Whole Numbers - Multiplication Memorizing the multiplication table helps to solve multiplication problems involving single-digit numbers. But when we have multiplication problems that involve multi-digit numbers, it becomes difficult to solve them in our heads. We can use long multiplication and our knowledge of the multiplication table to solve these problems. Example 1: Evaluate 148 × 15 Step 1: Line up the numbers so that the ones place values are directly beneath each other. 148 × 15 Step 2: Multiply 148 by 5 (We start with the digit in the ones place value.) 148 × 15 Step 3: Put a placeholder in the ones place value on the next line since the next digit to be multiplied will be in the tens place value. Step 4: Multiply 148 by 1. 740 148 × 15 740 X 148 × 15 740 148X Step 5: Add the rows of multiples. ∴148 × 15 = 2220 Tutoring and Learning Centre, George Brown College 2014 148 × 15 740 + 148X 2220 www.georgebrown.ca/tlc Whole Numbers - Multiplication Example 2: Evaluate 255 × 123. × 255 123 765 × 255 123 765 510X × 255 123 × 765 510X 255XX 255 123 765 510X + 255XX Notice that before multiplying 1 by 255, we put two placeholders since we are multiplying by 1 in the hundreds place value. 31365 ∴255 × 123 = 31365 Practice Questions Evaluate each product. 3758 × 91 19873 × 254 299643 × 173 171359 × 8361 Answers: 341,978 5,047,742 51,838,239 1,432,732,599 Tutoring and Learning Centre, George Brown College 2014 www.georgebrown.ca/tlc
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