Seediscussions,stats,andauthorprofilesforthispublicationat: Chloriteremovalwithferrousions ArticleinDesalination·June2005 ImpactFactor:3.76·DOI:10.1016/j.desal.2004.11.013 CITATIONS READS 10 105 2authors: SabrinaSorlini CarloCollivignarelli UniversitàdegliStudidiBrescia UniversitàdegliStudidiBrescia 36PUBLICATIONS338CITATIONS 35PUBLICATIONS377CITATIONS SEEPROFILE Allin-textreferencesunderlinedinbluearelinkedtopublicationsonResearchGate, lettingyouaccessandreadthemimmediately. SEEPROFILE Availablefrom:SabrinaSorlini Retrievedon:11May2016 Desalination 176 (2005) 267–271 Chlorite removal with ferrous ions Sabrina Sorlini*, Carlo Collivignarelli Department of Civil Engineering, University of Brescia, via Branze 38, 25123 Brescia, Italy Tel. +39 (030) 371-5826; Fax. +39 (030) 371-5503; email: [email protected] Received 28 October 2004; accepted 5 November 2004 Abstract Effective use of chlorine dioxide as an alternative disinfectant in water treatment may require removal of the byproduct chlorite ion (ClO2!). The goal of this research was to investigate the use of ferrous iron (Fe2+) for the chemical reduction of ClO2! from drinking water in order to define the operating conditions, process efficiency with different pH conditions and organic carbon concentration and the potential formation of chlorate during this process. The main results show that the reaction between the ferrous ion and chlorite is very fast (5–15 s) over a range of pH 6.5–8.0; in this condition a ferrous ion dose of 3.31 mg Fe/mg ClO2! completely reduced chlorite to chloride, producing minimal residual soluble iron. For pH higher than 8.0–8.5, chlorite removal is lower due to the natural transformation of the ferrou ions to ferric hydroxide. Within these pH values, chlorite can be removed completely with ferrous ion concentrations higher than the stoichiometric value. Moreover, the application of ferrous salts for chlorite removal during the coagulation process enhances the performance of the coagulation and flocculation treatment. Keywords: Disinfection by-products; Chlorite; Ferrous ions 1. Introduction Chlorine dioxide is a strong oxidant and disinfectant that does not form trihalomethanes (THMs). However, chlorine dioxide application can generate, through secondary reactions, both organic and inorganic [chlorite (ClO2!) and *Corresponding author. chlorate (ClO3!)] disinfection by-products. Chlorite was found toxic at more than 0.2 mg/L on Daphnia magna [1–3]. For potential toxic effects on human health, the current Italian regulation on drinking water (legislative decree No. 31 2/2/2001 [4], accomplishment of the European directive 98/83/UE) introduced a maximum concentration of 200 µg/L for chlorite (with a transitory limit of 800 µg/L Presented at the Seminar in Environmental Science and Technology: Evaluation of Alternative Water Treatment Systems for Obtaining Safe Water. Organized by the University of Salerno with support of NATO Science Programme. September 27, 2004, Fisciano (SA), Italy. 0011-9164/05/$– See front matter © 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved 268 S. Sorlini, C. Collivignarelli / Desalination 176 (2005) 267–271 until December 2006), which is lower than US EPA limitations (maximum concentration level = 1000 µg/L; maximum concentration level goal = 800 µg/L) [5]. This difference is due to the fact that the EPA’s limitations were defined on the basis of some new studies on chlorite toxicology [6] not considered in the WHO Guidelines in 1993 [7,8]. Chlorite removal could greatly enhance the potential for chlorine dioxide use in drinking water treatment. Recent studies have investigated different strategies for chlorite removal: C adding reduced-sulfur compounds such as sulfur dioxide and sodium sulfite [9] C adding some salts, such as ferrous chloride and ferrous sulfate [10] C applying powdered (PAC) or granular (GAC) activated carbon [9,11]. organic carbon. The influence of water characteristics on the efficiency of this process was studied on three different surface waters characterized by different organic matter concentrations (TOC = 1.7, 2.8 and 3.6 mg/L). During chlorite removal with ferrous ions, chlorite reduction to chloride is a very fast reaction that is concluded in 3–5 s at a pH range of 5–7, with a stoichiometric dosage of ferrous ions, 3–3.1 mg Fe/mg ClO2! [10], following the reaction: 2.2. Experimental 4 Fe2+ + ClO2! + 10 H2O ÷ 4 Fe(OH)3(s) + Cl! + 8 H+ (1) During this process, ferrous ions (Fe2+) are oxidized to Fe3+ in the form of insoluble Fe(OH)3, which can easily be removed by means of sedimentation and/or filtration. During a coagulation/ flocculation process a lower reagent dose can be applied due to the coagulation/flocculation effect of ferrous ions. Some authors [12] found that chlorite removal can be inhibited with high oxygen concentration due to the consumption of oxygen for ferrous ion oxidation. The goal of this study is to define the operating conditions of this process, particularly as concerns the stoichiometry between ferrous ions and chlorite and the efficiency of chlorite removal at different pH conditions and dissolved 2. Materials and methods 2.1. Water characteristics The experimental tests were performed on three different water samples (Table 1) characterized by different organic matter and inorganic ion concentrations. Chlorite was artificially spiked in water with a concentration of 1 or 2 mg/L by adding a sodium chlorite solution (with 25% concentration). Batch experimental tests were performed with a jar test apparatus with the following procedures: C determination of the minimum time required to complete chlorite/ferrous ion reaction: one beaker was filled with 250 mL of raw water; a stoichiometric dose of ferrous ion was added Table 1 Water characteristics Parameter Treated Raw river groundwater water Raw lake water pH Turbidity, NTU TOC, mg/L UV254 nm, 1/cm DUV, 1/cm ClO2!, mg/L Cl!, mg/L NO3!, mg/L SO4!!, mg/l 7.20 0.40 1.7 0.005 0.006 0.098 14.0 34.0 34.0 7.74 9.30 3.6 0.093 0.062 <DL 198.0 24.0 105.0 7.86 8.36 2.8 0.078 0.054 <DL 13.0 19.0 52.0 DL, detection limit; DUV, absorbance UV 254 nm after 0.45 µm membrane filtration. S. Sorlini, C. Collivignarelli / Desalination 176 (2005) 267–271 and mixed at 120 rpm for 1 min. Chlorite residual concentration in water was detected at different times after the addition of ferrous ions (30, 60, 180, 600 s); C determination of the optimum ferrous ion dose: three beakers were filled with 250 mL of water and different ferrous ion concentrations were added (75%, 100%, 125% of the stoichiometric value); they were mixed at 120 rpm for 1 min, and after 30 s contact time chlorite residual concentration was detected; C determination of optimum pH: three beakers were filled with 250 mL of water at different pH conditions (7.0, 7.86, 8.5). The optimum ferrous ion concentration, determined in the previous step, was added into each beaker and they were mixed at 120 rpm for 1 min; after 30 min contact time chlorite residual concentration was detected. A stock ferrous ion solution (FeCl2) was of analytical grade with 14% ferrous ion concentration. The stock chlorite solution was prepared daily by adding sodium chlorite (NaClO2) to distilled water. All the tests were performed at 15°C temperature. 2.3. Analytical methods The following parameters were analysed: pH (pH meter 713, Metrohm); ion analysis, particularly chlorite, was performed by direct injection into an ion chromatograph (Dionex, series 4500 series, column AS9, pre-column AS9SC, with an eluent solution of Na2CO3 0.002 M, NaHCO3 0.00075 M and with a conductivity detector); TOC (total carbon monitor 480, Carlo Erba); absorbance UV 254 nm and DUV (after 0.45 µm membrane filtration) (Beckman DU.70 with quartz cell of 1 cm); NH4+, Ca2+, Mg2+, Fe2+, total Fe, soluble Fe, Mn, and alkalinity were analysed according to Water Analysis Methods IRSA/CNR [13]. 269 3. Results and discussion The results have been analysed only for raw river water, as both treated groundwater and raw lake water showed a similar behavior. Ferrous ion reaction with chlorite at a stoichiometric ratio of 3.31 Fe2+/ClO2! at natural pH (pH 7.86) is very rapid, as it is completed in 30–60 s (Fig. 1). When the ferrous ion dosage is about 75% of the stoichiometric dose, the maximum chlorite removal, about 83%, is reached after 30 s. When the ferrous ion dosage is 100% of the stoichiometric value, chlorite is completely removed (98–100%) after 60 s. Furthermore, when ferrous ion is 125% of the stoichiometric value, 100% removal is obtained after 30 s. The final pH value was 7.65. The influence of pH on the process efficiency was evaluated by means of batch tests with a stoichiometric dose of ferrous ion (3.31 Fe2+/ClO2!) and different pH conditions (7.0, 7.86 and 8.5); chlorite removal was evaluated 30 s after ferrous ion addition. The results, represented in Fig. 2, show that the highest chlorite removal (99.6%) is obtained at pH 7.0, which is the optimal pH condition. However, for higher pH, chlorite removal efficiency is lower (98% with pH 7.86 and 80% with pH 8.5). In fact, for pH higher than 8.0, the prevalent iron form in water is the ferric ion that generates insoluble ferric hydroxide. The result is Fig. 1. Chlorite removal with time after adding ferrous ions (75%, 100% and 125 % of stoichiometric dose). 270 S. Sorlini, C. Collivignarelli / Desalination 176 (2005) 267–271 Fig. 2. Chlorite residual concentration at different pH conditions with a dose of stoichiometric ferrous ions. Fig. 3. Chlorite removal with different ferrous ion doses and pH conditions. Fig. 4. Residual soluble iron with different ferrous ion doses and pH conditions. that lower ferrous ion is available for reaction with chlorite and, consequently, a lower chlorite removal can be obtained. For different pH conditions different ferrous ions doses were applied in order to define the optimal dose with respect to pH. The results of Fig. 3 show that for pH 7.0 and 7.86 the maximum chlorite removal can be obtained with the stoichiometric value, while with a pH of 8.5 an additional 25% amount of Fe2+ with respect to the stoichiometric one is required. The final pH values were 6.96, 7.67 and 8.3 with initial pH values, respectively, of 7.0, 7.86 and 8.5. No soluble iron after treatment (Fig. 4) is detected for a ferrous ion stoichiometric dosage at any pH conditions due to the complete reaction between ferrous ions and chlorite. When the ferrous ion concentration is 125% of the stoichiometric value, a residual soluble iron is detected only for pH lower than 8.0 [0.4 mg/L for pH of 7.0 and 0.55 mg/L for pH of 7.86 (natural pH)], while for pH 8.5 the final iron concentration is very low (0.01 mg/L) due to insoluble ferric hydroxide formation. The consequence is that the iron maximum allowable concentration of 200 µg/L, indicated by S. Sorlini, C. Collivignarelli / Desalination 176 (2005) 267–271 Legislative Decree 31/01, can be observed for any pH condition with 100% of the stoichiometric ferrous ion dose or lower, while for a higher dose (125% Fe2+ of the stoichiometric value), this maximum concentration can be observed only for a pH higher than 8.0. Chlorate concentration detected in all the experimental tests was lower than the detection limit of 3 µg/L. 4. Conclusions Complete removal of chlorite can be obtained with a ferrous ion stoichiometric dose at neutral pH. At higher pH conditions (pH >8) an additional 25% Fe2+ dose is required to reach complete chlorite removal. The influence of organic matter concentration on the process efficiency is negligible. Chlorite removal with ferrous ions can be successfully applied on new potabilisation plants or as an up-grading stage of existing plants (by adding ferrous ions in existing coagulation/ flocculation tanks or before sand filtration). This process is very interesting for its simplicity and economy. Acknowledgements The authors are grateful to Dr. Mario Belluati (Caffaro S.p.a., Brescia), for the useful suggestions offered during the development of the experiment; to engineers Ferrari Silvia and Tosini Sara and the CTA personnel of Caffaro for their assistance during the performance of the tests. The valuable contribution by Luigi Rizzo and Ceyda Uyguner is appreciated. 271 References [1] D.J. van Wijk, S.G.M. Kroon and I.C.M. Garttener, Ecotox. Environ. Saf., 40 (1998) 206–211. [2] D.J. Fisher, D.T. Burton, L.T. Yonkas, S.D. Turley, G.P. Ziegler and B.S. Turley, Water Res., 37(18) (2003) 4359–4368. [3] S. Monarca, C. Ani, S.D. Richardson, A.D. Thruston Jr., M. Moretti, D. Feretti and M. Villarini, Water Res., 38 (2004) 3809–3819. [4] Official Journal of Italy, 25 D.Lgs 31/2001. 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