March 2014 October 2016 YOUR VILLAGE YOUR COUNCIL YOUR VOICE Most villagers will know that Calor Gas has a large distribution depot at the north end of the village (opposite the new Jelson site). The site has been there since 1981, and is the largest Calor Gas site in the UK. It is also the village's largest employer, with around 120 people working from the site in the summer and almost twice that in the winter. Calor Gas have been involved in a number of community projects and events, such as ‘Start from the Heart’ projects that village groups have benefited from as well as helping with and donating to the village carnival and village sport team sponsorship. They have also contributed financially towards the village defibrillator and contributed by way of attendance at traffic calming meetings. The site is subject to the Control of Major Accident Hazards (COMAH) Regulations 2015 and is regulated for health, safety and environmental purposes by the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) and the Environment Agency (EA) working together. Calor Gas and both County and District Council's have produced an Emergency Plan which is designed to inform the emergency services were any incident to happen on the site. District and Parish Councillors recently visited the site to be briefed on the plan and on the likely impact on the village of any incident on the site. There is a long held view in the village that any major incident on the site could have significant effects for us, and that damage might occur in Stoney Stanton. Calor Gas management informed us that the HSE and EA have assessed the sites detailed Safety Report (a legally required document) and their emergency procedures. They are satisfied that any risk off site has been carefully considered and appropriate controls measures are in place and regularly examined and tested. The HSE was also consulted when planning applications were being considered for housing and developments that are close to the site. During our visit we noted as well that no serious incidents have occurred on the site for many years and there has never been an incident that has had effects outside of the site boundary. We were assured by both Calor and the County and District Council officers that the site is well run and follows proper safety procedures and has effective equipment to deal with any incident. Given this we came away with a sense that the Calor Gas site might not be such a concern to the village as we had thought, and we are sharing that view more widely via this newsletter. POPPY APPEAL The British Legion will be putting 20 poppy boxes around the village for the 2016 Poppy Appeal which starts on the 29th October and runs until Remembrance Sunday on the 13th November. LIBRARY BOOK AMNESTY Do you have books which are overdue at Stoney Stanton library? Just found a pile after the holiday tidy up, or left the return so long you dread to think what the fine will be? For the whole of October you can return any Stoney Stanton library book free of charge. Just call in or drop it through the letterbox and the fine will be removed from your account. SECOND HAND BOOK SALES As the outdoor second hand book sales went so well over the summer at the library we have decided to hold monthly indoor sales on a Saturday afternoon. The first indoor sale will be held on Saturday 8th October 1.30 – 3.30pm. We have had a lot of books donated over the summer, many of which look almost new. We also have puzzles and DVD’s for sale. There is a permanent display of books etc for sale inside the library as well. Why not come and have a look for Christmas (sorry I know it is only October) presents for friends and family, support the community library and save yourself some money? A FOND FAIRWELL We report with sadness of the passing of a great character and friend to this village at the age of 91. Harold Boulton had been a longstanding parish (24 years) and district councillor and his achievements in that time were far too many to list. His great interest was any kind of engineering, mechanical or civil. His career background in the RAF had given him a wealth of knowledge which he gladly shared with the village. He surveyed and drew plans for many of our projects and gave freely of his time counting traffic going through the village, taking part in Speed Watch projects. He was always ready to attend meetings and reported back on many issues, researching in minute detail long after his retirement from the council. In recent times he had moved to be near his family in Nottingham but still kept in touch and maintained an interest in Stoney Stanton. He was a keen gardener and we hope to remember him with a memorial when we start our Village Orchard Project. Our previous clerk, Penny, and two of our members attended his funeral in Nottingham and a donation has been given to the family’s approved RAF Charity. Thank You Harold, you will be missed. PER ARDUA AD ASTRA or email: [email protected] or call: 07476202575 OUT AND ABOUT IN STONEY STANTON WALK 1 : 3.75miles An easy circular walk from St Michael's Church to Huit Farm and Calor Gas crossing crop fields, following field paths and tracks. If you want to follow the route on a map please see Ordnance Survey Explorer Map 233, Hinckley & Leicester. 1 : 25000 From St Michael's Church walk along New Road towards Elmesthorpe, past Brindley Close and at the entrance to the Industrial Estate take the obvious diagonal footpath path, signed Earl Shilton 2 Miles, across the field to the yellow post. (Take care - wire fence and barbed wire on ground). Into the trees, bear right, over the footbridge, continue straight following yellow post and arrow keeping hedge and metal fence on your right. Before the tree hedge bear right at yellow post, continue with metal fence on right (An equally obvious path goes straight ahead and will bring you soon back to the official route). Where the metal fence turns right follow the yellow marker, towards the Electric Pylon, with hedge on your left to the corner and go through the hedge. Continue on the path with the pylon now on your right and head for a large oak tree (the unofficial path rejoins at the corner near the pylon). At the tree if you look back now you get a view of the Church Steeple. Go past the tree to a yellow post ahead then cross the track and go straight ahead with the hedge on your left to the end of a hedge coming in from the left. There is a yellow post here, continue on a defined path to a wooden fence. You will see a sign warning STOP LOOK LISTEN. Cross the stile, the busy rail track and another stile. (Take great care crossing particularly with children and dogs). Follow hedge on your right to the end of the fence near the yard then turn left towards the buildings and in approx 15 yards turn right. Yellow post on your right. Go forward with conifers on your right, through the gate adjacent to the hedge. Continue straight to a yellow post and over the stile, through the tunnel (under the M69) and straight through a gap in the hedge. Cross the culvert, minding the gap, and follow an obvious path to a yellow sign with a gap in the hedge. Continue straight on a wide track / field edge to a yellow post just before the Farm Barns. Turn right just before reaching the barns onto an obvious field track. Continue with the hedge on your left and at the yellow post bear slightly to the right of a tree in front. Pass the pond on your left; continue with the hedge on your left and cross a double stile at the yellow marker post. Turn right and walk along the field edge with its barbed wire fence and hedge until you reach another marker post. Turn left here and walk along with hedge that starts in the middle of the field on your right as the official right of way dictates. Continue straight on and you will see a field gate with yellow post. Cross the stile and walk towards the corner of the field alongside the wooden fence to a gate and yellow post. Through the gate, turn right and under the bridge (M69). Take extra care if Earl Shilton Motorcycle Trials Club is active. After going under the bridge the way-marked path turns left and this route will feature on a future walk. However for this walk after coming under the bridge go straight ahead following a "dirt road", onto a track and across an old bridge. Continue on the track between trees, until you reach a concrete road (Calor gates in front) and bear right following the Calor Gas Plant fence on your left until you reach a metal stile. Cross the stile, turn right and go over the railway bridge, to the end of the road, turn slightly right and into a field with a Footpath sign reading Stoney Stanton 1/2 Mile. Follow the direction of the footpath sign to the stile, cross it and then go left around the wooden fence. At the end of the short fence turn right on Mays Farm Drive and in a few yards go down the cul-de sac between 7A and Hampton House. Go through the Jitty, continue on an unmade road eventually reaching Knights Close. At the road T Junction go almost straight across to a jitty and continue along an unadopted road. At the T Junction bear right and left onto a footpath signed to Nock Verges and Church. At the end of Nock Verges we are back to the Church and the end of our 3.75 mile walk. ARRIVA BUS app The Arriva Bus app will help you to get the most out of your Arriva local bus services. Find the time of the next bus, the nearest bus stop, which bus to catch and lots more. Now you can even get real time updates. It’s FREE, and available through your usual app supplier for both iPhone and Android handsets. See more at If you would rather have a printed copy of the new timetable they are available in the library. NEW HISTORICAL INFORMATION BOARDS Many villagers have commented on the new information boards on the green by Nock Verges. The history of our village is fascinating and we tried to be accurate with our facts but we have made a small error on one of the boards. The sett maker referred to both here and pictured on the village sign is in fact Joe Norton, not Orton. Apologies to his family for our error. or email: [email protected] or call: 07476202575
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