What word best describes this tree? Are you and the tree alike in any way? STRESS Quick Quiz- True or False? v It is possible to live without stress. v Stress is always bad for you. Most people experience G.A.S. when they encounter a stressful situation? Being a teenager is stressful. v v STRESS VOCABULARY v Stress; “the response of the body to the demands of daily living.” v Stressor; “a source or cause of stress.” STRESS 2 TYPES OF STRESS“DISTRESS” the bad stress -unpleasant and providing no positive result “EUSTRESS” the good stress -helpful as it helps you focus, perform better or get through a tough situation Types of Stressors n n Biological stressors - illnesses, injuries, disabilities Environmental stressors - being poor, dealing with crowds, natural disasters, the weather, etc. Types of Stressors cont… n Cognitive stressors - the way you think you fit in or how you think a situation affects you & your world n Personal behavior stressors – Stress based on CHOICES you make with activities like drinking, using drugs, exercising… n Life situation stressors – dealing with death, a divorce in your family or difficulty in a relationship STRESS What is the “Fight or Flight” response? – Can you think of any examples of this? This causes what body systems to be active? THE ENDOCRINE & THE NERVOUS SYSTEMS What is the emergency hormone? ADRENALINE STRESS v G.A.S. – General Adaptation Syndrome When you face stress, you will often experience physical changes; THERE ARE 3 STAGES of G.A.S. -Alarm Stage -Resistance Stage -Fatigue Stage STRESS v G.A.S. – General Adaptation Syndrome The Alarm Stage- the body prepares… (Wkbk p. ____) -adrenaline is released -pupils dilate (vision expands) -hearing sharpens -saliva decreases (drymouth) -heart rate & blood pressure increase -digestion slows -muscles tighten STRESS v G.A.S. – General Adaptation Syndrome The Resistance Stage- (the body attempts to REGAIN balance… - all the physical changes that took place in the alarm stage are reversed… the body returns to its normal state of function. « BOTH THE ALARM & RESISTANCE STAGES ARE NORMAL AND HEALTHY… but…. STRESS v G.A.S. – General Adaptation Syndrome The Fatigue Stage* occurs when the body remains under stress for a prolonged amount of time. * risk of injury, sickness and even death (usually depression and other physical, mental, or emotional disorders will appear as well.) STRESS n n n physical fatigue – – muscles are overused, sore and painful psychological fatigue – – can result from constant worry, overwork, depression, boredom, isolation pathological fatigue – – being tired/exhausted as your body overworks to fight against diseases, obesity, malnutrition, drugs, alcohol, etc. STRESS n WHAT BODY SYSTEM WEAKENS WITH STRESS? THE IMMUNE SYSTEM! ??? So what can we do to control and manage stress? -Worry about what you can control! -Engage in exercise! (it releases beta-endorphins) -Look for support from friends & family -Find a hobby, sport or activity that you enjoy -Avoid using tobacco, alcohol & drugs -Sleep well! (you should have a sleep pattern.) -Eat well! (stress uses vitamins B & C) -Manage time effectively -Laugh!!! (this also releases beta-endorphins) It’s just a JOKE! Don’t really do this!!!! But you should try to LAUGH everyday!
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