A1/HS1 Grammar - Studentportalen

A1/HS1 Grammar
Information and Assignments
Uppsala University
Department of English
Spring 2011
Margareta Westergren Axelsson
Pia Norell
Erik Smitterberg
Uppsala University
Department of English
A1/HS1 Grammar
Spring Term 2011
1 Course Outline
1.1 Aim
The aims of this course are to develop your awareness of how English is used
(primarily in formal, written language) and to develop your knowledge and
understanding of English grammar. Besides serving as a preparation for further
studies of English grammar and linguistics, the course aims to help you to use
grammar as a practical tool when translating between English and Swedish and
when expressing yourself in English. To these ends you should acquire a working
knowledge of grammatical terminology, master basic structures of English grammar,
acquaint yourself with useful grammars, dictionaries, and exercise materials, and be
able to find, understand, and use relevant information in such sources on your own.
1.2 Course Organization
The grammar course runs for about ten weeks, parallel with the other parts of the
Language Structure course, namely pronunciation and vocabulary. On average, the
grammar part should take up a little less than half of your time during these weeks,
that is, about 14 hours a week; but the actual amount of time that you will need to
spend on studying grammar will vary somewhat between weeks.
1.2.1 The Weekly Schedule
The weekly grammar course programme consists of your own preparations, one or
two lectures for all students together, team work in groups of 3–4 students, seminars
(c. 15 students per seminar group), and individual work on self-study tasks. The
bulleted list below explains how you should plan your studies each week.
 Before lectures.
Prepare for the area of grammar that will be addressed during the lecture
by studying the relevant sections of A University Grammar of English
(henceforth UGE); please see the enclosed plan in section 2.3 for what
reading assignments are relevant to each lecture. Make notes of any
unclear points that you come across.
We also recommend that you go to the Studentportalen website for your
course and download and print the slides for the PowerPoint slideshow
that will be presented during the lecture. The slides will be made available
as PDF files no later than three working days before each lecture.
 Lectures. The lectures introduce a new area of grammar and indicate what is
especially important. (However, note that anything taken up in your reading
assignments forms part of the course and may be relevant to the exam; it is your
responsibility to ask questions about any areas which you need help with and
Uppsala University
Department of English
A1/HS1 Grammar
Spring Term 2011
which are not covered by the lecture.) During lectures, listen carefully and take
notes if necessary. (You will most likely find it easier to follow the lecture if you
have printed the PowerPoint slides used for the presentation in advance and
brought them to the lecture.) Listen for clarification of the uncertain or difficult
points that you noted as you prepared for the lecture. Remember that the
lectures are there to confirm, correct, or reinforce the ideas and notions that you
bring to them. You should have preconceived notions about the content of each
lecture to benefit fully from it. Always feel free to ask the lecturing teacher for
clarification, during or after the lecture.
Between lectures and seminars.
Reread the assigned parts of UGE together with the handout and
slideshow from the lecture. Save unclear points for discussion with your
team. If you still have questions after the team meeting, take them up at
the following seminar.
Complete the assigned exercises in UGE (the exercises can be found at the
end of each chapter) to see if you remember and have understood the
concepts and rules of the relevant area of grammar (see section 2.3 for
information on what exercises are associated with each area of grammar).
Check your answers against the key supplied in UGE (Chapter 14) and
make a note of any cases where your answer differs from the answer in
the key and where you do not understand why your answer is not correct.
If you have enough time, you can also complete the self-study tasks in the
relevant Grammar Assignment in this compendium and check your
answers against the key available on the Studentportalen website.
Meet with the other members of your team. Discuss any unclear points in
the reading assignment and, if you wish, the exercises in UGE. Complete
the seminar tasks in the relevant Grammar Assignment in this
compendium together and make a note of any cases where team members
disagree or are uncertain about what the correct answer to a question is.
Seminars. Present your team’s answers to the questions in the relevant
Grammar Assignment. Your seminar teacher will guide the teams in their
discussions. In addition, bring up any points that are still unclear regarding the
reading assignment and exercises in UGE. Note that your seminar teacher will
normally focus on the exercises in the relevant Grammar Assignment unless
s/he is prompted by you to explain a passage or an exercise in UGE; it is thus
your responsibility to ask about anything in UGE that remains unclear. Please
note that attendance at seminars is mandatory.
After seminars.
If you did not do so before the seminar, complete the self-study tasks that
form part of the relevant Grammar Assignment in this compendium and
check your answers against the key provided on the Studentportalen
Uppsala University
Department of English
A1/HS1 Grammar
Spring Term 2011
Revisit UGE, your notes, your answers to exercises, etc. to make sure that
no uncertainties remain.
Depending on when in the week your grammar seminars take place and on how
much work you have to do for other courses, some overlap may be necessary
between one week’s activities and the next. For instance, you may need to get started
on the reading assignment for the next grammar lecture before you have had the
grammar seminar corresponding to the most recent lecture.
Please note that the grammar course is designed so that you will learn about an
area of grammar through a combination of a lecture, a seminar, and your own work.
You may thus feel that the lecture was not enough for you to fully understand a
given area of grammar and that it was not until you attended the following seminar
that everything became clear. This is how the course is intended to work; it does not
necessarily mean that the lecture was not useful. This also means that, to a certain
extent, each part of the weekly schedule builds on the preceding part(s). If you do
not prepare for the lecture by studying the relevant reading assignment, the pace of
the presentation may be too quick for you to take in all of the information; if you do
not attend the lecture, you may find it difficult to complete your Grammar
Assignment as you prepare for the seminar; and if you do not prepare properly for
the seminar, going through the exercises in class may not be very useful for you.
Your own independent work thus forms a central part of the course; if you have not
studied at university level before, it is important to get used to this as soon as
1.2.2 Additional Teaching
In addition to the weekly schedule explained above, we provide a number of extra
opportunities for you to practise and discuss English grammar.
 Extra lecture. Before the first grammar seminar, there is an extra lecture which
addresses basic grammar concepts that you should already have encountered in
school: word classes and clause elements. If it has been a long time since you
studied grammar, this additional lecture will give you a chance to catch up; if
you are already familiar with these concepts, make sure that you attend the
lecture anyway to get used to the terminology used in this course and to see
whether your previous knowledge is sufficient.
 Question-Time sessions. If you still have questions that you feel have not been
answered after a seminar or lecture, you can take them to Question Time
(Frågestund). You can also use Question Time to get answers to questions about
passages in the textbook that were not gone through explicitly during a lecture.
There will be a one-hour question-time session right after a lecture twice
during the term (on 17 March and on 30 March).
There will also be a two-hour question-time session with all grammar
teachers present on 26 April, a few days before the exam.
Uppsala University
Department of English
A1/HS1 Grammar
Spring Term 2011
Translation seminars. There will be two one-hour seminars dealing only with
translation. You will translate two short texts from Swedish into English before
each of these seminars (these texts will be handed out by your seminar teacher).
At the seminar, the translation will be gone through and any special difficulties
will be taken up; you will also have a chance to ask questions about cases where
your translation differs from the teacher’s suggestions. The purpose of these
translation seminars is for you to practise translation, which forms part of the
Språkstruktur exam, and to increase your proficiency in English grammar and
1.3 Vocabulary
Vocabulary is a self-study course, where you will be working with the book Focus on
Vocabulary: Mastering the Academic Word List. This book contains several exercises that
will help you to increase your vocabulary, and you will also get used to working
with an English–English dictionary.
1.4 Examination
The examination of the grammar part of the course is based on a final written
grammar test, which constitutes part of the final Språkstruktur exam. For examples of
the type of questions asked in the grammar part of the exam, please see the
Studentportalen website and the diagnostic test given at the beginning of the term.
The Språkstruktur exam consists of four parts: grammar (40 points), translation (20
points), pronunciation (20 points), and vocabulary (20 points). To pass this exam,
you need roughly 65 out of these 100 points, regardless of how the points are
distributed across the different parts.
2 A1/HS1 Grammar, Spring 2011: Plan
2.1 Reading Assignments and Exercises
The table in section 2.3 below lists the areas of grammar, reading assignments, and
exercises associated with the lectures and seminars of the grammar course. The
course includes a great deal of reading, but many points should be familiar to you
already. However, students are all different and will be more or less familiar with
grammar in general and with the rules of English grammar in particular. Therefore,
you have to identify your own strong and weak points and work individually on
improving your English from your own level. Note that anything that is addressed in
the reading assignments, on lecture handouts, or in PowerPoint presentations may
be relevant to the exam, even if it is not treated explicitly during a lecture or in a
Grammar Assignment.
Uppsala University
Department of English
A1/HS1 Grammar
Spring Term 2011
2.2 Course Literature
Estling Vannestål, Maria. 2007. A University Grammar of English with a Swedish
Perspective. Lund: Studentlitteratur. (= UGE)
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English. The most recent (fifth) edition is from
Schmitt, Diane, and Norbert Schmitt. 2005. Focus on Vocabulary: Mastering the
Academic Word List. White Plains, NY: Pearson Education.
2.3 Course Plan
The plan in the table below, which spans several pages, is organized around the
grammar lectures that form part of the grammar course. The leftmost column
provides the number and date of the lectures (see your timetable for detailed
information on the time and place for each lecture). The column ‚Topic(s)‛ lists the
main area(s) of grammar taken up during each lecture. The column ‚Reading (UGE)‛
lists the sections in UGE that you should study before the lecture. Note that the
section assignments are inclusive; for instance, ‚3.1–3.2‛ means that you should read
all of sections 3.1 and 3.2, including their subsections, if any. The abbreviation ‚Rev.‛
stands for ‚Review‛; it indicates that the passage has been part of a previous reading
assignment. The rightmost column, ‚Exercises‛, tells you which of the seven
Grammar Assignments in this compendium and what exercises in UGE you should
complete after the lecture. You should complete the ‚Seminar Tasks‛ part of each
Grammar Assignment in your teams before your next seminar, at which these
exercises will be gone through (see your timetable for detailed information on the
time and place for each seminar). You should also complete the relevant exercises in
UGE and check them against the key in the book (Chapter 14) before the seminar, so
that you can ask questions about them, if necessary. In contrast, the ‚Self-study
Tasks‛ in each Grammar Assignment can be completed – and checked against the
key provided on your Studentportalen website – either before or after the seminar.
21 Jan.
3 Feb.
10 Feb.
Course introduction
Reading (UGE)
Word classes
Clause elements
Chapter 3:
o 3.1–3.2
o 3.4.1–3.4.5
o 3.4.7 (only
page 73)
Chapter 3:
o 3.3
o 3.5.2
Assignment 1
o 3A (1–5)
o 3C
o 3E
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Department of English
17 Feb.
Nouns and articles
10 Mar.
Verbs and verb phrases I:
o Finite and nonfinite
o Auxiliaries and main
o Regular and irregular
o Voice
17 Mar.
Verbs and verb phrases
o Tense forms and the
o The progressive and the
simple form
o Mood
o Verb complementation
Pronouns I:
o Personal, Swedish det
o Reflexive
o Possessive
o Demonstrative
o Interrogative
o Generic reference (man,
den som, etc.)
24 Mar.
A1/HS1 Grammar
Spring Term 2011
Chapter 3:
o 3.2.1 (Rev.)
o 3.3.1 (Rev.)
Chapter 4
Appendix 1
Appendix 2
Appendix 3
Chapter 3:
o 3.2.2 (Rev.)
o 3.3.2 (Rev.)
o 3.4.2 (Rev.)
Chapter 5:
o 5.1–5.3
Chapter 12:
o 12.5
Appendix 4
Appendix 5
Appendix 6
Chapter 5:
o 5.4–5.7
Assignment 2
o 4A–4E
Chapter 3:
o 3.2.5 (Rev.)
Chapter 8:
o 8.1–8.5
o 8.10
Appendix 10
Appendix 11
Appendix 12
Assignment 5
o 8A (1–2, 5–7, 9,
11–12, 14–15,
17–18, 20)
o 8B (1, 3–4, 6, 8–
10, 12, 14)
o 8C–8D
Assignment 3
o 5A (1, 3, 6–8)
o 5B
o 5C (1, 7–10)
o 5G (1, 3, 8–9)
o 12B
Assignment 4
o 5A (2, 4–5)
o 5C (2–6, 11–12)
o 5D–5F
o 5G (2, 4–7, 10)
Uppsala University
Department of English
29 Mar.
30 Mar.
7 Apr.
A1/HS1 Grammar
Spring Term 2011
Pronouns II:
o Relative
o Quantifying
o Exclamatory
o The ‚wastebasket‛
o Gender-neutral noun
Prepositions and
prepositional phrases
Chapter 8:
o 8.6–8.9
o 8.11
Chapter 3:
o 3.2.6 (Rev.)
o 3.2.7 (Rev.)
o 3.3.5 (Rev.)
Chapter 9
Chapter 10:
o 10.1
o 10.3–10.4
Appendix 13
Appendix 14
Appendix 15
Chapter 3:
o 3.2.3–3.2.4
o 3.3.3–3.3.4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 12:
o 12.2
o 12.4.2
Appendix 7
Appendix 8
Appendix 9
Adverbs and adverbials
Word order
Assignment 6
o 8A (3–4, 8, 10,
13, 16, 19)
o 8B (2, 5, 7, 11,
13, 15)
o 9A–9B
o 10A–10C
Assignment 7
o 6A–6C
o 7A–7C
o 12A
Finally, note that there are several parts of UGE that may help you in your grammar
studies even though they are not listed explicitly in the table above:
 The Index at the end of the book makes it easier to find information quickly.
 Chapter 13 provides you with even more exercises (with keys in Chapter 14);
completing these may be useful as you study for the exam.
 Appendix 17 and Appendix 18 provide an English–Swedish glossary and a
Swedish–English glossary, respectively.
 In addition, UGE has a website where you can log in (see the inside cover of your
book for instructions) in order to access even more material.
Uppsala University
Department of English
A1/HS1 Grammar
Spring Term 2011
Grammar Assignment 1. Word Classes; Clause
Elements; Phrases
1 Seminar Tasks
Task 1. Word Classes, Clause Elements, and Noun Phrases
Pick out the clause elements in sentences (1)–(8) below.
Define the word class of each word (except definite and indefinite articles) in
sentences (1)–(8).
Identify all noun phrases in sentences (2)–(8) and fill in the different
components of each noun phrase in the correct slots in the table below the
sentences (the noun phrases of sentence [1] have already been entered into the
table as an example).
She deserves a present.
The chef served us lunch on the patio.
She gave me a book about race horses.
My brother keeps a python in his bathtub.
A woman who lives in our street grows beautiful roses.
The python always seems hungry.
She seems a nice girl.
His offer made us very happy.
Determiner Premodifier Head
Uppsala University
Department of English
A1/HS1 Grammar
Spring Term 2011
Task 2. The Structure of Noun Phrases
Identify determiners, premodifiers, heads, and postmodifiers in the noun
phrases in (1)–(5) below. Label the constituents D, PRE, H, and POST.
this book
a very interesting film
some exciting books on this topic
the friendly people who met us at the door
the many narrow alleys in this town
Explain why it is important to be able to find the head of a noun phrase.
Task 3. Clause Elements and Phrases
First, identify the clause elements – subject (S), verb (V), direct object (Od), indirect
object (Oi), subject predicative (Ps), object predicative (Po), and adverbial (A) – of
each of sentences (2)–(10) and indicate where the boundaries between the clause
elements are. Secondly, all clause elements in (2)–(10) consist of phrases. Phrases
vary in length – they can be a single word or several words – but even if they consist
of only a single word (e.g. a noun phrase consisting of a pronoun), they still count as
phrases. State which type of phrase – noun phrase (NP), verb phrase (VP), adjective
phrase (AdjP), adverb phrase (AP), or prepositional phrase (PP) – each clause
element in (2)–(10) consists of. You get an example answer in (1).
You | should heat | the olive oil | in a pot. You: S (NP). should heat: V (VP).
the olive oil: Od (NP). in a pot: A (PP).
My best friend may have arrived.
She seems lonely.
The French artist who won the contest sang beautifully.
Unfortunately, English teams buy our best football players.
Dave was in the kitchen.
He told my oldest cousin his biggest secret.
You can call me in the afternoon.
We called our first child Henrietta.
10) That evening she cooked a lovely Italian meal.
Task 4. Adverbs and Adverbials
A word like never, which belongs to the word class adverbs, can function as the
clause element adverbial (e.g. He never tells lies). However, is there always a one-toone correspondence between adverbs and adverbials (i.e. do adverbs always function
as adverbials, and are adverbials always adverbs)? Discuss this question after you
have identified the adverbs and adverbials in sentences (1) and (2).
He was telling lies the whole time.
This car is extremely fast.
Uppsala University
Department of English
A1/HS1 Grammar
Spring Term 2011
Task 5. Clause Elements: Ambiguous Cases
Identify the clause elements of sentences (1)–(9). The clause elements are subject (S),
verb (V), direct object (Od), indirect object (Oi), subject predicative (Ps), object
predicative (Po), and adverbial (A). In some sentences, two interpretations may be
possible; for those sentences, provide both interpretations.
They are working this evening.
They are dreading this evening.
She was eating chicken with mushroom sauce.
She was eating chicken with chopsticks.
She hit the man with a stick.
They found her a good friend.
She made me furious.
She made me a cake.
I have become a teacher.
2 Self-study Tasks
Task 1. Word Classes
Identify the word class of every underlined word in extracts (1) and (2).
ODD, odd, odd, was Lenina’s verdict on Bernard Marx. So odd, indeed,
that in the course of the succeeding weeks she had wondered more than
once whether she shouldn’t change her mind about the New Mexico
holiday, and go instead to the North Pole with Benito Hoover. The trouble
was that she knew the North Pole, had been there with George Edzel only
last summer, and what was more, found it pretty grim. Nothing to do, and
the hotel too hopelessly old-fashioned – no television laid on in the
bedrooms, no scent organ, only the most putrid synthetic music, and not
more than twenty-five Escalator-Squash Courts for over two hundred
guests. No, decidedly she couldn’t face the North Pole again. Added to
which, she had only been to America once before. And even then, how
inadequately! A cheap week-end in New York – had it been with JeanJacques Habibullah or Bokanovsky Jones? She couldn’t remember.
Anyhow, it was of absolutely no importance. The prospect of flying West
again, and for a whole week, was very inviting. Moreover, for at least
three days of that week they would be in the Savage Reservation. Not
more than half a dozen people in the whole Centre had ever been inside a
Savage Reservation. As an Alpha-Plus psychologist, Bernard was one of
the few men she knew entitled to a permit. For Lenina, the opportunity
was unique. And yet, so unique also was Bernard’s oddness that she had
hesitated to take it, had actually thought of risking the Pole again with
funny old Benito. At least Benito was normal. (From Brave New World by
Aldous Huxley)
Uppsala University
Department of English
A1/HS1 Grammar
Spring Term 2011
‚At that moment,‛ Iran said, ‚when I had the TV sound off, I was in a 382
mood; I had just dialled it. So although I heard the emptiness
intellectually, I didn’t feel it. My first reaction consisted of being grateful
that we could afford a Penfield mood organ. But then I realized how
unhealthy it was, sensing the absence of life, not just in this building but
everywhere, and not reacting – do you see? I guess you don’t. But that
used to be considered a sign of mental illness; they called it ‘absence of
appropriate affect’. So I left the TV sound off and I sat down at my mood
organ and I experimented. And I finally found a setting for despair.‛
(From Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? by Philip K. Dick)
Task 2. Clause Elements
Identify the clause elements in sentences (1)–(19) below. Each clause is an example of
one of the basic clause types SV, SVOd, SVPs, SVA, SVOiOd, SVOdPo, and
SVOdA. Optional adverbials can be added to these types.
The bees were buzzing.
Eeyore is listening.
Pooh lives in the Seven-Acre Wood.
We must bring provisions.
I was forgetting Eeyore.
We really must be going home.
Outside his house he found Piglet.
I brought a little present.
Piglet brought Eeyore a balloon.
10) Pooh and Piglet were listening very eagerly.
11) Pooh put his head between his paws.
12) Piglet felt very miserable.
13) He was good company.
14) My tail is cold.
15) Christopher made his mother sad.
16) The animals made him their leader.
17) Kanga got the bath water ready.
18) I must give him something.
19) They had seen something very exciting.
Uppsala University
Department of English
A1/HS1 Grammar
Spring Term 2011
Task 3. Identifying and Analysing Noun Phrases
Identify the noun phrases in sentences (1)–(8) below.
Identify the constituent parts – determiner(s), premodifier(s), head, and
postmodifier(s) – of each noun phrase that you identify. Label the constituents
D, PRE, H, and POST.
That man took Elizabeth’s purse.
Can you read my handwriting?
I would like to buy some chocolate now.
Don’t tell lies!
The woman in the garden is my mother’s cousin.
Dogs are my favourite animals.
New cars which run on ethanol are better for the environment.
In a 16th-century treatise on alchemy, the author tried to explain how lead
could be turned into precious metals.
Task 4. Agreement
Provide the correct present tense form of the verb within parentheses in each of
sentences (1)–(10) below. Be careful to check whether the head of the subject
noun phrase is singular or plural.
The previous owners of the house __________ (have) forgotten to cancel
the paper.
The answers on this side of the page __________ (be) all correct.
The owners of the racehorse __________ (suspect) foul play.
The owner of the three dogs __________ (have) complained to the
My brother and his friend Jack __________ (be) coming to see me today.
My neighbour, who owns three sports cars, often __________ (complain)
about the lack of parking space.
My mother and father __________ (have) promised to give me a lift.
The books on the shelf __________ (belong) to the school.
The details of the project __________ (have) not yet been revealed.
10) The accident, which took place three days ago, __________ (be) the worst
of its kind so far.
Find all subjects and present-tense verb forms in sentences (11)–(14) below
and check whether the present-tense verb forms agree with their subjects.
Suggest possible reasons for the errors you find.
11) *A successful pianist practice every day.
12) *We can now see horrible pictures that shows how people suffers in these
13) *These problems in last year’s course has still not been dealt with.
14) *They are always nice to you and tries to do their best to help.
Uppsala University
Department of English
A1/HS1 Grammar
Spring Term 2011
Grammar Assignment 2. Nouns and Articles
1 Seminar Tasks
Task 1. Singular or Plural?
Translate sentences (1)–(9) into English. Pay special attention to differences in
number between Swedish and English and explain the differences that you
Var är pengarna jag gav dig? Jag kan inte hitta dem någonstans.
De här nyheterna var oväntade.
Jag fick de där upplysningarna alldeles för sent.
Polisen verkar inte veta vad de ska göra.
Jag måste ha en sax för att öppna det här paketet.
De här beteendena förekommer bara bland djuren.
Det var ett tungt arbete att ta sig igenom alla dessa dokument.
Du gav mig ett bra råd.
Skulle du vilja byta plats med mig?
Find errors concerning singular and plural forms in sentences (10)–(18); correct
the errors and explain your corrections.
10) *The earthquake caused considerable damages.
11) *I will be needing all my new knowledges.
12) *Journalists are only interested in creating an interesting story about a
13) *Alcohol has been a part of Western culture for centurys.
14) *One of the basis of democracy is education.
15) *Comics appeals to people of all ages.
16) *Mathematics are his favourite subject at school.
17) *This is a very popular TV crime serie.
18) *When we decide which applicant will get the job, previous experience is
an important criteria.
Task 2. Translation Problems
Translate sentences (1)–(6) into English and explain any grammatical changes that
you need to make concerning the use of nouns and articles, including word order.
Det är positivt att inflationen är låg i år.
Han har visat ett stort tålamod och är alltid på gott humör.
Min fru jobbar på kontor. Hon har fått arbete som sekreterare. Hon är
sekreterare åt verkställande direktören på ett stort företag.
Hon är expert på den viktorianska litteraturen.
De måste betala skadestånd för skadorna de gjort på bilen.
Det här är ett så viktigt problem att vi måste lösa det omedelbart.
Uppsala University
Department of English
A1/HS1 Grammar
Spring Term 2011
Task 3. Articles
The use of the definite article the and the indefinite article a/an in English is
sometimes different from the use of the definite and indefinite forms of nouns in
Swedish. Study sentences (1)–(8) below and compare them with their Swedish
equivalents. Write down the rules that apply in each case where you find a
difference between English and Swedish.
Art is long; life is short.
Swedish history is full of battles.
Defence costs have gone down in recent years.
She is studying to become a doctor.
If I didn’t have a headache, I would be able to translate this text without a
Why do names like the Rhine and the Danube take the definite article in
Why do you always order the same thing at this café?
John promised his parents that he would be home before sunset.
Task 4. The Genitive
What are the basic rules for when to use the genitive (e.g. the boy’s pony) and
when to use the of construction (e.g. the author of the books)?
Complete sentences (2)–(9) below according to the format given in sentence
Jane has a pony; it is Jane’s pony.
My brother has a house; it is __________ house.
My sisters have a boat; it is __________ boat.
Her children have a trampoline; it is __________ trampoline.
The students have a car; it is __________ car.
The student has a bus pass; it is __________ bus pass.
My mother-in-law has a parrot; it is __________ parrot.
The baby has a toy; it is __________ toy.
The women have a garden; it is __________ garden.
Uppsala University
Department of English
A1/HS1 Grammar
Spring Term 2011
Task 5. Spot the Errors
Find the grammar problems in sentences (1)–(12) below, correct the errors, and
explain why the correction is necessary.
*You can’t do it without a permission.
*The Western culture is spreading.
*You got a average score on the test you took.
*In society of today there is debate about whether euthanasia should be
*The pop culture has big influence on young people today.
*The UN are in financial difficulty.
*If the drugs were legalized, the organized crime would no longer plague
the society.
*This was an important reform for the middle-class women.
*The media have capacity to reach many people around the world.
10) *The news on TV were really depressing.
11) *The unemployed’s situation has gone from bad to worse.
12) *Alcohol and tobacco is dangerous for young people.
2 Self-study Tasks
Task 1. Plural Formation (from the January 2001 exam)
Fill in the plural form of the following singular nouns. If the noun is
uncountable, think of some suitable way of conveying the plural meaning.
Plural: a couple of __________
Plural: many __________
Plural: several __________
Plural: some __________
Plural: two __________
Fill in the singular form of the following plural nouns.
Singular: a __________
Singular: a __________
Singular: a __________
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Department of English
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Spring Term 2011
Task 2. Articles (from the January 2001 exam)
Insert the definite article whenever necessary to complete the translated
sentences below. The sentences should be understood as having no further
known context.
Man vet att bilarna förstör miljön i de svenska städerna. För att bli av med
problemet borde cyklisterna uppmuntras.
It is known that ______ cars destroy ______ environment in ______ Swedish
cities. To alleviate the problem, ______ cyclists should be encouraged.
Cross out any article that is not needed in the English translation of the Swedish
sentence below.
Naturen är en viktig rekreationskälla för människorna i det moderna svenska
The nature is an important source of recreation to the people in the modern
Swedish society.
Task 3. Types of Nouns
In sentences (1)–(5) below, each of the underlined nouns belongs to one of the
following categories: invariable singulars, invariable plurals, logical singulars, or
logical plurals. State which category each underlined noun belongs to.
1) People may think you’re crazy.
2) Hurdles is Sanna Kallur’s favourite track and field event.
3) My scissors are dull.
4) The US is slowly recovering from the recession.
5) If you go to Växjö, you have to change trains when you reach Alvesta.
Task 4. More on Articles
Do the nouns in (1)–(9) below take the definite article or not? What rule, if any,
applies in each case?
1) EU
6) Washington Post
2) Internet
7) Kennedys
3) Netherlands
8) Easter
4) Lake Superior
9) Indian Ocean
5) Alps
Uppsala University
Department of English
A1/HS1 Grammar
Spring Term 2011
Grammar Assignment 3. Verbs and Verb Phrases I
1 Seminar Tasks
Task 1. Should vs. Would
Complete sentences (1)–(6) below by using either would or should, and explain why
would or should should be used in each sentence.
People __________ drive more carefully.
People __________ drive more carefully if they realised what harm they
could cause.
__________n’t it be nice to go on a long holiday?
She __________ be there by now.
When I was a child, we __________ spend hours climbing the oak tree.
The angry neighbour insisted that the boy __________ pay for the damage
he had done.
Task 2. The Passive Voice
Explain what the passive is and how it is formed. Give examples of your own,
some with the agent expressed and others without the agent.
Identify subjects, verbs, and objects in sentences (1)–(6) below. Then try to
transform all of sentences (1)–(12) from the active to the passive voice. Make
sure that all features of each active verb phrase (e.g. the progressive or the
perfect) are also present in your passive version. Can all of the sentences be
made passive? If not, why not? Does the agent always need to be expressed in
the passive version?
They make these boots for walking.
Two thugs threw Hugh out of the pub.
Somebody has broken two windows.
She is a very nice girl.
You can borrow books at the library.
They told me to be quiet.
Mary will look after the children.
Two policemen were following the young man.
The sun rises at 5.11 a.m. in August.
10) They have not yet paid for the car.
11) They didn’t use telephones in the 19th century.
12) Susan gave me a book when I turned twenty-one.
When is the passive voice more suitable than the active voice?
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Department of English
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Spring Term 2011
Task 3. Be, Have, and Do
What are the functions of be, have, and do as auxiliary verbs? What types of verb
forms do they co-occur with when they are used as auxiliaries?
Task 4. Finite and Nonfinite Verb Forms
Pick out the finite and nonfinite verb forms in sentences (1)–(4).
When will you arrive?
My friends have no car now, but they will get one next year.
We would have had a lovely time if someone had not stolen our car.
They must have been watching the game when we rang the doorbell.
Task 5. Spot the Errors
Find the grammar problems in sentences (1)–(4) below, correct the errors, and
explain why the correction is necessary.
*I would had died if I had not got out of the car.
*She became hurt by his spiteful remark.
*They should not had said that.
*Should you like to go to the movies with me?
2 Self-study Tasks
Task 1. Irregular Verbs
Fill in appropriate forms of irregular verbs in the 62 blanks below. Do not use
the progressive. Choose different verbs in (30) and (31), and also in (26) and
(43). Note that some blanks will require you to use more than one word.
Provide the principal parts of all the English verbs used in (1)–(62) below.
Which of the forms in (1)–(62) are finite and which are nonfinite? Explain how
finite and nonfinite verb forms are combined to form verb phrases in English.
Tom, Dick and Harry had (1) __________ weeks planning 1 tillbringa
their holiday. They had (2) __________ out articles about 2 klippa
Yorkshire, and had (3) __________ maps of the
3 sprida ut
countryside or (4) __________ them up on the walls.
4 hänga
Unfortunately, the holiday was (5) __________ by a
5 fördärva
number of accidents. Tom (6) __________,
6 bli förkyld
Dick was (7) __________ by a wasp and Harry was
7 sticka
(8) __________ by hundreds of mosquitoes. The boat they 8 bita
had (9) __________ leaked and (10) __________.
9 bygga
10 sjunka
When they had (11) __________ to the shore, they were
11 simma
(12) __________ by an angry bull. Their clothes were
12 möta
(13) __________when they (14) __________ across
13 slita sönder 14 fly
the field and (15) __________ themselves across a barbed 15 kasta
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Department of English
A1/HS1 Grammar
Spring Term 2011
wire fence. Tom (16) _________ that he had (17) _________
his camera, which he had been (18) __________ by his
parents. He almost (19) __________ and (20) __________
his nose every five minutes. Dick (21) __________
on the grass, because his left leg (22) __________
terribly and he soon (23) __________.
When he (24) __________, he (25) __________even
worse. He (26) __________, but when he (27) __________
to walk, he stumbled and (28) __________ double in pain.
Harry (29) __________ he (30) __________ go and get help
though he (31) __________ walk barefoot, as one of his
shoes had (32) __________ in the mud by the lake. He
(33) __________ his friends and (34) __________ to the
road. Soon he (35) __________ a car. The man who
(36) __________ it (37) __________his shouts and stopped.
He (38) __________ them to his house,
(39) __________ them to take off their wet clothes and
(40) __________ them to bed. When they had
(41) __________, they
(42) __________ like logs. The following morning,
they (43) __________ early. The kind man
had (44) __________ an enormous breakfast, and
they (45) __________everything on the table, as they had
not (46) __________ or (47) __________ anything for
twelve hours. They (48) __________on their clothes, which
were dry, but had (49) __________a little. The boys looked
as if they had (50) __________ a bit during the night.
Suddenly the clock in the kitchen (51) __________
twelve. They (52) __________ no idea it was so late, as
they had not (53) __________their watches. They asked
the man how much bed and breakfast in his house
(54) __________ but he (55) __________ his head
and (56) __________, ‚Nothing.‛ But they (57) __________
him a little, anyhow. Then the telephone (58) __________.
It was a neighbour, who had (59) __________ Tom’s
camera and Harry’s shoe, which (60) __________them
very pleased. On their way home they (61) __________
never to take an outdoor holiday again, and the
following year they (62) __________ to Paris instead.
16 finna 17 tappa bort
18 ge
19 gråta 20 snyta sig
21 lägga sig
22 göra ont
23 somna
24 vakna 25 känna sig
26 resa sig 27 börja
28 böja sig
29 tänka 30 måste
31 måste
32 fastna
33 lämna 34 gå
35 se
36 köra
37 höra
38 ta
39 säga åt
40 skicka
41 gå och lägga sig
42 sova
43 stiga upp
44 laga
45 äta
46 äta 47 dricka
48 sätta på sig
49 krympa
50 växa
51 slå
52 ha
53 dra upp
54 kosta
56 säga
58 ringa
59 hitta
60 göra
61 svära
62 flyga
55 skaka
57 betala
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Department of English
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Spring Term 2011
Task 2. More Irregular Verbs
Fill in the appropriate form of an irregular verb in each of the blanks. Use the simple
(non-progressive) form if at all possible. Note that some of the blanks will require
you to use more than one word.
Bära. The bride was very pretty. She __________ 1 a short white dress and
__________ 2 a bouquet of wild flowers. After years of hard work, their efforts have
__________ 3 fruit.
Slå. We were very pleased when our team __________ 4 the others by six to four.
Cinderella had to leave the ball when the clock __________ 5 twelve. You have
__________ 6 the nail on the head. He first __________ 7 (= vispade) the eggs and then
poured them into the frying-pan. Were you afraid? Yes, my heart __________ 8 twice
as fast as usual. Why did that tree fall? It __________ 9 (= träffades) by lightning.
The boy __________ 10 (= blev slagen) black and blue by the furious farmer.
At ten Jim felt very tired, so he __________ 11 (gick och lade sig), but he could not
sleep. He __________ 12 (låg) tossing and turning under the blanket, trying to
remember where he had __________ 13 (lagt) the important letter. When he had
__________ 14 (legat) sleepless for three hours, he got up and fell over his dog who
__________ 15 (lagt sig) in the doorway.
Jane __________ 16 (satt) in the garden when a wasp __________ 17 (stack) her.
He couldn’t say anything – the words __________ 18 (fastnade) in his throat.
That shirt looks expensive. Well, I only __________ 19 (betalade) six pounds for it.
That’s cheap. I’ve __________ 20 (sytt) this blouse myself and the material alone
__________ 21 (kostade) six pounds.
Tom __________ 22 (köpte) a painting the other day and __________ 23 (hängde) it on
his living-room wall. He was very __________ 24 (sårad) when his friends said he had
__________ 25 (hängt) it upside down.
The refugees who had __________ 26 (flytt) from the war __________ 27 (flögs) to a
safer place.
Late at night, when the trees __________ 28 (kastade) deep shadows in the garden,
they __________ 29 (grävde) a deep hole in a secluded spot and __________ 30
(kastade) the __________ 31 (stulna) silver into it.
When offered a sweet he __________ 32 (valde) a toffee and __________ 33 (bet) into it
so hard that a tooth __________ 34 (gick sönder) whereupon he __________ 35
(spottade) out the pieces and __________ 36 (brast) into tears.
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Department of English
A1/HS1 Grammar
Spring Term 2011
Grammar Assignment 4. Verbs and Verb Phrases
1 Seminar Tasks
Task 1. Expressions of Time in Swedish and English
Translate sentences (1)–(8) into English. Pay special attention to the changes in verb
form (e.g. from the present tense in Swedish to the past tense in English) that are
required and explain why those changes are necessary.
Det är på tiden att du berättar sanningen.
Vem har talat om för dig att jag var hemma?
Var är du född? Jag är född utomlands.
Vem har målat den här tavlan?
Han har bott utomlands i många år (och gör det fortfarande).
Tidigare har han också bott i Sverige ett par år.
Jag ringer dig när jag har hört av honom.
Om du behöver hjälp, tar jag över några av dina uppgifter.
Task 2. The Conditional
Translate sentences (1) and (2) below into English. Are there alternative
Swedish expressions for either of the two occurrences of Hon hade gått hem?
What is the difference in meaning between the two complete sentences?
Hon hade gått hem när han kom till partyt.
Hon hade gått hem om han kommit till partyt.
Translate sentences (3)–(9) below into English and comment on any differences
in verb-phrase structure between the Swedish original and the English
Om hon kommer stannar jag.
Om hon kom skulle jag stanna.
Om hon hade kommit skulle jag ha stannat (… hade jag stannat).
Om du hade hjälpt mig hade det nog gått bättre.
Det hade varit trevligt med en julfest.
Det hade varit bättre om du inte kommit för sent.
Annars hade han säkert trott mig.
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Spring Term 2011
Task 3. Aspect: The Progressive vs. the Simple Form
Comment on the different meanings of the simple form and the progressive
with reference to examples (1)–(5).
It’s raining again – it always rains here this time of the year.
It’s always raining when I want to go running.
What does he do? – He is an agent of some sort, I think.
What’s he doing? – Probably trying to relax, I would say.
Is he really that stupid or is he just being silly, do you think? – Oh, he is
always trying to be funny and making an ass of himself.
Give examples of verbs that usually cannot be used in the progressive.
Task 4. Verb Complements
Translate sentences (1)–(15) into English and comment on any changes you need to
make to the structure of verb phrases.
En del studenter tycker illa om (= dislike) att behöva läsa en roman i
Jag tycker det är roligt (= enjoy) att läsa engelsk litteratur.
Jag kommer att fortsätta läsa engelsk litteratur.
Jag undviker att läsa romaner på svenska.
Jag älskar att ligga kvar i sängen och läsa en engelsk roman.
Det värsta är att jag riskerar att aldrig komma ur sängen.
Min mamma kommer ihåg att hon gjorde detsamma när hon var student.
Jag kan inte låta bli att tycka om henne.
Mina föräldrar förväntar sig att jag skall lyckas.
10) De har fått mig att prenumerera på Newsweek.
11) Jag längtar efter att terminen ska ta slut.
12) Min pojkvän vill att vi skall ut och resa.
13) Det är bäst att vi avslutar våra kurser innan vi ger oss av.
14) I alla fall får jag inte glömma (= måste jag komma ihåg) att ringa resebyrån.
15) Jag kom på honom med att stjäla en mobiltelefon.
2 Self-study Tasks
Task 1. More Verb Phrases
Arrange the following jumbled words in the right order to form an acceptable
clause in English: have, would, liked, done, to have, and it.
I _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ if I had had the time.
What does each 'd stand for in the following sentence?
You'd have liked him, if you'd met him then. You __________ have liked him if
you __________ met him then.
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Spring Term 2011
Task 2. Expressing Time
Translate sentences (1)–(6) into English.
Han är snart här.
Om jag gått hem genast hade jag träffat min farbror.
Det är på tiden att du köper en ny bil.
Min bror är född i Stockholm, men jag är född i Uppsala.
Vem har skrivit Romeo och Julia?
Han har bott i London i fem år, men nu har han flyttat tillbaka till Uppsala
för gott.
Task 3. The Progressive vs. the Simple Form
Explain the differences in meaning between the sentence pairs in (1) and (2).
She is eating sushi.
ii) She eats sushi.
She smoked a cigarette when she heard the news.
ii) She was smoking a cigarette when she heard the news.
Why are sentences (3) and (4) below not grammatically well-formed?
* She is liking sushi.
* They are owning a car.
Task 4. Verb-phrase Structure
Consider sentences (1)–(6) below. First, find all verb phrases in (1)–(6). Secondly,
look at each verb phrase and state whether each verb form in it is finite or nonfinite.
Thirdly, decide whether each verb form in each verb phrase is a primary auxiliary, a
modal auxiliary, or a main verb. Fourthly, decide whether the main verb in each
verb phrase is transitive, intransitive, or a linking verb. Finally, make a note of
which verb phrases, if any, are in (i) the present perfect, (ii) the past perfect, (iii) the
progressive, (iv) the subjunctive, and (v) the imperative. Note that this question
requires you to draw on several different parts of Chapter 5 in UGE.
Grammar can be great fun.
The hostess demanded that he leave immediately.
I have told him a story.
I had left the party before you arrived.
Listen carefully!
It’s raining outside.
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Department of English
A1/HS1 Grammar
Spring Term 2011
Task 5. Spot the Error
Identify, correct, and explain the errors in (1)–(4) below; the errors may concern any
part of Chapter 5 in UGE.
*If this would not have happened, we had not got to know some
surprising facts.
*Many hours of work could disappear if the computer would break down.
*He promised that he should help me the next time.
*The manager demands that the club shall purchase new players.
Uppsala University
Department of English
A1/HS1 Grammar
Spring Term 2011
Grammar Assignment 5. Pronouns I
1 Seminar Tasks
Task 1. Swedish det in English
Check UGE for some useful rules about when to use it and there to translate
Swedish det and use those rules to explain the choice of pronoun
corresponding to Swedish det in sentences (1)–(13).
There’s no business like show business.
The moon is full tonight. No, it is only a paper moon.
There’s no moon tonight.
It’s raining, but there is not a cloud in the sky.
There is a new book on the course list. It is Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet.
There is something I’d like to discuss with you.
It’s only a matter of taste, but I’d like to discuss it anyway.
There are five sandwiches left.
It’s said that there will be more budget cuts next year.
10) There is a lot of talk about budget cuts.
11) There are five questions we need to discuss.
12) There is time for a break/It is time for a break.
13) It is true that we do not agree on everything.
Sentences (14)–(17) contain various errors, some of which have to do with the
translation of Swedish det. Correct the errors and explain why the examples are
not correct.
14) *It is very seldom any talk about more men taking jobs that have
traditionally been dominated by women.
15) *Is this a valid excuse or should it be less slander and gossip in the media?
16) *There has been discussions about whether or not drugs should be
17) *Are we in a hurry? It is plenty of time.
Fill in the right alternative (it or there) in (18)–(22) and explain your choice.
18) What’s the weather like? __________ is cold every day.
19) I like to sleep with an open bedroom window, even if __________ is snow
20) __________ will be more and more people who are worn out by their jobs.
21) More people will lose their jobs, since __________ is a trend towards more
22) __________ is a long way to walk.
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Spring Term 2011
Task 2. Demonstratives
Translate sentences (1)–(6) into English.
Det här var oväntade upplysningar.
De här nyheterna stod i alla tidningar i morse.
Det där är goda råd.
De där pengarna är inte dina.
Det där är dina problem.
Det här verkar vara svåra uppgifter.
Task 3. Swedish den/det/de/dem som
Fill in the gaps in sentences (1)–(7) and translate sentence (8).
This is a much better car than __________ I had before.
Today’s cars are faster than __________ that were made in the fifties.
I like this beer better than __________ we had yesterday.
__________ wants to study in Uppsala must belong to a ‚student nation‛.
I would like to talk to __________ wrote this article.
__________ who wish to leave can do so.
__________ believes that is a fool.
Den som har träffat honom glömmer honom inte.
Task 4. Interrogative Pronouns
Complete sentences (1)–(7) by supplying an appropriate interrogative word or
phrase corresponding to the Swedish words given within square brackets.
__________ [Vilken] size is it? Do you know?
__________ [Vilka] did you have in mind for the kitchen job?
You of all people should know __________ [vilka] the risks are.
__________ [Vilken] newspaper do you prefer, The Times or the Guardian?
Do you know __________ [vem av tvillingarna som] won the tournament?
__________ [Vilkas] rights are we talking about?
For __________ [vilken] reason did you change your mind?
Translate sentences (8)–(10) into English and comment on what happens to
Swedish som.
Läraren frågade vilken av de andra pojkarna som sparkat Tom.
Vet du vilka av alla de här böckerna som tillhör biblioteket?
10) Det är osäkert hur många av de här böckerna som kommer att lämnas
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Department of English
A1/HS1 Grammar
Spring Term 2011
Task 5. The Translation of Swedish man
Translate sentences (1)–(4) below, paying special attention to the translation of
Swedish man. What factors decide how man should be translated?
Man fann de stulna pengarna i en byrålåda.
På den tiden hade man inte tillgång till datorer.
I Sverige kör man på höger sida.
Om man gör det på det här sättet borde det fungera.
2 Self-study Tasks
Task 1. Interrogative Pronouns
Translate sentences (1)–(10) and explain your translation of each italicised pronoun.
Vem sa det?
Vem av pojkarna sa det?
Vem som sa det är oklart.
Vems bok är det här?
Vem tillhör den här boken?
Vem såg du?
Vem såg dig?
Vilken film såg ni? —Vi såg två. —Vilken var bäst?
Vilka är de där typerna?
10) Vilken är sannolikheten för att detta skall hända?
Task 2. Independent Possessive Pronouns
Complete sentences (2)–(5) below following the pattern given in sentence (1).
I have a cat; the cat is mine.
They have a farm; the farm is __________.
We have a shoe shop; the shoe shop is __________.
She has a summer hat; the summer hat is __________.
You have a car; the car is __________.
Task 3. Spot the Error
Identify the errors in (1)–(5), correct the errors, and explain why the correction is
*Finally, Peter and Mary have got an own car!
*Remember to brush the teeth before you go to bed.
*Who’s jacket is this?
*Sue wants to know how many chairs that will be needed for the dinner
*The one who wants to study wild rabbits should go to Gotland.
Uppsala University
Department of English
A1/HS1 Grammar
Spring Term 2011
Grammar Assignment 6. Pronouns II;
Prepositions; Numerals
1 Seminar Tasks
Task 1. Relative Pronouns
Complete sentences (1)–(5) below by adding a relative pronoun and explain your
choice of pronoun. Sometimes several relative pronouns can be used; if so, list all
possible options and explain why each option is possible. Finally, check whether
the relative pronoun can be omitted in any of the sentences, and explain why, if so.
The person __________ I respect the most is you.
She loved a man __________ was only interested in her money.
We passed the bank __________ had been robbed the day before.
He tried to call his bank, __________ had been robbed the day before.
The suspect said he had nothing to do with the robbery, __________ was
not true.
Task 2. Preposition + att
Translate sentences (1) and (2) into English. There are at least two options in (1)
and three in (2) (not counting different ways of rendering än han in [2]).
Han tänkte inte på att hon var tjugo år äldre nu.
Han var förvånad över att hon var tjugo år äldre än han.
Make up four more examples using the constructions look forward to, be
interested in, apologize for, and be worried about.
Task 3. Prepositional Complementation
Translate sentences (1)–(11) into English and explain the changes you have to make
when you translate them.
Jag är verkligen intresserad av att lära mig engelska.
Jag är inte rädd för att göra fel.
Man kan inte lära sig utan att göra fel.
Jag är riktigt bra på att slå upp ord som jag inte förstår i stället för att gissa
vad de betyder.
Jag är van vid att plugga (plugga = study) mycket.
Jag är medveten om att man måste plugga för att klara provet.
Men jag kan inte plugga hemma utan att mina vänner stör mig hela tiden.
Just nu föredrar jag att plugga framför att roa mig.
Jag blir ganska irriterad över att de försöker få mig att följa med dem ut.
10) De är förvånade över att jag föredrar att stanna hemma.
11) Jag ser fram emot att åka till Alperna i jul.
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Department of English
A1/HS1 Grammar
Spring Term 2011
Task 4. Translation Problems
Translate sentences (1)–(17) into English and comment on your use of pronouns and
Vi läser alltid varandras uppsatser.
Någon av flickorna har glömt att borsta tänderna.
Finns det något bra hotell i den här staden?
Ingen av tvillingarna kunde svara på frågan.
Alla som vill se filmen är här.
Det som är svårt är framför allt att förstå honom.
Såg någon något?
Ingen såg något.
Ingen av dem såg något.
10) Någon måste ha sett något.
11) Åtminstone någon av dem borde ha sett något.
12) Några av dem såg nog något.
13) Historikerna hävdar att 1900-talet egentligen började 1914.
14) Sextio procent av vattnet vi dricker är förorenat.
15) Jag läser en och en halv bok i veckan.
16) Sverige har 9,3 miljoner invånare.
17) En snöig kväll körde han av vägen.
2 Self-study Tasks
Task 1. Quantifying Pronouns
Translate sentences (1)–(17).
De flesta studenter har studielån.
Många tar arbete under sommaren.
Båda proven var svåra för de flesta.
De båda proven kompletterar varandra.
De flesta studenterna klarade sig bra.
Det var mindre oväsen igår kväll, eftersom det var mindre folk där.
Hon har mycket pengar.
Hon har en del pengar men inte särskilt mycket.
Hon har en hel del vänner.
10) Hon fick inte så många trevliga nyheter som hon hade önskat.
11) Ge mig några goda råd.
12) Det var åtminstone femtio personer för mycket på konserten.
13) Han sov hela dagen.
14) Hela Sverige är snötäckt nu.
15) Det mesta var rätt.
16) För det mesta är jag på gott humör.
17) Han har hjälpt mig mycket, bland annat med mina läxor.
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Department of English
A1/HS1 Grammar
Spring Term 2011
Task 2. Spot the Error
Identify the errors in sentences (1)–(2) below, correct the errors, and explain why the
correction is necessary.
*We lost all of the books that has been published since 1990 in the fire.
*There is a great deal of cars in the area.
Task 3. Mixed Pronouns
What are the differences in meaning between the sentence pairs in (1), (2), (3), (4),
and (5)? (Note that this question may concern any part of Chapter 8 in UGE.)
He bought himself a pint.
ii) He bought him a pint.
We had to pay for some food we had eaten.
ii) We had to pay for any food we had eaten.
We asked his sisters, but neither of them knew where he was.
ii) We asked his sisters, but none of them knew where he was.
He put on his shoes and jacket.
ii) He put on the shoes and jacket.
What questions did you deal with in the seminar?
ii) Which questions did you deal with in the seminar?
Uppsala University
Department of English
A1/HS1 Grammar
Spring Term 2011
Grammar Assignment 7. Adjectives; Adverbs;
Adverbials; Word Order
1 Seminar Tasks
Task 1. Identifying Adjectives and Adverbs
Identify the adjectives and adverbs in (1)–(5) by analysing their function, i.e.
decide (i) what word each adjective or adverb describes and (ii) what word
class the described word belongs to. In addition, explain whether each adjective
is attributive or predicative.
There was a sudden scuffling noise from inside the hole.
‚You are quite right,‛ said Rabbit.
‚I wasn’t sure … One has to be careful.‛
‚It’s because you are a very small animal that you will be Useful in the
adventure before us.‛
‚You needn’t shout so loud. I heard you quite well the first time.‛
Explain why the italicized words in (6)–(10) are adjectives.
Come as soon as possible.
Let’s watch TV, as usual.
The flowers look beautiful. They smell wonderful, too.
Something terrible happened then.
10) I have nothing interesting to do.
Task 2. Adjective or Adverb?
Study sentences (1)–(5) below and determine whether the italicized words are
adjectives or adverbs. What criteria do you use? What conclusions can you
draw about the form of adjectives and adverbs?
Although Pete ran fast, George ran even more quickly this time.
He wrongly concluded that he had answered wrong; he had, in fact,
answered completely correctly.
She gave a very lively impression, and was generally very friendly.
She likes to be alone and does not seem lonely.
‚This smells real good.‛
Uppsala University
Department of English
A1/HS1 Grammar
Spring Term 2011
Adjective or adverb? Choose the right form and comment on it.
It was __________ well done of her.
ii) How __________!
iii) That dress looks __________.
iv) It’s __________ small.
She must have been a __________ baby.
ii) How __________ she played.
iii) It was a __________ red colour.
iv) The place sounds __________.
She behaved in her __________ friendly way.
ii) It was longer than __________.
iii) She’s __________ very slow.
The tree was very __________, but he climbed as __________ up as he
ii) She was __________ surprised by the news.
He hit me very __________.
ii) He was __________ responsible for his doings.
He had a very __________ manner.
ii) He spoke __________ to the old couple.
He has a __________ voice.
ii) He complained __________ about the service.
That was the __________ answer.
ii) He answered __________.
Task 3. The Formation of Adverbs from Adjectives
Turn the adjectives in (1)–(10) into adverbs and comment on the forms of the
resulting adverbs.
1) basic
2) absolute
3) whole
4) impossible
5) direct
6) economic
6) public
8) hearty
9) true
10) curious
Uppsala University
Department of English
A1/HS1 Grammar
Spring Term 2011
Task 4. Special Adverbs
Translate (1)–(9) into English and comment on your translation of adverbs.
Jag tycker mycket om Bergmans filmer.
De har ofta mycket intressanta teman.
Den senaste har omtalats mycket.
Ändå var de mycket tråkigare än jag väntat mig.
Jag är inte särskilt rädd än.
Det var ännu inte särskilt sent.
Först var han väldigt intresserad av henne.
Han arbetade mycket hårdare än de andra.
Ändå är han den mest spännande skådespelaren i den här filmen.
Task 5. Translation Problems
Translate (1)–(17) into English and explain any changes that you have to make in
your translation.
Tom tyckte aldrig egentligen om franska i skolan.
Han gjorde mycket sällan sina franskaläxor.
Han tittade nästan aldrig på franska TV-program.
När han senare i livet var tvungen att använda franska i sitt jobb, förstod
han snart att det aldrig skulle gå.
Han hade under många år trott att han kunde tillräckligt.
Han sade att han till sin förvåning funnit att de för det mesta hade svarat
på franska.
Engelska vågade de inte tala.
Han hoppades att han aldrig skulle bli tvungen att resa till Frankrike igen.
När min chef i augusti förra sommaren fyllde femtio år hade han en stor
10) Det lustiga är att politikerna ignorerar problemet.
11) Det här är en skola för blinda.
12) Den gamle var intresserad av det undermedvetna.
13) Det tragiska är att de fattigas villkor inte har förbättrats.
14) De två sista veckorna har varit jobbiga.
15) De första åren var de lyckligaste i mitt liv.
16) Kom ihåg att inte skratta förrän hon slutat tala.
17) Inte förrän jag köpt skorna kom jag ihåg att jag behövde strumpor också.
Uppsala University
Department of English
A1/HS1 Grammar
Spring Term 2011
2 Self-study Tasks
Task 1. More on Adjectives and Adverbs
Identify all adjectives and adverbs in sentences (1)–(4) below. What word(s) does
each adjective or adverb that you identify describe? Are the adjectives that you
identify attributive or predicative?
Tom tried hard but he had a hard time competing with Fred, who drove
terribly fast in his fast car.
He walked quickly down the street, singing quietly to himself.
We arrived late because we missed the early bus, but no one noticed
because everybody was actually late for the meeting.
These socks are old and smell extremely bad.
Task 2. Adjectives, Adverbs, and Clause Elements
Translate sentences (1) and (2) below into English. Then identify the clause elements
in both the Swedish and the English versions of (1) and (2).
Soppan luktade underbart.
Kaffet smakar riktigt gott.
Task 3. Spot the Error
Identify the grammar problems in sentences (1)–(4) below, and correct and explain
the errors.
*He tells me that he always is short of money.
*The students were surprised that they after three years had forgotten
everything they learnt at university.
*Not until the tournament was over he would realize that his racket was
*My friends keep telling me to not worry about the exam.
Uppsala University
Department of English
A1/HS1 Grammar
Spring Term 2011
Task 4. Adverbials of Time
Many adverbials of time (i.e. adverbials that answer questions such as When?, How
often?, and For how long?) consist of prepositional phrases where a certain, idiomatic
preposition is required, often very different from the one in the corresponding
Swedish idiom. Find out what the English equivalents of the Swedish time
expressions in (1)–(34) are using UGE (especially Appendices 14–16) and the
Longman dictionary.
på morgonen/förmiddagen
i gryningen
klockan 12 på dagen/natten
i slutet av förra året
på eftermiddagen
i början av månaden
på kvällen
i oktober månad
på natten
10) redan i juni månad
11) på lördagskvällarna
12) vid lunchtid(en)
13) på natten den 16 januari
14) i övermorgon
15) på tisdag
16) en dag (förfluten tid)
17) på våren 1990
18) en dag (framtid)
19) på 30-talet
20) en solig dag
21) under det senaste århundradet
22) år 1950
23) under de följande dagarna
24) den tredje juni
25) om en timme
26) klockan 8 precis
27) på morgonen den 1 april
28) först i maj
29) förra veckan/nästa vecka
30) inte förrän på lördag
31) vid solnedgången/vid soluppgången
32) vid detta tillfälle
33) i skymningen
34) vid första bästa tillfälle