8‐12/SpanishI,YearataGlance(2016‐2017) First Semester Second Semester 1st Grading Period 2nd Grading Period Unit 1 Para Empezar (5 weeks) Essential Question: How do you greet and bid farewell in Spanish? Why is it important to know the difference between formal and informal? Unit 2A: Mis amigos y yo (4 weeks) Essential Questions: How do you describe yourself and your friends in Spanish? What are your likes and dislikes? Unit 2B: Interrogatives (2 weeks) Essential questions: How and when do you ask questions in Spanish? How do you answer them correctly? Unit 3: 3rd Grading Period 4th Grading Period Unit 4: La comida (6 weeks) Essential Question: How would you order food that you like in a restaurant? What is the difference between food from the U.S. and another Spanish speaking country? How do you talk about food at different times of the day? How do you communicate regular present tense verbs ending in –er and –ir? Unit 5A La ciudad (3 weeks) Essential Questions: How can you describe what activities you do in different locations that you go to in the community? Unit 5B: El tiempo Libre (3 weeks) Essential Questions: What activities do you like to do in your free time? How can you accept or decline an invitation? Unit 6: Mi familia y mi casa (9 weeks) How can you talk about your family members? How can you express relationships between family members? How can you talk about possession with family members? El mundo escolar (7 weeks) Essential questions: How can you describe your school day? How can you describe classroom things and where they are located? How can you express regular present tense –ar verbs? How can you describe what you have, an obligation, or a possession? Insert Grade level or Course Page | 1 Revised: February 23, 2017 8‐12/SpanishI,YearataGlance(2016‐2017) Insert Grade level or Course Page | 2 Revised: February 23, 2017
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