2. Title given to the emperor of Russia
6. Type of government in which a monarch has unlimited power and seeks to control all aspects of society
7. Stuart who came to power during the Restoration
10. Type of government in which the power of the monarch is limited by law
11. English dynasty that included Henry VIII and Elizabeth I
13. Belief that the power of the monarch comes from God and therefore the monarch answers only to God
17. Ruler that made Prussia a military power
21. Russian dynasty that included Peter the Great and Catherine the Great
23. English dynasty that included James I, Charles I, Charles II, and William and Mary
27. Basic document of English government that limits the power of the monarch and states only
Parliament can tax
32. The return of the monarchy to England
34. The lawmaking body of England
38. Leader of the Roundheads and ruler of England during the Commonwealth
39. Political party that supported having an hereditary monarch in England
43. The battle that was the turning point of the English Civil War
47. In Parliament, the House of ________ is made up of inherited seats
48. Document that guarantees the legal rights of Parliament and the English people; served as a model
for the American version
50. Great showplace palace built by Louis XIV
51. The Act of ________ joined Scotland and England into one country—the United Kingdom
1. Russian ruler who forced Russia to modernize by adopting Western European culture and technology
3. Cardinal who created an absolute monarchy in France
4. French dynasty that included Louis XIV
5. The best example of an absolute monarch; Ruled France at the height of its power and influence
8. Powerful German state
9. Ruled Spain at its height in power and wealth
10. English ruler who lost the Civil War and his head
12. To adopt Western European customs and culture
14. The final defeat of the Cavaliers during the English Civil War
15. Powerful European dynasty that included Philip II of Spain and the rulers of the Holy Roman Empire
16. Great city built by Peter the Great as a port for trade with the West; the Window to the West
18. During the English Civil War, the supporters of Parliament
19. Document Parliament forced Charles I to sign that restated the rights of Englishmen
20. Period when England had no monarch and was ruled by Oliver Cromwell
22. Came to rule after the death of Elizabeth I; started the Stuart dynasty
24. Group of advisors to the monarch; started by Queen Anne
25. During the English Civil War, supporters of the King
26. Legal document that requires a charge to be brought against someone or that person must be released
28. Parliament invited them to take the throne during the Glorious Revolution; ____________ and ________
29. Leader of Parliament and the head of the Cabinet; make the government/political decisions in a
parliamentarian government
30. King who was overthrown during the Glorious Revolution
31. Conflict between Parliament and the monarch
33. The flight of thousands of Puritans to the New World to escape persecution during the reign of Charles I
35. Title taken by Oliver Cromwell when he ruled England
36. The last ruler in the Stuart dynasty
37. Bloodless rebellion that established a constitutional monarchy in England
40. In Parliament, the House of _______ has elected seats
41. Prussian dynasty that included Frederick the Great
42. Law passed by Parliament which allowed all Protestants to worship freely in England, but still no
religious freedom for Catholics
44. Nickname for Louis XIV
45. The Act of __________ forbids any Catholic from inheriting the throne of England
46. Political party that wanted to exclude James II from the throne of England
49. First permanent English settlement in the New World; founded under the reign of James I