Effective January 2016 YOUTH BASKETBALL RULES ARTICLE 1 - LEAGUE CLASSIFICATION, PLAYER ELIGIBILITY AND TEAM FORMATION Section 1 – League Classifications and Divisions A. Leagues will be formed by age. League classifications are: AGE Kindergarten-1st Grade – Co-Ed 2nd-3rd Grade – Co-Ed 4th Grade Boys 4th Grade Girls 5th Grade Boys 5th Grade Girls 6th Grade Boys 6-8th Grade Girls 7th-8th Grade Boys Note: The age cutoff date for leagues is August 31st 2015 Section 2 – Player Eligibility A. A player’s age on or before August 31st 2015 determines the age in which the player is eligible to participate for the 2015 season. B. For Recreation leagues a player’s eligibility is also determined by which school he/she attends or the player’s permanent address. Each school has been placed into one of four districts. Refer to Article I, Section 4 for details on the District format. C. For Competitive leagues, players may attend schools from across all districts. Section 3 – Team Formation A. Recreation Teams: In order to be eligible to play in a recreation league, all players on a team roster must come from the same district. Should one player on a roster fall outside of the district, that team shall be automatically placed into the competitive division of play. Refer to Article I, Section 4 for details on the District format. B. Competitive Teams: 4th Grade, 5th, 6th-7th, and 8th-9th leagues may be formed from players attending schools from across all districts. District teams have the option to play in the competitive league. C. K-1 and 2-3 grade leagues are coed only. Teams may be formed of any combinations of boys and girls. There are no competitive options. All players must be from the same district, unless approved by MPT staff. NOTE: League administrators have the right to combine competitive and recreation th th th th th th leagues in the 4 Grade, 5 , 6 -7 , and 8 -9 divisions, based on registration. Section 4 – District Format ALL PLAYERS ON RECREATION AND CO-ED TEAMS MUST GO TO SCHOOL OR RESIDE IN THE SAME DISTRICT. REFER TO THE NYSA DISTRICT MAP ON THE NEXT PAGE FOR DETAILS. ARTICLE II—EQUIPMENT AND UNIFORMS Section 1 – Game Equipment League and appropriate ball sizes are as follows: K-1st and 2nd-3rd Co-ed 4th and 5th Grade Boys and Girls 6th-8th Grade Girls 6th Grade Boys 7th-8th Grade Boys Size 110 or Junior Official – 27 ¼” – 27 ¾” Size 115 or Official 28.5 – 28 ½” – 29” Size 115 or Official 28.5 – 28 ½” – 29” Size 125 or Official – 29 ½” – 30” Size 125 or Official – 29 ½” – 30” Section 2 - Uniforms A) Full uniforms are permitted in all leagues. B) All players on a team must wear shirts of the same color. C) If opposing teams appear for a game, wearing shirts of the same color, the home team is responsible for changing shirts. D) MPT jersey will be provided to all teams. ARTICLE IV – GAME PLAY All divisions will be governed by the National Federation of High Schools (NFHS) basketball rule book except for league specific adjustments outlined in these rules. A rules matrix detailing these adjustments is included with these rules. Grace Period: There will be a 10 minute grace period from the official start time of the game. If a team does not have the required number of players (5) to begin the game at the conclusion of the 10 minute grace period, the game is considered a forfeit and will not be played. Clock: K-1st and 2nd-3rd Co-Ed Divisions: (4) 10 minute running quarters. One minute break in between quarters. Five minute halftime. Each team has two timeouts, but clock will not stop during timeouts. Substitutions can only be made during dead ball situations. 4th – 8th grade Divisions: Every level will play two (2) twenty (20) minute halves with the clock stopping for regulation stops (dead balls) only during the last two minutes of the half and the game. The clock does stop during timeouts. The clock will not stop the last two minutes if the mercy rule is in effect. In league play in which score is kept, for all games that end in a tie, a two-minute overtime period will be played. If the score is still tied, a sudden death period will be played. The first team to score two points will be declared the winner. League Specific Adjustments Zone Defenses: A zone defense is defined as a player defending an area of the court rather than a player. Zone defenses of any kind are not permitted in the K-1st or 2nd-3rd co-ed divisions and 4th Grade Boys divisions. Once an offensive player crosses half-court, the defensive player may closely guard the offensive player. The determination of “illegal defense” will be the judgment call of the official. No Double Teams are allowed. In the 4th Grade Boys and 4/5th Girls divisions help defense is allowed. Help Defense: Double teaming a player is not allowed above the free-throw line extended. However, defensive players may help out if an offensive player with the ball is between the end of the line and the free throw line extended. *NOTE*: Once the offensive player with the ball dribbles above the foul line extended, the help defense must be called off. Full Court Press: K-1st and 2nd-3rd Co-ed 4th Grade Boys 4th and 5th Grade Girls 5th Grade Boys 6th-8th Grade Girls 6th Grade Boys 7th-8th Grade Boys Not permitted Permitted final 2 minutes of 2nd half Permitted final minute of over time During final 3 minutes of each half During final 3 minutes of each half High School Rules High School Rules High School Rules In all divisions if a team is ahead by 15 points or more then no press will be allowed. On change of possession defenders must fall back to the mid-court line. This includes “live ball” situations such as rebounds or steals. Free Throw Line: K-1st and 2nd-3rd Co-ed 4th Grade Boys 4th-5th Grade Girls 5th Grade Boys 6th- 8th Grade Girls 6th Grade Boys 7th-8th Grade Boys No Free Throws Regulation 15ft line Regulation 15ft line Regulation 15ft line Regulation 15ft line Regulation 15ft line Regulation 15ft line Miscellaneous: NO Stealing ball while player is dribbling or possessing in the K-1st or 2nd-3rd co-ed divisions and 4th Grade Boys and 4/5 Girls divisions. Intercepting passes is allowed. Score will not be kept in the K-1 co-ed and 2-3 grade co-ed divisions. A mercy rule will be in effect for ALL divisions. Once a team is ahead by 25 points, that team is declared the official winner of the game, the scoreboard is returned to zeroes and the clock will run continuously. The clock can be stopped for timeouts. No back court pressing is allowed by the winning team when the mercy rule is in effect. In ALL DIVISIONS, teams that are ahead by 15 points or more are not permitted to press in the backcourt. NO SHOT CLOCK WILL BE USED IN GIRLS LEAGUES. See chart on next page for ball size, backcourt checking, back court violations, lane violations, defenses, timeouts, and mercy rule. An official scorekeeper and/or timer will be provided for each game. Score sheets/books maintained by the official scorekeeper will be considered the official score for the game. The home team shall provide the official ball. Standings will be updated after the 3rd week of the season on a weekly basis. Rosters: Prior to the game beginning, all players first and last name as well as their jersey number must be written on the official score sheet by the head coach. Incomplete names will not be accepted and the game will not begin. NYSA RULES CHART * NO Stealing ball while player is dribbling or possessing- Intercepting passes is allowed IN All Divisions, when a team is ahead by 15 points or more, neither team is permitted to press in the backcourt BALL SIZE K-1 -- Co-Ed* TIMEOUTS Size 110 or Junior Official - 27 1/4" - 27 3/4" 2 - 60 sec DEFENSE KEEP SCORE MERCY BACKCOURT VIOL. LANE VIOL. No Full Press & No Zone NO N/A NO NO NO N/A NO NO YES YES 10 sec 5 sec YES YES 10 sec 5 sec YES YES 10 sec 3 sec 4th Boys* Size 115 or Official 28.5 - 28 1/2" - 29" 3 - 60 sec 4-5 Girls* Size 115 or Official 28.5 - 28 1/2" - 29" 3 - 60 sec 5th Boys Size 115 or Official 28.5 - 28 1/2" - 29" 3 - 60 sec No Full Press & No Zone No full Press (Allowed final 2 Min 2nd half No Full Press (allowed final 3 min of each half) No Full Press (allowed final 3 min of each half) 6-8 Girls Size 115 or Official 28.5 - 28 1/2" - 29" 3 - 60 sec HS Rules YES YES 10 sec 3 sec 2-3 -- Co-Ed* Size 110 or Junior Official - 27 1/4" - 27 3/4" 2 - 60 sec 6th Boys Size 125 or Official – 29 ½” – 30" 3 - 60 sec HS Rules YES YES 10 sec 3 sec 7-8 Boys Size 125 or Official – 29 ½” – 30" 3 - 60 sec HS Rules YES YES 10 sec 3 sec Metro Parks Parks and Recreation Select Basketball League Rules 1. League play will begin the week of January 4th 2016 2. Western Washington Basketball officials Association. 3. High School Federation Rules will be used (except for the special rules adopted by Metro Parks Recreation). 4. There will be a 10 minute grace period from the official start time of the game. If a team does not have the required number of players (5) to begin the game at the conclusion of the 10 minute grace period, the game is considered a forfeit and will not be played. 5. Coaches are asked to print the name and uniform number of each player on the scoresheet 6. A regulation size basketball will be used for all league games (girls will use and intermediate size ball) 7. Games will consist of two (2) twenty (20) minute running clock halves. Clock will stop during the last two (2) minutes of each half and during time outs. If a team is ahead by 30 points the clock will not stop the last two (2) two minutes of the game. Overtime will consist of a three (3) minute period with stop clock the last two minutes. Double overtime is one minute with stop clock. If the game is still tied, there will be a sudden period with the first team that scores, wins. 8. Each team will be allowed three (3) time-outs per game. Team will receive one (1) extra time out per overtime period. 9. ZONE DEFENSE AND MAN-TO-MAN DEFENSE WILL BE ALLOWED 10. Full court man-to-man & zone press will be allowed. EXCEPTION: if a team is ahead by twenty-five (25) points, no full court press is allowed. Penalty: First offense the team will receive a warning, second offense will result in a technical foul (automatic two (2) points for the opposing team) 11. The offensive team has ten (10) seconds to bring the ball across the half court line. Over and back will be in effect 12. All technical and flagrant fouls will be an automatic two (2) points and the ball. Two unsportsmanlike technical fouls during a game is an ejection from the game and the next schedule game. Three unsportsmanlike technical fouls during the season will result in dismissal from the league. 13. Three technical fouls by one team in the same game, the game is a forfeit. 14. No Protests allowed. 15. There will be no rescheduling of games once the game schedules have been distributed. If you have to forfeit or cancel a game, you must notify the league office by 12:00pm of the day of the game. If we are not notified in advance and your team does not show up you will be billed for the official fees for that game. ***MORE RULES ON THE BACK*** GAME CONDUCT AND DISCIPLINARY ACTION • No unsportsmanlike conduct, use of foul language or fighting will be tolerated on the part of any coach, player or spectator. The supervisor has the right to suspend any player, coach or spectator from participating in the program. Any player, coach or spectator ejected from a game due to unsportsmanlike behavior will also be suspended from the next scheduled game. • Any coach or player that receives two technical fouls during the game is automatically ejected and must sit the next scheduled game. In addition, any player or coach who receives three technical fouls during the season and further behavior related incidents will result in removal of the team from the league. • Any team who receives three technical fouls during a game, will result in the game being declared a forfeit by their team. In addition, the team will be placed on probation for the remainder of the season and further behavior related incidents will result in removal of the team from the league. CONDUCT RULE • • • • • • • • • • • Coach(es) & bench players must remain seated on the bench at all times while the clock is running or is stopped except to: Rise and stand to give instructions to the bench or players on the court, to request a time out or to acknowledge an outstanding play. Coaches must remain within the designated bench area. Coaches or players may not disrespectfully address an official. Coaches, players, or spectators may not attempt to influence an official’s decision. Coaches, players or spectators may not use profane or inappropriate language or obscene gestures. Coaches, players or spectators may not disrespectfully address, bait, or taunt and opponent. Coaches may not enter the court for any reason unless granted permission by an official to attend to an injured player. The head coach is responsible for the conduct and behavior of players, bench personnel and spectators from their team. Coaches, players, spectators may not confront officials before, during or after a game. At no time shall a coach, player or spectators may not confront officials before, during or after a game. At no time shall a coach, player or spectator make a threat of physical harm or use physical force towards an official, staff or other coaches or players.
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