VICE-PRESIDENT SAMUEL KABATZNICK ATTORNEY MAX KABATZNICK pwiaff pinei PRESIDENT HARRIS POORVU SECRETARY ANNA KATZ TREASURER ABRAHAM, BERMAN REPRESENTATIVE AT DOCKS AND V. B. IMMIGRATION STATION BOSTON BRANCH ABRAHAM ALPERT D'rniM nwsn HEBREW SHELTERING AND IMMIGRANT AID SOCIETY OF AMERICA HEBREW IMMIGRANT AID 800IETV ORGANIZED SEPT. ItTH. 1004 HEBREW IMMIGRANT AID 800IETV OF MASSACHUSETTS REORGANIZED JUNE, 1812 HIAS Office: 6 0 Scollay Square, Room 3 5 Telephone Hay market 5628 CABLE ADDRESS: "HIAS, BOSTON" HEAD0UARTER8 425-427 LAFAYETTE STREET NEW YORK BOSTON, MASS. June 18, EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MORRIS ALLMAN S. L. BAILEN ABRAHAM BERMAN MENDEL DUBIN H . FREEDMAN DR. ISAAC 0 . ROSENBERG JOSEPH SELETSKY L. SINGER HYMAN PILL GABRIEL BAKER B. KAPLAN JOSEPH L. SIMON SALEM JOSEPH SLOTNICK BBOOKMNE NATHAN ARONSON GEORGE E. GORDON CHELSEA JACOB OGAN HOLYOKB OFFICERS NATIONAL SOCIETY PRESIDENT ABRAHAM HERMAN VICE-PRESIDENTS LEON KAMAIKY MAX MEYERSON ALBERT ROSENBLATT HOWARD S. LEVY HARRIS POORVU ISRAEL SILBERSTEIN HARRY K. WOLFF LEO S. SCHWABACHER ADOLFH COPELAND MORRIS WEINBERG TREASURER HARRY FISCHEL HONORARY SECRETARY AARON BENJAMIN GENERAL MANAGER I. L. ASOFSKY BRANCHES BALTIMORE 1216 E. BALTIMORE STREET CHICAGO 1214 SO. CLINTON STREET PHILADELPHIA 212 CATHARINE STREET SAN FRANCISCO 149 EDDY STREET SEATTLE FIRST AND CHERRY STREETS WASHINGTON, D. C. ELLIS ISLAND, N . Y. H. EUROPEAN COMMISSION WARSAW 1929. Mr. Louis Marshall, Esq.. P r e s i d e n t Joint Distribution Committee, lew York, 1. Y. Dear Mr. Marshall: Mr. Sam Rosenfield of Boston came to us with the following story: The Stara Konstantine Progressive Association, who are organizedr'in the city of Boston for the purpose of helping their poor friends in the town where they come from, send money to Russia semiannually. The first part of April they sent $200 through Buckman & Feinberg of Boston to the following $100 to Szloima Bereznick, lio. 8 Prirnokowaya Ul., Stara Konstantine, Wolyn, Ukraine, and $100 to Yontol Luxenburg, Lenia Ul., Stara Konstantine, Ukraine, with the stipulation that they buy Passover food such as I&atzos and the like for the poor Jewish peoiDle of their city. When they exchanged the money into Russian rubbels for the purpose of buying the necessary food, they were both arrested and held for receiving money in order to do business with it for their personal use. They found $102.00 with the former and $20.00 with the latter. They were tried at the Shepetovka Okrug and were fined to either paying double the amount that was found in their possession at that time of the arrest or their property will be taken from them. They were given until about the middle of June to see that same is paid. Both men have not the money to pay and they cannot persuade the authorities that the money was sent for the purpose of assisting the needy. June 1 8 , 1929 Mr. L o u i s M a r s h a l l - - 2 . We would g r e a t l y a p p r e c i a t e i f .you would do a n y t h i n g t h r o u g h t h e i n f l u e n c e of your R u s s i a n o f f i c e t o h e l p t h e s e men o u t . We a r e w i l l i n g t o s t a n d any expense t h a t might be i n v o l v e d i n c a b l i n g your o f f i c e or w h a t e v e r you t h i n k n e c e s s a r y t o e x p l a i n t h e s i t u a t i o n , so l o n g a s i t i s done i m m e d i a t e l y , a s we a r e a f r a i d t h a t t h e l e t t e r which w a s ' s e n t by t h o s e p e o p l e h a s r e a c h e d u s a l i t t l e • •: t o o 1 l a t e , f o r i t i s p a s t t h e middle of June now and e v e r y day c o u n t s . Looking forward t o your k i n d i n t e r e s t on same and hoping you w i l l see f i t t o h e l p u s i n t h e m a t t e r , we are Sincerely yours, HEBREW IMMIGRANT AID' SOCIETY AK:CK Sec'y.
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