Last Name Do Date First Name Lab Section (please circle) M W PRACTICE HOMEWORK 14 – CONVERSION FACTORS 3 MULTI-STEP CONVERSION CALCULATIONS General Information This Practice Homework Assignment should be completed by Wednesday (2/10). Do all of the Practice Homework assignments and bring them to class. Keep this in your class notebook. Remember that I can ask for any of the Practice Homework assignments at any time to grade. I have included the answers (but not the solutions), so that you can tell whether you are doing the questions correctly. Reading Class Notes: Notes-013 Chapter 2.3 and Chapter 2.4. There are examples that will help, if the lecture was a bit confusing. You may conversion factors only from Appendices 1, 2, 3, and 4. You may not use google-searched conversion factors. Questions You must use dimensional-analysis format for these calculations. Do not use proportions. You may do these in one long calculation, or you may break the calculations into smaller pieces. Your choice. Remember that some of these conversion factors must be memorized by the first quiz, and definitely by the first exam. Example) How many yards are in 8.20 decimeters? ( 8.20 dm 1m 1 yd ) ( ) ( ) = 1 10 dm 1.0936 m 0.750 yd OR ( ( * * * 8.20 dm 1m ) ( ) = 1 10 dm 0.820 m 1 yd ) ( ) = 1 1.0936 m 0.820 m 0.750 yd 10 dm = 1 m was obtained from Appendix 2 1.0936 m = 1 yd was obtained from Appendix 4 You do not need to state the specific appendices. I listed them here to let you know that you must use conversion factors from the given appendices only. Page 1 of 6 CHEM 110 (BEAMER) 1) Convert 44.25 ounces (weight) kilograms. 2) Convert 2654.7 nanometers to centimeters. Page 2 of 6 CHEM 110 (BEAMER) 3) Convert 0.0250 gallons to milliliters. 4) Convert 0.00564 km to cm Page 3 of 6 CHEM 110 (BEAMER) 5) Convert 54.2 ounces (weight) per cubic decimeter to grams per milliliter. 6) Convert 40.72 meters per min to miles per day Page 4 of 6 CHEM 110 (BEAMER) 7) Optional Challenge Question. A neutron star has a density of 5.80 × 108 kilograms per cubic meter. Determine the density of the star in units of (English) tons per teaspoon. Given: 1 m3 = 1000 dm3. Your work must be organized. In fact, you might have to rewrite your work on a separate sheet of paper and staple it to the back of this packet. This question is not worth any points for this assignment...not even extra credit. A question like this on Exam 1 would be extra credit. Note: On the Exam, you would be required to convert m3 to dm3 by yourselves. Page 5 of 6 CHEM 110 (BEAMER) Answer Key 1) 1.254 kg 5) 1.54 g/mL 2) 2.6547 × 10–4 cm 6) 36.44 mi/day 3) 94.6 mL 7) 3.15 ton/tsp 4) 564 cm Page 6 of 6
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