ORDINANCE NO 2007 002 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PISMO BEACH PROHIBITING SMOKING IN VARIOUS LOCATIONS WITHIN THE CITY WHEREAS the City Council of the City of Pismo Beach finds that cigarette cigar and hand smoke associated therewith is detrimental to human pipe smoking and the second and health WHEREAS on City the disposal of cigarette butts and other materials associated with beaches and other locations within the conditions as well to as NOW THEREFORE the possible City leads to unsightly and smoking unsanitary hazards to marine life and birds City Council of the City of Pismo Beach does ordain as follows SECTION 1 Anew Chapter 14 is added to the Pismo Beach 8 Municipal Code to read as follows CHAPTER 8 14 SMOKING IN PUBLIC PLACES 14Definitions 8 010 For the purpose of this chapter certain words and phrases shall be construed as set forth in this section unless it is apparent from the context that a different meaning is intended A Public parks fields parks B Smoke means established and includes all dedicated by adverse uses and parks on parks beaches sporting leased property Smoking means the carrying or holding of a lighted pipe cigar cigarette or any other lighted smoking product or equipment used to burn any tobacco products weed plant or any other combustible substance Smoking includes emitting or exhaling the fumes of any pipe cigar cigarette or any other lighted smoking equipment used for burning any tobacco product weed plant or or any other combustible substance 14 8 020 prohibited Smoking a Except for ceremonial religious 1 To smoke in any educational purposes it is unlawful public park 2 To smoke within Ordinance 002 2007 0 or five 25 feet of any playground twenty lot sandbox or tot Page 1 area 3 To pursuant to Health Safety Code 104495 of dispose cigarette butts cigar butts or any within other tobacco related waste Health lot sandbox area pursuant to twenty 25 feet of a playground or a tot five Code in 104495 except any specifically designated smoking Safety waste receptacle This b section shall not apply to smoke generated by portable fixed or barbeques c A violation of this chapter is an infraction d Punishment under this section shall not preclude punishment pursuant to Health Safety Code Section 13002 Penal Code Section 374 4 or any other law proscribing the act of littering Nothing in this section shall preclude any person from law any other seeking remedies penalties or procedures provided by SECTION 2 Section 12 050 of the Pismo Beach 20 through the addition of the underlined 050 Beach safety 20 12 Municipal Code is hereby amended as follows language Prohibited actions zone It is unlawful A To ride entirely or or to partially substance within B To any surfboards of wood metal use one paddleboards or any similar objects made glass hard plastics or any other hard hundred feet of the pier similar object within the entire beach any surfboard paddleboard safety area in a manner that constitutes a hazard to any other person near or in the immediate vicinity of the person using said object use or C To swim within one hundred feet of the pier D To launch or operate jet skis within five hundred tideline beach or within safety E To fail kelp of the area or beds and sensitive wildlife areas the low within the mean designated city limits refuse to direction yards from any reasonable command order instruction officer fire safety personnel or lifeguard given obey of any police connection with or with reference to any use operation of any board surfboard paddleboard jet ski etc manipulation or or in handling F Except for smoke generated by portable barbecues as authorized in Section 060 and except for ceremonial religious or educational purposes to 20 12 smoke within subsection cigarette the boundaries of the beach to smoke means the carrying or anv or other lighted smoking product safety zone holding of or a As used in lighted pipe this cigar equipment used to burn anv tobacco products weed plant or anv other combustible substance Actions this subsection include emitting or exhaling the fumes of anv pipe prohibited by Ordinance 002 2007 0 Page 2 this subsection is G an infraction To dispose of cigarette butts cigar butts in the beach safety zone except in anv or related waste any other smoking specifically desionated smokino waste receptacle SECTION 3 Anew Section 12 175 is 20 read as hereby added to the Pismo Beach Municipal Code to follows 175 Pier 20 12 Prohibited actions a Except for ceremonial religious or educational on the City Pier or on the Pier smoke at any location Pier purposes it is unlawful to Promenade adjacent to the b As used in this subsection to smoke means the carrying or holding of a lighted pipe cigar cigarette or any other lighted smoking product or equipment used to burn any tobacco substance Actions products weed plant prohibited by or this subsection include any other combustible emitting or exhaling the fumes of any pipe cigar cigarette or any other lighted smoking equipment used for burning any tobacco product weed plant or any other combustible substance cA violation of this section is an infraction SECTION 4 This ordinance shall not be provisions of state law including in any manner to conflict with controlling limitation the Constitution of the State of interpreted without If any section subsection or clause of this ordinance shall be deemed to be unconstitutional or otherwise invalid the validity of the remaining sections subsections California and clauses shall not be affected thereby If this ordinance or any section subsection or clause of this ordinance shall be deemed unconstitutional or invalid as applied to a particular appeal the validity of this ordinance and its sections subsections and clauses in regards to other contracts shall not be affected SECTION 5 This ordinance shall become effective on the thirtieth adoption day following passage and hereof Ordinance 002 2007 0 Page 3 SECTION 6 The enter the Clerk shall City certify to the passage and adoption of this Ordinance shall original ordinances of the City and shall make a minute of in the book of same the passage and adoption thereof in the records of the meeting at which the same is Before the expiration of 15 days after the passage of this passed and adopted the Ordinance within the City S Post U Clerk shall cause the same to be posted in three public places of Pismo Beach to wit 1 City Hall 760 Mattie Road Pismo Beach 2 City Office Shell Beach Road Pismo Beach 3 S Post U Office Crest Drive Pismo Beach h day of March regular meeting of the City Council held this 6 Pro Tem seconded by Councilmember Mayor Higginbotham roll call wit following vote to INTRODUCED at 2007 Vardas on motion and on AYES 4 NOES 0 ABSENT 1 ABSTAIN 0 the a of Councilmembers Higginbotham Vardas Ehring Reiss Councilmember Rabenaldt ATTEST Ordinance 002 2007 0 APPROVED Page 4 SECOND READING at March 2007 on Rabenaldt and AYES 4 NOES 0 ABSENT 1 ABSTAIN 0 motion on the a regular meeting of the City Council held this 20th day of Vardas seconded by Councilmember roll call vote to wit of Councilmember following Councilmembers Vardas Rabenaldt Higginbotham Councilmember Ehring ATTEST Lo i Grig by C Clerk Reiss APPROVED C APPROVED AS TO FORM David hman City Attorney Ordinance 002 2007 0 Page 5 City of Pismo Beach 760 Mattie Road Pismo Beach CA 93449 4657 Fax 805 773 7006 805 773 org pismobeach www STATE OF CALIFORNIA SS COUNTY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO I ei Beach California Ordinance within 15 s do her errbehalftrf y certify 0O 00 No 2 and the that the attached is was duly posted days of adoption thereof pursuant to the City Clerk a of the City of true and correct copy of in three public places within requirements o a3 h s Offi Clerk Date the City of Government Code Section 40806 Ci Pismo
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