote 6 reclamation experiment. Also, how salinity behaves at the non-irrigated fields when an irrigation schedule is applied has been studied. The irrigation schedules considered have been: the official irrigation schedule and actual irrigation in Case 3 (paragraph 1.2.2, table 6). All these scenarios have been tested with the WASIM model. Picture 3 Actual drain in Rio Dulce Irrigation System As it is well known, some inputs are required in the WASIM model. Those parameters calibrated in the section 3.1 for the experiment in ‘Lote 6’ have been used. Likewise, the data of Case 3 related to salinity has been used in all the scenarios (paragraph 1.2.2, table 4). Inputs WASIM Soil data for the WASIM model Soil type Saturation (%) Field capacity (%) Permanent wilting point (%) Drainage coefficient(mm/day) Hydraulic conductivity (m/day) Curve number for runoff calculations Leaching efficiency (%) Sandy loam 45.8 26 12 0.37 0.2 67 70 Initial salinity CASE 3 Non-irrigated field (ds/m) Irrigated field (ds/m) 16.7 1 Table 12 Soil data and initial salinity content for the WASIM model calibrated in section 3.1 Page 28 of 49 PROCESSES OF SALINIZATION AND STRATEGIES TO COPE WITH THIS IN IRRIGATION IN SANTIAGO DEL ESTERO Also, daily inputs of climatic data are required: information about potential ET is available at Lieveld (2005). Daily rainfall data is available for the year 2005 (, while monthly data is known for a period of 20 years (INTA-EEASE). Using as a pattern the events in the year 2005, a daily rainfall series has been created. In the next paragraphs the evolution of salinity, the water table depth and the drain flow according to WASIM results with different scenarios are explained. 3.2.1 Salinity In this part, the evolution of salinity is studied through three different scenarios of irrigation and with a drainage system installed: • Drainage without irrigation at the non-irrigated field • Irrigation case 3 at the non-irrigated field. • Official schedule at the non-irrigated field After a simulation with WASIM for the three scenarios studied, with different drain depths and spacing between them, the values of salinity reached are shown in the table 13. Those values that are suitable for agricultural use are remarked in the table. It can be seen how only when the fields are irrigated it is possible to achieve suitable values. Salinity decreases with a deeper drain and a smaller spacing No irrigation Case 3 Official Schedule drain depth 2.2 m s=100 s=150 s=200 m m m 25.8 25.9 26.1 1.2 2.1 4.5 0 0.6 2.2 drain depth 2 m s=100 s=150 s=200 m m m 25.4 25.4 25.4 1.8 3.5 6.5 0.3 1.2 3.2 drain depth 1.8 m s=100 s=150 s=200 m m m 25.1 25.1 25.1 3.6 6.1 9.4 0.7 2 4.4 Table 13 Salinity values (ECe) after 20 years of simulation for Case 3 But not only is important that the system could reach suitable salinity values for agricultural use. But also, the time needed to reach these values is important. This time is shown in the table 14. In most of the cases, the time needed for the system to reclamate the soil is too high to be economically viable. Case 3 Official Schedule drain depth 2.2 m s=100 s=150 s=200 m m m 8 14 5 9 12 drain depth 2 m s=100 s=150 s=200 m m m 11 20 8 9 15 drain depth 1.8 m s=100 s=150 s=200 m m m 20 10 17 - Table 14 Years needed by the system to reach suitable salinity values In the graph 13 the evolution of salinity in the top soil and the root zone of the three scenarios studied are shown (for a depth drain of 2.2 meters and a distance between drains of 100 meters). Page 29 of 49 PROCESSES OF SALINIZATION AND STRATEGIES TO COPE WITH THIS IN IRRIGATION IN SANTIAGO DEL ESTERO In all the scenarios, it can be noticed salinity changes in the soil not only along the years but also during the year (in a monthly scale). This gives away the importance that the moment when the measures are done has. Moreover, the fact that inputs are not constant during the simulation contributes to obtain more realistic outcomes. In the case where no irrigation is applied, salinity levels don not decrease during the simulation. The WASIM model confirms the fact that the installation of drains without an increase of the leaching is useless. In addition, the top soil shows a large variation in the salinity content between the dry and the wet season. Ece Root zone d=2.2 m & s=100 m non-irrigation 35 30 30 25 25 20 20 Jan-03 Jan-03 Jan-03 Jan-01 Jan-01 Jan-01 Jan-95 Jan-93 Jan-95 Jan-93 Jan-95 Jan-93 Jan-91 Jan-89 Jan-87 Jan-85 Jan-81 Jan-03 Jan-01 0 Jan-99 5 0 Jan-97 10 5 Jan-83 15 10 Jan-95 Jan-99 20 15 Jan-93 Jan-99 25 20 Jan-91 Jan-99 30 25 ds/m 35 30 Jan-89 Jan-91 Ece Root-zone d=2.2 m & s=100 m Official Schedule 35 Jan-87 Jan-89 Jan-87 Jan-85 Jan-81 Jan-03 Jan-01 Jan-99 Jan-97 Jan-95 Jan-93 Jan-91 Jan-89 Jan-87 0 Jan-85 5 0 Jan-83 10 5 Jan-83 15 10 Jan-85 Jan-97 20 15 Jan-83 Jan-97 25 20 Jan-81 Jan-97 30 25 ds/m 35 30 Ece Top-Soil d=2.2 m & s=100 m Official Schedule ds/m Jan-91 Ece Root zone d=2.2 m & s=100 m Case 3 35 Jan-81 ds/m Ece Top-Soil d=2.2 m & s=100 m Case 3 Jan-89 Jan-81 Jan-03 Jan-01 Jan-99 Jan-97 Jan-95 Jan-93 Jan-91 Jan-89 Jan-87 0 Jan-85 5 0 Jan-83 10 5 Jan-87 15 10 Jan-85 15 Jan-83 ds/m 35 Jan-81 ds/m Ece Top-Soil d=2.2 m & s=100 m non-irrigation Graph 13 evolution of salinity levels at non-irrigated fields in Case 3 without irrigation (a), with irrigation case 3(b) and with the official irrigation schedule (c). Page 30 of 49 PROCESSES OF SALINIZATION AND STRATEGIES TO COPE WITH THIS IN IRRIGATION IN SANTIAGO DEL ESTERO Looking at the cases where irrigation is applied, it can be seen how salinity levels decrease along the simulation reaching in some years suitable salinity values for agricultural use. In general, the topsoil compartment suffers more dramatic variations in its salinity during the year compared to the root zone compartment. This is because the top soil compartment is directly exposed to the climatic events. In the irrigated scenarios, the evolution of the root zone and the topsoil compartments is similar whereas in the case where no irrigation is applied the behavior of both compartments is totally different. If irrigation is considered without a drainage system, then the salinity levels continue being high due to capillary rise during the dry seasons. The results of the simulation can be seen in the graph 14. As a conclusion it can be said that the application of irrigation without the appropriate drainage is useless. Ece root zone no drainage 14 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 12 ds/m 10 8 6 4 2 Ja n03 Ja n01 Ja n99 Ja n97 Ja n95 Ja n93 Ja n91 Ja n89 Ja n87 Ja n85 Ja n83 Ja n81 Jan-03 Jan-01 Jan-99 Jan-97 Jan-95 Jan-93 Jan-91 Jan-89 Jan-87 Jan-85 Jan-83 0 Jan-81 ds/m Ece Top-Soil no drainage Graph 14 evolution of salinity levels at non-irrigated fields in Case 3 without drainage 3.2.2 Water table level In the next table the average water table levels registered during the simulation for each case is given. Also, graph 15 represents the evolution of the water table level for the three cases studied, specifically for a drain depth of 2.2 m and a spacing of 100 meters. Official schedule Case 3 No irrigation drain depth 1.8 m s=100 s=150 s=200 m m m -1.46 -1.37 -1.27 -1.54 -1.49 -1.43 -2.39 -2.39 -2.39 drain depth 2 m s=100 s=150 s=200 m m m -1.56 -1.46 -1.35 -1.61 -1.55 -1.49 -2.41 -2.41 -2.41 drain depth 2.2 m s=100 s=150 s=200 m m m -1.66 -1.54 -1.41 -1.69 -1.60 -1.53 -2.42 -2.42 -2.41 Table 15 Water table depth, in m, after 20 years of simulation for Case 3 When the field is irrigated, the water table level increases considerably because the drainage system can not drain the entire overflow. It is possible that bigger drains work properly, but this has not been tested in this thesis. Page 31 of 49 PROCESSES OF SALINIZATION AND STRATEGIES TO COPE WITH THIS IN IRRIGATION IN SANTIAGO DEL ESTERO If the two irrigation schedules are compared, it can be seen that with the official irrigation schedule the water table depth is lightly shallower than with the case 3 irrigation schedule. When no irrigation is applied, the water table level remains around 2.5 meters depth where the drainage system is not effective. Although the water table level remains around 1.5 meters depth during all the simulation, the water table levels vary every year because the inputs are variable. Water table depth d=2.2m & s=100m 0 -0.5 m -1 -1.5 -2 -2.5 Case 3 Official Schedule Jan-04 Jan-03 Jan-02 Jan-01 Jan-00 Jan-99 Jan-98 Jan-97 Jan-96 Jan-95 Jan-94 Jan-93 Jan-92 Jan-91 Jan-90 Jan-89 Jan-88 Jan-87 Jan-86 Jan-85 Jan-84 Jan-83 Jan-82 Jan-81 -3 Non-irrigated Graph 15 Water table levels for a drain depth of 2.2 m and a spacing of 100 m 3.2.3 Drain flow If the total amount of flow that the drains evacuate during all the simulation is compared, it can be seen that the drain flow with the official irrigation schedule is higher than the drain flow with the case 3 irrigation schedule. This indicates that WASIM takes into account the total amount of irrigation and also, the distribution of this irrigation along the year. The amount of irrigation per year is similar in both cases but not the distribution of this irrigation ((paragraph 1.2.2, table 6). Official Schedule Case 3 drain depth 2 m s=100 s=150 s=200 m m m drain depth 2.2 m s=100 s=150 s=200 m m m drain depth 1.8 m s=100 s=150 s=200 m m m 2512.5 1784.5 4194.3 3166.1 2218.7 2546.6 1942.8 1408.3 3342.5 1941 1265 3912.7 2729.5 1756 1781.3 1264.6 866.9 2799.2 Table 16 Drain flow after 20 years of simulation for Case 3 3.2.4 Conclusions It is possible to reach suitable salinity levels for agriculture whit the installation of a drainage system and the irrigation of the fields. Nevertheless, the schedule and the total amount of irrigation have to be studied in more detail. In the same way, the drainage system has to be tested more exhaustively. Page 32 of 49 PROCESSES OF SALINIZATION AND STRATEGIES TO COPE WITH THIS IN IRRIGATION IN SANTIAGO DEL ESTERO 4 Study of salinity with SALTMOD Like in the last section, here the main purposes are to study the salinity process and the possibilities of soil reclamation of the fields in Rio Dulce Irrigation System. In this case, the model used is SALTMOD. In the first part, the objective is to study the evolution of salinity in the PRD over a larger period of several years. This is done with two purposes: first, to see if SALTMOD can simulate the salinity levels measured on the fields and second to study these measures. In the second part, several possibilities of soil reclamation have been considered. 4.1 Study of salinity in the PRD at larger scale Most of the data that is needed to study salinity from the Rio Dulce irrigation system are already known (see paragraph 1.2.2). Nevertheless, some parameters remain unknown and must be calibrated. Once this calibration has been done, different scenarios have been studied. 4.1.1 Calibration To carry out the calibration of the unknown parameters, CASE 1 has been used as it is the one with more data available. Starting with low salinity values, the objective is to reach after several years the measured values in CASE 1 in Río Dulce Irrigation System. The Rio Dulce irrigation system is characterized by having irrigated and non-irrigated fields within the command area. Within SALTMOD two fields were simulated: one irrigated and one non-irrigated. To implement a SALTMOD input file, it is necessary to define information about hydrological data, irrigation schedules, soil properties, area, initial salinity values… As the model calculates a seasonal water balance, the values of irrigation and hydrological data have to be introduced per season. In this case, there are two seasons: one dry (from May to October) and another wet (November to April). Initial salinity values used in SALTMOD are expressed as the EC of the soil moisture when saturated under field conditions. Data related to salinity, irrigation schedules and hydrological data is obtained from Prieto (2006) as it can be seen in paragraph 1.2.2. As it is known, from several experiments carried out at the Pilot Areas of San Isidro and San Javier, located in Rio Dulce irrigation system, some properties of the soil are known. These values were already used for the WASIM model. Also, with the WASIM model some parameters that are required in SALTMOD, like leaching efficiency, were calibrated. Their values were used also in SALTMOD. All these values are shown in table 17. As the values of precipitation are effective precipitation, runoff is supposed to be equal to zero. Page 33 of 49 PROCESSES OF SALINIZATION AND STRATEGIES TO COPE WITH THIS IN IRRIGATION IN SANTIAGO DEL ESTERO Summary of input parameters of SALTMOD 1. Soil properties Fraction of irrigation or rain water stored in root zone UNKNOWN Total porosity of root zone 0.54 Total porosity of transition zone 0.46 Total porosity of aquifer (assumed) 0.46 UNKNOWN Critical depth for capillary rise Leaching efficiency of root zone 70 % Leaching efficiency of transition zone 70 % Leaching efficiency of aquifer 70 % 2. Water balance components Irrigation in the season 1 0.195 Irrigation in the season 2 0.391 Rainfall in the season 1 0.414 Rainfall in the season 2 0.085 Evapotranspiration in the season 1 0.9627 Evapotranspiration in the season 2 0.5958 Incoming groundwater flow through aquifer during the season (assumed) Outgoing groundwater flow through aquifer during the season 0 UNKNOWN 0 Surface runoff in the season 3. Drainage criteria and system parameters 0.5 Root zone thickness (m) No drains Depth of subsurface drains (m) Thickness of transition zone between root zone and aquifer (m) 4 Thickness of aquifer, assumed (m) 4 4. Initial and boundary conditions Depth of the water table in the beginning of the season (m) 4 Initial salt concentration of soil moisture in root zone at field saturation (dS/m) 4 Initial salt concentration of the soil moisture in transition zone (dS/m) 4 Average salt concentration of incoming groundwater (dS/m) 9.6 Average salt concentration of incoming Irrigation water (dS/m) 0.8 Table 17 Summary of inputs parameters for Saltmod m: meter; d: days; dS: deci-siemens. Page 34 of 49 PROCESSES OF SALINIZATION AND STRATEGIES TO COPE WITH THIS IN IRRIGATION IN SANTIAGO DEL ESTERO Finally, those parameters that have to be calibrated are: • Fs is the storage fraction of the surface water resources, representing the moisture holding capacity. • Go is the outgoing flow through the aquifer • Dc is the critical depth for capillary rise Note that SALTMOD uses as salinity measure the EC of the soil moisture when saturated under field conditions, while the data we have from PRD is ECe, the electric conductivity of an extract of saturated soil paste. Approximately, it can be assumed that EC= 2 ECe. To calibrate the values of the outgoing flow through the aquifer and the critical depth for capillary rise, several trials have been done with different values of these parameters in order to find that combination which makes that the water table remains at 2 meters depth (measured level, see paragraph 1.2.2) and the salinity levels reach the measured values for Case 1 (paragraph 1.2.2). The Fs values used in this case are: • Fs irrigated field, wet season: 0.5 • Fs irrigated field, dry season: 0.5 • Fs non-irrigated field, wet season: 0.5 • Fs non-irrigated field, dry season: 1 The results for the end of the simulation (40 years) are shown in the next table. It can be seen that it is possible to obtain the measured water table depth with different combinations of Go and dc. Nevertheless, the salinity value for the non-irrigated field is closer to the measured value with an outgoing flow through the aquifer of 0.05 m per season. So, if Go is fixed to 0.05 m per season, then the critical depth has to be 2.5 m. Water table depth (m) dc=2.2 dc=2.3 dc=2.4 dc=2.5 Go=0 m/s Go=0.05 m/s Go=0.1 m/s -1.59 -1.65 -1.72 -1.79 -1.77 -1.85 -1.92 -2 -1.95 -2.04 -2.12 -2.21 Salinity irrigated field (dS/m) Go=0 Go=0.05 Go=0.1 m/s m/s m/s Salinity non-irrigated field (dS/m) Go=0 Go=0.05 Go=0.1 m/s m/s m/s 3.3 3.3 3.31 3.31 80.9 81 81.1 81.2 2.45 2.45 2.45 2.45 1.98 1.98 1.99 1.99 18.3 18.4 18.2 18 1.75 1.75 1.76 1.78 Table 18 depths of water table and salinity values (ds/m) for different combinations of Go and dc. To conclude, the fraction of the surface capacity and is different combination of values of last parameter unknown is Fs. This is the storage water resources, representing the moisture holding on each season and on each field. To find the best Fs, several trials have been done with the assumption Page 35 of 49 PROCESSES OF SALINIZATION AND STRATEGIES TO COPE WITH THIS IN IRRIGATION IN SANTIAGO DEL ESTERO that no percolation occurs at the non-irrigated field during the dry season. So, FsNIrrig&dry is equal to one. First of all, the Fs value for the non-irrigated field at the wet season has been calibrated. The evolution of salinity can be seen in graph 16. Finally, a value of Fs= 0.5 is chosen, since is the one with which closest salinity values to the measured ones are obtained. Salinity non-irrigated land for different values of Fs (non-irrigated land and wet season) 35 b c Fs I&wet 0.5 0.5 0.5 Fs NI&wet Fs I&dry Fs NI&dry 0.5 0.5 1 0.6 0.5 1 0.4 0.5 1 30 25 20 ds/m a Fs=0.5 Fs=0.6 Fs=0.4 15 10 5 Table 19 Fs values 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 0 years Graph 16 Evolution of salinity The next step is to calibrate other Fs parameters. Several combinations were made. Of all the studied combinations, C was chosen. b c d Fs I&wet 0.5 0.5 0.4 0.4 Fs NI&wet Fs I&dry Fs NI&dry 0.5 0.5 1 0.5 0.6 1 0.5 0.6 1 0.5 0.6 1 Table 20 Fs values 40 35 30 25 ds/m a Salinity non-irrigated land for different values of Fs (irrigated land) a b 20 c d 15 10 5 40 38 36 34 32 30 28 26 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 8 10 6 4 2 0 0 years Graph 17 Evolution of salinity It is possible to reach the measured values in the irrigation system with the SALTMOD model. However, it can be noticed that salinity at the non-irrigated Page 36 of 49 PROCESSES OF SALINIZATION AND STRATEGIES TO COPE WITH THIS IN IRRIGATION IN SANTIAGO DEL ESTERO field increases along the years and is not possible to reach a stable situation. This is because rainfall like the rest of inputs is a constant rate along the years. So, if leaching of salts due to percolation and resalinization due to capillary rise are constant, then salinity increases year by year. As an assumption it is considered that in a real case after 20 years a stable situation would be reached. So, to choose the best combination the values reached at 20 years of simulation will be considered. 4.1.2 Different scenarios In this section, different scenarios are considered in order to know how salinity behaves with different irrigation schedules. The procedure is the same that in the last section: starting with low salinity values, study how salinity evolutions. The parameters calibrated in Case 1 have been used. Official Schedule Case 1 Case 2 Case 3 Case 4 Season 1 (m) Season 2 (m) Total irrigation (m) 0.409 0.491 0.9 0.195 0.323 0.389 0.402 0.391 0.539 0.519 0.402 0.586 0.862 0.908 0.804 Table 21 different irrigation schedules at different areas of PRD In all the scenarios studied salinity has an increasing trend in the nonirrigated fields. This is because all the inputs are invariable during all the simulation. Secondary salinization occurs because there is capillary rise. If salinization in the dry season is larger than the leaching of salts due to percolation in the wet season, salinity level increases. As here this is constant along the years, salinity has a rising tendency. It can be seen as the larger the amount of irrigation is, the higher salinity values are. This is because SALTMOD does a seasonal water balance and does not take into account the distribution of this irrigation along the season and how it affects percolation and capillary rise respectively. As irrigation increases, the water table depth is shallower and consequently, capillary rise increases. As an example if Case 3 and Official Schedule are compared the total amount of irrigation per year is similar but the distribution of this irrigation is completely different in each case (see table 6, paragraph 1.2.2). Nevertheless, the salinity values reached are quite similar. In the same way, the values reached in Case 3 are closer to the measured ones (see table 6, paragraph 1.2.2). The salinity values in Case 4 that SALTMOD gives as an output are different to the measured ones. Page 37 of 49 PROCESSES OF SALINIZATION AND STRATEGIES TO COPE WITH THIS IN IRRIGATION IN SANTIAGO DEL ESTERO Salinity Non-irrigated land 40 35 30 ds/m 25 Official Schedule Case 1 Case 2 Case 3 Case 4 20 15 10 5 19 20 17 18 15 16 13 14 11 12 9 10 7 8 5 6 4 2 3 1 0 0 years Graph 18 Evolution of salinity (EC of soil moisture when saturated under field conditions) at non-irrigated fields for a running of 20 years Water table depth 19 20 17 18 15 16 14 13 12 11 9 10 7 8 6 4 5 3 2 1 0 0 -0.5 -1 -1.5 Official Schedule Case 1 Case 2 Case 3 Case 4 m -2 -2.5 -3 -3.5 -4 -4.5 years Graph 19 Evolution of water table depth Salinity Irrigated Field 4 3.5 ds/m 3 Official Schedule Case 1 Case 2 Case 3 Case 4 2.5 2 1.5 20 19 18 17 15 16 14 13 12 11 9 10 8 7 6 4 5 3 1 2 0 1 years Graph 20 Evolution of salinity (EC of soil moisture when saturated under field conditions) at irrigated field Page 38 of 49 PROCESSES OF SALINIZATION AND STRATEGIES TO COPE WITH THIS IN IRRIGATION IN SANTIAGO DEL ESTERO 4.1.3 Inputs variables By now, all the calculations made with SALTMOD have used constant inputs. But SALTMOD also offers the possibility of variable inputs. In this section, Case 1 is studied with rainfall variable data (Monthly values from INTA-EEASE). In the graph 21 the evolution of salinity in Case 1 with constant inputs and with variable inputs is shown. Although salinity has an increasing trend, in this case it can be observed how this tendency is irregular. The increase or decrease of salts in the soil is variable each year, the opposite of the previous cases. At the same time, it can be seen a stabilization of the salinity levels in the last years of the simulation. Nevertheless, the order of magnitude of salinity levels for both simulations is the same. Salinity non-irrigated field 14 12 ds/m 10 8 Input constante 6 Input variable 4 2 18 15 12 9 6 3 0 0 years Graph 21 Salinity at the non-irrigated field 4.1.4 Conclusions With SALTMOD is possible to predict how the evolution of salinity in the next years is going to be, but the outputs that SALTMOD presents can diverge considerably with reality. In the simulated cases, after 40 years of simulation salinity continues increasing year by year. This is because all the inputs are invariable during all the simulation. The larger the amount of irrigation is, the higher the salinity values are. This is because SALTMOD does a seasonal water balance and does not take into account the distribution of this irrigation along the season and how it affects to percolation and capillary rise respectively. With the SALTMOD model is possible to simulate at the same time an irrigated and a non-irrigated field which is really suitable for PRD. Page 39 of 49 PROCESSES OF SALINIZATION AND STRATEGIES TO COPE WITH THIS IN IRRIGATION IN SANTIAGO DEL ESTERO 4.2 Possibilities of soil reclamation in PRD In this section different options to remove salts from the soils of Proyecto Rio Dulce irrigation system have been considered with SALTMOD. Like in the part 3.2, the main purpose of this section is to test how the system behaves in front of different actions but not to find a definite solution for salinity. First of all, the effects that install a drainage system have in the irrigation scheme have been studied. Therefore, different drain depths (1.8, 2 & 2.2 m) and different spacing between drains (100, 150 & 200 m) have been tested for different cases. Also, how salinity behaves at the non-irrigated fields when an irrigation schedule is applied has been studied (with the drainage system included). Like in the section 3.2, the irrigation schedules considered have been: the official irrigation schedule and actual irrigation in Case 3 (paragraph 1.2.2, table 6). Note that with SALTMOD two fields are simulated: one irrigated and the other one not irrigated. 4.2.1 Drainage Taking as initial inputs the measured values of salinity and the parameter values calibrated in Case 1, several drain depths and separations between them have been considered for different scenarios (Case 1, Case 3 and Case 4) and for two different irrigation schedules (for the irrigated field): those that in fact are applied and the official irrigation schedule. In the next numbers, the salinity values after 20 years of simulation with SALTMOD are shown. Distance between drains 100 150 200 Case 1 Critical depth (m) Case 3 Critical depth (m) Case 4 Critical depth (m) 2.2 2 1.8 2.2 2 1.8 2.2 2 1.8 2.12 4.25 6.01 13.7 16.7 18.8 61.4 63.9 64.3 5.27 15.4 33.7 34.4 48.6 48.6 25.6 25.6 25.6 6.27 17.3 37.2 47.3 65.4 66.8 76.7 77.7 78.4 Table 22 Salinity values (EC of soil moisture when saturated under field conditions) after 20 years of simulation for Case 1, Case 3 and Case 4 Distance between drains 100 150 200 Case 1 Critical depth (m) Case 3 Critical depth (m) Case 4 Critical depth (m) 2.2 2 1.8 2.2 2 1.8 2.2 2 1.8 3.92 10.9 22.1 22.5 30.6 32.4 43.2 45.2 46.1 5.38 15.4 35.4 35.8 48.3 50.2 60.8 62.6 63.7 6.89 20.8 49.3 49.5 66.7 68.6 79.2 81 82.1 Table 23 Salinity values (EC of soil moisture when saturated under field conditions) after 20 years of simulation for Case 1, Case 3 and Case 4 with the official irrigation schedule Page 40 of 49 PROCESSES OF SALINIZATION AND STRATEGIES TO COPE WITH THIS IN IRRIGATION IN SANTIAGO DEL ESTERO In the tables 22 & 23, those values of salinity that are suitable for agricultural use are bold. As can be seen, only with a critical depth of 2.2 m it is possible to obtain such values. If the results obtained with the official irrigation schedule and those achieved with the existents irrigation schedules are compared, it can be seen that they are quite similar for cases 3 and 4, but they are completely different in case 1. This is because the amounts of water irrigated in cases 3 and 4 are closer to the official schedule than in case 1 where the real irrigation is lower. Not only it is important to know that suitable salinity values can be reached, but also it is essential to know the time that the system needs to reach these values. In this case, it takes a considerable number of years to reach lower levels of salinity. Case 1 Distance between drains 100 150 200 Case 3 Case 4 Real Official Real Official Real Official 6 9 13 8 - 15 - 15 - 17 - 18 - Table 24 number of years necessaries to reach suitable salinity values for agricultural use. In graph 22 is given the evolution of salinity at the non-irrigated field for two different cases (Case 1 & Case 3). It can be seen how salinity follows a decreasing trend. Every year, resalinization takes place during the dry seasons in a constant rate. In the graph 22b it can be seen different behaviors of the salinity levels depending on the distance between drains. With a spacing of 100 meters reclamation of the soil is possible. Although salinity levels stop increasing with a spacing of 200 meters, reclamation is not feasible. Salinity non-irrigated land CASE 3 Salinity non-irrigated land CASE 1 18 15 12 s=100 m 18 15 12 9 6 3 0 s=150 m 9 s=100 m s=200 m 6 s=150 m 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 3 s=200 m ds /m dc=2.2 m 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 0 d s /m dc=2.2 m years years Graph 22 Evolution of salinity at non-irrigated fields Case 1 and Case 3 for a drain depth of 2.2 m and different separations between the drains Salinization only stops increasing when drains are able to maintain the water table level deep enough to avoid capillary rise. Moreover, reclamation of the soil only takes place when the salts of the upper parts of the soil are leached and drained out of the system. Page 41 of 49 PROCESSES OF SALINIZATION AND STRATEGIES TO COPE WITH THIS IN IRRIGATION IN SANTIAGO DEL ESTERO In the next table, water table depths for each case are shown: Distance between drains 100 150 200 Case 1 Critical depth (m) Case 3 Critical depth (m) Case 4 Critical depth (m) 2.2 2 1.8 2.2 2 1.8 2.2 2 1.8 2.18 2.14 2.12 2.05 2.04 2.03 2.01 2.01 2.01 2.14 2.14 2.12 1.98 2.04 2.03 1.85 2.01 2.01 2.16 2.11 2.06 2.01 1.98 1.96 1.91 1.9 1.9 Table 25 Water table depths, in m, after 20 years of simulation for Case 1, Case 3 and Case 4 4.2.2 Drainage & Irrigation Once several possibilities of drainage have been studied to solve salinity problems, in this part the effects of drainage and irrigation at non-irrigated fields have been considered. Starting from the known situation in case 3 a watering has been applied at the non-irrigated field in order to understand how salinity behaves. In the following numbers, the results from a simulation with SALTMOD model during 20 years can be seen. In this simulation, the same irrigation schedule is applied to both fields (the initial salinity levels are shown in table 4, paragraph 1.2.2). At the same time, a drainage system has been considered and different drain depths and distance between them have been tested. Distance between drains 100 150 200 Case 3 Critical depth (m) Official schedule Critical depth (m) 2.2 2 1.8 2.2 2 1.8 4.59 4.94 5.96 5.18 5.55 5.55 6.02 6.38 7.8 4.52 5.13 5.89 5.17 5.91 6.73 6.02 6.89 7.8 Table 26 Salinity values (EC of soil moisture when saturated under field conditions) after 20 years of simulation for Case 3 Case 3 Critical depth (m) Distance between drains 100 150 200 Official schedule Critical depth (m) 2.2 2 1.8 2.2 2 1.8 4 4 5 4 5 7 6 7 10 4 4 5 4 5 7 6 6 10 Table 27 number of year necessaries to reach suitable salinity values for agricultural use in each case: 4 ECe (dS/m) After 20 years of simulation in SALTMOD, agricultural suitable salinity levels have been reached in all the cases. Here, not only it is important to know Page 42 of 49 PROCESSES OF SALINIZATION AND STRATEGIES TO COPE WITH THIS IN IRRIGATION IN SANTIAGO DEL ESTERO that such values are achieved but also, how many years the system needs to reach these values. Diverse combinations allow obtaining the search values in four years which is reasonable. Reclamation of the soil is faster when irrigation is applied in the nonirrigated field. Salinity non-irrigated land CASE 3 Salinity non-irrigated land CASE 3 dc=2.2 m dc=2.2 m 40 35 35 30 30 years 18 15 12 18 15 12 9 0 6 5 0 3 s=100 m 10 5 0 s=150 m 15 9 s=100 m 10 s=200 m 6 s=150 m 15 25 20 3 s=200 m 20 0 d s /m 25 ds /m 40 years Graph 23 evolution of salinity levels at non-irrigated fields in Case 3 with irrigation (a) and without irrigation (b). Salinity measured as EC of soil moisture when saturated under field conditions. 4.2.3 Conclusions From the outcomes achieved some points can be concluded: If a drainage system is installed in the area without irrigation, reclamation is possible with deeper drains and less separation between them. But, the time needed to reach this situation is not viable. However, if irrigation is also applied, the drains depth can be shallower and the distance between them larger. Moreover, reclamation can be achieved in less time. Picture 4 Irrigated field in the PRD Page 43 of 49 PROCESSES OF SALINIZATION AND STRATEGIES TO COPE WITH THIS IN IRRIGATION IN SANTIAGO DEL ESTERO 5 Conclusions Once all the calculations have been done, the next conclusions can be obtained: From one hand, in the thesis the evolution of salinity has been studied at small scale with the WASIM model and at larger scale with the SALTMOD model. About this part, the following questions can be come up: • Are the results similar to the measured ones? • Can the studied models simulate what it is happening in reality? In the first section of this part, the Lote 6 experiment was reproduced with the WASIM model. At the same time, some unknown parameters were calibrated. Picture 5 Canal in the PRD MW Ertsen Looking at the outcomes of the program, it can be noticed that WASIM program was able to reproduce not only the evolution of the water table level during the experiment but also, the salinity levels in the root zone. Nevertheless, the salinity outcomes that WASIM presented at the top soil and in the unsaturated zone were completely different from the measured ones. In the top soil compartment, the WASIM outcomes were independent of the different parameter values that had to be calibrated. Moreover, the outcomes were always closer to each other and different from those that were measured in the experiment. In the unsaturated zone, although salinity values varied depending on the different values of the parameters, these were different to those measured in the experiment. To conclude it can be said that the model is a good approximation of the system and it can help us to understand how the system is going to evolution. In the second part of the thesis, the SALTMOD model has been used to study salinity at larger scale. Two fields have been simulated: one irrigated and the other one without irrigation. Starting with lower salinity values in both fields, Page 44 of 49 PROCESSES OF SALINIZATION AND STRATEGIES TO COPE WITH THIS IN IRRIGATION IN SANTIAGO DEL ESTERO the main purpose of this simulation was to know how salinity behaves along the years. According to the SALTMOD outcomes, salinity levels in the irrigated fields were low while salinity increased in the non irrigated field. In this case, salinity had an invariable increasing trend during the time simulated. This is because the inputs were constant each time-step. So salinization was constant each year. Obviously, this does not happen in real fields. Finally, it can be concluded that although SALTMOD helps to understand how salinity is going to evolution along the years, the values it gives and the behavior during the simulation are not reliable if constant inputs are used. By the other hand, if a simulation with variable rainfall data is done, it can be seen how salinity in the non irrigated field does not have a constant increasing trend. In this case, salinity changes depending on the inputs and the outcomes are more realistic. By the other hand, in this thesis several possibilities of soil reclamation in the PRD irrigation system have been considered. Like in the first part, SALTMOD and WASIM have been used. Regarding this part, what should be answered is: • Is it possible to improve the salinity levels in the non irrigated fields? • Are the models outcomes trustworthy? Picture 6 Salinity in PRD According to the models is possible to reach suitable salinity levels for agriculture whit the installation of a drainage system and the irrigation of the fields. Nevertheless, the time and requisites needed are different in each model. SALTMOD outcomes are more favorable than WASIM ones. As an example, in the next table it is shown the time needed by the system to reach suitable salinity Page 45 of 49 PROCESSES OF SALINIZATION AND STRATEGIES TO COPE WITH THIS IN IRRIGATION IN SANTIAGO DEL ESTERO values in each of the cases. The reclamation of the soil is more effective with deep drains and less space between them. Case 3 Distance between drains 100 150 200 SALTMOD Critical depth (m) WASIM Critical depth (m) 2.2 2 1.8 2.2 2 1.8 4 4 5 4 5 7 6 7 10 8 14 - 11 20 - 20 - Table 28 Time (in years) needed by the system to reach suitable salinity values in each case Since WASIM carries out a daily water balance, more inputs are required and also, the outcomes are more precise. On the contrary, SALTMOD offers the possible evolution of the system in general trends but not the certain values that will be reached in the future. WASIM shows more variation within and over the years than SALTMOD (see graph 24). Ece Top-Soil d=2.2 m & s=100 m Case 3 Salinity non-irrigated land CASE 3 dc=2.2 m 40 35 35 30 30 15 Jan-03 Jan-01 Jan-99 Jan-97 Jan-95 Jan-93 Jan-91 18 Jan-89 years 15 12 9 6 3 0 0 5 0 Jan-87 10 5 Jan-85 s=100 m 10 20 Jan-83 s=150 m 15 Jan-81 d s /m s=200 m 20 ds/m 25 25 Graph 24: Evolution of salinity for case 3, according to SALTMOD (a) and WASIM (b) Note that SALTMOD uses as salinity measure the EC of the soil moisture when saturated under field conditions, while WASIM uses the ECe, the electric conductivity of an extract of saturated soil paste. Approximately, it can be assumed that EC= 2 ECe. In the literature it can be found some advantages of SALTMOD in front of daily water balances programs (Oosterbaan, 1998): • It is very difficult to collect daily data, • The model is designed to make long-term simulations, • Because of high variability in daily data, long-term simulations are more reliable than short-term simulations. Despite of these statements, it can be said that if daily data is available then the results that a daily water balance program like WASIM offers are more reliable than those from seasonal water balance program like SALTMOD. Page 46 of 49 PROCESSES OF SALINIZATION AND STRATEGIES TO COPE WITH THIS IN IRRIGATION IN SANTIAGO DEL ESTERO About the models In general, both models are useful to study salinity. Moreover, both of them present advantages and disadvantages. • Both models are for free. • If variable inputs are used in SALTMOD, they must be introduced in the model by means of the program interface and not with an input file. This is an inconvenient, since it is a slow process and mistakes are likely to occur. • The WASIM interface is simple and user friendly. • With WASIM is not possible that the water table level remains below the drains level. Moreover, initial salinity values must be lower than 12 ds/m. That means that if there is a case (like this one) where there are higher values, they must be scaled in order to use WASIM model. Furthermore, seepage and water pumped from wells are constant outputs of the system during the simulation. About the Rio Dulce Irrigation System The Rio Dulce Irrigation System has important problems with salinity: those fields that are not irrigated present high salinity levels. This is due to capillary rise: salts that used to stay in the groundwater level ascend to the upper part of the soil. The shallower the water table level is, the higher the capillary rise is. These problems can be solved if a drainage system is installed and irrigation applied in the non-irrigated fields. The installation of a drainage system without an extra irrigation is useless. Besides, if irrigation is applied in the nonirrigated fields without a drainage system, salinity do not decrease. It should be studied in the future: • The amount of irrigation that is necessary to reclaim the soils without wasting too much water and without resalinization. • The drainage needed and the optimum relationship between spacing and depth of the drain. • The possibility of farming when the salinity levels are low. Page 47 of 49 PROCESSES OF SALINIZATION AND STRATEGIES TO COPE WITH THIS IN IRRIGATION IN SANTIAGO DEL ESTERO 6 Bibliography A. Sarangi *, Man Singh, A.K. Bhattacharya, A.K. Singh, 2006. ‘Subsurface drainage performance study using SALTMOD and ANN models’. Water Technology Centre, Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi, India. A. Srinivasulu, ch. Sujani rao, g.v. lakshmi, t.v., satyanarayana1 & j. Boonstra, 2006. ‘Model studies on salt and water balances at Konanki pilot area, Andhra Pradesh, India’. 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