CURRICULUM VITAE Libasse BA Male and Senegalese National Position held: Programme Coordinator at ENDA Energie Address: 54 Rue Carnot; P.O Box: 3370 Dakar-Senegal Tel: (221) 338225983/338222496; home: (221) 33 820 1589; Cell-phone: (221) 77 571 0313 Fax: (221) 338217595 E-mail: [email protected] ; [email protected] SUMMARY OF EXPERTISE Energy planning; Policy analysis and evaluation in energy and development in Africa; Integrated rural energy technology development policy and planning; Energy and Forestry issues. Environmental assessment, planning and management; Institutional building and strengthening, Capacity building; Forestry and Climate Change policy Analyst, GHG Inventories in the industry sector, the agriculture sector, the forest sector, the wastes sector and mostly in the energy sector but also mitigation issues in Climate change. Experience in translation from English to French of climate change documents. Translation of the training materials (user Manual, Software and exercises) of LEAP in 2004. Official LEAP Trainer. Specialist in economic and climate scenarios analysis. Working in non Annex 1 National Communications since 1996 with a wide experience in training on UNFCCC Methodologies and approved Tools. GHG Inventories, Mitigation analysis. Registered in the UNFCCC roster of experts. Participated in the teams of France and Belgium National Communications in-depth review. EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND License-ès-sciences Economiques en Option Planification (Université de Dakar – 1983) Maîtrise-ès-sciences Economiques ; Option Planification (Université de Dakar- 1984) DESS 3è Cycle en Economie du Développement, Planning and models (Université de Dakar), 1986 Graduated in MERVC (Monitoring, Evaluation, Reporting, Verification and Certification of Energy and Environment projects Analysis at LBNL (University of Orlando-California; USA1999). Graduated in ZOPP planning method. Graduated in Forestry and Energy Planning, 1987. Trained and official trainer in LEAP Model Trainer in Climate Change Mitigation analysis LANGUAGES French: Fluent in speaking, writing and reading English: Good working knowledge, speaking, writing and excellent reading. Portuguese: Good understanding Fulani: Fluent in Speaking (Mother language) Wolof: Fluent in Speaking FIELD EXPERIENCE Mainly in Africa. PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE (selected) 1986 – Attaché de Recherches au CREA (Centre de Recherches Economiques AppliquéesUniversity Cheikh Anta Diop of Dakar) 1987-2004- Research officer at ENDA-Energy 2004 - to date: Programme Coordinator in Enda Energy Programme, a member of the network of the International Non Governmental Organisation ENDA-TM. In this capacity, assists: - various research programmes related to energy and development in Africa, particularly rational use of energy, energy technologies in the rural area, greenhouse gas emissions, energy planning and policy, climate change issues, environment and development issues related to energy, etc.... - training sessions designed for African policy makers in the fields of energy planning, energy policy formulation, energy technologies, environmental assessments and management, etc.... - national energy and climate committees in the African countries. SUMMARY OF RELEVANT WORK EXPERIENCE (Selected) •Particiated at (almost except 5) all the COPs of UNFCCC since RIO92 •Participated at Copenhagen and Paris COPs too. •Coordinator of ENDA to CTCN (Climate Technology Center and Network for the UNFCCC) for African Francophone countries since 2013 •Regional coordinator of Technology Needs Assessment (TNA for UNFCCC) project for African countries 2011 •Regional coordinator for Backstopping on ‘Investment and Financial Flows Assessment in Mitigation and Adaptation of Climate Change’ (I&FF) - UNDP Project (Togo and Liberia for backstopping and implementation and Niger for I&FF Report Review) - 2010 • Regional Coordinator (West Africa region) of a Community carbon Forestry Management under the name of ‘Kyoto, Think Global-Act Local (2003-2009)’- REDD issues; 2004 • Translated and adapted the handbooks of the guidelines of the GHG Inventories of the UNFCCC, 2006 • Translated and adapted the training materials (user Manual, Software and exercises) of LEAP in 2004 • Trained and Trainer in Baselines analysis for CDM Energy projects with MESAP Model and LEAP2000 for baseline analysis too. • Trainer in Non-Annex 1 National Communications and GHG inventories and Mitigation. • GHG inventory trainer and reviewer of NC of the following countries : Guinée-Bissau, Morocco, Algeria, Burundi, Zambia, Croatia Within a UNDP agreement; Djibouti, Mauritania within a UNEP project; Chad, Benin and Senegal within a UNITAR project, Haiti and Gabon within a UNDP Project. • Technical assistance in the Climate national Communications to UNFCCC (Activity still going on) PUBLICATIONS (selected) BA,L. NAMAs au Senegal- Note de cadrage – ENDA-GIZ, COMNACC Senegal, 2014, 45pp. Skutsch, M et Ba, L. Crediting carbon in dry forests: 1 the potential for community forest management in West Africa, 2010 BA, L. et Sutsch, M. Les enjeux du REDD en Afrique : Cas de l’Afrique de l’ouest ; Tiempo Afrique, 2010 Community Forest Management as a Carbon Mitigation Option- Case Studies; CIFOR, 2006 Translation of UNFCCC GHG Inventories training materials handbooks (2006). Translation of LEAP training materials (user Manual, Software and exercises) in 2004. Les fiches normatives d’information du secteur des énergies domestiques au Sénégal : rapport final.- Dakar : Enda TM, 2004.-176p. Energy use, energy supply, sector reform and the poor in Senegal, Enda energy; Dec. 2004 Report on the in-depth review of the third national communication of France; Libasse BA, Faouzi Senhaji, Nicole North, Jan Corfee6Morlot and Sergey Kononov; May 2002 Résultats des enquêtes sur le poussier de charbon de bois à Dakar-Juin 2001, Libasse Ba, Sécou Sarr Enda; 34p Urban wastes management for small scale energy production, Libasse Ba and Fatima Denton, July 2001, 29p. Etude de faisabilité d’un programme de traitement et de valorisation des déchets urbains de la communauté urbaine de Dakar : Impact sur les émissions de gaz à effet de serre, EndaEnergie Dakar, Février 1999. Programme d’électrification rurale décentralisée: Les centres d’assemblage et de servicePertinence du Concept et Adaptabilité au Contexte Socio Economique du Sénégal; Enda Energie, Solar Group (SGI, EPFL, Sole Engeneering); Mars 1998; 51 p et Annexes. Contribution à l’élaboration du Module de formation dirigé par le Southern Centre for Energy and Environment (SCEE, Harare, Zimbabwe) dans le cadre du programme CC:TRAIN, intitulé “ Climate Change Mitigation Analysis ”, environ 220 pages. L. BA : Analyse de l’état actuel du système d’information sur le sous-secteur des combustibles domestiques appui du Programme Energie Enda, , 85 pages. L. BA : “Système d’informations sur le sous secteur des combustibles domestiques-Rapport d’activités”, Mars 1997; 15 pages+ Annexes statistiques L. BA : “ Long-range Energy Alternatives Planning system : An Overview of the Approach Developed by SEI-Boston ” ; Enda-Energie, NDJAMENA (Tchad), Décembre 1997, 40 pages. D. Revet, L. BA : “ Les aspects économiques de la limitation des émissions de gaz à effet de serre : Lignes directrices de la méthodologie UNEP/RISO pour le secteur de l’énergie ” ; EndaEnergie, Dakar, Octobre 1997, 23 pages.
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