September 14, 2015 Do Now: Correct this sentence: In Greek myth, centaurs were half man and half horse apparently, that did not seam totally weird too people back than. 1 Correcting Runon Sentences A runon sentence is made up of two complete thoughts that are incorrectly joined together. Example: He was a soldier now he's a writer. 2 3 4 5 Do Now: Take our your notes on correcting runon sentences (four methods). Correct each run‐on using one of the four methods. Rewrite each run‐on correctly. 1. I washed the dishes then I did the laundry. 2. Those skirts are nice I will buy one. 3. There was no heat, consequently we froze all night. 6 4. It was my best friend’s birthday I gave her a present. 5. He asked for a raise she got it. 6. She is a good mother, she pays attention to her children. 7 7. My paper is late thus it will lose marks. 8. Students write essays, teachers correct them. 9. The teacher raised his voice, he was frustrated. 10.The movie was hilarious, I saw it three times. 8 10. The narrator wants to forgive himself it seems like he can’t. 9
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