Name: Date: Hour: ID#: Score: /30 Adverbs Part I Directions: Underline each adverb, then write the word that each adverb modifies and write verb, adjective, or adverb to identify the modified word. (2 points each, 20 points total) EXAMPLE: Despite the harshness of their environment, the Hopis have clung very tenaciously to their way of life. Very modifies the adverb tenaciously. Tells to what extent. Tenaciously modifies the verb have clung. Tells how. 1. High on the mesas of Arizona live the Hopi Indians. 2. The Hopi Religion kept them free from outside influences and helped them maintain their extremely interesting culture. 3. Tourists frequently visit Hopi villages to learn about sacred Hopi ceremonies. 4. The Snake Dance is the most famous of these ceremonies. 5. Hopi rituals are based entirely on the need for water to maintain life. 6. Never are visitors allowed to participate in these rituals. 7. The Hopi use brightly colored dolls called “kachina” to represent the spirit world. 8. Kachina dolls are carved from cottonwood roots that have been thoroughly dried. 9. Carving these kachina dolls is an unusually painstaking process. 10. Now some of these kachina dolls are made for sale. Part I Directions: Write adverb or adjective to identify the underlined work in each sentence. (1 point each, 10 points total) 11. Nicole arrived at the parade grounds early. 12. As usual, her dog was behaving badly. 13. Nicole hoped that obedience school would make a good dog out of Bandit. 15. As Bandit pulled at his leash, Nicole began to feel most annoyed. 16. They were sure to fail miserably at this exercise. 17. Bandit really was a mischievous dog. 18. Getting Bandit to behave will be a real achievement. 19. Hyenas have really strong jaws. 14. She and Bandit practiced slow figure eights on the field. 20. In hyena society, the top‐ranking female almost always leads the pack.
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