7th Grade Advanced Unit 1 Syllabus

TPSD ELA Syllabus
7th Grade Advanced
Unit 2
Unit 2
Unit Title
Identity and Transformation
Unit Focus
Advanced: In this unit students will develop their understanding of identity formation and transformation by examining the play Pygmalion by George Bernard Shaw
through the lens of gender roles and identity. Students will also build skills as close readers as they examine a work of literature set in Victorian England. Students will
embark on a close case study of the protagonist, Eliza Doolittle, and analyze the changes within her character internally and externally. They will conduct several close reads
of the text, including decoding dialect and stage directions, as they work to ascertain the ways in which Eliza is transforming her identity, from a flower girl to a "duchess."
As the unit ends, students will write a narrative which focuses on the changes that Eliza made - both inside and outside - and utilizes evidence that has been gathered
throughout the reading of the play and research that has been collected about identity, gender roles, and the impact both have on an individual's sense of self.
Main Texts
Pygmalion by George Bernard Shaw (novel)
Unit Targets
In this unit,
students will learn
these targets:
Provide an analysis of how the
setting and how characters' actions,
dialogue, thoughts, motivations,
and relationships shape the plot.
Provide an analysis of how actions
and events in the plot influence and
shape characters.
Provide an analysis of plot structure
and development (conflict and
resolution, rising and falling
action,subplots) and determine how
events advance the plot, explain
previous events, and foreshadow
later events.
Provide an analysis of cause/effect
interactions between individuals,
events, and ideas in an
informational text.
Provide an analysis of how events,
ideas, or individuals’ actions
influence subsequent events or
ideas in an informational text.
Organize information and present
information in a formal style with
an introduction, supporting
details, transitions, and a
concluding section.
Write a narrative that develops
engaging context to hook the
reader, establishes a point of
view, and organizes an event
sequence that unfolds naturally
and logically.
Include narrative techniques such
as dialogue, pacing, and
description to develop the
characters’ experiences, develops
the events of the plot, develops
complex characters. and allow
the reader to create a visual
picture in their minds.
Choose among simple, compound,
complex, and compound-complex
sentences to signal differing
relationships among ideas.
Use a comma to separate coordinate
Choose language that express ideas
precisely and concisely by
eliminating wordiness and
Interpret figures of speech
(simile, metaphor, hyperbole,
personification, alliteration,
Infer the meanings of words using
context clues.
Analyze the relationships
between particular words, and
use the relationships between
these words to better understand
each of the words (synonyms,
antonyms, analogies).
Use grade-appropriate Greek or
Latin affixes and roots as clues
the the meaning of an unknown
Unit 2
Roots to Learn
Words to Know
Week 1: dict, scrib/script, graph/gram
dictate, contradict, edict, autobiography, telegram, calligraphy, graphic,
inscription, transcript, prescription
Week 2: chron, temp, loc
chronological, chronically, chronicle, chronograph, temporary, contemporary,
location, local, allocate, dislocate
Week 3: mob/mot, tract, tend/tens/tent
mobile, motivation, motive, tractor, detract, contract, attention, extend, tension,
Week 4: hosp, onym, host
hospital, hospitable, homonym, synonym, antonym, anonymous, acronym,
pseudonym, hostile, hostage
narrative techniques, dialogue, pacing, description, experiences, events, characters, effective technique, descriptive details, well-structured sequences, analyze, analysis,
story, drama, interactions, story elements, setting, plot structure, exposition, rising action, conflict, climax, turning point, falling action, solution, resolution, characterization,
archetypes, episodes, foreshadow, key individual, key event, key idea, introduced, illustrated, elaborated, examples, anecdotes, cause and effect relationships, interaction,
simile, metaphor, exaggeration/ hyperbole, personification , informative, explanatory, introduce, topic, previewing, ideas, concepts, related information, logically,
organization, definition, classifications, comparison, contrast, cause, effect, formatting, graphics, multimedia, comprehension, topic, relevant facts, definitions, concrete
details, quotations, examples, transitions, simple sentence, compound sentence, complex sentence, compound-complex sentence, differing, independent clause, dependent
clause, comma, coordinate adjectives, wordiness, redundancy, affix, prefix, suffix, root, allusion, synonym, antonym, analogy