updated April 2015 Jonathan E. MacDonald Assistant Professor Department of Linguistics Department of Spanish and Portuguese University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign [email protected] Academic Positions Aug. 2010 – present Jan. 2008 – Aug. 2010 Nov. 2007 Sep. 2006 – Jan. 2007 Assistant Professor, Department of Linguistics Assistant Professor, Department of Spanish & Portuguese University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Post-Doc researcher (Juan de la Cierva), Center for Theoretical Linguistics, Department of Spanish Philology, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona Superior research technician, Department of the Theory of Languages and Communication Science, Universidad de Valencia Visiting Lecturer, Department of English Studies, University of Cyprus Education 2006 1998 PhD Linguistics, Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, NY, USA. Dissertation Title: The Syntax of Inner Aspect Dissertation Advisor: Professor Daniel L. Finer BA Double Major: Philosophy; Hispanic Literature, magna cum laude SUNY Albany, Albany, NY, USA Publications Book 2008. The syntactic nature of inner aspect: a Minimalist perspective. [Linguistik Aktuell/Linguistics Today series] Amsterdam: John Benjamins. Articles, Proceedings & Book Chapters In preparation. Anticausative and passive se: Synchronic Romanian maps to diachronic Spanish (tentative title) (with Matthew Maddox) In preparation. Brazilian Portuguese passive and impersonal se. (tentative title) (with Janayan Carvalho & Matthew Maddox) In preparation. An account of ungrammatical impersonal se lo sequences in Honduran Spanish. tentative title) (with Jeriel Melgares). In preparation. Clausal referentialtiy: implications for embedded answers and sluicing (with Carlos de Cuba). In preparation. An aspectual asymmetry and the syntax-semantics interface (tentative title) 2015. Extended projections of V: mood and aspect. in The Handbook of Parameters edited by Antonio Fábregas, Mike Putnam & Jaume Mateu. London: Bloomsbury MacDonald – CV 2/8 2015. A case of Multiple Agree: Accusative, not dative, se. In Romance Linguistics 2012. Selected papers from the 42nd Linguistic Symposium on Romance Languages (LSRL), Cedar City, Utah, 20-22 April 2012, by Smith, Jason and Tabea Ihsane (eds.) [RLLT 7], 275-288. 2015. A Movement Analysis of Some Double Object Constructions. Proceedings of the 32nd West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics, ed. Ulrike Steindl et al., 276-285. Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Proceedings Project. 2014. Aspectual Interpretatin and Calculation. In R. Campos-Astorkiza & J. Franco (eds), Papers in linguistics by the BIDE generation, Anuarion del Seminario de Filología Vasca “Julio de Urquijo” XLVI-I, 213-225. 2013. On the referential status of embedded polarity answers in Spanish. (with Carlos de Cuba) Selected Proceedings of the 16th Hispanic Linguistics Symposium. Jennifer Cabrelli Amaro, Gillian Lord, Ana de Prada Pérez, and Jessi Elana Aaron (eds.) 312-323. Cascadilla Proceedings Project, Somerville, MA, USA 2012. Referentiality in Spanish CPs. (with Carlos de Cuba) In Agreement, Information Structure and the CP. Edited by Victoria Camacho-Taboada, Ángel Jiménez-Fernández, Javier MartínGonzález & Mariano Reyes-Tejedor. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. 2012. Nouns affect aspect syntactically. Proceedings of the 29th West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics. Coyote Papers: Working Papers in Linguistics 2012. Empty categories and ellipsis. (with Jose Maria Brucart). In The Handbook of Hispanic Linguistics [Blackwell Handbooks in Linguistics series] edited by J.I. Hualde, A. Olarrea, & E. O’Rourke, 579-602. Massachusetts: Wiley-Blackwell. 2011. The phrase structure of phase verbs: An initial contrastive analysis of English and Russian. Acta Lingüística Hungarica 58.3: 261-276. 2011. (With Barbara Ürögdi) Against Stativizing Negation, Expletive Negation and NPI-until. Acta Lingüística Hungarica 58.3: 203-220. 2011. Proximal and distal: Rethinking linguistic form and use for clinical purposes (with Carlos Hernández Sacristán, & Vicent Rosell Clari). Clinical Linguistics & Phonetics 25.1: 37-52. 2010. Syntax and Aspect: The aspectual influence of the noun phrase: (a)telicity, (a)symmetry, incrementality and universality. Language and Linguistics Compass 4.9: 831-845. (Invited) 2010. (with Susana Huidobro). The lack of Spanish non-argumental clitic doubling In C. Borgonovo, M. Español-Echevarría, & P. Prévost. Selected Proceedings of the 12th Hispanic Linguistics Symposium. 50-62. Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Proceedings Project. 2010. Minimalist variability in the verb phrase. In (eds) Duguine, M., S. Huidobro & N. Madariaga. Argument Structure and Syntactic Relations from a Cross-Linguistic Perspective. 69-88. Amsterdam-Philadelphia: John Benjamins. 2010. (with Angelina Markova). Bulgarian and Variation in Inner Aspect. in G. Zybatow, P. Dudchuk, S. Minor, & E. Pshehotskaya (eds) Formal Studies in Slavic Linguistics, Proceedings of FDSL 7.5. 225-242. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang. 2010. Variation, aspectual interpretation and phase verbs. In Novi Sad Generative Syntax Workshop Proceedings. edited by J. Bailyn, C. de Cuba, I. Mitrović, R. Šević & L. Subotić. University of Novi Sad, Filozofski fakultet. 2009. Inner Aspect and Phases. In Explorations of Phase Theory: Features and Arguments. (Interface Explorations 18.) 207-230. K. Grohmann (ed) Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter. 2008. Domain of Aspectual Interpretation. Linguistic Inquiry 38 (1): 128-147. MacDonald – CV 3/8 2007. The Independence of Case and Aspect. In Proceedings of ConSOLE XIV. S. Blaho, E. Schoorlemmer and L. Vicente (eds), 189-202. http:www.sole.leidenuniv.nl 2006. Non-reflexive Non-argumental Clitic Pronouns of Spanish. In Proceedings of Western Conference on Linguistics (WECOL) 2004. A. Alcazar, R. Mayoral Hernández & M. Temkin Martínez (eds). 2006. Agreement with Asp° and the Independence of Case. In Proceedings of 36th Annual Meeting of the North Eastern Linguistics Society. C. Davis, A.R. Deal, and Y. Zabbal (eds), 454-465. UMass: GLSA. 2006. Null Directional Prepositions in Romanian and Spanish. In New Perspectives in Romance Linguistics Vol.1: Morphology, Syntax, Semantics, and Pragmatics. Selected Papers from the 35th Linguistics Symposium on Romance Linguistics. J.P. Montreuil and C. Nishida (eds), 169-185. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. 2004. Spanish Reflexive Pronouns: A Null Preposition Hypothesis. In WCCFL 23 Proceedings. G. Garding and M. Tsujimura (eds), 528-540. Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Press. Book reviews In progress. Iberia: An international journal of theoretical linguistics. Review of Julio VillaGarcia’s The syntax of multiple-que sentences in Spanish, John Benjamins. 2013. Language 89.4. Review of Matthew Husband’s (2012) On the Compositinal Nature of States. 2012. Journal of Linguistics 48.1. Review of John Bower’s (2010) Argument Relations. MIT Press. Presentations 2015 2015 2015 2014 2014 2014 2014 2013 2013 Anti-causative, passive and impersonal se: the role of pro from Latin to Spanish. Talk at Linguistic Symposium on Romance Languages (LSRL), UNICAMP, Brazil (with Matthew Maddox). Spanish aspectual se as an indirect object reflexive: evidence from (a)telicity, bare nouns and leísta PCC repairs. University of Illinois at Chicago Talks in Linguistics (Invited) Spanish aspectual se: (a)telicity, bare nouns and the PCC. Talk in Spanish Linguistics Symposium series at Univeristy at Wisconsin, Madison (Invited). Spanish impersonal and passive se. Hispanic Linguistics Symposium (HLS), Purdue University A derivational approach to the double object construction: inner aspect and prosody. Western Conference on Formal Linguistics (WCCFL) 32, Univeristy of Soutern California On the ungrammatical impersonal se lo sequence in Spanish. (with Christopher Eager), Linguistics Society of America Annual Meeting, Minnesota Truncation in the Spanish left-periphery: Fragment answers and recomplementation. (with Carlos de Cuba). Linguistics Society of America Annual Meeting, Minnesota Impersonal, passive and aspectual se: the PCC & the periphrastic passive (with Christopher Eager), Hispanic Linguistics Symposium (HLS), University of Ottowa CP referentiality in Spanish: embedded fragment answers and sluicing. (with Carlos de Cuba) 23rd Colloquium on Generative Grammar (CGG), University of Madrid, Spain MacDonald – CV 2013 2013 2012 2012 2012 2012 2011 2011 2011 2010 2010 2010 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2008 2008 2008 4/8 Embedded fragment answers, sluices and referentiality in Spanish. (with Carlos de Cuba) Linguistic Symposium on Romance Languages (LSRL), CUNY Graduate Center. “Spanish que: Sluicing vs. embedded answers.” Invited talk at University of Iowa’s Department of Spanish and Portuguese’s Colloquium. On the referential status of embedded polarity answers in Spanish. (with Carlos de Cuba) Hispanic Linguistics Symposium (HLS), University of Florida A case of Multiple Agree: Accusative, not dative, se. 42nd Linguistics Symposium on Romance Langauges (LSRL), Cedar City, Utah. Dative se is accusative, not dative. Invited talk at Illinois Language and Lingusitics Society (ILLS) 4, Urbana-Champaign, Illinois. Some syntactic features of inner aspect. Invited talk to Calgary Univeristy Linguistics Department Colloquium Series, Calgary, Canada. The aspectual influence of the noun: a (syntactic) asymmetry. Invited talk to the Stony Brook Linguistics Colloquium Series. Stony Brook University. Nouns affect aspect syntactically. Poster presentation at 29th West Coast Conference on Formal Lingusitcs. Universty of Arizona. CP recursion and referentiality. (with Carlos de Cuba). 21st Colloquium on Generative Grammar. Seville, Spain. Some syntax in inner aspect: the aspectual role of the noun phrase. Talk given as part of the Center for Theoretical Linguistics Seminar Series. Syntax and the aspectual influence of the noun. Workshop on Tense and Aspect. University of Lisbon, Portugal The Spanish “aspectual” reflexive: illustrating an aspectual asymmetry. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. (Invited). Reducing "stativizing negation" to an LF scope configuration. (with Barbara Ürögdi). Talk presented at Sarajevo Linguistic Gathering 4 & SinFonIJA 2 Duratives, negation and reference time identification. (with Barbara Ürögdi). Talk presented at Chronos 9: International Conference on Tense, Aspect and Modality Against stativizing negation, expletive negation and NPI until. (with Barbara Ürögdi) Talk given at 2nd Budapest Generative Syntax Workshop, Budapest, Hungary (Invited). Russian phase verbs and their aspectual relevance. Talk given at 2nd Budapest Generative Syntax Workshop, Budapest, Hungary (Invited). Variation and the CI interface: implications for event structure. Talk given at XVII Colloquium on Generative Grammar in Vitoria-Gasteiz, Spain. Operators in the TP-domain and Aspectual Interpretation. (with Barbara Ürögdi) Talk given at XVII Colloquium on Generative Grammar in Vitoria-Gasteiz,, Spain. La expresión sintáctica y semántica de la estructura eventiva con consecuencias para el papel del homomorfismo. Charla dada como parte del Seminario de Lingüística Teórica del grupo LyCC del Centro de Ciencias Humanas y Sociales del CSIC. (Invited). Bulgarian and Variation in Inner Aspect. (with Angelina Markova) Talk given at Formal Descriptions of Slaivc Languages (FDSL) 7.5 at the Independent University of Moscow, Russia The lack of Spanish non-argumental clitic doubling. (with Susana Huidobro) Talk given at Hispanic Linguistics Symposium 2008 at Laval University, Quebec, Canada The scope of a parameter and relativizing the micro/macro distinction. Talk given at Revisiting Parameters: Holmberg and Platzack (1995) Reloaded at Lund University MacDonald – CV 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2007 2007 2007 2006 2006 2006 2006 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2004 2004 2004 5/8 Two independent properties of English inner aspect. Talk given at Chronos 8 International Conference on Tense, Aspect, Mood, and Modality at University of Texas at Austin. Inner Aspect: one part syntactic, one part semantic. Talk given as part of the Center for Theoretical Linguistics Seminar Series. Inner aspect and a minimalist conception of variation. Invited talk given at the second Novi Sad Generative Syntax workshop. Verb orientation and P Incorporation. Poster presented at XVIII Colloquium on Generative Grammar, University of Lisbon, Portugal. Two types of variation, both Minimalist. Talk given as part of the Center for Theoretical Linguistics Seminar Series. Two independent properties of English inner aspect: one universal, one variant. Invited talk given at University of Novi Sad, Serbia. Two Properties of Spanish Non-argumental Clitic Pronouns. (with Susana Huidobro) Talk given at XVII Colloquium on Generative Grammar in Girona, Spain Minimalist Variability in the Verb Phrase. Talk given at the Workshop on Argument Structure and Syntactic Relations in Vitoria-Gasteiz, Spain. Russian Aspect without AspP. Talk given at Formal Descriptions of Slavic Languages 2006 (FDSL 6.5) in Nova Gorica, Slovenia. Deriving Achievements. Invited talk given at Cyprus Linguistics Forum at University of Cyprus, Cyprus. Aspectual Interpretation and Calcualtion. Invited talk given at Bilbao-Deusto Student Conference in Linguistics 2006 (BIDE06) in Bilbao, Spain. Inner Aspect and Phases. Poster presented at InterPhases in Nicosia, Cyprus. The Independence of Case and Aspect. Talk given at ConSOLE XIV at the University of the Basque Country, Vitoria-Gasteiz, Spain. Agreement with Asp° and the Independence of Case. Poster presented at 36th Meeting of the North Eastern Linguistics Society (NELS 36) at University of Massachusetts, USA. Inner Aspect and Iterative Interpretation. Talk given at CUNY/SUNY/NYU at New York University, USA. Mass nouns, Experiencer Subjects and the Syntax of Psych-achievements. Talk given at the 28th Generative Linguistics of the Old World (GLOW) colloquium at Université de Genéva, Switzerland. Null Directional-Prepositions in Romanian and Spanish. Talk given at the 35th Linguistic Symposium on Romance Languages (LSRL 35) at University of Texas at Austin, USA. Motion Verbs and Reflexive Pronouns in Spanish. Talk given at the 79th annual meeting of the Linguistics Society of America (LSA 79) in Oakland, California, USA. Non-reflexive Non-argumental Clitic Pronouns of Spanish. Talk given at the 24th Western Conference on Linguistics (WECOL 24) at University of Southern California, USA. Spanish Reflexive Pronouns: a Null Preposition Hypothesis. Talk given at the 23rd West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics (WCCFL 23) at University of California at Davis, USA. Spanish Reflexive Pronouns: Limiting Location of Event. Talk given at the 78th annual meeting of the Linguistics Society of America (LSA 78) in Boston, MA, USA. MacDonald – CV 2004 2002 6/8 Spanish Aspectual Reflexives are not Aspectual: A Null Preposition Hypothesis. Invited talk given at CUNY Syntax Supper, CUNY, USA. Cue Weight Dependence on Vowel Space Distribution. Talk given at CUNY/SUNY/NYU at NYU, USA. University Teaching Experience 2015 2015 2014 2014 2013 2013 2012 2012 2011 2011 2011 2011 2010 2010 2009 2007 2006 2006 2004 2004 2004 2003 2003 2003 2002 2002 2001 Elements of Syntax (University of Ilinois at Urbana-Champaign) Seminar of Romance Clitics (University of Ilinois at Urbana-Champaign) Spanish Syntax (University of Ilinois at Urbana-Champaign) Introduction to Hispanish Linguistics (University of Ilinois at Urbana-Champaign) Introduction to Hispanish Linguistics (University of Ilinois at Urbana-Champaign) Elements of Syntax (University of Ilinois at Urbana-Champaign) Graduate Syntax 1 (University of Ilinois at Urbana-Champaign) Structure of Spanish (University of Ilinois at Urbana-Champaign) Spanish Syntax (University of Ilinois at Urbana-Champaign) Practicum (University of Ilinois at Urbana-Champaign) Introduction to Hispanish Linguistics (University of Ilinois at Urbana-Champaign) Introduction to Linguistic Structure (University of Ilinois at Urbana-Champaign) Graduate Syntax 1 (University of Ilinois at Urbana-Champaign) Structure of Spanish (University of Ilinois at Urbana-Champaign) English Grammar: Advanced composition (Autonomous Univeristy of Barcelona) Lexical, Syntactic and Semantic issues of Inner Aspect (University of Novi Sad, Serbia) Introduction to Linguistics 1 (University of Cyprus) Transformational Generative Grammar (University of Cyprus) Introduction to General Linguistics (grad. level) (Stony Brook University) Phonetics (grad. level) (Stony Brook University) Introduction to Linguistics (TA) (Stony Brook University) Language in the USA (Stony Brook University) Syntax (TA) (Stony Brook University) Introduction to Linguistics (TA) (Stony Brook University) Phonetics (TA) (Stony Brook University) Language in the USA (TA) (Stony Brook University) ESL: Advanced Oral/Aural Skills (Stony Brook University) Teaching Experience in Private Sector 2007 2007 2006 2004 ESL: Extracurricular English for Unemployed ESL: A variety of classes from Beginning to Advanced Level English Commerical English: Adult Intermediate Level Phonetics (Private tutor) Awards and Scholarships (Carpescar Levante, SL.) (Business Class, SL.) (Carpescar Levante, SL.) Stony Brook, NY MacDonald – CV 7/8 2009-2010 Grant from Spanish Ministry (Acciones complementarias) for the financing of the eighteenth Conference of the Student Organisation of Linguistics in Europe (ConSOLE 18) at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. 2008-2011 Juan de la Cierva post-doc research grant, Spanish Ministry of Education and Science 2001-2006 Graduate Tuition Scholarship, Stony Brook University, Stony Brook NY 2003-2006 RAP (Resource Access Project) Funds, Graduate School Organization (GSO), Stony Brook University 2005-2006 Sigma Xi Travel Grant 2006 SUNY-CWA-GSEU Professional Development Funds Research Experience 2011- Researcher on Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation Grant “The structure of the sentential periphery” FFI2011-29440-C03-01, PI: Maria Lluïsa Hernanz 2008-2011 Researcher on Spanish Ministry of Education and Science Grant “Microvariation in sentence structure” HUM2006-13295-C02-02, PI: José María Brucart 2004-2005 Research assistant on National Science Foundation Grant “Adaptive Spoken Dialogue with Human and Computer Partners” N° 0325188 awarded to S. Brennan, M. Huffman, R. Gerrig, A. Samuel, and A. Stendt of Stony Brook University 2001 Research assistant on National Science Foundation Grant “Prosodic and segmental features as determinants of phonetic form.” SBR 9600930 awarded to M. Huffman of Stony Brook University Professional Service and Affiliations 2014 2014 2014 2013 2012 2011 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2006 2006 2006 2003 - pres. 2005 Abstract reviewer for LSA, WCCFL, Article reviwer for Lingua, Canadian Journal of Linguistics, Semantics-Syntax Interface Book proposal referee, Cambridge University Press Article reviwer for Syntax, Journal of Linguistics, Language Sciences, FinnoUgric Languages and Linguistics, and Studies in Hispanic and Lusophone Linguistics, Abstract reviewer for LSA Article reviwer for Syntax, Journal of Linguistics, Language Sciences LSA Abstract reviewer Article reviewer for Journal Studies in Hispanic and Lusophone Linguistics Article reviewer for Proceedings of the Hispanic Linguistic Society 12 Article reviewer for Journal Language Acquistion Scientific Committee of the XXIV Encuentro de la Asociación de Jóvenes Lingüístas (Young Linguists Association Meeting) Local co-organizer (with Clàudia Pons) of ConSOLE XVIII in Barcelona 8th CUNY/SUNY/NYU Abstract reviewer Biolinguistics Editorial Task Team FDSL 6.5 Abstract Reviewer LSA Member Assistant at Alice V. and David H. Morris International Symposium on Language and Cognition at Stony Brook University MacDonald – CV 2005 2004 2003 2003 2002 2001 8/8 6th CUNY/SUNY/NYU Abstract reviewer 5th CUNY/SUNY/NYU Abstract reviewer Faculty-student liaison Co-organizer of NELS 34 at Stony Brook University Co-organizer of the Linguistics Colloquium Series at Stony Brook University Student representative at Linguistics department retreat Other Professional Experience 1998 - 2007 2006 2000 – 2005 Freelance Translator: Spanish-English. In collaboration with Leyenda Traducciones S.L., Berlitz, y BOLT Traductores e Intérpretes, S. C. including legal, journalistic, technical and philosophical translations. Presenter for promotional DVDs for la Comunidad Valenciana Language Learning and Resource Center technician, Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, NY Languages English: Spanish: Catalan: Native language. Read, write and speak fluently. Read, and understand basic.
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