ª4BO"OUPOJP$POWFOUJPO7JTJUPST#VSFBV You’ve seen the distinctive four-sided symbol on buildings, bridges and beneath your feet along the River Walk. It’s part of the lore of a city flavored by a whole world of cultures. We’re embracing this four-sided shape as the heart of a reinvigorated San Antonio. It stands for People, Pride, Passion and Promise. So look around you. It’s everywhere. Look inside yourself. You’ll feel it there too. Deep. In the Heart. The New Brand of Our Destination The Quatrefoil The essence of the San Antonio brand is expressed in a new logo, based on the “quatrefoil,” generally, a four-lobed geometric shape. Its origins combine world lore, legend and legacy in much the same way as San Antonio itself. Historically, structurally, symbolically, spiritually and artistically, the shape carries significance and meaning. It is most recognized as the shape of the four-leaf clover. According to legend, each leaflet of the four-leaf clover represents a specific area of good fortune for the finder: hope, faith, love and luck. By adopting the quatrefoil as the shape of the San Antonio brand, we honor the four specific pillars of the brand: People, Pride, Passion and Promise. PEOPLE The people of San Antonio embody the power and spirit of the city. Family legacy, personal roots, the embrace of cultures, a community of artists, a smile extended to a stranger … this is a story about people, and humanity of the most powerful and welcoming kind. P RIDE It’s the feeling that is bestowed on every guest and on every citizen. From all ages and walks of life, whether at a gallery opening or in the stands of a sports arena, pride finds a personal and public place throughout the very fiber of the city. Drawn from a deep-rooted history and fueled by the progress of tomorrow, pride prevails. P ASSIO N Whether artist, server, chef, valet, restaurateur, golf pro, or local merchant, the people of San Antonio show passion for what they do, and the roles they play in the city. Their passion is not only evident, but also taken in by every guest who visits San Antonio, and taken away like an intangible souvenir, long remembered and highly treasured. P RO MISE What lies beyond each bend of the river? What lies just over the graceful arch of a bridge? What lies past a courtyard gate, through a carved Mission door? Promise. Promise of adventure, of knowledge, of welcome, of intrigue, of reward. Every day, with the constant flow of the river, visitors embrace the promise of an authentic experience on every level. Citizens are enveloped in, and invigorated by, the promise of a future that flows from the river and beyond, and the positive shape of new things to come.
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