Micron 38 (2007) 214–217 www.elsevier.com/locate/micron A standard protocol for obtaining fish chromosomes under post-mortem conditions Maria Rita de Cáscia Barreto Netto a, Erica Pauls b, Paulo Roberto A. de Mello Affonso c,* a Laboratório de Biologia e Genética de Peixes, Instituto de Biociências, Universidade Estadual Paulista, 18 618-000 Botucatu, SP, Brazil b Departamento de Zootecnia, Universidade Federal Fluminense, 24 210-470 Niterói, RJ, Brazil c Departamento de Ciências Biológicas, Universidade Estadual do Sudoeste da Bahia, UESB, Rua José Moreira Sobrinho s/n, Jequiezinho, Jequié-BA, CEP 45 200-000, Brazil Received 15 June 2006; received in revised form 12 July 2006; accepted 13 July 2006 Abstract In order to improve cytogenetical analyses on fish, especially focusing on delicate and rare species, we have adopted a new in vitro methodology using dead animals. The results obtained from 24 neotropical freshwater and marine fish species demonstrate that chromosomes can be obtained under post-mortem conditions. Significantly, the samples analyzed provided reliable cytogenetical data in nearly all cases. Other advantages of this new methodology are also discussed. # 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. Keywords: Chromosomes; Freshwater fish; Marine fish; In vitro cytogenetical technique 1. Introduction Cytogenetical studies on fish have been useful to provide information concerning evolutionary and taxonomic studies, as well as for the genetic improvement of commercial fish stocks (Gold, 1979). Several techniques have been devised to obtain mitotic chromosomes in fish, ranging from direct preparations to longterm cell culture (Denton, 1973; Ojima, 1982; Alvarez et al., 1991, among others). Among these methodologies, in vivo procedures, usually time- and cost-saving, have been the most widespread (Egozcue, 1971; Gold, 1974; Rivlin et al., 1985). However, to perform direct techniques, it is necessary to carry out a previous colchicine treatment of live animals for about 1 h. Very often, this is a not a feasible method, as in the case of delicate/fragile species after lengthy transportation or species requiring specially suited tanks (e.g., marine species). Consequently, most of the available cellular material can be * Corresponding author. Fax: +55 3525 6683. E-mail address: [email protected] (P.R.A. de Mello Affonso). 0968-4328/$ – see front matter # 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.micron.2006.07.019 lost (Ozouf-Costaz and Foresti, 1992; Maddock and Schwartz, 1996). The development of a new methodology, based on the procedures previously described by Gold et al. (1990), Fenocchio et al. (1991), and Foresti et al. (1993), which allows post-mortem cytogenetical analyses contributes to chromosomal research on fish, particularly by increasing sample size. This technique, formerly focused on the improvement of chromosomal studies in very large or tiny species, has now been extended and applied successfully to neotropical freshwater and marine fish species. In this report, we describe in detail the new methodology and present some representative data. 2. Material and methods The species studied comprise 15 Perciformes, 2 Mugiliformes, 1 Clupeiformes, 1 Lophiiformes, 1 Pleuronectiformes, 2 Characiformes, 1 Siluriformes and 1 Gymnotiformes (Table 1). The marine species were collected on the Atlantic shore, along the coast of the states of Bahia and Rio de Janeiro (northeastern and southeastern Brazil, respectively). Freshwater fishes were collected in the Itabapoana River, in southeast Brazil. M.R. de Cáscia Barreto Netto et al. / Micron 38 (2007) 214–217 215 Table 1 Analyzed fish species and respective fishing methods Order Family Species Fishing method Anostomidae Prochilodontidae Leporinus sp. Prochilodus vimboides Set gill net Set gill net Sternopygidae Cichlidae Eigenmannia sp. Geophagus brasiliensis Set gill net Set gill net Engraulidae Lophiidae Cetengraulis edentatus Lophius gastrophysus Drift net Drag-of-fund net Mugiliformes Mugilidae Mugil curema Mugil incilis Drift net Drift net Perciformes Carangidae Alectis ciliaris Chloroscombrus chrysurus Selene setapinnis Selene vomer Trachinotus goodei Drag-of-beach Drag-of-beach Drag-of-beach Drag-of-beach Drag-of-beach Centropomidae Centropomus undecimalis Hook and line Gerreidae Diapterus rhombeus Eugerrus brasilianus Set net Set net Haemulidae Anisotremus virginicus Haemulon aurolineatum Diving fishing Hook and line Mullidae Mullus argentinae Upeneus parvus Drag-of-fund net Drag-of-beach net Pomacanthidae Sparidae Pomacanthus paru Pagrus pagrus Snorkeling Drag-of-fund net Soleidae Ariidae Gymnachirus melas Genidens genidens Drag-of-fund net Hook and line Freshwater species Characiformes Gymnotiformes Perciformes Marine species Clupeiformes Lophiiformes Pleuronectiformes Siluriformes Chromosomal preparations were performed as follows: (a) Extract small pieces of kidney, gills and/or spleen, and rinse in RPMI 1640 culture medium. (b) Cut the pieces into small tissue fragments in a small plate, containing 5 ml of cooled RPMI medium (4 8C), and transfer the solution to a centrifuge tube, adding RPMI to a final volume of 9.5 ml. The material immersed in RPMI might be kept cool for several hours (i.e., up to 12 h) prior to performing the following steps. (c) Add five drops of colchicine 0.05% (w/v) or 0.016% (w/v). (d) Mix the solution well and keep the centrifuge tube for 30– 35 min at room temperature (20 8C). (e) Centrifuge the material at 1000 rpm for 10 min and discard the supernatant. (f) Add 10 ml of hypotonic solution (KCl 0.075 M). (g) Mix the solution and keep it for 20 min at room temperature. (h) Add five drops of Carnoy’s fixative (methanol:acetic acid 3:1 at 4 8C). (i) Centrifuge the material at 1000 rpm for 10 min and discard the supernatant. (j) Add 6 ml of fixative (freshly prepared) to each centrifuge tube at room temperature. net net net net net (k) Centrifuge the material at 1000 rpm for 10 min and discard the supernatant. (l) Repeat steps (j) and (k) twice. (m) After the last centrifugation, discard the supernatant and add Carnoy’s fixative at a ratio of 1:1 (v/v) to the pellet. Mix the solution until a homogeneous cell suspension is obtained. (n) Put three drops of the cell suspension onto a glass slide, covered with a thin water layer at 60 8C. (o) After air-drying, stain the material with 5% Giemsa solution for 8 min and then wash the slides under tap water. 3. Results and discussion The number and quality of metaphase chromosomal spreads obtained were variable among individuals and species. Such variation indicates that species-specific technical requirements must be developed or adapted for each fish group. On average, however, independent from the fishing method, satisfactory results were obtained using the new protocol for different species, as suitable chromosomal preparations were obtained for 83.1% of the 190 specimens analyzed (N1) (see data in Table 2 and Fig. 1). The post-mortem time of individuals analyzed ranged from some few minutes to few hours (usually about 1 h). However, in 216 M.R. de Cáscia Barreto Netto et al. / Micron 38 (2007) 214–217 Table 2 Evaluation of mitotic chromosomal preparations from different fish species, obtained under post-mortem conditions Species N1 Tpm N2 Material quality 2n Leporinus sp. Prochilodus vimboides Eigenmannia sp. Geophagus brasiliensis Cetengraulis edentatus Lophius gastrophysus Mugil curema Mugil incilis Alectis ciliares Chloroscombrus chrysurus Selene setapinnis Selene vomer Trachinotus goodei Centropomus undecimalis Diapterus rhombeus Eugerrus brasilianus Anisotremus virginicus Haemulon aurolineatum Mullus argentinae Upeneus parvus Pomacanthus paru Pagrus pagrus Gymnachirus melas Genidens genidens 7 7 3 1 20 2 1 1 4 8 18 5 4 12 13 1 14 5 4 31 17 9 1 2 20 min 1h 20 min 1h 1h 1h 1h >2 h 20 min 40 min 40–50 min 30 min 2h 2h 1 h and 30 min >1 h 1–2 h 1–2 h 1h 40 min 1 h–2 h 1–2 h 40 min 20 min 7 5 3 1 5 2 1 1 2 4 9 2 3 12 6 1 9 4 4 13 14 5 1 2 ++++ ++++ ++++ +++ ++ ++++ + ++++ ++ +++ ++++ ++ ++ ++++ ++ +++ +++ + +++ +++ ++++ +++ ++ ++++ 54 54 38 48 48 48 28 28 48 48 46 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 44 44 48 48 36 54 (N1) Number of collected specimens; (Tpm) mean post-mortem time; (N2) number of individuals with satisfactory results. (+) Reduced number of well defined metaphases per slide; (++) about 10 metaphases per slide; (+++) 20–30 metaphases per slide; (++++) more than 30 metaphases per slide. some cases, as in Mugil incilis, this period could not be clearly defined since, when caught from the net, the specimen was already dead and the post-mortem period was not precisely estimated. Even so, such sample provided some of our best results (Table 2 and Fig. 1a). We were unable to establish any correlation between postmortem time and cytogenetical results, and statistical analysis would probably not be helpful, due to the variation in sample size between the different fish groups and species. Moreover, the majority of the data came from animals analyzed 1 h after death. Nevertheless, the intention of this work is to demonstrate that satisfactory chromosomal preparations can be obtained from dead animals. This might be expected, since the cells of some tissues are still viable, in short- or long-term culture for a few hours post-mortem (Maddock and Schwartz, 1996). It must be emphasized that, using this protocol, cytogenetical studies can be performed in field, as long as the material is kept in cool RPMI medium for up to 12 h, with no significant cell death. Thus, solid tissues from dead fish can easily be collected from their natural habitat and transported, on ice, to the laboratory. We have successfully performed this with several species, such as Anisotremus virginicus, Prochilodus vimboides and Pagrus pagrus (Fig. 1b–d). Thus, it is possible to increase significantly the number of analyzed animals, permitting one to perform cytogenetical studies on nearly every specimen collected. Furthermore, some metaphases figures obtained by this method were even superior in quality when compared to those obtained by conventional air-drying technique (e.g., carangid and mullid species). This is probably caused by the more precise control of some steps in this modified methodology, mainly the colchicine and hypotonic treatments, crucial to obtain good chromosomal preparations (see Maddock and Schwartz, 1996). In conclusion, we highlight some of the major advantages of this methodology as follows: (1) The utilization of most fish specimens for chromosomal preparations, with a consequent increase in sample size. This leads to an extended characterization of fish species and populations, with the production of more reliable cytogenetical information, particularly on those species that have previously presented difficulties for obtaining good cytogenetical results, such as marine species (Galetti et al., 2000). (2) The possibility of working with large fish or very fragile specimens, without keeping such animals alive in the laboratory. (3) The protocol is inexpensive, able to provide very successful results and is flexible for any researcher’s schedule, as it is not necessary to perform it immediately following tissue extraction. We hope to encourage fish cytogeneticists to adopt this methodology, with adaptation to their specific laboratory conditions, which should lead to the improvement of data from each fish group. M.R. de Cáscia Barreto Netto et al. / Micron 38 (2007) 214–217 217 Fig. 1. Somatic metaphase spreads of Mugil incilis with 28 chromosomes (a), Pomacanthus paru with 48 chromosomes (b), Prochilodus vimboides with 54 chromosomes (c), and Anisotremus virginicus with 48 chromosomes (d). Acknowledgments The authors are grateful to fishermen from Niterói, Maricá and Bom Jesus do Itabapoana and staff from IEAPM and Department of Marine Biology-UFF for their support in collecting animal samples. We would also like to thank Dr. L.A.C. Bertollo and Mr. L.D.S. Abel for reviewing the manuscript. 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